Journal Discourse Part 63

August 28th 2022

The reason why we have so much confusion as to where we came from and where we are going is because 3rd density existence (which is now transitioning into 4th density existence due to the evolutionary jump of earth) has the veil of forgetfulness as the primary “obstacle” to understanding.

According to I Am Ra, it is our shortest cycle of incarnations, but also one of the most difficult incarnative experiences out of billions of years exploring other densities of existences. It is marked by people’s inability to remember their past lives because people are normally not accustomed to tapping into the intelligent energy that connects them beyond the space-time bandwidth perceived through the physical senses.

There are countless amounts of religions, sub-religions, denominations of religions, sects of religions because people love to explore belief systems, but each new division can further cause confusion. Confusion on beliefs, doctrines, ideologies, on morality and so much more. People don’t know who to trust so they lean heavily on the history of their people to describe their gods within their religion as the sole truth for the world.

Even though religions are the result of mankind editing their experience and recording their experience of God on paper, they still consider those experiences oftentimes more divine than other people’s experiences from other religions and even of their own lives. For if their religion is built with exclusivity and superiority at it’s core, then accepting the experiences of other people's stories with God in conjunction to their own religion’s stories, they believe will reduce the validity of their own religion. But in actuality, what it would do is simply reduce the unnecessary exlusivity and specialness of their religion in order to help open up a bandwidth of love between neighboring people.

Once more people evolve from a 3rd density paradigm to a 4th density one, the religious division and exclusivity will reduce drastically. People will see it for what it is, their religion trying to stay alive and active in the world, even if it means murdering and conquering other people from other religions that do not submit to their beliefs of choice. People will wake up to how insane this way of thinking is and if these religions do not change in their rigid and insane ideologies, they will become vacant and disposed of. This is already happening with Christian churches all over Europe and eventually in America.

People are realizing they can have a healthy relationship with God without submitting to a man in a shiny robe who stands up every Sunday persuading you to give him more money so that he can teach you what you already know deep down. Or in many cases, confuse your ideas of love by teaching you moralty in a way that strengthens the necessity of that religion. Priests, pastors, teachers do this by convincing their followers that they're inherently sinful which in turn, causes them to not trust in their connection to the divine without the help of these teachers.


August 28th, 2022

Forgiveness is the eradictor of all karma, the antidote to all perceived sin.

Resistance interestingly enough, amplifies attachment. The more you resist, the more something persists.

August 29th 2022

I promise you Jesus won’t be offended or insecure if you use his name in vain… I’m pretty sure if he performed all those miracles when he was "alive in a human body" that he’s evolved enough to not get offended over his name being used in vain.


August 30th

I don’t see the universe up against me. Rather, I see the universe happening for me and with me. It’s a symbiotic relationship. There’s a constant giving and receiving and I’ve learned to not criticize or judge one over the other, but rather to accept both as gifts of experience while I have the honor and joy to traverse this interesting land.

August 31st

So many of our movies, religions and cultures have storylines and plots centering the idea that there can only be one savior. These all reflect a majority of our preferred belief systems. Look at Christianity. They took Jesus’ message of freedom and equality of all and warped it into a religion around worshipping Jesus.

Now we have people all over the world who suffer from spiritual psychosis where they believe they are responsible for bringing "unsaved sinners" to Jesus in order to be saved, and that if they don’t preach the gospel to them, they will burn forever. Or if they're Calvinists, they have the audacity to assume God chooses beforehand those he wants to live with in Heaven and who he wants to send to Hell based on humanity's "choice" while on Earth. They give into this disturbing doctrine that God sends people to hell infinitely for a finite choice rooted in ignorance, projecting their idea of inequality onto their God rather than affirming that God will acomplish his will that "all men be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4).

The belief of the second coming of Christ was a made up spiritual phenomenon to Christianize Jesus’ original message which was that life goes on beyond the grave. They took Jesus’ message of the continual experience of the soul after death as a sign to deify and idolize Jesus’ life as the only way to heaven.

They created exlusion and illusion in the idea of a savior who needs to return in order to save. They fail to realize that this doctrine is a slap to Jesus' face because they limit his second coming within the space-time paradigm. Doesn't that sounds strange? The Son of God who showed people that you can overcome death by resurfacing after death has to come down in a human body for the second coming of Christ to be bestowed on the world?

If Christ consciousness has to be limited to a specific day at a specific time or else it will not come to Earth, then that's a strong case of limiting and gatekeeping Christ consciousness. And now we have numerous Christians waiting and expecting doomsday to reign on earth until that time. With this negative perception of the world in billions of Christian's minds, they unknowingly create hell on earth for themselves for a day that they've procured in their minds based on their interpretation of verses skewed to support their particular sect of Christianity. It's one thing if Jesus came to save the world and make everyone dependent on him. It's a whole other thing if he taught people how to be like him by teaching them how to be their own saviors and to save others. Once again, Jesus wanted us to be like him in every way, including how he helped save others with their mental, physical and spiritual ailments.

