Journal Discourse Part 67

September 12th 2022

Two things I noticed about A Course in Miracles is one: The channeled entity confesses that it is trying to use symbols while knowing that people will distort those symbols and two: The channeled entity is trying to use words that will not be AS distorted as they were in the past by redefining them how they were originally defined.

So it seems to me that the entity was trying to use symbols that will redirect the meaning of them within Christianity to help heal it. In other words, he’s not trying to destroy Christianity, but rather reform Christianity by properly defining the symbols after centuries of people mutating his words throughout the centuries.


There is absolutely zero secular, tangible evidence that Jesus was crucified on the cross but yet it is believed by billions of non-eyewitnesses. Even in Seth speaks, he talks about how the crucifixion of Jesus happened in the dream world, where events oftentimes can feel more connected to us than many events in the real world. But the different is, people took the symbols of that dream as actual reality and made it into something it never really was.

But since many people are emotionally connected to the meaning behind these symbols, it stuck as a morality point of interest for many, and later somehow mutated into a divinity crisis by many. The crucifix became less about showing people death can be conquered because it never was, and more about proving only Jesus' divinity and oneness with God and our separateness from them both through the Trinitarian doctrine.


September 13th

“Everything is impermanent.” How peaceful is it to know that. When I fail, I remind myself that. Six feet under or spread like dust, death is our fast pass to a fun, alternate reality. An end to the old and a beginning for the new.


September 15th

If Jews and Christians judge Satanists for making blood covenants, than they are 100% hypocrites because the roots of both religions were based on a blood covenant between Abraham and an entity that they claim to be the Creator. Regardless of if it was the actual Creator or not, their people still performed a blood covenant and blood sacrifices throughout the centuries in the name of their God.


September 16th

There are some obvious giveaways of where someone’s energy predominantly is. For example, if someone uses God as an excuse to take another group's land away by committing genocide, there’s a good chance that they are not coming from a place of enlightenment and rather from a place of selfishness.

By trying to excuse their actions of harming a whole group, they say “God told us to do so and if we didn't do it, God would hurt us or even kill us." What Creator would kill you for not killing others? Doesn't the 10 commandments say to not murder anyone?

If the actual Creator is for love and peace for all mankind to live in harmony, then that god they speak of forcing them to kill others sounds more like a war god, a lesser astral entity, their own personal excuse after a dmt trip, or even a group's rage for having less and wanting more. The fruit of someone’s actions give us a point to see where there vibrations lie.


September 16th 2022

Negatively oriented entities always make transactional blood covenants that require some sort of life taken against their will. That’s how you can tell the difference between them and positively oriented entities. Positively oriented entities have no desire to receive anything in return when they give advice, knowledge or their experience. They do so out of love and they do so by giving knowledge which is more than enough for them than receiving anything in return.

Negatively oriented entities ALWAYS go into a deal making it clear that they also get something out of it. They start the blood covenant for selfish reasons and they convince you for selfish reasons. They say, “We’ll protect your family and friends, AS LONG AS you obey me.” Or they’ll say, “We’ll give you generations and generations of children, AS LONG AS you obey me.” Or they’ll say, “We’ll help you get that land by killing all of it’s inhabitants AS LONG AS you obey me.”

They feed into your deepest cravings of what you want while on earth and require something in exchange, which most often than not is their demand for obedience in exchange for them granting your desires rooted and centered in the ego. They do so for something in return because the basis is not love, but material gain (as in the blessings that are earth related such as more kids, more land, more food) promised from their end.

Negatively oriented entities look to make blood covenants with susceptible people who would do anything, such as sacrifice innocent animals, or even their own children, to get what they want and show that they will obey the entity in order to get it. And oftentimes, these susceptible people fall prey to doing so through risky blood rituals with invisible entities that they cannot validate as “good” or “God” in order to have their material desires granted.

This creates a lifetime of submission and obedience to this entity who, most often than not, claims to be the supreme Creator and better than all other gods. (What 'supreme Creator' needs to even mention that?) If you're not racist you don't have to state "I'm not racist." Stating a statement depicting a belief that ascribes a supposedly limitless God inside dualitistic limits sounds fishy.

In my own opinion, Source/God/The I Am would NEVER ask a select group they deem as "favorites" to enter a binding blood covenant where they and Source gets something out of it. To assume Source/God/The I Am needs anything is hilarious because it already is everything! It doesn't need human or animal blood to have us obey it. Why would it even ask for that?

