Entry 671 - Entry 686

Topics:  Let's Transcend Flimsy Belief Systems / Prophets in the OT / Destructive Mindsets 

Entry 671

There are a lot of things people say that cannot be backed up by science.

I want to continue the work of Einstein, Bohr, Higgs, and more physicists by exploring the known universe, finding out more about the universe, and sharing it with the world.

I want to transcend the flimsy, limited, and outdated belief systems of this world that are not based in science or mathematics but are rather based on legends, myths, and oral history passed down through centuries.

I want to create the connections, associations, and realizations between mind and matter using classical and quantum physics to help people unite rather than cause more division by belief systems such as Christianity and other religions.

I want to carry on Albert Einstein’s work of self-discovery utilizing intuition, visualizations, science, and mathematics. I want to ride a ball of light to find the speed induced. I want to create coherency and discover as much as possible. More than anything, I want to know.

Entry 672

I was contemplating the statement made by a man on TikTok where he would say, “The fact that you are seeing this message means you are energetically aligned to hear this message.” I thought to myself, that does make sense—that we attract what is on our same vibration—but then there are instances where that statement doesn’t make sense in the context of Jesus’ crucifixion, and so I wonder: how do we explain when people are not aligned with other people’s energies but are still “played out” as such?

For example, Jesus Christ was said to be an ascended master of his time. He went through a huge, major spiritual shift and awakening that allowed him to be of service to many people with his high level of consciousness/awareness. However, if everything that comes to us is somehow aligned with our energy, then his being crucified would mean that somehow those people were aligned with his energy to be in his field committing such an act to him.

According to that statement of “being energetically aligned allows it to enter your field,” then for some reason, he had to have some sort of connection to murder in order for those people to be able to murder him on the cross… Which would point to either an act of re-balance—as in, he murdered someone else and so that allowed for it to be brought into his field for him to be murdered—or he was the cause of mass murder and wanted to take responsibility for any murders being done in his name.

Maybe, if it is the latter, the reason why he was allowed to have that energy come into his field and be murdered is because he was paying for the murders done in HIS NAME IN THE FUTURE by the Christians who used his words as a weapon to steal, kill, and destroy. Perhaps Jesus was creating balance by allowing himself to die for these future despicable acts.

Since linear time is not truly real, then that would mean his death as a balancing act for whatever murder occurred before or after was meant to happen for that very reason: to balance the energies and leave knowing that balance was brought forth to Earth and the imbalance was neutralized effectively. Hmm, but that still would not explain people’s free will and choice to act, as well as using Jesus’ message out of context as a justification for murder.

Or maybe it didn't happen at all, and the legend of "God became a man and died for us" was thrown onto his story 20 years after he left, when the New Testament was finally written down. Imagine a story around people of interest that happened 20 years ago, and then imagine creating a full-blown religion out of it. That's quite a hefty gap.

Now let’s explore the fundamental Christian perspective of why they believe Jesus died. Christians will state that he was crucified for our “sins,” but what does that even mean? If sins are mistakes that God knows we will make because in our free will and forgetfulness of our true nature, we are bound to make them, then punishment for not knowing not only doesn’t make sense but also demonizes the act of making mistakes.

Jesus dying for every mistake is an imbalance with the laws of energy and would defy the natural balance of energy. Why would Jesus die for mistakes that other people created that have no connection to his true message? Why would Jesus be responsible for something that is out of his hands? So in that context, it wouldn’t make sense that Jesus would die for other people killing in his name because those other people have the choice to either use his words in context for life and love or out of context for murder and destruction. Now if Jesus' message was a message of division, conquering, and murder in the name of God, then that would be different. It would make sense that he would be put to death for spreading a harmful message that perpetuates murder. However, in our current past timeline of history, that was definitely not his message.

Just like anyone can take a book that has good intentions to free people from pain, guilt, and shame and use it as it was intended, people can take that same book out of context and use it as fuel to murder people and for their own power. The book is not responsible for the people who chose to use it to justify murder because it was used out of context to accomplish heinous acts.

Also, Christians claim that though we are all one with God, Jesus is “more one with God” because Jesus is in the special Trinity that we are not in. For reference, the Bible never mentions the word “Trinity” once. It is in reference to the doctrine that came into existence after many councils from the Christian church that diverged from the Jewish religion of “One Creator,” which became within Christianity, “One Creator, but three in One,” a doctrine called the Trinity.

This “special Trinity” is fuel for why they believe Jesus could die for everyone’s sins by purporting He is more one with God than we are. So according to many Christians, we are not on that same level of oneness with God as Jesus is, even though if you really think about that statement, it really doesn’t make any sense. If you take a huge cup of water and pour it into a medium cup and also into a smaller cup, and then you say that the medium cup which holds the water is “more water” than the smaller cup which holds the same water, that literally makes no sense.

