Entry 653 - Entry 655
Topics: The Power of Sexual Energy / Embracing the Unknown Entry 653 - 7/28/21 I realized that much of what I say may not make sense to people who have primarily experienced dualistic realities or have been trained by society, religion, culture, and tradition to focus on duality as the only true reality. For these people, it’s like trying to describe what pineapple yogurt tastes like to someone who has never tasted pineapple. I will still try my best, but they may only conjecture what it might taste like. Without firsthand experience, it remains just conjecture. Similarly, someone who has only been aware of duality and has not consciously experienced predominant non-dualistic unity may not be able to understand it until they experience it for themselves. How does one consciously experience non-duality? By going inward. Duality is processed through our five main senses and surrounds us, while non-duality involves inverting that process to experience the consciousness that accesses an in...