Thought Dump Part 17 - You Manifest Your Reality / I'm attracted to the Dangerously Free / Join the Pondering

 The Christians that say "See revelation, the last book of the Bible is happening! The world is on fire!" I want to say, "Well if it is, it's because you guys manifested it by focusing your energy and attention on that probable reality! If we truly live in an omniverse of an infinite amount of potentiality with a multidunious amount of probable parallel universes, then through your attention on that reality, you quite literally attracted that to you through your attention. According to quantum physics, the observer and the observed are one.


When I thought someone's life was going down hill, I used to say it was because they weren’t obeying God’s laws. I saw things dualistically and static, right vs wrong.

Now when I look back at those moments, I realize it wasn’t a matter of obeying or not obeying, as in a static law etched into existence directly by God's hand, but rather it was more likely due to that person's unhealed trauma that so happens to bubble to the surface to be projected and reflected in multiple circumstances.


It’s not that the thing can hurt you, it's that you chose for it to be able to hurt you, so it was perceived to be as such.

Change your beliefs and the fear goes away.


In this incarnation, we often feel as if we are limited to experiencing one incarnation at a time.

As we progress in our level of consciousness, we are then able to experience multiple incarnations at the same time.

We are able to weave our awareness in and out of incarnations, benefiting, absorbing and gleaning from even more experiences at the same time.

Time is stretched in our favor with multiple incarnations.


There is this atheist dude who said Jesus believed in annihilationism which wouldn’t make sense. If he truly was from one of the sects of Judaism, then he would most likely be from the Essene's sect which did not believe in annihilationism. The very few Jews who did believe in the potentiality for annihilationism were Hellenistic Jews who intermingled with other religion's that held a similar belief in that area. annihilationism was an extremely minor point of view with very little Jews believing in that.


Now notice this pattern:

There are branches of religions that could use reformation, such as the one’s that advocate for women to be considered property and paid for, unjust slavery, and a system of oligarchy. There were many Jews, such as the Essene's, that were for gender equality, expanding beyond the limits of duality, and freedom from organized and oppressive religion.

Jesus challenged the fundamental rigid Jews who were interpreting the Torah in terms of gender inequality, male patriarchy, and oppressive oligarchy by using language from their religion so that they could understand him with the hopes of taking them beyond the limits of any harmful belief that had been preserved to hurt others.


Capitalism is not the issue. Socialism is not the issue. Communism is not the issue. These are just systems of thought enforced by humans. Humanity as a collective is either the solution or the issue. It’s easy to point fingers and say, “They are responsible and I am the victim!” Or, “This system of thought is responsible and I have nothing to do with it because I am nothing compared to the system.”

However, you have everything to do with all of it because you are one with all. We are collectively co-creating our realities. Where you live, you with your friends and family members that are creating constantly, whether consciously or unconsciously, and you are part of a bigger group of people co-creating, which is part of a bigger group co-creating. So truly, everyone has some sort of input.

Even if you believe your influence and input is small, your current vibration either adds to the distress, chaos and inequality, or helps solve the issues and add peace, harmony, and equality. You don’t have to be in a seat of power to have a vibration that either helps or harms the collective. You just have to be here in this "earth-suit" holding a vibration to participate.

Just by you being here, you are participating and you are potentially either hurting or helping the collective and yourself. So instead of blaming, let’s come together and solve our issues together. If the current systems of thought are not working, let us create new systems of thought. There is no reason to limit ourselves to systems of thought from centuries ago. We can destroy and we can create new one’s that incorporate the good from capitalism, socialism, libertarianism and so forth, and leave the bad behind.


