Entry 687 - Entry 689

Entry 687 - July 25th, 2021

The sinful nature doctrine in the West or the ego doctrine in the East are both attempts at moralizing action, and both can be potentially harmful to those who submit to those belief systems. One reason why they can be harmful is that the person can endow the belief with a certain amount of power to hurt the entity physically in their temporary vessel on Earth. Not only that, but it can create a strong dichotomy within someone's thought process regarding how they see themselves, others, and their relationship with God/Source/Creator/All That Is/I Am.

Every aspect of yourself is a part of consciousness. No aspect of yourself does not carry some part of All That Is (I am now saying this instead of God because when I say God, many from the Western religions visualize a sky daddy limited in varying respects).

To say that some portion of yourself is “evil,” that some part of yourself is “limited,” that some part of yourself is “seeing things wrong,” is a sign that you are still conditioned by the major world religions that hold limiting beliefs. I once adhered to that model of life until I recently started de-conditioning from the Western and Eastern religions of thought that are still confined within limitations.

It's not to say that Eastern and Western religions are all limiting, but rather they can contain both limitless beliefs and limiting beliefs within and outside of religion. Both Eastern and Western religions closely mirror one another in many respects, but ironically, they both try to deny those connections and explain why their religion or belief system is better than the other belief systems.

With anything and everything, there are definitely beliefs more aligned with one's own infinite potential, but it is also good to be aware of the beliefs that often limit one's potential. This way, those who are no longer interested in experiencing life through those specific limitations defined by certain belief systems can let go and move on to better and more interesting beliefs.

In regards to moralizing a part of us by calling it "sinful nature" or "the ego" or saying our "sins will take us by default to hell" or "our wrongdoings will cause us to be born again because of karma," the very religions bent on escaping the thought process of the world, which is predominantly dualistic, adhere to a dualistic doctrine themselves.

Just because the form of the body does not seem to exist in terms of eternity does not mean that every particle in the body is not endowed with its own individuality, creativity, and spark to experience life in its own way. Down to the most minute particle of existence to the largest one, individuality is inherently connected with consciousness, experience, and expansion. Every aspect of life seeks to experience itself as life.

Individuality is not something to fear, to judge, to hate, or to look down on. It is the blessed gift from All That Is to experience life from a unique and blessed perspective. Individuality is a blessed gift to know oneself as oneself rather than merely dissolving into nothing and losing all one's memories of what one was. Although that might be a peaceful idea for many focused within Eastern religions, it also causes them to distrust the individuality we are endowed with and to see it as separate, as less, as the not-good part of ourselves, which is a limiting belief.

We have been convinced by many of the Western and Eastern religions not to trust our individuality, but rather to see it mainly in a negative way. The East often refers to our individuality as the “ego,” and many see it as the belief that seeing oneself as an individual or separate is "false," an "illusion," or "wrong." Other sects sprouting from Hinduism see the ego as merely a survival instinct that will one day cease to exist because it is but an illusion.

However, why would we split and then limit a part of one's being to a survival instinct? That's essentially saying your individuality is only good for your experience in relation to surviving, even though realistically, all throughout the day, your body is constantly blinking in and out of existence, and you are technically being birthed and deceased in new and exciting ways at every moment.

Many religions need to create separation and then denounce that separation or demonize some aspect of yourself to convince you that you are not enough; that this sinful nature, this ego, this gooey aspect stuck to yourself cannot be removed like trauma, but is something that you are stuck with until you "reach nirvana" or "reach heaven." I’m here to tell you that belief about oneself is not only hilariously limiting but, from my subjective perspective, is also bullshit.

Every aspect of you is divine in every single way. An experience is not evil, nor is being a unique individual experiencing life evil. You will not dissolve into nothing and be annihilated as many in the East proclaim, and you will not be tormented in a fiery pit of hell for not believing in God correctly. For you are indestructible. Religion might convince you some days that you are limited like religion, but eventually, you will surpass the limits miscreated by religion to find that you have always been limitless.

The truth is, you vibrating at a certain frequency allows you to experience life in a very unique way. One intensity of vibration is not better or worse than another; it’s an experience meant to be explored! Are we really going to allow religions to limit our ideas and demonize certain aspects of ourselves to keep us roped into their belief systems? It’s a no for me.

Entry 688

Distrusting our healthcare officials and having a fear-based mentality about the COVID vaccines or COVID literally helps no one, not even yourself. Fear creates stress, which causes cortisol to pump all throughout your body, which is damaging to you in some way, shape, or form. Fear on either side of the debate is not helpful for anyone.

It’s beneficial for the body and for others to be optimistic, do your research, and stop watching ridiculous conspiracy theories that are irrational and promote fear and anxiety. I’m pretty sure doctors know more about a vaccine than some lady freaking out on YouTube saying there’s an evil agenda of lizard people in the world because that’s what the Bible says.

Entry 689 - July 27th

Eastern and Western religions have done a great job of demonizing “desire.” Hate to break it to them, but if we truly have free will, then that means we chose everything, even to be born into this world. Otherwise, being forced to be born against our will would mean our free will is not truly free but conditional on someone else's free will that bends our own. So in the case of true free will, we came to experience Earth, and that was a desire before we were incarnated. If we are not motivated by desire and meaning, then what the fuck is the point???


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