Entry 1,382 - Entry 1,387

Entry 1,382 - August 26th 2022

Those who believe they need shrooms to ascend and reach enlightenment are those who are still in the cycle of assuming salvation is outside of them. That is no different than someone who states you need Buddha to be saved, that you need Yogananda to be saved, or that you need Jesus to be saved. 

It assumes salvation is outside of you in a form rather than realizing that the ascended masters—those who were truly enlightened—tried to convey, as clearly as possible, that salvation is a matter of going within. Salvation is a matter of remembering you never once weren’t saved. What is one of the quickest ways to remember this?

In a state where one experiences the inverse of space-time. Instead of using one's senses, which are focused on a world where space is infinite and time is linear, one focuses with their inner senses in an inner world of time-space, where time is infinite, and space is linear. 

Time experienced in this modality allows one to essentially speed up or slow down their capacity to generate inner awareness of their self-remembrance. It cuts straight through the illusion into the inclusion of all. Going within is not essential for enlightenment because one, by virtue of being The One, is already enlightened. Rather, I see it as a fast pass towards remembrance.

Jesus pointed to himself as salvation because he understood that he was connected and one with God/Source/I. If Jesus didn’t believe we all were connected and one with God/Source/I, then all of his teachings would be divisive, and his whole point of first coming to the Jews to help heal them would make no sense.

They would be divisive because it denies a connection between within and without by saying salvation is only found outside of you and in something or someone else. It’s a separatist doctrine based on elitism because, in order for one to be the Savior and everyone else to be the saved, there needs to be a barrier of separation, or else no one would need someone outside.

If the barrier is an illusion, then one realizes looking within and without are simply shifts in a perspective of The One. Salvation is essentially an aspect of where you look and when you look. Yes, perhaps shrooms could save some, but to deny your own power to "save yourself," which is essentially the quest of realizing you are already saved, is to deny that inherent oneness. 

If believing in Jesus’ divinity helps you surrender, which helps you feel and believe you’re saved, then yes, it could be very beneficial for your spiritual progression. But also, believing in that barrier where he alone can save creates unnecessary tension, fear, and turmoil, knowing a majority will burn in hell for not believing in Jesus because they "failed to believe like you did."

Jesus made it clear he came first for the Jews because he wanted to help each of them go within and find the heaven therein. It was never his intention for people to create a cult of worship around his name and to erect an idol of himself as a means to God. Plus, he knew that would definitely not work for the Jews because they were against worshipping men, even if they declared to be one with God.

But just like many throughout the centuries have misunderstood the great sages in the East and West, such as Buddha and Jesus, they also misunderstand the route to salvation and enlightenment by assuming these great masters pointed to outside of them as salvation.

Did not Buddha advise to meditate and go within and save oneself? So why do so many people relentlessly beg Buddha to do the work for them and save them? Did not Jesus say that the kingdom of Heaven is within? So why do so many relentlessly beg Jesus to do the work for them and save them?

Why are people using shrooms and thinking their salvation is through a poisoned mushroom rather than through their ability to go within and find the heaven therein?

Entry 1,383 - August 27th

I’m listening to Kriyananda talk in these tapes in order to get Kriya Yoga, and I can’t help but let out a tiny laugh. This dude says the funniest stuff and makes rules out of no rules. There was one time where he criticized people who didn’t sound smooth in their voice as a given that they are less on the path of realization.

That the more charming one sounds in their voice is proof that they are doing the work. Although that may be the case for some people, it most definitely is not the case for all. Making such a generalization and applying it to everyone can lead people to susceptibly believing that anyone with a charming voice is closer to self-realization. However, we have data and evidence that there are serial killers, psychopaths, and sociopaths who were incredibly charming, who had very great-sounding voices, but they used their charm and voice to manipulate and hurt others.

So it rubs me the wrong way that this is a rule he has placed on his followers. On top of that, since many of his followers believe he is holding higher vibrations of love and light than them, as he spent more time with Yogananda than many of them, they are more likely to take his opinion as from God rather than from a human imbued with good choices and obvious mistakes. 

He was still in the human form when he said all of this, so realistically, not everything he says is going to be 100% full of divinity with no distortion, which goes for everyone, including myself! Let’s stray away from assuming someone is self-realized based on how charming their voice is. That’s ridiculous.

He also opened up in Weeding Your Garden of Self-Realization with how an angry woman would come and sit down for meditation and that you shouldn’t do that. But does this guy not understand what meditation is??? Sometimes I wonder if he just talks to talk because I can find so many low-hanging fruits of obvious contradictory teachings easy to pick off and show the irrationality in them.

Meditation BRINGS UP all the anger, all the suffering, all the good, the bad, the ugly from your psyche. If you meditate, it is inevitable that your subconscious will bring stored emotions from past events to your conscious to be dealt with. Telling people not to be angry while they meditate doesn’t make sense because eventually, the emotions from within us will rise up either while we are not meditating or while we are! That is the cleansing process of the meditative practice.

We learn over time that the present moment is the great dissolver of misery from emotions that have not yet been dealt with. Anger is not bad, and to paint it as such can cause many to repress their anger, which defeats the point of meditation! I feel strange vibes when I listen to his stuff. Of course, he is not fully one way or the other, but I think his way of thinking can be detrimental to many if they take his words as straight from the lips of God.