February 11th 2021

I’m attracted to the dangerously free
The spirits who came for huge appointments
The ones connected to their truth and their mission
I get the hots for the powerfully adept
The master wielders of silent magic
Energetically in tune with their Highest Self
The mighty manifestors
The untamed movers
Constantly raising vibrations all over with the intention to rise as one


Our present beliefs will follow us after death because the present never ceases to exist. Your body may cease to exist, but your beliefs come from your mind which is the creator of your current reality. Do you really think if you die at let's say jokingly level 40, that when you die you just skip levels 40-99 and go straight to level 100? Where would be the fun if you skipped all those experiences? All those mysteries? All those ideas expressed in real time?

What you believe is your belief until you change it, whether you choose to change it in this life, or after this life, that is up to you. It depends on how much you decide to do, but no one else can make that choice for you.


July 11th

If you want to help people explore and find the answers when it is best for them, on their own timing, then don’t just give away the answers. Let them ponder, question, explore the ideas presented to them from you. Let them come up with the answer. For that will be so much more memorable then you just telling them and taking away their opportunity to find it themselves. Similar to how someone could just tell you the answer for a twenty minute calculus problem with all the steps is not as rewarding as you pondering, working through it and coming up with the correct answer by yourself. It feels so much more rewarding and is much more impactful for the person to find the answer through oneself rather than from another.

So for example, you instantly gave away the biggest association between the Jews and those they criticize for something they also do which is divination. Instead of giving that away, ponder the idea. Ask the person, what is the difference between prayer and casting lots in the Bible? Why did they resort to casting lots instead of the Bible? Or instead of praying? What makes casting lots okay in the eyes of God? How is casting lots similar and different than other people who do the same thing but come from a different region or a different area such as Mesopotamia or Persia? Is it still bad if the person casting lots says it is asking the Creator and not a lesser god? What if another person who comes from a different religion but believes in a single Creator does the same thing a Jew does but isn't a Jew? Are they still sinning for doing the same thing while not being Jewish?

Another thing to explore:

If the God of the Jews believes there are no other gods besides himself, then why does he constantly talk about how he is the best out of all the other gods? Maybe it's because he knows he isn't the only one doing what he is trying to do (pretend to be the Creator of the universe to a group of people so that they will do his bidding) and knows that others doing the same thing, or with better intentions, could blow his/their cover...? 


Information is free online, it’s the practical application of information that people now pay for in regards to knowledge and wisdom.

Products still cost money but the ideas, knowledge, thoughts, quotes, and so forth can be accessed with a click of the button.

So why is it that there are so many people who still can’t see both sides of a topic and decide to remain in a perpetual state of selection bias? Each level of consciousness attracts what lies on the same frequency. The level of your vibration attracts like energy on that vibration.

Until people raise their level of awareness/consciousness, they will continue to attract the same people, the same situations, the same arguments, the same criticism, the same lovers, the same lack until they choose to actively become more mindful, more aware, more conscious.

This requires analyzing one’s habits, thoughts, conditioned responses and reactions, ideas of the world, people, ideas of exclusivity and inclusivity in society, religion, politics, how they view the world, what they have been attracting and more.

Until someone sits down and does this, they will operate similar to a car on autopilot, continually attracting what they always have been attracting until they get off their current road and take a turn to get on a new road.


We often hear this statement from Jesus in reference to negative situations, “Do unto others as you would like done unto yourself” or “what you sow is what you reap.”

However, this statement is just as much applicable in positive or neutral situations as well. When you pay for other people’s food, people will pay for your food. When you help an elderly person with their groceries, one day when you are an elderly person someone will help you with your groceries. When you give money to those in need, people will give you money when you are in need. When you praise your friend for his good works, others praise you for your good works. When you worship God, you worship yourself. People are afraid of this because they have been predicatively programmed by many major religions that have transitioned into organizations of mass power, conquering and control.

Jesus actively tried to help his followers transcend such items of discourse and challenged the power of those within Judaism. It was a revolution to expand beyond religion, not create a new religion of oppression, inequality, mass genocide and more. Nations killed the Jews for their God, Jews killed other nations for their God, and Christians perpetuated the chain of mass murder by killing people for their God. That was never Jesus’ intention and it is the exact reason why you should question everything about religion.