Any entity that claims that it is the Creator but utilizes someone's earthly cravings as a way to bind them, is tricking them. Another possibility is that person was hallucinating off of drugs, in which there is a deeper reason that comes from WITHIN themselves as to why they are experiencing that particular hallucination.

The true Source/Love/Creator would always help lead us towards grace, mercy, equanimity and peace. Once again, Source doesn’t need anything from us and would never ask us to enter a blood covenant that requires something in exchange for it's protection. To protect some but not all is not fair, and is the Creator unfair? That would go against God’s equanimity and treating all with the same unconditional love.

Pure love also gives knowing full well that in simply giving, that is all it desires. Any god that requires you to spill innocent animal blood to make a ritual promise that you will be obedient is in my opinion, an insecure god. Why wouldn’t Source already be providing that if God truly loved his creation? I believe the real Source/Creator/I Am would not stoop so low or show such obvious signs of insecurity or lack of actual love by witholding it based on no prior agreement to obedience.

Love does not pick and choose who love provides love to. Unconditional Love cannot be confined by a blood covenant. Unconditional Love would never promise some people protection and others no protection. That would mean it is actually conditional and any love built with conditions stems from the ego. Unconditional love/Source/Creator would also not use transactional materialism to rope people into obedience and then kill them when they fail to comply. Unconditional Love seeks nothing and gives everything.


September 17th

If you can visualize that the past versions of yourselves still existing and the future versions of yourselves existing, try to picture them on a timeline. Then place yourself at the center of that timeline. Now imagine there is an arrow pointing down on your present version and above that arrow it says “current awareness.”

Through meditation, you can move that current awareness to past and future versions. Your awareness is spread out to each and everyone of them, but in order to give you the illusion of a linear experience, your current awareness is what you feel grounded in through your physical reality. Even though space-time is relative, there is universal agreement of both in order for you to enjoy the linear experience.

Now if you ever meditate, the experience of your past, present, and future self are seen less on a timeline and more in the shape of a circle with the present version of you in the middle. It you were to shift your current awareness slightly ahead of you on one part of that circle, you will experience the subtleties of that other version. If you were to shift your awareness behind you on another portion of the circle, you could experience the subtleties of that version in a trance like state. Though you are there non-physically, you still sit in a meditative space physically, so it does not fully disrupt the illusion of linear time.


September 18th 2022

I’ve seen my past lives
I’ve seen my future lives
I’ve conversed with past versions and future versions of myself
I’ve experienced time as linear and non-linear
I know why I came here and I know where I can go
This is all because I went within

If you are always using your senses outwardly and you never use your inward senses, it’s like only being awake and never sleeping, but on the level of conscious awareness.

Meditation is the art of silence.
Meditation is the art of redirecting consciousness to go within to find the infinity within that links you to everything and everyone.
There lies your power. There lies your divinity. There lies your oneness.


September 20th

How someone talks about something reveals the condition of their heart.

And thus do the Bible’s authors reveal their condition through the words of how they tell their story.

And so therefore, does it reveal the condition of those who wrote the Bible.


I recently met a witch who opened about how she saw how multiple people were supposed to die and they did and “it’s not funny having this power.”

Those who try to flex on you by saying they see the future also like to drop that “they know” when the people in their life were going to die and how it is not fun. I hate to break it to them but that isn’t a big flex at all… Anyone can deduce from looking at someone’s current health, their habits, their addictions, the way they treat others, the way they treat themselves, etc, and throw a ballpark answer of when they think someone might go.

When someone likes to throw that out in the air, they’re oftentimes trying to establish their power and they are either aware or unaware of freaking people out who don’t yet see that guessing someone’s death is something anyone can do if they get enough information on that person. Now if someone were to do a reading for another person and they were to non-consensually tell them a death will happen as if it were set and stone, then their ignorance speaks louder than their words, because that is not how life works. NOTHING is set and stone. ALL things are subject to variation based on probability.

There are multiple timelines that we constantly shift to and from. The future is a probabilistic variation and at any time, someone has the power to shift from a timeline of death to one where they do not have to die. It could be because that life saving treatment worked, or they chose to listen to their hunch and not go to that party where people brought guns, but literally no single person has the say over when someone dies. I believe each person is their own master of when they die and each person is their own master when they will be born because if one truly has free will, then they must have the freedom to choose what happens to them.

A psychic or clairovoyant who speaks when they are not asked on someone’s death, especially to try to establish their “power”, is doing a major disservice and are further contributing to the reason why so many people don’t want to speak to psychics. If that information is asked for, then they can provide it. But to leave out the obvious probability component of the future is to cause unnecessary fear and anxiety. Not only that, but they are being unrealistic and harmful.


