Entry #9 - Lesson on Relationships

Don't try to force anything whether it be moments, friendships, relationships or whatever else it may be, don't force it. If it's meant to be it's meant to be, if it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be. Trust God, trust your gut, follow your heart and watch as you naturally attract what's best for you. When we refuse to settle for less, we choose to honor ourselves. We choose the better road and a healthier route.

Sometimes you'll be tempted to hold on, and that's like grabbing a knife by the blade. Yes, you have it, but it's hurting you. Return the knife to the owner and go on your merry way and don't be afraid to take time to heal from the wounds. Some relationships, friendships, etc. cut us and we stay because even though we're unhappy, we do it for the other person's benefit because we don't want them to be unhappy, or because we're trauma bonding.

There are 7 billion plus people on this planet. There's no reason why you should spend the little free time you have with people who don't make you happy, support you, uphold you, and bring out the best qualities in you. Part of self-love is realizing you have a right to be happy too, and that means surrounding yourself with people who naturally and effortlessly do that for you. If someone doesn't make you happy, then why stay?


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