Entry 1,399 - Entry 1,413

Entry 1,399 - September 2nd, 2022

Isn’t it interesting that oftentimes the thing we are most excited about, such as the unknown of a given situation, can become the thing we fear the most?

Albert Einstein once said, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know."

And what I say is, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I chose to forget." The truth is if we are one with everything, then deep down somewhere in our multi-dimensional being, we should have access to the knowledge of everything.

Entry 1,400

Christians are shocked when they find out atheists and agnostics are good just to be good. When I say "good just to be good," I mean that atheists and agnostics don’t need a reward dangled before their minds as a reason to be good—they just do it to do it.

They aren’t motivated by virgins in heaven, or even by a heaven or paradise, to be a good human being. They are good simply because they want to be good, even if they don’t get a reward for it.

To me, living life just to live is a lot more genuine than constantly living and doing things in order to be secured a reward in a place called heaven.

Entry 1,401

When we’re on the other side, find me once again so we can laugh and reminisce on all the good times. But the kick is, we’re already on the other side. If you close your eyes long enough, you’ll remember that life and death are never separate, but always unfolding.

Entry 1,402

If a group’s foundation, such as a religion, is founded on a rigid belief system, it’s only a matter of time before it will crumble and divide.

All things, including beliefs, are impermanent. Trying to create eternity out of something inherently temporary causes confusion and division.

Entry 1,403 - September 3rd, 2022

Cows are divine friends. As one grows with more awareness, one lives a life with less desire to harm and more desire to love and live alongside all things in more harmony. Empathy is something that will come. Don’t worry if you’re not there yet. It’ll come in due time. For a long time, I couldn’t tap into my empathy for animals, but I held space for myself, and that’s more than enough, especially if that’s all you can do at this moment.

Entry 1,404

Commentary on ACIM page 634

The difference between maybe someone on the other end of the veil and your own creation of a demon is that someone on the other end of the veil follows similar laws that we follow on Earth. Our laws of life might consist of gravity being a particular amount while on Earth that we all accept and that we can test as true. Or the speed of light being a fixed number from our perception as humans. These are laws that govern our life on Earth as we live.

But then on the other side, I believe there are laws of death that exist for what we label as “the dead,” even though truly they are living. The dead existing on other dimensions besides our own makes them seem dead to us, when we might easily be "the dead" to them. These laws govern their own universal laws that keep order on the other side of the veil. Yes, there are always exceptions, but for the most part, the dead will live by these laws of death.

The demons or dark angels that people oftentimes think are forcing themselves against their will into the lives of "the living" are, more often than not, their own thoughts manifesting as paranoia and fear. Obviously, since demons are not physical, it even further goes to show it’s a personal phenomenon between the thinker and the non-observed, since it’s a psychological phenomenon rooted in fear and emotional distress.

Now, I’m not saying that negatively oriented entities don’t exist on other planes or dimensions of reality, but that when people think they are in contact with them when they DON’T want to be, they most likely are not in contact with them, since it’s their free will choice to not be in contact with them.

However, if they choose with their free will to accept contact with negatively oriented entities and then enter a binding blood contract to serve them in exchange for material gain or excess children, then that’s on them. Then maybe they will be haunted by these entities if they don’t obey exactly as they promised in blood. Then yes, these entities are using them to get what they want, but that was a choice that person willingly decided, so that’s on them.

Entry 1,405 - September 6th 2022

When you join a religion, you inherit that religion's karma, just like through your genes, you inherit your parent's ancestral karma.

So within that religion, there’s a lot of forgiveness that needs to be done on behalf of you and for that religion unless you decide to lay it aside and move beyond the limits of that religion.

Entry 1,406

Many people are addicted to their religions. They try to find their salvation in their religion rather than their salvation in that which is beyond religion. The same happens within Christianity. People try to find their salvation in the teachings, beliefs, and ideas of Christianity rather than their salvation in Jesus. We save each other through each other. We aren't saved because a belief system was believed into by our minds. These people, who believe a belief system in a religion that upholds division and inequality of God and man, create more issues on the path of their evolution. They also oftentimes fail to realize that Jesus taught the law of reciprocity.

The reason why he stressed that he is salvation is because he knew that eventually, once people understood the law of reciprocity, they would realize that by him saying salvation is within him, he also meant it was also within us. That people would eventually realize salvation is a byproduct of who we are, not of something that we do.