September 23rd 2022

People assume God is like man because through unconscious identification, they are temporarily like their egos.

So they make religions that reflect their current level of awareness which are based on their current level of identification to the ego.

Religions evolve throughout the centuries just as humans evolve because religions, cultures, traditions are all interrelated with humanity.

Anything born into matter is temporary like matter. Anything created from the ego is from the ego. Anything that is extended from Source is from Source.

The underlying reality of all temporary manifested and unmanifested is Love. Love is all there is. Not a boring nor dull love stemming from the ego; but a unique, ever expanding, ever eternal and ever new love that keeps life, and beyond life, exciting and worth it.


September 26th

Humanity’s general idea of free will is really not that free. They confuse believing in a limited idea that they’ve been conditioned to repeat as “free will.” Yes they may be free to operate as such, but based on the habitual operations from their past.

A better way to define it is they are repeating the past conditioned habitual responses in their present day environment until they become present and aware of themselves.


September 27th

Narration: It’s always in an interesting exploration to dive into one’s past. What does one pick to describe themselves? What does one venture in to relay important information that helps others see important dialogues and creations of the current actions?


September 29th

There are religions all over the world that started over a blood covenant or came from another religion that started because of a blood covenant. Judaism was initiated through a blood covenant. A relationship with an entity became binding in blood once animals were murdered on behalf of this transactional agreement.

Islam and Christianity came from Judaism, so it still is bound by the same blood covenant, but in looser terms. Though Jews don’t hold them to the same standards that they agreed to directly with the entity they entered a blood covenant with, their religions still submit to the same invisible entity which claims to be the Creator of the universe, but then also gets mad and kills his people instantly when they handle a physical object wrongly.

What baffles my mind is how someone can be so sure that this invisible entity that they have promised in blood to obey until their death, is the actual Creator of the Universe. How do you test an invisible entity for such a strong statement to be true or not? If some invisible entity were to come to you and claim to be God and promise to give you all the material blessings of your heart just as long you obey it, what paradigms or tests would you try to test if that invisible entity isn’t lying to you?

Many times when people are offered the materialistic desires of their heart and they feel too weak to be able to find the wholeness within to naturally attract them, they won’t test invisible entities to see if who they are who they say they are. They will instantly drop to their knees in silent submission, even if that means they become a slave to that unverified invisible entity. This can be the case of any small or large religion in the world.

My question to you is: Do you think the Creator of the Universe would ever need to enter a blood binding contract in order to protect you? In order to bless you? In order to help you get the materialistic desires of your heart fulfilled? Doesn’t that sound a little fishy to you? That the Creator of the universe would have to resort to murder of his own creation to enter a contract with us? Better yet a transactional contract?

Always test every spirit. Always test every invisible entity. Always test yourself. If you cannot outwardly test the invisible entity based on the obvious that it is invisible, test the words in which it seemingly coddles you in. Ask if these words are playing into your materialistic wants or if it reinforces your eternal nature which is forever one with God and one with all.

If it reinforces your abundance... If it reinforces your wholeness and oneness with all, then why would it be trying to get you to enter a blood binding contract where the punishment is death for disobedience when you don’t need anything because you are already one with everything? Where is the common sense in that???

Let the words speak for themselves. No need to see an entity to test its origins. Simply test the words and see if they add up to a lack mindset of control and submission or an abundance mindset that affirms unconditional love and wholeness.

After you see the the foundation of blood contracts are fear of not having, it isn’t hard to decipher between the two. The Creator doesn’t need anything from you, and you don’t need any blood to promise your abundance. Your abundance cannot be bought with blood. It is inherent in your eternal Self which is one with all. To say your blessings and protections must be bought through a transactional deal is metaphorically a slap to the face of Source. But even then, the true Creator responds to that strange belief with love and care.

The Creator responds “I need nothing from you. Please remember that you are one with me so you need nothing as well. Be well my beloved and take not a life on behalf of your own materialistic wants. Nurture the animals, love your kinsman, kill not those who inhabit better lands than yourself. Rest in brotherly love with even those who share different genetics. Put away your swords, your wars, your hatred. Know that I would never ask you to engage in murder for your own benefit of gaining land or prosperity. For when you kill another, you kill a part of yourself. You and your siblings of the stars merely existing inside or outside of form is more than enough. Materialistic desires will one day fade, but we will continue onwards in love. Rest my child in knowing we are all one.”



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