Entry 699 - Entry 713

Entry 699 - June 2nd 2021

I have failed if all that I write is turned into another limited BS and irrational religious doctrine.

I have failed if people follow my journey of life, read my writings, listen to my videos and podcasts, and turn it into another morality trap where people are considered ‘woke’ if they listen to my stuff and ‘non-woke’ if people don’t.

I have failed if people use my writings to steal, kill, and destroy because instead of dealing with their trauma from society, religion, family, and others in a healthy way, they project it onto others, thus causing more trauma for themselves and for others.

I have failed if people years from now read my writings and see me as some deified being while they consider everyone else as just mortal humans destined to die in their sins.

I have failed if people live only through my experiences and they are too afraid to explore other nations, cultures, traditions, religions, science, and mathematics to find out for themselves.

I have failed if people only read what I write but never experience it themselves.

The reason why I say failed is because people’s failure is my own failure, and their success is my success. At the end of the temporary, "failed" isn’t bad or good; it’s an experience to learn about ourselves, but it would still hurt me knowing that my words led to more bondage and suffering rather than release and freedom.

My simple goal is to help people see the power within that lives in them so that they can find the power to free themselves from any illusions they wish to be liberated from. I am merely here to walk by your side, laughing and skipping as we go. Please don’t deify my journey, my message, or who I am… unless you also deify yourself and everyone else.

Entry 700

There are two things I’m a big advocate for:

  1. Helping people free themselves from doctrines within religion that are irrational and sourced in fear, guilt, and shame.
  2. Getting professional advice that focuses on the science and math in order to see what is truly beneficial and what is truly harmful, rather than this oftentimes short-circuited morality code that changes throughout the centuries.

Entry 701

So if you were to have a question about your nutrition, you would go to a nutritionist. If you were to have a question about soccer, you’d most likely want to go to a professional soccer player. If you were to have a question about the health of your body, you’d probably want to consult a doctor. If you like speculating about the afterlife and having people choose a predetermined morality code where a lot of it is just empty rules with no validation of pretty much any of its claims, you’d probably go to religion.

So then, why would people go to a soccer player if they have a question about the health of their pet hamster's body? Wouldn’t they rather go to someone who spent 7+ years professionally studying and working on animals? Similarly, why would someone go to a preacher who, compared to a doctor, has little knowledge about what is truly healthy or unhealthy for the body based on a short-circuited morality code that has been proven to change throughout the years of that religion and its predecessor?

If you don’t believe me, it was considered ‘moral’ to stone a woman to death if she was found to ‘not be a virgin,’ while in today’s society, that is immoral and barbaric to murder a woman because the man is upset that he isn’t the first one to fuck her.

So when it comes to masturbation, my endocrinologist would most likely know when it is beneficial and when it is harmful more so than your favorite seminary pastor who has a PhD in unverifiable stories. In general, masturbation, according to health professionals, is very beneficial for the body and very much so for transgender folks who are going through a late-stage puberty. Not only can it help trans men with penile growth, but it also helps release the sexual tension that accompanies the strong hormonal change in the first stages of puberty.

Endocrinologists may vary on when it would become not beneficial, but from a professional viewpoint, the act itself is not evil or immoral. In life, anyone can take anything and abuse it or use it way beyond what is considered normal or right. For example, I think we can all agree TV itself is not evil, nor is watching TV. However, people will demonize TV for simply existing or say, “only in the confines of Christian TV is it considered holy." This is similar to how some religions say, “only in the confines of marriage is masturbation considered holy.” They create these extra, unnecessary moral codes that are based on personal preferences that they weave into a web of sensitive morality. But just like anything, morality changes depending on what is most harmful or beneficial for a person in their current state of experience.

Entry 702

The ban on trans competing in sports is intriguing, to say the least.

First of all, why are we having cis-gender, religiously biased white men passing laws about the human body?

My main response to this is simple: Stop having white men that are not knowledgeable about the human body write in laws banning people when they know little to nothing about human anatomy, especially that of transgender people. It’s embarrassing. We really have some cis-gender men judging trans people with definitely not the same understanding of the human body as a professional doctor.

We should rather have professional endocrinologists decide how fair these laws are rather than have cis-gender men speculate based on their little to no understanding of transgenderism. There are people who work full-time as doctors and endocrinologists and can tell us what is fair based on their professional knowledge and experience working in their field. So why are we not consulting them before passing discriminatory laws banning people?

Now, I am no medical expert, but as a transgender man myself, I have been given the opportunity to learn a lot about hormones through my endocrinologist. Obviously not to his extent, but probably more than the cis-gender white dude on Fox News who thinks trans people are sinful. First off, naturally, with men and women, they are going to have varying levels of testosterone. For women, the normal range of testosterone happens to be between 15-70 ng. Now, I personally was in the group of women with a lower amount of testosterone.

I was in the 20s range, which naturally would put me at a disadvantage to women who naturally create more testosterone in track and field races that rely predominantly on the body's performance muscularly. So when it came to sports such as track and field or cross country, I was pretty much either last or in the group of people who finished last for the same amount of training with those who had more testosterone.

However, when it came to sports such as tennis or softball, I was really good because I had high levels of endurance and skill, which allowed me to win a lot. I became a team captain for my tennis team alongside other awesome women, and I also was the number 2/3 singles tennis player during my last couple of years on the team.

So if we are going to use hormones as a way to ban people from sports, then that would literally make no sense because naturally, from woman to woman and man to man, the amount of hormones people have varies. Another reason why, to me, it does not make sense is if a transgender person is in hormone replacement therapy, their endocrinologist has them on a steady level of hormones to make sure they are in the NORMAL RANGE of the gender identity they identify with. So for a trans woman, their endocrinologist gives them the dose of estrogen and testosterone blockers that places them at a NORMAL RANGE of a woman. If that is the case, then there should be no crying from a cis-gender man because trans people are subject within the same limits as a cis-man or cis-woman. If you want to get into the nitty-gritty, then talk to an endocrinologist. He’ll know best. Those are just my thoughts.

