
Showing posts from October, 2020

Entry 381 - Thoughts on Growth

10/2/20 The reason why you shouldn't force anything in life is because sometimes you are moving at a different rate than others, and if you regress to someone else's rate—which you were once in the process of elevating from—you force yourself to submit to their rate. If you have gone through certain periods that have made you understand life in a certain way, it is more beneficial for you to meet people alongside that same path than to try to fit yourself back into the mold of who you were before that growth happened. If people can't accept the change you are entering through, naturally, they will fall off your path. You won't even have to force it. It'll just be as natural as any other process. However, we mostly notice those who try to inhibit our growth as the most peculiar ones. It's as if they give one more fighting chance to keep you boxed within their own confines of who they think you should be to them, for their comfort, because they are unwilling to ad...

Entry 380 - The Quest of Knowledge

Written Nov. 24th 2019 It's always perplexed me how there are some who seem to prefer to stop the quest of learning. They settle into what is comfortable and known to them, and they dare not try to test the walls of the cage they have confined themselves in. They sit there with no desire to test the boundaries of their own beliefs. They consider their lack of questioning and lack of challenging proof of their unwavering faith, when in actuality, it is ignorance disguised in folly.  The truth is, they're unconsciously subject to the dominant thought groups of that religion and consciously loyal to their religious group (or lack thereof), rather than freed from the confines of their religion, which governs their reality. The freedom of being is a life where you are constantly learning, growing, and challenging the beliefs that are thrown at you from your family, friends, community, and so on. You never settle and surrender your quest for knowledge. You always fight to learn more,...

Entry 379 - Quotes From The Kybalion Part 2

But the Hermetic Teachings go much further than do those of modern science. They teach that all manifestation of thought, emotion, reason, will or desire, or any mental state or condition, are accom panied by vibrations, a portion of which are thrown off and which tend to affect the minds of other persons by "induction." This is the principle which produces the phenomena, of "telepathy"; mental influence, and other forms of the action and power of mind over mind, with which the general public is rapidly becoming ac quainted, owing to the wide dissemination of occult knowledge by the various schools, cults and teachers along these lines at this time. Every thought, emotion or mental state has its corresponding rate and mode of vibration. And by an effort of the will of the person, or of other persons, these mental states may be reproduced, just as a musical tone may be reproduced by causing an instrument to vibrate at a certain rate —just as color may be reproduced i...

Entry 378 - Quotes From The Kybalion

The Hermetists believe and teach thatTHE ALL, "in itself," is and must ever be UNKNOWABLE. They regard all the theories, guesses and speculations of the theologians and metaphysicians regarding the inner nature of THE ALL, as but the childish efforts of mortal minds to grasp the secret of the Infinite. Such efforts have always failed and will always fail, from the very nature of the task. One pur suing such inquiries travels around and around in the labyrinth of thought, until he is lost to all sane reasoning, action or conduct, and is utterly unfitted for the work of life. He is like the squirrel which frantically runs around and around the circling treadmill wheel of his cage, travel ing ever and yet reaching nowhere—at the end a prisoner still, and standing just where he started. And still more presumptuous are those who attempt to ascribe to THE ALL the personality, qualities, properties, charac teristics and attributes of themselves, ascribing to THE ALL the human emotio...

Entry 377 - Poetry: The Fire Within

10/2/20 The human mind I cannot understand Why lovers come and go like sand Why a heart beats for another while not for the other Why some lock eyes and others leave with a sigh Why the earth is filled with numerous tears Yet the kingdom of heaven has drawn near Perhaps the answer is within Already in us for our journey to begin Maybe life as adventure was the desire That we learn what sets our hearts afire To know our God the Creator and Sustainer And to live our lives in gratitude for the journey Rather than lives lived in chaos and worry Perhaps the true secret of all life Is that unity with God ends all strife

Entry 376 - Secret To Life

10/2/20 The secret to life is seeing yourself in everyone, and seeing everyone in you. It's hard to not have empathy when you see yourself in their pain, when you see yourself through their actions, and you see yourself through their struggles.