However, if that were the case that we needed “God to die for us,” then that would mean everything would die with God because God is everything (Omnipotent, Omniscient, etc.). God is the beginning and the ending. There is nothing that could exist without God. If only a part of God died and not all of God did, then how is Jesus any different than us if we are both "parts of God?" Are we also not one with God as Jesus is?

Since Jesus was already going to die and we were already going to die, then the argument Christians use is that Jesus saves us from eternal death, but that logically does not make sense either in accordance with the definition of eternity. For something to be eternal, it could have never not been happening. It always was and always will be. Therefore, the idea that Jesus saved us from a state of being we always were in makes zero sense. You cannot treat eternity like a ray segment and then expect your doctrine to be considered rational.

So that would mean the only legitimate reason as to why Jesus would have attracted his own murder is if he somehow had that same energy within him that had not yet been dealt with and chose to deal with it in this incarnation, even though he could have dealt with it in another incarnation.

Also, when I was writing this, I remembered reading these channeled messages from I Am Ra about a year ago and copied them down here for reference:

"17.19 Questioner: How did Jesus learn this during his incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity learned the ability by a natural kind of remembering at a very young age. Unfortunately, this entity first discovered his ability to penetrate intelligent infinity by becoming the distortion you call “angry” at a playmate. This entity was touched by the entity known as Jesus to you and was fatally wounded.

Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do.

17.20 Questioner: How did this aggressive action against a playmate affect Jesus in his spiritual growth? Where did he go after his physical death?

Ra: I am Ra. The entity you call Jesus was galvanized by this experience and began a lifetime of seeking and searching. This entity studied first day and night in its own religious constructs, which you call Judaism, and was learned enough to be a rabbi, as you call the teach/learners of this particular rhythm or distortion of understanding, at a very young age.

At the age of approximately thirteen and one-half of your years, this entity left the dwelling place of its earthly family, as you would call it, and walked into many other places seeking further information. This went on sporadically until the entity was approximately twenty-five, at which time it returned to its family dwelling, and learned and practiced the art of its earthly father.

When the entity had become able to integrate or synthesize all experiences, the entity began to speak to other-selves and teach/learn what it had felt during the preceding years to be of a worthwhile nature. The entity was absolved karmically of the destruction of an other-self when it was in its last portion of lifetime and spoke upon what you would call a cross saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of action, or what you call karma."

I cannot validate whether these statements from Ra happened or not, just like we cannot validate whether all the statements in the Bible happened or not, but if the statement about energy is in fact true, then something like this would seem to be the case for his crucifixion either in this universe or a parallel/probable universe. And with the knowledge of it coming, it would seem this was not by accident, but his crucifixion was something he expected in order to demonstrate the ability to transcend the body so that he could help other people see that they can also transcend the body.

Entry 673 - July 14th

How ironic and close-minded can we be to deny someone’s conjecture because it hasn’t been scientifically determined yet, even though science is always expanding and the process of learning is asking questions, considering, using our imagination, and growing together?

The people who put others down for exploring scientific thoughts with their own imagination probably do so because they are jealous that they can’t venture into that territory without expecting the same judgment they place on those who do.

Ironic how these same people aren’t mocking Einstein for his many imaginative journeys that he later backed up with scientific formulas. Imagine if they got a hold of Einstein during those processes because regressive criticism and judgment are totally helpful.

Entry 674

If you were the one moving your attention to different areas in life, moving your awareness to different parts of the body, then you can’t be simply "the awareness." You have to be what comes before the awareness. Then what is before awareness? All we know is that what comes before awareness comes before everything. So somehow you are a part of everything, but you also have your own identity in relation to everything.

Entry 675

Some people need to conceptualize love in order to experience it in a way that makes them feel safe and comfortable. They say, “God is love,” and they mean they humanize love by humanizing God so that they can encapsulate and better relate to love in a way that makes sense to them, rather than seeing love as open, expansive, and limitless.

The brain likes limits. The brain loves boundaries because that is what it’s comfortable working with. It loves sequences and equations reduced to pea-size amounts to be digested as far as the intellect can allow it. However, the minute one takes a subject matter such as love and they don't put limits on it, don't put boundaries around it, and don't attempt to conceptualize or humanize it, then the brain could get scared because now it is faced with something that it cannot fully intellectually comprehend. The infinite Love is far too vast for the finite brain to make sense of, and that is why limits are preferred over limitlessness until one finds the balance and appreciation of both the logical intellect and their expansive intuition.

The goal is to be able to unite the two so that there is more balance, coherence, and unification between them. Through this balance, synchronization, and unification, one can be strong when the other is weak and vice versa. Insight will flow through the intuition and the intellectual aspects of ourselves in such a way where infinite knowledge is screened through a logical process that makes sense in our current physical reality. Einstein was a master of this process as he took adventures of altered states of consciousness using his intuition to explore ideas that no one had mathematical or scientific equations or solutions for yet. Then, once he experienced it intuitively and visually in his imagination, he was able to un-riddle the experiences and find words, concepts, and numbers to show how it works in our paradigm.

