Entry 239 - Fear Controls The Masses


Recently I was told by a friend to check out Osho so I purchased a book by him called Courage to see if I could learn anything from it. Within the book, Osho spent many pages on love and fear, and it was truly insightful. Before we go into it, I’d like to relate his book to my personal walk within the religion of Christianity.

In the English translation of the Old Testament of the Bible, multiple times it declares fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It likens fear as a positive attribute to have, but going deeper into the Hebrew, one can see there are much better translations to encompass what it was trying to convey. 

For example, the original word in Hebrew is called “Yirah” and can translate to “awesome, extremely, fear, or reverence” so why did the English translators choose “fear” when God tells us not to be afraid and that perfect love casts out fear? And if God is Love, then there should be no fear towards God because God as perfect love casts fear out.

But as I stated before, in the New Testament it declares perfect love casts out fear, which is what I believe. Perfect love is not motivated by fear, by punishment, or by eternal torment. Perfect love is motivated by love itself. It is our true essence, our true Source. It doesn’t give up. It doesn’t fail. It doesn’t act from a place of fear stimulated by possessiveness, jealousy, or hatred. It’s pure and undefiled. Love doesn’t need a reason to love, it just does. 

This is an excerpt from the book Courage by Osho:

“If your life is a dance, God has been attained already. The loving heart is full of God. There is no need for any search, there is no need for any prayer, there is no need to go to any temple, to any priest. Love gives courage, love takes all fear away—and the oppressors depend on your fear. They create fear in you, a thousand and one kinds of fear. You are surrounded by fears, your whole psychology is full of fears. Deep down, you are trembling. Only on the surface do you keep a certain facade; otherwise, inside there are layers and layers of fear.”

             - Osho

So what’s the point of a priest? To bring you to God? But why would you need someone to bring you to someone you already have? If God is with you, how could you be brought to God? If you are connected to the Source, why would you try to connect yourself to the Source when you already are? It’s like if you were seeking for your kitten, but your kitten is in your arms. The seeking makes no sense because you already have it. 

When I identified with the religion Christianity, I was constantly motivated by fear. I was good because of the fear. I hated myself because of fear. I didn’t trust my own intuition but only the Bible because of fear. I read the Bible every single day because if I didn’t, I feared God would be angry with me, or I would become a bad person. I didn’t listen to my heart because I was told by those within Christianity that my heart was evil, and the Bible wasn’t, so I was even afraid of myself. 

I couldn’t trust myself and that led to the biggest fear, being afraid of who I am and not trusting who I am. All these fears compounded and grew day by day, and it was constantly agonizing to live this way. It seemed like there was no way out, only deeper and deeper into the Bible because that’s what I was told would heal me, protect me and bring me closer to God. 

However, the moment I stepped outside of this world of fear and into a new perspective of freedom, everything changed. I realized I didn’t need fear to make me a good person. I didn’t need fear to help me make decisions. Actually there was no truly good use to fear, only that it suffocated my acts of love and increased negative behaviors such as jealousy, possessiveness and anger. 

Letting go of fear was the best decision of my life, but to do so, I had to distance myself from what I feared most, distance from the Bible. Once I started going days without reading the Bible and I realized, hey look, I’m still Ky Webb. I’m not a bad person. I still love God over all. I still praise and give thanks and love God. And once I saw the fear surrounding the Bible loosen, I realized that fear was unnecessary and not from God, but from man. I now could read the Bible or not read the Bible, but the difference was now I wasn’t afraid of either.

See, fear is used to control the masses. If no one feared, there would be no reason to have borders. There would be no reason to have nations, and so on. People control people through fear because they know without it people are free, and they’re free to love in a way that heals them. If they are healed, who needs drugs? If they’re healed, who needs doctors? If they are healed, who needs a Priest? But because of fear, people need others to step in and become a mediator between them and fear. 

Those mediators either unconsciously or consciously know that not all fear should be removed because then they wouldn’t ever come back and need their services, so there is a cycle of returning to that designated place of fear management. Never fully helping them to get rid of it, and never fully fixing it. These mediators act as true middle men. They benefit both the fear itself and the one who has fear, knowing well their service is of use to both sides, even to themselves.

However, when a person seeks no profit, no desire for oneself, and helps a person release fear from their lives, they are truly doing the Supreme God’s work. They are teaching true love. They are teaching true selflessness. They are becoming love manifested and showing the reality of how love heals and teaching them through action how to heal others. Then they realize they don’t need to let people in religion keep them in a state of fear, or the politicians to keep them in a state of fear, because they are no longer slaves to their fear but freedom lovers who light up life with love; the difference being truly astronomical. 

To be truly free is to be in a complete state of love and to be fearless, and to be fearless requires you to face yourself fully. It requires you to drop expecting others to save you. Dropping the idea you need someone or something to mediate between you and your fear. To drop these ideas that you aren’t enough and go deep within yourself and realize you have always been enough to deal with fear and release yourself from fear. You are ever connected to the Source, God and through that connection, through love, and total acceptance of who you are, you will enter a space devoid of fear and filled with love. 

You will realize nothing real can be threatened, but only that which is unreal can be. You realize that fear has no grip over who you are, but only on the illusions we wrap ourselves around and believe. Once we unwrap ourselves, and we unwind these delusions, we start to see things how they truly are. We start to see the reality behind the duality, and we enter a oneness that Jesus once prayed that we would know about. This is true liberation. 


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