But numerous people have twisted that into believing that the belief system of their respective religion is what saves them. The belief systems of religion are an extension of culture, traditions, and concepts birthed into existence by mankind. Religion (a conglomeration of belief systems) doesn't save people. People save themselves and save one another. They think that if they go to church four times a week, pay their tithes, and go to Bible study, they’re a good person... That they are a moral person... That they will be saved by their allegiance to their particular belief system within their religion. They believe that through doing and/or believing, they are saved rather than by simply being.

Entry 1,407

This Christian guy didn’t like how I said you can be someone who doesn’t smoke or drink and not be a Christian, and when he left my car, he tried to tell me that me not "attending church" was why I was a bad person. I didn't let it trigger me because I refuse to give him the power to bring me down, so I said, "Much love," and he shut the door with a scoff.

Ironically, most of the trauma I’ve had to heal from within my life was primarily from those who submit and serve the Christian religion. They mix and match hatred and love, judgment and tolerance to fit their ideal denomination. There’s a reason why there's a saying, “There’s no hate like Christian love,” because countless people have experienced that mix match of hate masqueraded as love. These Christians will say, “I’ll pray for you,” but in a demeaning way, as if you’re lost. They’ll say, “Jesus loves you,” because they truly think you’re lost. They’ll take a story of how someone hurt you and use it as a reason why they think you’re a bad person. It’s very intriguing the amount of trauma Christianity induces in people to the point that these things are common scenarios that I’ve come across.

The problem is not simply surface level but actually a foundational issue related to mainstream Christianity. Any Christian church that stresses the unsaved and saved is making judgment a part of its foundational teaching. Then, on top of that, because mainstream Christianity does not stress oneness with all, they believe that going out of their way and judging someone by sending hurt will not come back and hurt themselves. The separation ideology is the reason why they are so prevalent at causing division and hate, and they don’t know why. They can’t understand it, and so many of them are in a perpetual cycle of confusion, cognitive dissonance, and judgment.

They idolize Christianity and say that’s following Jesus, even though Jesus never came to create a religion; he was all about the relationship. They say they have a relationship with Jesus but then refuse to accept that they are also religious when they go to church four times a week, worship, and pay tithes. They don’t understand how it is cognitive dissonance to say they are not religious but then go to religious services that many times a week. Many of them can’t conceptualize that Jesus didn’t come to create a religion but to rather bring people beyond the limits of religion.

So when they come across a guy like me where I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, and I love Jesus, they don’t know what to think except that because I don’t submit to Christianity, I’m “lost.” They equate salvation with Christianity rather than how Jesus equated it within himself and our inherent oneness with all.

If I’ve learned anything dealing with Christians addicted to Christianity, it is the best thing to do is to love them. When they come at you with insults and judgment, just say, “Much love.” Don’t reciprocate the hate, and eventually, they’ll realize the mismatch of love and hate within their own belief system is more damaging than it is helpful. It’s a process, though, so also don’t have expectations. It took me 20+ years before I fully woke up to the mismatch of hate and love and cognitive dissonance, so I’ve come to realize each person will take their own amount of time before finding those beliefs rooted in hatred and division and the other ones that simply are irrational and contradictory.

The more love and acceptance you can hold for a person in that moment, the more likely they will come out of their own desire to harm others. Alchemizing with love is your best defense and offense to wimbly hate.

Entry 1,408

ACIM quotes

“Real love is incapable of asking for anything.”

“Sin is a mistake meant to be corrected, not an evil to be punished.”

Entry 1,409 - September 9th 2022

We fear that which we do not know until we build a healthier relationship with the unknown. I don't think particularly that we don't like the unknown, but more so the ego doesn't, which oftentimes we don't realize we are identified with. The ego hates the unknown because it is something it cannot fully conceive. It is unpredictable, unknowable, unsolvable. It fears that in the infinite unraveling, the ego's death is somewhere within the infinite's gestalt of movement.

And since it knows its days are numbered, it fears those numbers against the infinite nothingness that precedes all. Being present is key to feeling everything fully and releasing oneself from the ego's fear of the unknown.

Entry 1,410

Jesus taught inclusion, not exclusion. He taught divinity in all, not divinity in some, hence him referring to himself and others as the Son of Man and Son of God.

Entry 1,411 - September 10th 2022

Truth cannot be a belief system because a belief system can be believed in or not believed into.

