Entry #7 - Lesson on Goodness

I believe the reason that we are able to be good is because God exists. If God didn't exist, then we would not exist and therefore we would not be able to be good. But because God exists, we exist, and because God is good, we are able to be good. Apart from him, we can do nothing.

So if someone has any ability to be good, the source of their goodness comes from God, regardless of if they acknowledge it or not.

It's like saying all beef comes from cows, so cows are the source of beef. So if you say you're eating beef, we know that beef you're eating came from a cow. However, if someone were to say the beef they're eating didn't come from a cow then that wouldn't make much sense. 

Similarly with goodness, if you say you're being good, but it had nothing at all to do with God, then I would also argue that doesn't make much sense.

God is love. God is good. God is merciful. I truly believe He is the source of all the positive attributes in the universe. I mean, that's the God I follow and love.


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