Entry #14 - Lesson on Friends

There are so many people in this world. If one person isn't the friend you expected them to be, that's fine. You two have different expectations, different outlooks, and that's fine. 

Neither of you are bad people, you just expect different things out of friendships. But know that you don't have to keep trying to get what you expect from that person. You have a right to find friends that have similar expectations and desires as you do.

Fight for balance in your life. Fight for order. Fight for peace. Fight for joy. Fight for the positives. If someone threatens any of those things, don't feel obligated to make them a priority in your life. You have to always consider what's worth fighting for and to stick up for yourself. People will come and go, but you have to protect yourself first.

They say every person speaks their truth. Whether in words, deeds, actions, ideas, or even jokes. So listen closely, judge wisely. Be aware of what someone dishes out because whatever it is, it comes deep from within their soul.


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