Since he did not create a divide between God and himself, even Jewish rabbis called him blasphemous for claiming such oneness with God. But these rabbis also failed to realize Jesus extended that oneness with us all as well. He wasn't trying to say "I'm the Savior you're all the unsaved and damned until I use my woo woo powers to bring you into heaven." Jesus simply stated his oneness with God and with all, and the people who opposed him were not able to grasp that realization with their intellect. He said, "The works I do you will be able to do and even greater" and "doesn't your own Scripture say ye are gods?" The separation mindset was a roadblock in divisive men, not in Jesus. The oneness he had with God is the same oneness we can experience. Jesus said he was both the Son of God and Son of Man and called us both the Son of God and the Son of Man. There should be no strange division unless humans mis-create it within religion to uphold division.

Even these Christian's bent on limiting the power of Christ consciousness to the space-time paradigm, upholding division and inequality fail to see how their supposedly “sweetest phrases” have become dipped in a poisonous blood bath of judgement and condemnation. They drop their lethal love bombs of “Jesus loves you” right after condeming you to hell for not submitting your mind to their religion’s ideologies. They say “They love you” but in that same breath, they breathe curses in their prayers to God if you deny their religion around Jesus. Or the more humble and less judgemental ones will cry over your inability to live life how they think you should live and beg God that he will break and mold you in the way they perceive is the most holiest way.

In this whole process, they fail to realize how they have lost themselves in the midst of trying to fit within their religion’s conditions. They fail to realize how so many of them have sacrificed their own acceptance to be accepted by the religion’s leaders in order to move up the church ladder. In order to be given more authority and power. To lead Bible studies. To have a lesser chance of being thrown into hell forever just in case this particular denomination of Christianity misinterpreted who gets thrown into hell and who gets the golden ticket to heaven.

It’s a dangerous game of hanky panky constantly being played for them that believe that the devil supposedly lives rent free in everyone’s mind. Their blind acceptance to the omnipresemce of the devil keeps them in a perpetual state of fear. Under the spell of delusion, they think people can be possessed against their will by demons that walk amongst us invisibly. They think God’s grace and mercy can be cut short so much so that demons, even the devil, could never be eventually saved. That even God gives up on his most lost creation, rather than saving them from the cracks of their own delusion and self-made suffering.

This pitiful image of God is backed up with pitiful interpretations and cherry-picked verses from sketchy scribes and war thirsty, pedophilic priests that reinforce God’s inability to accomplish what he set out to accomplish. Verses that say, “God desires to save all men and have them come unto the full knowledge of the truth” are silently swept under the rug as they submissively accept the fate of hell for a majority of people God created.

So sad is it that they place the blame not on God, but on the devil because accepting that their belief system makes God a failure is too much to bear. It’s too depressing to admit that a majority of people going to hell for believing incorrectly is the most embarrassing idelogy to be breathed into existence, so they masquerade that embarrassing ideology by making the devil omnipresent and more clever than any other possible creation that God could’ve created.

But you see, this belief system has so many holes in it, so much doom and gloom, that to believe in it is to accept cognitive dissonance as a paradigm strongly rooted within their current mind. They have to live day by day with opposing beliefs about God’s love, mercy and grace seen as unending and unconditional and then ending and conditional. For how could God’s mercy be endless if it ends after one dies? For how could God’s love be unconditional if it is only felt in it’s fullness by those who meet the conditions outlined by their preacher with his interpretations of Jesus’ words? For how could God’s grace be limitless if the limit is based on one's ability to believe correctly? See there are way too many avenues of incongruent and opposing beliefs that they have living in their mind, which creates so much tension, disharmony and suffering.

Not understanding that one lives with a split mind causes more than just trouble within their religion’s community, but in every part of that person’s life. With their friends, family, and even with themselves.


You don’t need to accept what ifs because they aren’t a part of your present moment. You will benefit much by learning to accept what is, for that total acceptance of the present moment allows everything else to be as it is.


August 31st

I oftentimes see the future as a labyrinth of timelines spread out in front of me, and if I can stay extremely present, then I’m much more likely to pick an optimal timeline that honors the power of the present moment rather than a timeline predictable based on my past actions.

This is also applicable to others. I see many things in the form of images and symbols given to me by other peoples subconscious in order to help them, but that isn’t necessary in all circumstances.

Oftentimes after hanging out with someone or crossing paths with a random person physically or digitally, I feel a deep feeling that their higher self is requesting energy healing.

