Entry 1,297 - Entry 1,311

Here’s your corrected blog with the proper numbering and titles added for all entries:

Entry 1,297 - June 9th 2022

You are loving awareness becoming aware of itself. So the limitless experiences limits in order to experience itself as that which transcends all limits.

We are not separate because of sin. We are separate to dance from within. How much more satisfying is it to dance with someone than to dance alone? Both are valid experiences, but one presents a challenge.

When you have a partner, you have to learn how to cater to their differences... to their different movements as they dance. They might move backward, causing you to move forward.

There’s a particular challenge in learning the steps. There’s a challenge in following the tune of the music. It’s exciting to play games, and it can be even more exciting to play with others.

Entry 1,298

When I meditate, I rest in the essence of who I am.

It’s like recharging my physical vessel with the radiant light of eternal life.

Entry 1,299

We oftentimes want to memorize that which we are interested in… So we have to trick our brains into being interested when we have to memorize something we don't necessarily feel drawn to.

Entry 1,300 - June 10th

I crack up when I read posts about “how dangerous” it is to crack open your third eye, and I’m like… You mean opening your realization to the fact that we are all connected and one? If it were so dangerous, why did Jesus literally run around sharing over and over again that we are all one?

Not sure how that’s dangerous, as I would assume believing the insane idea that we are all separate and that harming someone else has no impact on oneself seems A LOT more dangerous, in my opinion.

People oftentimes only equate mental gifts to the third eye being balanced and open, but that doesn’t make much sense to me. You can exercise your outer or inner faculties of your mental senses, but exercising those faculties is not the same thing as coming to the realization that we are all one. It can help or potentially hinder that understanding, but that depends on one’s beliefs, not on actually cracking open the pineal gland.

Opening and balancing one's third eye is coming to the realization that we are all one, that we have never truly left Source/heaven, and that we are all family. It’s removing the illusions of separation and remembering the dance of unity.

Mental gifts are just mental gifts. They can happen at various levels and intensities with or without beliefs of separation or oneness, but they are not the effect of the third eye being opened and balanced.

Psychic abilities are the effect of learning and practice. Plenty of people have blocked root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye energy centers but still have psychic abilities they can use for their own gain. That doesn't mean they've opened and balanced their third eye energy center. They could very much have an imbalanced and disharmonious third eye energy center and still use it.

Realizations are not something you just merely learn. They are what you remember about yourself.

Entry 1,301

Today I understood the wind.
It had a divine mission
To point me in the best direction
For me and all others' good intentions.
I listened and flowed with its current.
I felt loving when I listened to love's guidance
And remembered the oneness we share.

Entry 1,302

This is why Gen X and Millennials don’t want to work anymore… Because the older generation is telling us how we should work rather than letting us do what we want and make that work for us.

Entry 1,303 - June 12th

 Entry 1,303 - June 12th

Everything is transmutable. Remember that when someone identified with religious or spiritual principles tries to persuade you to fear certain objects, items, people, situations, religions, etc. Everything is transmutable.

The "demons" that haunt the minds of fearful Christians are transmutable. The strange beliefs of the spiritualists that strike fear in the hearts of people over the use of fluoride toothpaste and cutting one’s own hair are transmutable.

The myriad of unverifiable, incoherent, and unrealistic conspiracy-based beliefs, such as "No one has been to the moon" or "The earth is flat," are transmutable.

The patriarchal or matriarchal beliefs about how men and women should behave in society in an oppressive manner are transmutable.

Every fear-laced belief is transmutable because you have the full power to transmute all things since you are one with everything. There is nothing new under the sun. Fear takes a myriad of forms, just as matter does. The one thing that fear and matter have in common is that they both bank on the idea of separation as being our reality in order to remain a consistent belief.

The difference between fear and matter is that fear exists in the mind within linear time and is actualized depending on each person’s surrender to the belief of harm. Matter is mind-made and actualized consistently and collectively, regardless of one's levels of fear or love.

Matter is neutral until we breathe meaning into it through our perceptions. Depending on your perceptions, you will paint it with certain ideas and beliefs that govern your personal—or lack of—relationship to that solidified object we all collectively see.

Beliefs about matter and beyond matter are subjective, but people still attempt to share them through vulnerable channels of people who subjugate themselves to that fear-based belief. Your fear is transmutable.

Matter, on the other hand, is not as easily transmutable. Yes, matter does go through a birth and death process, but some forms go through that faster than others. However, beliefs can be transmuted at a much faster rate since they stem from the mind of the beholder.

Someone could be afraid of bedsheets, and it’ll be faster for them to destroy that unhelpful fear over bedsheets than it would be to rid their whole house of the presence of bedsheets. For the most part, the realm of the mind is a faster channel of birth and death than the realm of matter. However, the realm of the mind can still be contingent on matter depending on the beholder of the belief.

