Entry 1,312 - Entry 1,334
Entry 1,312 - June 27th 2022 Insta Post
Finished my 10-day silent Vipassana retreat in North Fork, CA, and I’m convinced that the kingdom of heaven is truly within us, as Jesus said it was.
No matter what happens outside of us, if we can sustain a mindset of heaven, then no one or nothing can bring us down to feel miserable.
This is empowering and encouraging to know that we have the choice to feel heaven or hell in the midst of life’s many moments.
At this retreat, they emphasized how the root level of misery can start as a sensation on the body, either pleasant or unpleasant, and it’s most effective to deal with the problem there.
When we are not balanced, we experience craving for pleasant sensations and aversion towards unpleasant sensations.
Craving turns into clinging, clinging turns into attachment, and attachment deepens the misery felt from the further imbalance.
Aversion turns into hatred, and hatred can turn into harming oneself or others, which further deepens the misery felt from the further imbalance.
So we spent time observing our respiration or the sensations on our body in an equanimous manner, which means retraining our brain to not react with craving or aversion towards unpleasant or pleasant breathing or sensations.
When one is present, it is easier to remain equanimous. Then, when one is equanimous, it is easier to experience peace, to release the negative emotional charge of memories, the negative emotional charge from unpleasant sensations, and the craving of pleasant sensations.
I can attest that being present and aware of my respiration and the sensations present on my body have helped me.
More and more each day, I experience a peace that surpasses my own understanding, and I hope others will share in this peace as well.
It doesn’t matter if it is a retreat or not—I highly recommend simply spending time in silence for all the many fruits it offers.
Entry 1,313
Learning through association means we construct our memories by combining information that we already have within our brains. This is why, oftentimes, one particular object, song, or person will remind you of past memories, past jokes, past conversations, and past experiences.
One object, such as a hairbrush, can hold numerous amounts of associative links within it. For example, say a particular hairbrush in your room was given to you by your ex-significant other. Then, every time you see it, you think of your ex and the memories that were made with that hairbrush.
Maybe you then remember the particular memory where you and your ex took that hairbrush and acted like it was a microphone and screamed songs at the top of your lungs while hopping on and off your damp, queen-sized bed. This is how association plays a role in storing information into your medium- and eventually long-term memory.
Entry 1,314 - June 28th
Key to manifesting your ideal future:
Be in places that remind your mind that you are capable of existing in your ideal space at that time.
Entry 1,315 - July 5th
We’ve been trained by the ego to be so self-centered that whenever someone goes through something... Whenever someone is sad... Whenever someone is not talking to us or not at the top of their game... We think it’s because we caused it... That we are the source of their problem when, in actuality, most likely it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with their own personal circumstances. And relying on false assumptions creates unnecessary misery and tension when there need not be any. This is why negative assumptions are highly disadvantageous.
Entry 1,316
It’s easy once you start believing in yourself.
Self-sufficient—that’s my secret.
My biggest flex is I take full responsibility for my mistakes instead of blaming them on an invisible devil supposedly from Christianity but inherited from a pagan religion. If you don't believe me, go do some research on Christianity and Judaism.
Entry 1,317 - Instagram Post
I promise that you don’t need drugs or alcohol to experience euphoria.
Simply go within to find the heaven therein.
Through firsthand experience, you’ll see that you’ve always been euphoria embodied.
If there’s no need for euphoria outside of you, then there’s no need to crave that which you already are.
All that is left is for you to experience yourself.
Enjoy the ride. 🚊
Entry 1,318
So many people here are not really here.
These people often either look like they're fixated on something not here or like they are so spaced out they don't even seem present in their bodies.
Debra, my clairvoyant teacher, shared how there are times where she has to go find her readee because they are literally partially out of their body because it's too painful for them to be within it.
How disassociated is humanity from their bodies? How disassociated is humanity from the present moment?
Entry 1,319
Freedom from misery is no attachment to thoughts.
Entry 1,320
There’s one fast pass to euphoria and bliss, and it’s three letters long: Y-O-U.
Silence might seem boring... That is, until you experience silence stretch forth towards infinity. Then what can silence not encompass? Where is the boredom in experiencing the oneness with all?
Entry 1,321
Life is a play. We are the dancers, and life is the stage. It’s not about how good you danced, but how much fun you had while dancing. Enjoy the moment. Let it take you beyond the form to the formless. Beyond the play to the playmaker.
Entry 1,322 - Instagram Post
Does anyone find it ironic that this supercluster looks eerily similar to neurons in our brain?
There’s a Hermetic saying: “As above, so below” and “As within, so without.”
So if the secret to understanding the galaxies is understanding your own mind, we might be onto something. 🤔
Entry 1,323 - July 6th
I don’t need everyone to agree with me. That’s not the point of me sharing any message with anyone. I share to challenge other people as other people challenge me. We do not live in a world where we fight with magic, but rather we fight with beliefs. My goal is not to fight against beliefs as greedy dictators fight for land, but rather to challenge their validity. To challenge their benefits on humanity. To see how positively impacting they are on the human psyche, or how detrimental and harmful they are on whole societies.
Seven-year-old me would not have agreed fully with 10-year-old me. Ten-year-old me would not have agreed fully with 15-year-old me. And 15-year-old me would have definitely not agreed with 23-year-old me. Part of the evolution of a human soul is challenging the human soul to progress. If there was no challenging perspective, idea, belief, lesson, or experience, then one remains the same.
