Entry 1,414 - Entry 1,431

Entry 1,414 - August 12th, 2022

If only religious parents spent the same amount of time studying how to be good parents as they did studying their religion’s textbooks, we’d have many more parents ready to raise children in a healthy environment.

Entry 1,415 - August 14th, 2022

My failures will eventually culminate in success in due time.

My will is so strong that no amount of failure could ever deter me from accomplishing my goals. I wouldn’t allow it.

Entry 1,416 - August 14th, 2022

I learned more in two conflict resolution classes hosted by my university than I did attending a Christian church for 20+ years. Mainstream Christianity’s church is where you learn about the religion, but professionals within their respective fields teach verifiable lessons pertaining to everyday situations and circumstances.

Churches can try to teach these lessons, but often, religious learning is mixed with faith-based practices and beliefs that discourage critical thinking and analyzing information objectively. This perpetuates a harmful cycle of cognitive dissonance in a person’s learning.

In my opinion, it’s better to eliminate any ideas, beliefs, or ideologies that promote harmful cognitive dissonance and to promote well-thought-out, tested, and verified learning measures that don’t create inner turmoil or allegiance to a specific religion's belief system.

Entry 1,417 - August 15th, 2022

The problem with social media is that people are much more likely to have the unwarranted audacity to say hurtful and harmful things to others online because they think they can get away with it. Maybe at first it seems that way, but in reality, the universe never fails to send you the hate you send to others. It’s a law we call reciprocity, and it’s always working, day and night.

It’s strange how bold people can get, saying the most messed-up things to others they don’t even know, while hiding behind pictureless accounts with strange names to conceal their identities. It’s almost as if "going anonymous" and harming others has become a bizarre trend among internet-prone generations.

To combat cyberbullying, I think we need to give people more control over who can comment on their personal profiles. If we do not want negativity entering our space, then individuals who use harmful language like “kill yourself” should have their profiles permanently removed from the platform. No strikes—they’re just gone. Cyberbullying is a form of emotional abuse and harassment, and people need to be held accountable for their words, whether spoken in physical or digital spaces.

Entry 1,418 - August 16th, 2022

The interesting thing about the arts is that we create rules in language that can differ based on each point of view. We create standards and boundaries out of words that originally had none, forcing others to adhere to particular ways of approaching scenarios.

Entry 1,419 - August 17th, 2022

When I want to reconnect with myself, I’ll blast a song with good vibes and affirmations and meditate deeply on the lyrics. Then, I’ll imagine my little self, “Kyglo,” swimming in my Bigger Self. I call this "swimming in my essence." It’s extremely soothing.

Entry 1,420 - August 18th, 2022

Each person has their own version of base reality within their noggin. Their outer reality is painted by their personal subjective interpretation and then stored in memory for later retrieval.

Entry 1,421 - August 19th, 2022

Everyone comes with their own downfall embedded in their package of experiences called “life on Earth.”

Just as no one escapes death after being born, no one escapes downfalls after experiencing a rise.

Of course the universe was lonely. Why else would it conspire to explore an infinite number of variations of love, if not for a desire to experience love?

Doesn’t love look forward to experiencing itself through another self? Isn’t the epitome of human experience found in the relationships that shape us? Isn’t love what we all desire deep down behind everything we think, do, and say?

Love is the foundation of desire. Those who demonize desire are still confused about what love is. Even misguided desire is a step in the right direction because it respects the call to experience, even if it’s temporarily misaimed.

All games within matter are elaborate side quests that eventually lead back to the main way. Matter creates limits, limits create resistance, and resistance fosters resilience to find love in ever-deeper ways.

The desire to love and be loved is another experience that is just as valid as experiencing love alone. They both have their own unique lessons to pass on to us as humble teachers. Both remind us of our nature and of everyone and everything else’s nature. Both teach us lessons in fullness and emptiness, of noise and silence.

But beyond the dualities, love is just love. Perhaps from our perspective, if you were to take away the dualities, it would feel lonely. But loneliness is another valid experience, just as experiencing the company of others is.

If you can find the love in the loneliness and the company of others, you are learning to appreciate the rhythm of love in all its facets. You are no longer miserable over that which you create aversion toward.

Rather, you open your arms to all experiences, or lack thereof, that come your way. For you become a physical form of an endearing essence that never ceases to be.

