Poem in the Darkness of the Night

August 18th, 2023

When I stand outside in the darkness of the night

I’m subtly reminded this home is not my own

Its peaceful trees are someone else’s seed

It’s land the expression of another man

I know this is my last incarnation here

And if feels bittersweet to behold it as a mirror

But I can’t help feel like a foreigner in this body

Still an amateur in my own unique hobbies

I sit I stand, I get up and command

I tell this body to do this, do that, don’t forget to crap.

Then I retreat back into a deep state of Me.

And it all folds into one thing.

Relentlessly it becomes like the wave of a sea.

How interesting it is ‘to be.’

I will miss this Earth and all its inhabitants.

But I know that this is not the time to write death notes.

But to write the future and what it holds.

But as of now I can’t help but feel both dead and alive

For meditation deconstructs linear time and replaces it with concentric rhymes of life

It unveils the behind scenes of this mysterious cosmic dream.

The earth then enfolds around my being

My being embraces her like a sheet

Such a strange feeling.


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