Entry 375 - Living the Law of One Quote

"You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light; light/love. You are. This is the Law of One. All of the major world religions have a mystical aspect to them which proclaims an underlying unity to the creation. Many also have a dogmatic aspect and this aspect typically divides people into believers and nonbelievers of that religious dogma. This division, if unaccompanied by tolerance, encourages the faculty of judgment and also, ultimately, conflict. The believers judge the non-believers as unworthy and in need of correction. When two religiously oriented nation-states choose to act out this lack of tolerance, Crusades and pogroms can occur. The ideology of “true believers” makes it harder to create a peaceful world." - Living the Law of One

Entry 374 - Quotes From Aaron/Q’uo

10/1/20 “Observe the self that is fearful with a great deal of kindness and compassion. Then this solid self is no longer the one who is giving or clinging. Then the heart knows what to do. The fear does not automatically disappear any more than our would-be guide on the top of the mountain loses its fear when it says, “Follow me,” and takes the first step. The fear may be immense. That is just it! If you were just spirit, Pure Spirit, giving or leading people down the mountain, there would be no fear and there would be no challenge. The challenge is not to be fearless. The challenge is to bring love where there is fear.” “The work is to cease to fixate on getting rid of anything, such as fear, jealousy, greed, or anger, instead working to draw all of these emotions and the causes for them into the loving heart. Then you can watch these patterns come and go in yourself. A loving heart knows what to do. As Q’uo said, the brain stops directing the show and the heart becomes the ruler.” “...

Entry 373 - Everyone Projects In Some Way

10/1/20 If you realize everyone is projecting in some type of way some part of themselves onto you, you’ll stop taking things personally. People project their mood onto you. People project their ideas of who they think you are onto you. People project their judgments of you and others onto you. People are not only projecting their life onto you, but through their projection of their inner reality, they are creating a very specific outer reality and affecting others through their creations as well.

Entry 372 - Relationship vs Reality

10/1/20 I think Osho tries to put less emphasis on labels and symbols and more emphasis on the reality that the label is trying to convey. So it’s a given we are in relationship to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE around us because we are all IN God and God is IN all of us, but the reality is deeper than the word “relationship” used to convey a deeper reality. The word "relationship" can only do us so much justice to the ultimate reality that cannot be fully comprehended by a word pointing to a reality. For example, that word can often convey a relationship between someone outside of us and might accidentally cause us to view ourselves as “outside” or separate from God when that’s definitely not the case. What does it even mean to say I have a relationship with myself? That would be strange because we don’t normally use that word in such a way. So, the point is, there are natural limitations each word has based on the definition and context it’s normally used within that language. Tha...

Entry 371 - Quotes From Awakening Intelligence

10/1/20 “Please, Sirs, don’t merely listen to words and don’t be carried away by them; explanations, definitions, descriptions, are not the fact. The fact is your life, the fact is whether you are aware of it, and you cannot be aware of it through the speaker’s words, which merely describe your condition” “You don’t have this time-space interval when you have deep physical pain, you act, you don’t theorise, you don’t quarrel about whether there is Atman or no Atman, soul or no soul, you don’t begin to quote the Gita, the Upanishads, the Koran, or the Bible or some saint. Then you are face to face with actual life. Life is that movement which is active, the doing, the thinking, the feeling, the fears, the guilt, the despair—that is life. And one has to be intimately in contact with it. And one cannot be intensely, passionately, vitally, in contact, if there is fear.” “Fear is what makes us believe, whether our belief is in the ideological community of the Communist, or the theocratical ...

Entry 370 - The Dangers of Patriarchy

10/1/20 I think men are used to benefiting from an already unequal system that benefits men more than it does women because of the religion that was first built off of a patriarchal system. A patriarchal system is set up in such a way to give men more precedented power in jobs, family, and so forth because it’s rooted in one sex having more precedence than the other simply by the system that was set up and chained into religions that supported the inequality of sexes. For example, many old religions were highly patriarchal, placing men above women and reducing women to property of men. Women were oftentimes reduced to objects that were bought from their parents and could be returned if things didn’t go as planned.  Women had fewer rights than men and were oftentimes less protected than men. If women rebelled against the inequality, they were either stoned, punished, or done away with by the religion. There was no acceptance by these patriarchal religions for an egalitarian system b...

Entry 369 - Go Within

10/1/20 There will be people who resist you because they do not understand you, nor do they understand themselves, nor do they understand the reality that we are all one.   There is a chasm set forth between them and others that must dissolve before acceptance can be transmuted. Then through that process, they will understand the interconnectedness we all share. That which dissolves the chasm is love. The secret is to go within with this love and embrace every part of who we are with this unconditional love.   By doing this within ourselves and sharing it with others, we help others start the process so that they can do it within their own selves. Hate, division, separation must constantly be alchemized into love through love. One dissolves all negativity with the light of love until all that remains is one.