You magnetically pull the entire world into your loving embrace. The birds, the bees, the three-year-old geese come flocking to you like flies buzzing toward the brightest lights. You emanate such a glow within your heart that it mystifies the nature that surrounds you.

As you go about your day, you silently hum the silent song alongside nature all along. Then you’re finally in on the inward secret: that we have always been that which we seek—love expressed so uniquely.

Entry 1,422 - August 20th, 2022

Maybe my opinion of them is keeping me in bondage to the version I created them to be in my head. If that’s true, then the way to change the world is to change one’s mindset about it. Self-improvement becomes the work of every individual because all things are interrelated with one's personal growth.

Entry 1,423 - August 21st, 2022

Many religious denominations steeped in dogma fear what they unknowingly pursue. They demonize the rise of energy, creating a macrocosmic cycle of shame that stops them from experiencing heaven on earth through the silence of introspection.

Entry 1,424 - August 21st, 2022

The limited religion made around Jesus will die, and a new one will be born again. Unfortunately, many issues will remain unresolved until they’re addressed in a way that makes everyone feel loved and seen.

Entry 1,425 - September 10th, 2022

Lack of sex education for youth causes extreme harm. Because many religious communities separate from society and do not educate their followers or provide healthy and safe outlets for sexual release—meaning outlets that do not harm themselves or others—numerous religiously oppressed men go out and rape animals and their siblings.

Religion is not the ultimate blame. At the end of the day, each person is entirely responsible for their actions. The outer environment can amplify the inner environment and vice versa, but the person still chooses, regardless of what their religion has or has not taught.

Addiction to religion is another issue at hand. Having too much cake is bad for your health, but having a little is fine. People who are addicted to cake are more likely to cause an imbalance in their health. Similarly, addiction to religion is another harmful imbalance, in my opinion, but it goes unnoticed because religions encourage that addiction, as it benefits the religion—even at the expense of the person addicted to it.

Entry 1,426

The Kriyananda dude demonizes sensual pleasures of sex in his writings, which, to me, is more dangerous than just letting it be as it is. Sex is a transfer of energy from one physical body to another. Technically, everything is a form of energy transfer, so why do we suddenly demonize it when it’s more intimate?

Talking on the phone to your grandma in jail is an energy transfer. Karen yelling at the poor dwarf trying to walk her dog is an energy transfer. You and your friends cuddled up on the sofa watching Scary Movie 3 is an energy transfer.

Instead of allowing everything to be as it is, Kriyananda creates unnecessary limits on the enjoyment of sex and demonizes it, which, in my opinion, helps no one.

It is not sex that should be seen as "bad," but rather one’s relationship with sex that can cause harm or healing. It is not energy transfer that is “bad,” but rather one’s relationship to it that can cause harm or healing. The more imbalanced and addicted someone is to anything, the more likely they are to harm themselves through that relationship. This applies not just to energy exchange in sex but also in friendships, partnerships, and society.

The more balanced someone is within themselves, the more likely they are to exude healing properties to themselves and others, regardless of how intimate or not the energy exchange is. It’s tiring to hear the same fear-based rhetoric from religious groups demonizing sex rather than seeing it as one of many normal facets of life.

Entry 1,427 - August 22nd, 2022

The number of times I’ve come across religions demonizing desire is far too many. Personally, I don’t think it’s beneficial to equate “desire” with “addiction.”

Yes, people can desire, but demonizing the entire action of desiring creates unnecessary tension within the self. It causes an unhealthy relationship with the word that is not necessary.

I personally believe desire is what propelled us into this physical reality. If we had no desire to experience love from another self’s view, why would we be here in this physical reality? Is not love the treasure we seek and the answer to who we are?

Addiction to physical sensations is an entirely different matter. Addiction lies in the realm of craving and stems from feeling unhappy or unfulfilled within oneself.

Someone may want something, but I argue that any initial addiction comes from a part of us that is not truly aligned with our eternal essence.

Essentially, the craving or want could be a reaction of what many call the ego, which is built to crave anything made from temporary substances that will eventually cease to exist in form.

The ego’s dissatisfaction with life—its unhappiness and sense of lack—is the root cause of addiction.

Desire in accordance with our essence is to feel and give love in all imaginable ways. It is sacred. It is unique, and the ways to experience love are endless.

Desire is simply the part of us that propels us toward love. It is a part of the essence of love, and love is endless.

If that is so, then any desire to experience illusions is a grand illusion because our actual nature is never truly unhappy.