But just as most of us go from being the size of a basketball to dunking a basketball in a hoop, so forth, hopefully all of us will also advance mentally with our concepts, beliefs, ideas, and experiences that challenge our very paradigm of reality.
Entry 1,324
You don’t need to believe in a religion to know that one day the earth will be destroyed. That’s a scientific fact. But that scientific fact doesn't mean you can't be kind and caring to it.
Imagine someone who says, "I’m gonna die one day, so I might as well beat up my personal vessel, treat it badly, keep it dirty, and abuse it." Hopefully, that isn't you.
Hopefully, you would take care of your body and try to keep it as healthy as possible. Similarly, I hope that eventually we will all have the same mentality with Mother Earth.
Entry 1,325 - Conspiracy Theories
If you stop for a second, breathe, relax, and then once again observe the strange claims of the conspiracy theory around CERN, you will feel more at peace. You will feel more at peace knowing that the people who are leading these conspiracies are not trained physicists, nor do they have any idea what they are talking about from a physics level.
People who spread fear generate fear. People who generate knowledge and wisdom spread such. When someone tries to create an imaginary link between their spiritual beliefs and physicists studying particles—who are working in harmony with physicists from multiple nations—it becomes very clear who is the fool and who is the wise in this situation.
The fool shares baseless claims. The fool shares fear with no ability to scientifically or experimentally back up their claims. They originate with fear, and they will die with fear. The wise share claims based on evidence. They originate from countless years of experiments and testing. They do not claim to be foolproof all the time, for in human nature we are all prone to mistakes. But they learn from past failures and work towards better outcomes.
One can measure the failures and successes logically and statistically, and they help build a better picture and a brighter future of more innovative experiments and technology to help us evolve. All throughout our lives, we will play the fool and the wise in different aspects of life. Sometimes it might be trying to mix religious/spiritual ideas steeped in fear with particle physicist research that they are not trained in. Other times, it could be in other areas such as with family, other forms of education, and so forth.
No one is immune to being a fool, just as no one is always wise. Human life is a divine mix of the yin and the yang, the fool and the wise. So I pass no judgment on the person who is spreading a fear-based conspiracy theory. I feel only compassion and hope that they will choose to stop spreading their fear.
Even as much as I don’t prefer that these people share baseless, fear-based conspiracy theories, it is also not my place to tell them to share or not share their thoughts, even when their beliefs are riddled with incorrect and false information or mixed with religious and spiritual beliefs that cannot be proven experimentally.
Each is free to speak their mind, to project their beliefs out into the world. I simply hope that they heal. Once they heal, they will focus on spreading love, and they will have less of a desire to spread fear.
Entry 1,326
Some people are reflectors. Some are manifestors. I’m an activator. I remind people who they are.
Entry 1,327
Because we still work to survive, and many do not have the ability to travel the world and do fun stuff, we have compensated by creating virtual reality.
Entry 1,328 - July 8th
I find it funny when guys try to convince me that I’ll feel more bliss with a prostitute than with meditation. If they experienced what I experienced, their attempts at convincing would never leave their lips.
Entry 1,329
Enlightenment is becoming self-sufficient.
So if you really want to experience enlightenment, quit alcohol, quit smoking, quit every drug you are attached to.
Become aware of all of your attachments and cut each cord until there is nothing… not even you that remains.
Entry 1,330
Doing cool rituals and spells does not make one an ascended master.
Praying for hours on end in ways that move mountains or people does not make one an ascended master.
Using meditation techniques for months in caves and retreats does not make one an ascended master.
Nothing we do makes us what we already are. It’s what we don’t do that shows us what we’ve always been.
The telltale sign of someone who is experiencing ascension or enlightenment is their lack of belief in fear-based ideologies, their intuitive understanding of the impermanence of their life on Earth, and the infinite permanence of who they truly are.
Entry 1,331
“To do anything involves the body. And if you recognize you need do nothing, you have withdrawn the body’s value from your mind.
Here is the quick and open door through which you slip past centuries of effort, and escape from time.
This is the way in which sin loses all attraction right now. For here is time denied, and past and future gone.
Who needs do nothing has no need for time. To do nothing is to rest, and make a place within you where the activity of the body ceases to demand attention.
This quiet center, in which you do nothing, will remain with you, giving you rest in the midst of every busy doing on which you are sent.”
—A Course in Miracles
Entry 1,332 - July 9th
It’s a faster way to realization by destroying beliefs than by creating another.
Entry 1,333
Some say spending time alone is work. Others say spending time alone is euphoria.
Regardless of how you describe being alone with yourself, experiencing yourself is your description of reality.
Remove the descriptions of reality, and what are you left with? You.
Entry 1,334 - July 10th
After meditating in the guest bedroom at Andi’s, I noticed the contrast between the space between thoughts and the objects of thoughts.
Each time my mind would wander into object-consciousness (thinking thoughts), I would diddle-daddle in there for some time, then I would eventually realize I was thinking thoughts.
At that moment, I would actively switch my awareness to the space-consciousness (the space between thoughts), and I immediately felt the difference between the two.
Object-consciousness felt linear, limited, and focused on ideas, symbols, and images. There were thoughts that fell under good, neutral, and bad.
Space-consciousness felt concentric, limitless, and beyond all ideas, symbols, and images. The transcendence was beyond all feelings or sensations one could achieve through the object-consciousness.
The peace I felt was mesmerizing. The state of relaxation was beyond even a sexual orgasm. The closest experience I could link it to was a sexual orgasm that did not stop—one that continued to persist regardless of if you were touching your body to activate it or not.
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