Entry 368 - Religions Teach Projections

10/1/20 Statistically, it is shown that religious people tend to use their critical thinking skills less than non-religious people, and there’s a reason for that. If you are in a religion that requires you to believe something is true, your continual membership banks on the fact that you believe as everyone else does. When you stop believing it, things become awkward because the whole meeting could revolve around that particular way of believing. Secondly, I think many religions teach people to project their glories and terrors outside of themselves and see themselves as victims of life. They see anything bad as coming from Satan and his minions, and anything good as coming from God and His angels. I’m not saying that is or isn’t true, but my point is they remove any possibility that they are potentially responsible for the events, the people, and the hardships in their lives, and instead see themselves solely as victims to everything outside of them. This type of thinking is incredibl...

Entry 367 - Two Types of People

10/1/20 I hear all these posts about, “Oh, the elites this and the elites that,” and I would say… What elites? There are two types of people: People who serve themselves at the expense of others, and people who serve themselves and serve others for the benefit of all. The first seek to control, use, and enslave for their own selfish benefit, and the second seek to accept, free, and love for the benefit of all mankind. The reality is, regardless of what group you may fall into, we are all still one. There is no true evil, just mass delusion and insanity from hurt egos, and people trying to stop the insanity from spreading. Even though the service-to-self group is in a state of delusion and insanity, we are all still one, and the only way to dismantle their insanity is to love the crap out of them.

Entry 366 - What You Take In Represents Your Within

10/1/20 What you take in is what you become. The friends you take in are the friends you become. The events you take in are the events you become. The environment you take in is the environment you become. The food you take in is the food you become.  You and everything around you is a reflection of one another. You are intrinsically linked to your outer and inner reality by the choices you make. Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. If one is inside, you can be sure one day it will be manifest.  How you see yourself is manifest outwardly. How you see others in manifested outwardly. If you love or fail to love, that is seen outwardly. If you hate and participate in cancel culture, that is a reflection of your inward reality.

Entry 365 - Quotes From Awakening Intelligence

10/1/20 “One feels there is absolute goodness, not as an emotional concept, but one knows, if one has gone into oneself deeply, that there is such a thing: complete, absolute, irrevocable goodness, or order. And this order is not a thing put together by thought; if it is, then it is according to a blueprint, but if it is imitated then the imitation leads to disorder, or to conformity. Conformity, imitation, and the denial of what is, is the beginning of disorder, leading ultimately to what may be called evil” “KRISHNAMURTI: Knowledge, thinking and ordering the thought as ideas. So we are asking: is virtue the outcome of planning? Obviously it is not. The moment your life is planned according to a pattern then you are not living, you are merely conforming to a certain standard and therefore that conformity leads to contradiction in oneself. The “what is” and the “what should be”, that breeds contradiction and therefore conflict. That very conflict is the source of disorder. So order, vi...

Entry 364 - Dualistic Thinking Influenced by Christianity

10/1/20 The reason I don’t believe in Christianity being inherently and infallibly true as a religion straight from God is because, rather than the religion helping my fellow Christians to heal, the religious doctrines, leaders, and authorities have used the scriptures to justify their anger, rage, and "I’m right, you're wrong" mentality that I’ve seen within these religious circles. Christianity, without a doubt, added fuel to the fire of a dualistic perspective, which is responsible for millions of people being killed in the name of God. The "I’m right, you're wrong" mentality can be seen in almost every aspect of a person’s life who decides to take any dogmatic doctrine to heart and believe it as much as they believe there is a Creator. Since many denominations in Christianity have an intense fear/guilt/shame complex in order to keep people coming back to the religion to feel safe and saved, people hide behind righteous anger whenever they can just so the...

Entry 363 - Insight on Judgement

10/1/20 However, with enough awareness, one can catch these unnecessary egoic mind patterns and let them pass by. Not refusing them nor accepting them, but letting them pass right through. As they go in, they come right out.  There’s no sticking. There’s no identifying. There’s simply a movement of a train of thought that goes in and comes right back out. The secret is nonattachment and recognizing that those thoughts don’t belong to you, but belong to the ego. Those thoughts are just as false and unreal as the very ego itself.

Entry 362 - The Gospel of Jesus Interpreted Pessimistically

10/1/20 I think the problem with interpreting the gospel of Jesus to mean we must convert people to be saved is that it makes a division between "us" and "them," the saved and the unsaved, rather than seeing everyone on their own unique journey back to God. For example, by emphasizing you are guilty of sin, and you should feel shame for your sin, so you need to believe how we believe for God to save you, you first make salvation conditional on a belief system. But the problem with that is beliefs and thoughts are constantly changing. Beliefs about things are like symbols of symbols and could vary from person to person. For example, the way you envision the Trinity could be much different than how someone else envisions the Trinity. You could both envision the Trinity very differently, but to say that how you SEE the Trinity or BELIEVE in the Trinity qualifies you for heaven or not makes your belief in that which you have never seen contingent on how you believe in t...