So how would it benefit for your religion if you knew those words from Jesus could be applied not only in negative terms, but also positively and neutrally? What does that even mean that when you worship God, you worship yourself? The idea behind it can be understood if you understand yourself in relation to all. If you believe in certain religion’s discourse that separatism and duality is an eternal reality, then that statement "when you worship God you worship yourself" is blasphemous, but if you read those words in the context of Jesus’ message that we are all one, it shows how truly separatism and duality are not eternal realities, but illusions we play in temporally.

If you see people better than you, you see yourself as better than people. If you see people worse than you, then you see yourself worse than others. If you hate other people for behaving or acting a certain way, you hate yourself for behaving or acting that certain way. If you hate how someone looks, then deep down you hate how you look. If you see God as separate from you, then you will believe that any worship that is not directed in a separate way to God is blasphemous and evil. If you see God as one with you, then you will understand that worshiping the Creator is worship of oneself, because though they are unique in expression, the essence is the same.

How could the Creator eternally expand itself as anything for eternity that is not in coherence with what it already is? If it did create something incoherently, disharmoniously, then that specimen, that invention, that object of matter is not part of the eternal expansion of Source. And if that specimen cannot expand, has limits, has boundaries, is not a true reflection of harmonious eternal expansion, then it never was in the first place! See Jesus’ words are so profound because it shows us what is coherent with our essence and what is incoherent and disharmonious with our essence. If we are children of God, sparks of God, extensions of God, one with God, then anything that does not match our essence, does not truly exist in regards to eternally expressed in that limited form.

Then if we become aware of that, we can determine through mindfulness what illusions are being mirrored to use by people, situations, and so forth and what is coherent with our essence which is being mirrored back to us. See we are the bar by which we measure the accuracy of information according to the reality of coherent, vibrant, harmonious energy, which is our essence!


The times when I think, “I want to return to this moment in tim either as future me or after I leave this body for good” are times when I notice my awareness of myself is very high at that moment.


True healing is simply the radiance of the self causing an environment in which a catalyst may occur which initiates the recognition of self, by self, of the self-healing properties of the self.


The distortion imbalanced thought in regards to energy and matter with some Christians is the belief that only Jesus has both a divine and human nature while every other human only has a human nature. Jesus called himself the son of God and the Son of Man and what is equally important is he also referred to us as the sons of God and the sons of man. Creating a distinction or separation between our natures with Jesus’ when he didn't, creates an unequal and imbalanced perspective within the oneness of God.

Jesus saw us all equally as one with God. It wasn’t until later when people utilized Jesus’ words to create a religion meant to control people through a new belief system that Jesus has both natures while we lack one, that we started to see injustice, inequality, oppression and imbalance spread into Christianity and to the rest of the world. We should stop believing like this because believing in a belief that glorifies imbalance and inequality only creates more confusion and perpetuates ideas of lack, which leads to unhealthy expressions of codependency.


Nothing means something when we decide to create meaning out of it. Nothing doesn’t mean anything to us until we create meaning out of it. The word “job” doesn’t mean anything to us until we decide it does. It doesn’t even have a tone or a way to say it until we decide it is meant to be said a certain way. The “J” sound could easily have been the “k” sound whenever one saw the j, but that’s not the meaning we gave it and so it doesn’t have that meaning in the English language. The word “Job” could mean friend if we decided for it to, but we chose for it to mean any sort of task that allows one to work preferably for some sort of compensation.

We create meaning out of nothing. We are before there is meaning created out of nothing and we will be after that which was meaning created out of nothing. Meaning lives and dies by our conscious choice for it do so. We live beyond both it’s life and death because we, can never not be. Or in other terms, we will always be more than something because we created the something out of nothing. We created the meaning out of nothing. We create, and therefore it exists in our field of awareness until we decide it no longer does.



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