Firewood can burn at a faster rate than, say, a whole planet, which is an obvious observation. A belief about firewood being evil and from the devil can also “burn” and be destroyed by the beholder faster than firewood if the person allows that belief to be.

The person who holds on to or releases beliefs is in charge of how fast they stay or leave. So, in a sense, even though it would be extremely quick to rid oneself of harmful, fear-based beliefs that stem from religion, spirituality, or even matter, people can still nonetheless hold onto them for their entire lives if they so wish.

It will most likely contribute to their misery, but it is their personal choice. It gives off the same energy as someone who wants to work their dream job in California but is in New York and is personally causing hindrances to their happiness. Instead of taking a fast plane flight to get there and do their dream job, they decide to walk that distance. Even though they hate walking the distance, they refuse not to walk, even though it is making them more miserable to do so. It’s a strange form of cognitive dissonance in the mind that is eventually seen manifest somehow through that person’s actions or reactions.

Even though, collectively, the “devil” does not exist as Paris, France does or as George Washington did, people can put themselves in a perpetual state of fear once they hear “devil” or when they dwell on the belief behind what the devil represents. Then their body will show signs of that miserable induction of misery by cortisol and adrenaline rushing through their blood. After continual repeated processes of this stress response, incongruency and imbalances in the body will result in health problems. If those health problems are not mitigated, then those health problems could transform into diseases. If those diseases are not properly mitigated, they will eventually end up decaying the body until the body eventually dies off.

The reason why we all die at different times is because of the health of our bodies, which is contingent on multiple factors, one being very much related to the amount of stress in our bodies over our lifetimes. There are also other factors, like genetics and environmental influences such as habitual drug use, alcohol, or dietary choices. However, stress is a huge indicator of the body’s decay rate.

Entry 1,304

I think that saying, “Everything is a reflection of oneself,” should be used conditionally. From maybe a God-level point of view, if one is trying to say, in another way, we are all connected, then I would say yes. We are all connected in some way, shape, or form. Without our connection to Earth, we would die off instantly. If you were put on another planet without food, oxygen, water, sunlight, or other necessities, we would undoubtedly die off. So it is a given that we are all connected to the Earth.

However, when one says that everyone is a reflection of oneself in this lifetime, I think that’s quite an exaggerated statement. How could one incarnation of us properly reflect the myriads of different people that are around us? If that statement is in reference to reincarnation and how we have lived many lives, many potentially similar to the people that surround us, then I could see how that could be applied… But… To a point.

Even if we are all reflecting each other, we are still all unique in our own ways. If we are merely just a reflection, then what are we? If we are all reflecting unique ways of life, then we are life, but we are also unique in our expression of that life.

So don’t let someone use that statement to belittle you. If anything, see it as one way to express our connection to one another, but also as a reminder that we are incomparable to others because our lives are too unique to be condensed into a refectory comparison of another unique soul.

Entry 1,305

Mother Earth is saying:
"Please, please stop. You’re killing me and everything that relies on me."

Entry 1,306

I’ve noticed it is hardest for white men to see the God of the Bible as anything but how a white man would see it.

They literally project ideas of him as a monarch, as a ruler over all, as superior to all, from the lens of a white man who is like that.

When they read Jesus’ words to be like him, they think that by upholding the patriarchy and subjugation of women, they are being like God.

Entry 1,307

If only people knew what I saw when I meditate… They would never sleep on it.

If I tried to tell you, you might not believe me...

We are all portals to everywhere. I don’t need a black hole to go somewhere crazy. I just meditate, and I’m there.

Entry 1,308 - June 14th

For all we know, Earth could be a cell in another body just like our cells are within our body.

Entry 1,309

If you see your fears as a challenge accepted... as places of growth... as experiences that shaped and molded you into a more experienced individual... Then you'll see your failures as your successes. You'll rewrite your memory with gratitude and growth. You leave pessimism at the door.

Entry 1,310

I was shown in my mind a picture of a body. When one part of the body is hurting, say like a broken bone, it doesn’t mean every single bone will automatically become broken. Yes, the whole body may suffer in different ways (the body needs to rest, that arm is inflamed, etc.), but it doesn’t mean every part is impacted in the same way.

Similarly, the US nuking Japan is like breaking a bone in the body that they are part of. It doesn’t mean other bones will be broken (the US nuked), but it does mean for sure that we all will suffer for a part of the body hurting another part of the same body.

Entry 1,311

I felt like I became my own cell's savior by projecting a cell image of myself into my body during meditation and telling my body cells everything that I wish I could to help heal them. I literally talk to my cells as a projected cell to help heal myself.

I also had the thought cross my mind… What if, just like our cells are part of us but are also free to be themselves, we are part of the planet and are free to be ourselves? And the planet is part of a galaxy but is free to be itself. Therefore, there is an infinite expression of individuality within forms of all shapes and sizes.



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