Entry #8 - Lesson on Loving Yourself

If I learned anything, the positive energy you put into loving yourself helps others see the positive energy in their own selves. If you have, you can give, but if you're not taking care of yourself, then don't expect to do a good job of taking care of others.

I speak about energy because it is the fundamental building block of all life. It's not a hypothetical thing, it is a reality. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. 

It always will exist either in a positive way or a negative way. (Everyone should take physics, it's amazing to see how God designed everything with such order and beauty). With that same energy we are given, we can either transfer to someone our negative or positive energy that will either help or hurt someone. 

That's why it's so important to be aware of how we're using our words and actions and how it may be affecting those around us. No one is going to get it 100% right, but we're all learning together. When someone comes at you with that negative energy, throw an uno card and reverse it with some positive and see what happens.  It's amazing what a little positivity can do. Thank God for the protons.


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