Entry 676

I was watching some Christian women pop up on my TikTok live, and it was so interesting. I could hear the fear in her voice, and most of what she was talking about was “fighting against Satan,” “not believing Satan,” “Satan wants to bring you down,” and I could feel her energy had this fear around it. It was a humbling experience because I remember being in her shoes with that same fear from Christianity constantly surrounding me to the point of fear, stress, and anxiety. Now I hope to help these Christians be liberated from fear-based doctrines.

Entry 677

I was looking around at the people in the cars around me… These people are powerful multi-dimensional entities, and I can contact their higher selves if I wanted to.

Entry 678

Prophets in the OT

I just realized there are sure signs of telling if someone is following a version of God with limits rather than someone who is not.

One can figure out where someone’s current level of consciousness is operating by finding out how much they express the belief in systems of separation, such as within certain dualistic perceptions, and perpetuate it as the word of God. So if a prophet confines God into a system of light vs. darkness, up vs. down, right vs. wrong, even though God is naturally above that system of duality, then that prophet is limiting God. Or when they try to punish other people for not fitting a system of duality and use reward vs. punishment to get them to do what they want them to do.

So we can see that lower levels of conscious behavior that express those limitations are when prophets claim that God wants them to share words of imbalance, wrath, murder, patriarchy, inequality, and more. I think a better way to view it is: how fast is someone’s frequency vibrating? The denser someone’s frequency is, the more they will attract like things on that frequency. If these prophets were preaching at a low vibration masqueraded as “righteousness,” then we can look at the frequency rather than the words. I can tell people I love everyone, but if my actions show differently, then my words are just fluff. People can say, “This is from God directly,” but if the message is confined by duality, is damaging, promotes genocide and wrath, and creates hatred and pain for some people, then we can also question the religion where this message is coming from. Even more so, if their actions reflect "a denser frequency" where they act nonsensical, scared, frightened, anxious, or act in harmful ways to society, perhaps they might show us more about themselves than about the Creator they supposedly have a message from.

Entry 679 - July 15th, 2021

I am only in contact with people’s probable selves that have a connection in some sort of way to my current vibration, more so than probable selves that are less likely in connection with my current vibration.

Entry 680

The person who walks around and thinks others aren’t as amazing as himself is reflecting the truth of nothing.

The person who walks around and thinks everyone, including himself, is amazing, is reflecting the truth of everything.

Entry 681 - July 18th

Prosperity and abundance are part of our essence. To be afraid of them is to be afraid of ourselves. To see ourselves as them is to see ourselves as we truly are.

Entry 682 - July 23rd

How truly comforting is it to know that we choose, whether consciously or unconsciously, the desired way in which to leave this world.

Entry 683 - July 24th

Your outer reality (physical life) is a co-created framework that you “splash” subjectively with your own psyche (interpretations, beliefs, ideas, desires, hatred, etc.).

Your inner reality (dreaming life) is also a co-created framework that you “splash” subjectively with your own psyche (interpretations, beliefs, ideas, desires, hatred, etc.).

The difference is arbitrary because in your wake state, time is predominantly experienced linearly and relative to space, and in your asleep state, time is primarily experienced multidimensionally and space is relative to how you perceive time.

Awake state is time-space (universe) Asleep state is space-time (multiverse)

Both are valid experiences of consciousness manifested as waves and/or particles.

Entry 684

The challenge for a lot of people who are going through a spiritual awakening is to stay grounded in such a way within physical reality that allows them to still operate as functioning members of society while also feeling free to explore one’s expanded consciousness beyond the realms of “physical” reality.

Entry 685

“God wants to use you” sounds a little creepy when you think about it. Who wants to be reduced to a state similar to a tool?

Entry 686 - July 25th

For the Christians that say it’s dangerous for someone to see themselves as God while others aren’t: I would say it is equally dangerous for a Christian to treat himself as if he's God over nature, animals, and other living things that do not look as he does.

Having a Christian reduce a human to property to exploit them based on the difference in skin color and then use the Bible to justify their subjugation is also dangerous and disgusting. To have whole farms where animals are only seen for what they can give man in relation to the next lunch, rather than giving them the same damn dignity and respect they give to their own dog at home, is disgusting.

Having Christians treat the Earth like shit in the name of “making more money economically” instead of finding a way to make money economically that also benefits the people and the land where we come from is dangerous and disgusting.

Having people destroy the coral reefs with their unsafe oil spills and faulty regulations, to me, is just as bad as someone who claims godhood over someone else.

Christians, check yourself before you judge someone else for the same damn thought process expressed in equally destructive manners.


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