It’s so strong, I oftentimes see their face pop up in what I call “my third eye” because it doesn’t obstruct my vision while I’m moving around. Or I’ll feel their energy close by me as if they’re still physically present.

When their face pops up in my third eye, I’ll see a version of the person I just recently saw, but in an amplified, powerful, multidimensionally way. I call this aspect of them the higher self because it tends to exhibit qualities of heightened awareness that can be categorized as more advanced or “higher”.

Then once their higher self asks me, I’ll spend time transmuting any negative energy I find from a distance and send a field of energetic love in replacement of that negative energy.

I haven’t had a lot of energy healing training, but because I meditate, I’ve remembered and because I’ve remembered, I feel as if I’ve unlocked latent abilities because I am doing things I didn’t know how to do before.

I’ll intuitively know what to do and I’ll do it on behalf for them. It’s a very profound experience to partake in, and like I said, it doesn’t happen always but when I receive the call, I try my best to answer it.


I’ve accepted that one of my primary purposes on earth to act as an activator. So when people come across me in whatever way, essentially I hope to help activate their desire for enlightenment/nirvana/heaven.

September 1st

If we had a universal base pay, then more people could have the freedom to actually do what the love, not for money, but because they love doing it.


“In larger terms, however, what you are is always vaster than your knowledge of yourself, for in physical life you cannot keep up with your own psychological and psychic activity.

You read yourselves from the top of the page to the bottom, or from what you think of as the beginning to the end. Your greater reality, however, is read in terms of intensities, so that the psyche puts you together in a different way.

The psyche does not mark time. To it the intense experiences of your life exist simultaneously. In your terms they would be the psyche’s present.

The psyche deals with probable events, however, so some events — perhaps some that you dreamed of but did not materialize — are quite real to the psyche.

They are far more real to it than most innocuous but definite physical events, as for example yesterday morning’s breakfast.

If you thought or felt in such a fashion, then you would appreciate the fact that biologically your body is yours by virtue of the mineral, plant and animal life from which it gains its sustenance.

You would not feel imprisoned as you often do within one corporal form, for you would understand that the body itself maintains its relative stability because of its constant give-and-take with the materials of the earth that are themselves possessed of consciousness.

You could to some extent feel your body coming together and dispersing constantly, and understand how you hover within it without fearing your own annihilation upon its dismantlement.”

- From Seth Speaks

September 2nd

When people search the history to find something someone said in the past to discount their credibility in the present moment, that’s like expecting people to reach standards of perfection when it’s obvious that we’re human, which means we all come with our unique mix of imperfections.

That’s the equivalent of knowing a fish swims but expecting a fish to swim and walk on land while it still has gills and fins. Those expectations are unrealistic and set that person up to judge another unfairly against standards that are already unrealistic.

The reality is we are all a conglomerate of mistakes, wins, successes and failures. Eventually we will all say stupid shit and we will all say empowering and life changing words to spur others to more harmonious action. That is the reality of the human condition. We are not merely growing and changing linearly, but concentrically. Each belief system represents a sacred part of exploration within our being that extends outwards into space-time.

We are unfolding our experience through ourselves each minute and therefore, we should focus more on where we are now rather than judging someone for saying something years ago when that’s potentially not even what they believe anymore. While that person who is judging is stuck in someone else’s past, others are living vicariously in this present moment. They are making the most out of it by being fully present and aware of themselves at that moment of power.

I encourage everyone to stay present with one another. To realize we will all make mistakes and we will all have wins, for that is part of the human experience. Though we might’ve been punished in the past for mistakes or failures, we must learn to forgive ourselves and grow from them.

Use your mistakes as the soil for a new plant to grow and thrive. Use it as a reason to improve and move forward but most importantly, forgive yourself and forgive those who judge you on your old failures and mistakes. For they do not define you nor do they define your worth.

For why would someone go out of their way and search for hours on someone to find a mistake that is irrelevant to their present moment? I understand there are scenarios and situations where it is good to be aware of certain peoples past mistakes and failures in present situations such as who to vote for the next president of the United States because it serves a purpose to help one vote responsibly.

So in that circumstance, it would be used constructively to determine or measure someone’s character growth rather than as a punishing stick to chastise and put them down for beliefs and behaviors that are no longer practiced or believed in. The two ways of using the past mentioned are on two completely different resonances.

Humanity is a messy incarnation bound to exhibit both the good and the bad. The ying and yang are both extremely present in our day to day living. Don’t be so hard on yourself, love. You aren't alone my friend. We all at times feel inadequate or less because of our mistakes and failures because we have been conditioned to fear that imperfect part of us rather than to have forgiveness and compassion for it. And even those people who take hours out of their day to search the history of people to find a mistake in order to judge them, do so in many cases to make themselves feel better about themselves. Try not to take it personally, because in most cases, it has more to do with them than it does with you.


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