Our true nature does not depend on outward stimuli to provide abundance or happiness.

In the very essence of our true nature, everything in love is available, open, and one with us. And if you are one with everything, what could make you unhappy?

I hope more of us, from all walks of life, stop demonizing a central aspect of our nature. Desire and love go together. Separation and addiction go together.

Yes, you can experience love through separation, but separation is not the cause of love. Yes, you can experience desire through addiction, but desire is not the cause of addiction.

Entry 1,428 - August 23rd, 2022

I feel like an ample amount of my Higher Self has been integrated into my body, so I feel like I’m often in communication with other people’s Higher Selves that predominantly live in other dimensions of reality.

Entry 1,429 - Moving Ahead of the Illusion:

There are people who don’t use the physical reality as they expected to before incarnating. They think that by telling people it’s an illusion, it will somehow save them. However, uprooting people’s base reality as a false reality can do more harm than good if they are not ready for that information.

The reason we have a base reality that we universally agree exists and is real is so that we can have a physical experience that is "playable."

If you’re constantly walking around rejecting reality and calling it false, you’re interposing your opinion when other people might not want to hear or accept it. Maybe they spent most of their life not trusting base reality, and you just made it worse. Or maybe they suffer from psychosis or dissociative disorders, and you triggered them into another episode.

To say seeing the world as an illusion is necessary to "wake up" is ignorance. People don’t need to do anything they don’t want to, nor is every belief beneficial at the time you consider it beneficial.

You have to respect that everyone experiences "enlightenment" in their own unique way. Your version might not be for everyone, and that should be okay with you. If you don’t like when people try to force you into the image they molded for you, then you shouldn’t try to do that with their personal enlightenment journey.

If they invite you to share your opinion on reality, then by all means, share it. But don’t force it on them. We’ve had enough religions doing that throughout the centuries already.

Entry 1,430

A large portion of my Higher Self (6th density) feels integrated within my body while in this incarnation. Because of that, I can see things in meditation clairvoyantly and relate to them in ways that are more expansive than I have been able to in the past.

Entry 1,431

There’s a difference between spiritualizing life by moralizing and immoralizing daily matters and living life in such a way that uproots preconceived notions of what is considered bad and good by the religious.

One approach intends to force morality into life inorganically, according to the groupthink of the religious group, while the other intends to live life more freely and harm-free, according to universal principles of life.

The latter does not mean living life without morality, but rather living beyond the cut-and-dry staples of what each religious group considers moral and immoral.

The latter means going to the essence of what true morality points to—whether someone’s actions cause harm or healing. It does not seek to go beyond that universal essence of morality.

It does not puff up the essence with unnecessary doctrines and concepts that clutter and confuse the mind.

It does not go beyond the essence to instill unnecessary fear, guilt, or shame.

It teaches, but within the scope of the present moment. It does not drag out punishments from past actions that require more harm. It creates a loving environment for one to learn, and then it moves on.

Spiritual or religious morality that goes beyond the essence of asking, “Does this harm or does this help?” creates more concepts, and concepts create unnecessary limits.

The obvious essence of murder is that it hurts. It doesn’t take an intelligent mathematician to know that. Spiritualized or religious morality gives clauses and reasons to see an immoral action as a moral action based on a mental concept or belief they subscribe to.

They might say, “Well, God told us to kill you all because He said it’s OUR land, not yours.” And so, to them, the belief to harm becomes a moral obligation in the sight of their belief. See how beliefs outside of the obvious essence of “Does this harm or does this help?” create unnecessary confusion and pain?

In this case, it is better—or less harmful—for someone to be an atheist because they are much more likely to see things as they obviously are, rather than as a devout follower of a religion who uses the mental concepts of their religion to steal, kill, and destroy.

Atheists and agnostics are less prone to this sort of spiritual and religious manipulation of morality. That’s an obvious given. They are not peer-pressured into submitting to the groupthink of religious beliefs of morality that rest on baseless facts, supported by leaders within that religion, because they already question the validity of each religion based on universal principles of reality.

Atheists and agnostics are much more likely to question the status quo rather than give up universally understood morality for a religious group’s idea of morality. So, in short, be more like atheists and agnostics when it comes to morality. Stop believing in these religions’ puffed-up, dirtied versions of morality, which cause people to commit heinous acts of harm in the name of their religion and their God.



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