
Showing posts from July, 2021

Thought Dump Part 16 - The Power of Sexual Energy / Embracing the Unknown

I realized that a lot of what I say may not necessarily make sense to many people who have only experienced predominant dualistic experiences or who have been trained by society, religion, culture and traditions to focus on duality as our only true reality. So for these people, it’s almost like if you are trying to explain what pineapple yogurt tastes like to someone who has never tasted pineapple before, but I will still try my best. They may be able to conjecture what it would taste like, but without experiencing firsthand, it simply remains conjecture. Similarly, someone who has mainly only been aware of duality in their lives and they have not had any predominant non-dualistic, unity experiences that they were consciously aware of, will not be able to realize it unless they’ve experienced it and were conscious of it. How does one experience with awareness non-duality? They go inward, they go within. Duality is present all around us and processed using our five main senses. So non-d

Thought Dump Part 15 - I Enjoy Uprooting Harmful Belief Systems / Taking Testosterone / Similarities & Differences of Religions

May 30th I feel like my job is to uproot and show the frailty of belief systems. To show how flimsy, temporary and how ridiculous it is to have ourselves identified with a temporary thing that will no longer exist. I don’t want to start another religious or spiritual community based on my belief system, especially since they naturally contain limits and I think that would be a waste of time to constrict people. I would so rather use my precious time to help liberate people from constricting belief systems, religions, etc. I would rather use my time to show how people are more expansive than these organizations with very obvious limits. I would rather want people to be able to think for themselves; to be able to focus on reality. To focus on what they know rather than wrap their whole lives in a limited religious idea. -- See for many people, when good things happen they’re happy. When bad things happen, they’re sad. They are tossed around by the events, then the events trigger them. Th

Thought Dump Part 14 - Cloning Feelings / God is Energy / Transitioning MtF Deconstructs Many Ideas

Part of the process of releasing religious trauma from the body is talking about it. Talking about why it was traumatic, why it should no longer live in your body, why you should no longer identify with that particular toxic doctrine, etc.-- If culture, in the Bible, influenced the meaning of marriage which constantly was changing based on the wants and needs of the people, so why on earth are we really going to consistently moralize marriage and demonize those who don't fit our morality around it? -- I’m going to show you a pattern: Abraham spoke to God and was said to start Judaism. Paul of Tarsus saw Jesus and was said to start Christianity. Muhammed saw an Angel and was said to start Islam. Joseph Smith saw and Angel and was said to start Mormonism. Do you see how a religion came about through one man’s vision? Then do you see how they all claimed that the source of their faith and the author of their particular religion was God? Do you also notice how not one woman was a found

Thought Dump Part 13

What does it mean for one to honor their body? First off, what does honor even mean? It means treating your body with respect. So I would say part of respecting your body is respecting it’s various cycles. When it’s tired, you try your best to find time to rest. When it’s excited and wants to move, you go on a hike or go lift weights.  When your body has the jiggles and wants to dance, you throw on some music and dance under the moonlight. When your stomach growls and would like some food, you feed it abundant and nutritious food until it’s satisfied. When your body is feeling sexual, you allow yourself to tap into your divine oneness, tap into your innate sexual power and release that power for your whole body to benefit it. Not honoring your body often happens the most when we honor other people over our bodies. We honor their expectations, what is best for them at the expense of what is best for us. We honor what is healthy for them at the expense of what is healthy for us, which tr

Thought Dump Part 12

Just a quick reminder with these notes I post: These notes are my raw, uncensored thoughts of what I think of everything. Sometimes you can feel my sadness. Sometimes you can feel my anger towards systems of thought that were supposed to express love but rather partook of mass genocide in the name of God. I do not hate anyone, nor am I anti-anyone. I truly believe everyone is good inside, but that doesn't mean the actions of harm cannot be felt, cannot be talked about, cannot be shown how deeply it has hurt because when you acknowledge how you've been hurt, you can start to heal. So please remember: I love all experiences of life. I love all people from religion, and I forgive all. This is just how I felt when I wrote what I wrote in order to release and forgive. -- So the question is if God really wants to save all of humanity he would integrate with love the root of all evil and/r he would not force people to comply to His will in order to be saved... There would be multiple

Thought Dump Part 11.5 - Thoughts are Streams of Info / I am a Menace to Christianity / Each God for Each Nation

