Entry 219 - Creator vs Christianity


I think what's hard about Christianity is it can potentially feed into our weaknesses and insecurities by saying "oh you're not enough", or "you're broken", or "you're sinful" and then Christianity will try to fix you, the broken project. 

I USED to believe that narrative, but now I don't because I believe the truth is, God is already within every single human being. He is everywhere and in all places, in all creation. There is no where He is not. You don't need a special connection from some priest to be one with God, you already are one with God. The very fact that your soul is immortal is proof that you are connected to the Source of immortality, God. 

Christians try to sell it like "Oh I'm going to give you Jesus, and you'll be fixed" but in actuality they're selling their religion, their beliefs, their community, the whole entire package to you. They want you fully connected, fully invested, fully part of their community and if you don't fully buy it and go fully in, then you feel this guilt because you aren't meeting their expectations of what you need to go from broken to redeemed. Even though their whole goal is for you to say a little prayer to save you from the default destination of all who didn't say the prayer (eternal hell) their actual end goal is for you to be dedicated to their religion in its entirety.

Before, when I thought I needed something outside of me because that's how I was trained to think by Christianity, but now I know everything I need is within me because God dwells within my heart. Before I thought I was broken, but God whispers to me, I've always been complete. Much of Christianity says you need our beliefs to be saved, God says I am Your salvation and you always will have me. Christianity says you're a sinner, God says I see a forgiven and loved child of God. Christianity paints God as giving up on a majority of His children to eternal damnation, but God is the truly merciful, benevolent, caring Shepherd who will go to the very depths of Hades to save that one lost sheep, how much more would He go to the ends of the Earth to save everyone who is lost? Does that picture of God match the one where He just let's a majority of people burn in hell?


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