Entry 237 - The Good in the Bad and the Bad in the Good


Everyone is going to have days on the spectrum of possibilities. Some will feel nicer than others, but all are part of our human experience. We will have good days filled with good choices, and bad days filled with mistakes, but even our mistakes can become our biggest lessons. Overall, don’t get mad at yourself. Have mercy on yourself. Have compassion for yourself. 

Both experiences are part of the same coin, just a different experience. Maybe you got your dream job and that’s great news, but then you find yourself not getting along with certain coworkers. Or maybe you go through a bad tribulation, but through it, you grow exponentially as a human being. There can even be good in the bad and bad in the good, but it’s still all part of the same human experience. 

Remember, you’re trying the best with what you’ve got, and your best is wonderful. You’re constantly growing and evolving, and you’re not who you used to be even the day before. Stress might be triggered by an event or a person or a memory, but no matter what happens, know you are more than your stress, and you are loved by many. 

The bad will not persist forever, and you will overcome. Just like you’ve overcome in the past, you will overcome as you stay in the present. Reach out to people you trust and take time away from energy draining things and instead, take time to be with yourself and to heal. 

Recently I felt my anxiety skyrocket and I realized the best thing I can do is reach out to those who care about me and to focus on being in the present moment. Try not to let anxiety become you. Instead, observe it, recognize it isn’t who you are, and sooner than later it will leave. Remember, you got this. You were meant to thrive. You were meant to overcome, and you will. 


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