--Most of religion, specifically Christianity, makes you feel safe and comfortable because it tells you oftentimes what to believe, what not to believe, how to adhere to the dogmas and so forth. They treat you like a baby in a high chair while they comfortably spoon feed you the sermon that you should digest because it's "true" and "straight from the Bible." Some do encourage you to question their interpretations of the Bible, but only within the confinements of their creeds and beliefs. However, if you disagree with them, they point out Bible verses why you should agree with them. Even if you have Bible verses to show why you disagree with their interpretations and continue to question their beliefs, many times most, if not all, will still dismiss your position because they were the ones who went to seminary and studied the Bible for years and you didn't. Oftentimes they treat their church members as this baby in a high chair while they see themselves as w

Thought Dump Part 11

  Religion is by definition : system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith Beliefs have limits and limits establish separation from other religions. According to the definition of what constitutes a religion: Christianity is a religion Hinduism is a religion Buddhism is a religion Spirituality can also be seen as a religion when people establish separation from one set of beliefs from another Religion isn’t bad, nor is it primarily good. It’s a path, a journey, an experience to explore.  Certain religions can be more open-minded than others, but they are still religions.   Religions can help people expand or contract, to show them their power or take it away. For me, I appreciate all religions, but I am neither in or outside of any religion. I am one with all. I am neither confined within Christianity or outside of Christianity, I simply am. I am neither confined within Hinduism or outside of Hinduism, I simply am.  I am neither confined within Buddhism or outside of Buddhism, I simp

Religion Sees you as an Extension of Itself

At the core of every fundamental religion, that has definite boundaries and an exclusive existence, is narcissism. These religions see people as an extension of itself. If their religion has borders, then the person has borders. If their religion has boundaries, then the person must have boundaries. Any person who expands beyond the boundaries of their religion is no longer an extension of that religion, but now perceived as a threat to it.  The narcissism that many religions use is in order to control the person to keep them within the boundaries of that religion. It uses craftily devised manipulation, cognitive dissonance, and ideas that create a victim mindset in the person where only their religion has the answers through their “special connection to God” to free them from the guilt they created to trap you in the first place.  They purport that other religions are not able to bring the person closer to God as their religion can which mis-creates exclusivity and demands devotion in

Quotes from Alan Watts on the Bible

"On the contrary," I replied, "a truly loving God would not stultify our minds. He would encourage us to think for ourselves." I tried, then, to show him that his belief in the divine authority of the Bible rested on nothing more than his own personal opinion, to which, of course, he was entitled. This is basic. The authority of the Bible, the church, the state, or of any spiritual or political leader, is derived from the individual followers and believers, since it is the believers’ judgment that such leaders and institutions speak with a greater wisdom than there own. This is, obviously, a paradox, for only the wise can recognize wisdom. Thus, Catholics criticize Protestants for following their own opinions in understanding the Bible, as distinct from the interpretations of the Church, which originally issued and authorized the Bible. But Catholics seldom realize that the authority of the Church rests, likewise, on the opinion of its individual members that the Pa

Communities based in an exclusive belief system

Having a community based on the fact that you all share a common belief system is not the best community to have and these are the reasons why: 1. Beliefs are constantly changing. Naturally you do not believe many aspects of life the same way you did when you were five years old. Now imagine if everyone was expected to not change their beliefs in order to fit in, and if you no longer did, there would be some conflict. That would be an uncomfortable environment because they are expecting you to conform to everyone having the same beliefs from when they were five years old but you have moved passed your beliefs from when you were five years old. That would be extremely limiting, it would discourage exploration and expansion and encourage exclusivity and narrow mindedness. However, if you are constantly open-minded, growing, curious, and recognize you don’t know everything, naturally you will discard limiting and not beneficial beliefs for more beneficial and freeing beliefs. So let’s say

Christianity in regards to apologetics

First of all, I am not pro or against religion, I simply am pro questioning and using critical thinking skills for all systems of thought, including religion. A lot of people have been conditioned by religion to only use questioning and critical thinking skills within the boundaries that particular denomination has allowed. Then that church may use scare tactics of fear of hell in order to keep you from questioning beyond their biases and “approved areas of use for critical thinking skills.” What I mean by this is within our mega church denomination, we often would get these books which would stimulate and cause us to consider our current state of “hope”, or as they like to put it, our Hope Quotient. Or they would give us other books to stimulate and question our current relationships with our family members and friends. Or when it came to apologetics they had already pre-packaged, pretty print answers that “defended the faith” but more so in actuality dealt with any questions that did