Entry 1,384 - August 27th


Specifically, in 55.3, you can see what constitutes a negative or positive polarization. The desire for control, an unequal distribution of wealth, and control over others negatively polarizes people. Is it not interesting how Abraham saw those things within the deal with the god who presented himself as the Creator and then was bound to serve this entity once their contract was finalized with blood? Did not this entity use those selling points as a way for Abraham to essentially sell his soul to do what this entity required of him in order to get what he wanted from this entity?

Entry 1,385 - August 27th

Everything has a level of fluidity. For that is the nature of reality.

Entry 1,386 - August 28th

Law of One Excerpt from I Am Ra:

18.5 Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here from Jim that I will read verbatim: "Much of the mystic tradition of seeking on Earth holds the belief that the individual self must be erased or obliterated and the material world ignored for an entity to reach 'nirvana,' as it’s called, or enlightenment. What is the proper role of the individual self and its worldly activities in aiding an entity to grow more into the Law of One?"

Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity in this density is to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.

The orientation develops due to the analysis of desire. These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of love/light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience. We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming of any desires, except to suggest the imagination rather than the carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it, of those desires not consonant with the Law of One; this preserves the primal distortion of free will.

The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action creating difficulties in balancing in the time/space continuum. Overcoming thus creates the further environment for holding onto that which apparently has been overcome.

All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity, and in experiencing, in understanding, in accepting, and in then sharing with other-selves, the appropriate description shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to distortions of another which may be more consonant with the Law of One.

It is, shall we say, a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire. It must instead be understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience, which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other-self.

Entry 1,387 - August 28th

When you reach a certain level within your evolutionary progression to the point where you stop feeling intense cravings or aversions towards entities or material possessions, you reach a place of cessation of egoic wants for commonly held third-density-related desires.

When this cessation first hits you, it may feel sort of like existentialism, but it is not the true self’s existentialism—it’s the ego’s. You’ve taken the time to strip all the shiny toys away from the ego so that it has nothing to grasp. Not only that, but you’ve stripped the ego of grasping at the spiritual traps of addictions and aversions found within those belief systems, such as manipulation, control, fear-inducing tactics, etc.

You’ve also kicked your ego into the back seat and placed your higher self in the center of your being, allowing it to overflow with its essence. This is a humiliating spot for the ego because it realizes it can no longer easily trick you into identifying with its vices and believing they are your own. All of its tricks have been emptied out of its illusory pockets. It is completely at the mercy of your free will choice, independent of its own wants.

At this moment, you will regain a peculiar fascination with life but also a release from life’s common addictions and aversions. You no longer have a craving to use people to get to other people or to use people so that you don’t feel lonely. You are no longer addicted to alcohol, drugs, cuddling, sex, etc. You no longer display intense aversion to life forms, such as spiders that used to disgust you by their mere existence.

This can create a strange feeling within. If you no longer are constantly unconsciously identified with the ego and therefore no longer crave or feel aversion toward what the ego does, then what is the point of this physical reality? At this point, you have to reorient yourself to why you are here according to your Higher Self’s reasoning rather than the ego’s reasoning. And if your Higher Self is in the driver’s seat, it shouldn’t be long before that answer becomes very clear, especially through experience. The answer is love.

You are here to be love, to experience love, to give love, to receive love, and to find love in every little corner—every little bushel of hay, every little conversation—until you can’t look anywhere without seeing it as the inner reality of all outer reality. The period in between not seeing and seeing that can take some time depending on how soon you can accept love for yourself. If you cannot love yourself, then there is no way you will be able to accept the love outside of you in your physical environment, which is interconnected to your inner environment, called the psyche by many.

Love of self and love of others go together just like ice cream does. Though they may seem totally independent, there is a silver lining that connects them at their essence. This essence is love. When one is constantly looking for the love in every interaction, every moment, every destination, every opportunity, every job, every friend hangout session, every family gathering, even in every conflict, one starts to find the real meaning as to why they dropped into this physical reality.

This is when the game of life really becomes fun. If you are aware of the actual reason why you came to planet Earth, then you know how many unanswered questions are burned at the bonfire of satisfaction as you remember the answers to each of them. Misery has less of an impact on your life, and joy compounds exponentially at each productive search for love. It is a game that never ends, and when one finds out what the game is, it’s even easier to play it how it was meant to be played.

So many people are unknowingly searching for reasons to feed the ego what it craves or give the ego a reason to hate that which it experiences aversion towards. This is like playing the game of life with a moldy blindfold that keeps infecting the eyes. Yes, it may be “exciting” to play with a blindfold, but then the unhealthy mold seeping into your eyes and making you sick adds a component of misery to the game you play. Yes, you can still have fun… in between your visits to the doctor, but it still does the trick for many for a while. The ego gets to thrive in the driver’s seat, and you get to experience an intense ride by its moldy side. It’s neither bad nor good, just a peculiar experience of reality… dipped in mold.

Then there will be a time where you are tired of the moldy blindfold that keeps getting you sick, that keeps making you stop your gameplay to take breaks and visit doctors to have your health restored. So you finally decide to do whatever is necessary to get that moldy blindfold off of you and that notoriously unhelpful ego in the backseat. That’s a huge sign of evolutionary progression—to no longer crave that moldy blindfold. It might not seem like it because you might think, “Why would anyone want mold on their eyes?” But in reality, it is a huge evolutionary jump in one’s own progression.



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