Entry 703

So if you were at the same energetic level as most of the people in the room and you have your empathy turned on, naturally it will be a lot harder for you to tune out other people's energy because it’s so similar to yours.

However, if your frequency is much more of love and light and they are stronger than any other frequency, you will dissolve those frequencies, and they won’t be able to affect you.

Entry 704

Realistically, if you are hungry, you wouldn’t starve your body of those nutrients because it needs them. If you need to study, realistically you are not going to starve your brain of that information because you need to score well on your exam. Realistically, if your body is horny, you shouldn’t starve your body of that energetic release because a few denominations out of 42,000 others believe it’s a sin. In short, just listen to your body. It knows best.

Entry 705 - June 3rd

I realize that the reason why masturbation is healthier than not masturbating when your body is asking for it is because if you do not allow that sexual energy its normal course of action, then that sexual repression will be projected onto others in many unsafe and unhealthy ways.

Do you notice how most of the politicians who get caught with child pornography, going on dating sites while they are married, tend to be mainly white religious men that go to fundamental Christian denominations?

Many times, the problem with repression is that we don’t even realize we are projecting until someone calls us out, and that’s why it's so bad to ignore our body's natural impulses. Anything with moderation is fine.

Entry 706

People who argue and say watching people have sex in movies or porn is bad are probably watching it on a very low wavelength or for "low wavelength" reasons.

We attract similar things to the certain consciousness that we’re at. So if we are having addictive behaviors, that shows the current level of consciousness we're at, the current vibration that we are vibrating, and we will express that in different ways. We will show addiction to food, to sex, to different survival or pleasurable things; we won’t be able to control ourselves.

Animals all over the world watch other animals have sex. Do they demonize or moralize the act of watching sex? Or perhaps, is this something religion has done as a way to convince people they need religion in the first place? Oh, you like to watch people have sex, don't you? Well, that's a sin, and we can help you with that if you come to church four times a week and serve God through us.

Entry 707 - June 4th 2021

What if religious prophets of old times often thought they were speaking directly from God, but they were either speaking for negatively oriented entities pretending to be the Creator or from their own ego masked as God?

So perhaps one of the biggest deceptions is when religion can convince you your ego is God and God is your ego; when you can no longer understand the difference between oneness and separation because all you see is separation... because separation is what religion needs in order to thrive, and without it, it would dissolve.

Entry 708

Isn’t it interesting that oftentimes the thing we are most excited about, which is the unknown, can become the thing we fear the most?

Albert Einstein once said, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know." And what I now say is, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I chose to forget."

The truth is, if we are one with everything, then deep down we know everything. The illusion is: we are separate and therefore only know so much.

Entry 709

ACIM is very similar to what Jesus was trying to do with Judaism. Jesus tried to reform Judaism from within. A Course in Miracles is trying to reform Christianity from within. It’s beneficial if you like the terms used within Judaism and Christianity, but if the terms are no longer important to you or you feel as if they are limiting you, then perhaps it is time to move beyond not only Christianity but ACIM.

Entry 710

Some people decondition from one religion or from one denomination of Christianity just to recondition and join another version of Christianity or a new religion. I did this way back in the day, and this still baffles me because I’m like, didn’t you try so hard to decondition, and now you’re reconditioning to believe a new set of beliefs around invisible things that can’t be validated? Like, don't you want to be free from belief systems that leave you more confused with the lack of credible evidence, rational doctrines, and limitations imposed by the beliefs themselves? Don't you like freedom???

Entry 711

I think the reason why people who are not ready have their pineal gland activated as a transducer (third eye opens) is because they are aware of their limiting beliefs, and the pineal gland accentuates every aspect of yourself. It’s the process of expansion, of opening oneself up to more frequencies than one was open to before, and if someone has a ton of limiting beliefs, beliefs sourced in fear, it accentuates those beliefs. People normally don’t want to see their limiting beliefs become more in their lives, so it’s best for people to hold off from activating that energy until they deal with these limiting beliefs sourced in fear about themselves and about others.

Entry 712

I believe the first time I heard of the term “eternal greediness” was from Osho. Although, in the way he was using it, it doesn’t make sense. If our world is truly that of harmony, no one can be eternally greedy because then that would mean they always had to be, currently are, and will be greedy, and that would uphold the belief in imbalance and separation because being greedy needs someone to feel lack or separation in order to feel it.

However, perhaps his point was not to use eternity in the wrong sense, but in order to relate to people who don’t understand the properties of eternity and look forward to their “eternal reward” in heaven rather than “temporary rewards” on earth. He shows how they postpone their greediness for the heavens, and how that is still greed, and an even more intense greed, because whoever they can convince to believe in these eternal rewards will literally risk everything in the present moment for something that cannot even be guaranteed. Osho was talking about the Hindus, the eternal reward for them being 16-year-old virgins who never get old, and how they use that as fuel to just do life and look forward to the eternal reward (even though, again, eternity in that sense does not make logical sense).

Entry 713

Christians are shocked when they find out atheists and agnostics are good just to be good. Like, they don’t need a reward dangled before their minds as a reason to be good; they just do it to do it.

They aren’t motivated by virgins in heaven, by a heaven, or by a paradise. They just are good because they want to be good, even if they don’t get a reward for it. To me, living life just to live is a lot more genuine than constantly living and doing things in order to be secured a reward in a place ‘far away.’


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