Truth supersedes the mind, and therefore that is why the mind cannot fully grasp truth.

Truth cannot be multiple thoughts because it is based in oneness.

Truth cannot be apart from us, or else it would be an external phenomenon that would require belief or attachment to.

Since the nature of a belief is temporary, that wouldn’t make sense to make truth a belief.

Since attachment creates misery, that wouldn’t make sense to make truth something we must attach ourselves to.

Entry 1,412

Your brother is your savior until you learn you need no savior to save you.

Many people who still see themselves separate from another will project the idea of salvation as an outer experience endowed by a higher being.

They project the idea of salvation as a gift from outside rather than a gift found within, or better yet, all therein.

They play hide-and-go-seek with the gift. First closing their eyes, throwing the present in another’s hand, then once they open their eyes, they cry out for the gift to be given on behalf of them.

They make the road long and windy by imagining that gift so far away from their grasp because they are so sinful each and every day and that they are never worthy of its access.

In denial of their own divinity, they lose touch with their infinity. They reduce themselves to products of form and then fight to experience the limitlessness of formlessness through a higher being such as Jesus, Buddha, etc.

This projection is not necessarily bad or good; it’s just another road with more turns, chops, and hops. It would be much faster if someone took the words of these ascended enlightened masters as the signposts they were originally meant to be seen as—to go within.

It would be much faster if they heeded these enlightened masters' words by exploring the depths of their inner being to find the infinite oneness that connects us all rather than through the jungle of form.

Then they would not only intellectually believe that we are all one, but they would intuitively know we are That. They would then stop trying to seek salvation in mental concepts and labels such as the doctrine of salvation within Christendom or the label “God” and seek the truth behind and beyond all concepts and labels.

The ascended masters had to start somewhere for people to grasp an inkling of their signposts. That’s why they used mental concepts and labels their followers were familiar with before trying to take them beyond them. How is someone supposed to explain calculus to someone if that person doesn't even know how to add or subtract?

Entry 1,413

Jesus said he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him, in response to the Jews who hated his guts. Jesus was trying to tell them in another way that through hate, they will not reach the Father, which, as a label, is a signpost for infinity, oneness, nirvana, etc.

The Father is not some old man sitting in the sky punishing everyone for disobeying Him. Nor is the Father a man. The label “Father” was used in the old times because that label was open and receptive to the Jews in which most of their people followed a patriarchal societal structure.

Since many women were seen below men and as property to be bought in Jewish communities, Jesus had to find a common label where they would listen to him before he would try to take them beyond the unequal belief systems and societal structures such as patriarchy.

Because of these unequal beliefs and societal structures of imbalance, Jews at that time were less open to other labels that did not follow the pattern of their labels and beliefs. Many Jews who did follow this imbalance also failed to realize that upholding the patriarchal societal structure, the inequality between genders, and seeing themselves as God's favorites and others as God's less favorites were large reasons for any issues or problems that came about throughout the centuries.

I want to make it clear that it was not only the Jews who were upholding patriarchy and the imbalance of the sexes and other male-dominated beliefs, but many other religions from other cultures which also followed suit. Before patriarchy ruled, many were subjugated to the imbalances and pain brought forth from matriarchal societies where women were treated better than men.

I tend to focus more on Judaism because Christianity ended up taking from Judaism and creating a new religion out of it, and all of that influenced my own personal experience growing up, with some beliefs coming from Judaism and some other beliefs coming from other religions, such as Paganism.

Since many of the Jews were not open to the idea of an egalitarian society or beliefs that followed suit, they gladly embraced a male figure as God over their people. This is the reason why Jesus used their preferred signpost "Father" to reach them. For if Jesus were to refer to God as "Mother," or even as "Eunuch," there would be a disconnect.

It is also important to mention that there were other places around the world where the imbalance was tilted in the other direction and expressed as "Matriarchal societies." This is where women were seen as the leaders of their society and families, and men were seen as less, oftentimes as property to be bought. In similar circumstances, these women were not at the level to realize that this imbalance and inequality contributed to the immense suffering and pain within their society.

In regard to that verse mentioned at the beginning of this, oneness was always the foundation of Jesus’ teachings. So to interpret that verse in regard to eternal division is not only a smack in Jesus’ face, but a reflection of that person’s belief in separation being an eternal reality rather than a temporary causality.


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