Entry 232 - New Experiences


I think the biggest thing that is keeping people from new experiences that are different from what they already know is their inherent fear of the unknown. If someone is afraid of the unknown, they are more likely to cling to the habits of life, to the automatic pilot of life. Their body craves feeling, touching, hearing and experiencing the same things because within that they feel a protection around the known. 

However also within that known there is little to no growth, staleness, predictability, and an automatic response to life. When your body gets used to doing certain things, it strengthens the neurons and the connections around that thing until you no longer consciously do it, but your habits literally become an unconscious byproduct of your waking life. Instead of you ruling your mind, your mind rules you with what it already knows. 

The known is led by the known, and that safety feels reassuring. However, when one makes peace with the unknown, and they are constantly forcing themselves to get out of themselves, they are forcing new neural network connections, new ways of thinking, new challenges, new failures and new successes. They are growing exponentially and experiencing a shift in reality. They are no longer stagnant, but dynamic.


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