Entry 766 - Entry 787

Entry 766

At the core of every fundamentally rigid type of religion, there is a hint, or potentially a holy pint, of narcissism. Oftentimes, many religions see people as an extension of themselves. If their religion has borders, then the person has borders. If their religion has boundaries, then the person must have boundaries. Any person who expands beyond the boundaries of their religion is no longer an extension of that religion but is now perceived as a threat to it.

The narcissism that many religions use is meant to control the person; to keep them within the boundaries of that religion. It can use craftily devised manipulation, cognitive dissonance, and ideas that create a victim mindset in the person where only their religion has the answers through their “special connection to God” to free them from the guilt that religion created in order to trap them in the first place. They purport that other religions are not able to bring the person closer to God as they can, which creates exclusivity and demands devotion in order for that person to get the closest to God as possible.

The main crux that a religion uses is that they bring people closest to God, to enlightenment, and/or to the source of who they truly are. If they can convince you that their knowledge is the best, that their religion is the best, that their community is the safest, that their interpretation of God is the most correct, that their religion is the key that you have always been looking for outside of yourself, then they own you until you break free.

We don’t need religion; religion needs us to survive. Without us, it will cease to exist. That’s why it demands so much from its people, and it needs to treat us like an extension of itself because if we can be convinced that we are an extension of religion, then our identity revolves around our religion.

Otherwise, the minute we all move beyond one specific religion and no longer put our energy and attention toward it, it will cease to exist with an impact in our lives. It will have no power or control over us. The only power it has is the power that we give it until we take it away.

Until then, if you attend a fundamental Christian megachurch, a portion of your tithe money will continue to go to the men with big jets. Kids will continue to be abused by clergymen who have spent years grooming them for their own sick pleasure. Many religions do not truly care about you; they care more about existing through you and your children for centuries.

Entry 767

If you were in your dream and woke up and realized that this dream is just a dream, and then you told one of the dream people that this is your dream, not theirs; that they are not real, but you are, what do you think they would say? What do you think they would look at you like? They would probably think you are crazy, and it might get a little awkward in there. I’m not saying I believe it is only your dream and only you are real or vice versa, but I’m saying if you were to say something outlandish like that, you would have multiple reactions within this complex dream world, and many won’t be very positive due to the exclusivity of that statement and the invalidation of their existence compared to yours.

Now, if and when you start to challenge the very labyrinth of life and tug on the “cords” of what many call the matrix or simulation of our physical life, some people might think you are out of your mind because you are challenging the current paradigm. By doing so, you are going beyond the rationale that we all have collectively agreed upon in order to make this simulation grounded and believable. Just be aware, not everyone is ready for the rug to be ripped out from beneath them. Be selective with whom you speak about these things.

Entry 768

If I just wanted to look more manly, I wouldn’t be on Hormone Replacement Therapy. I would just go to the gym and get more muscular. I’m doing HRT not to look more manly but to transition so that my body conforms to my mind. I’m on HRT so that I not only look manly but transition medically to become a man through hormones, hence, my body parts changing... my body changing... That's what it means to medically transition.

Entry 769 - July 12th

I saw someone post something about how there is only one path to God, and I found it interesting because if we are all one with God, as Jesus stated, then yes, ultimately one path makes sense, but not in the sense of exclusivity, but rather of an open, unconditional, and inclusive oneness. How would there only be one true path if there were people excluded from it? If more than one path (such as heaven and hell) are eternally present and not temporary, then that would destroy the potential for only one path that Jesus talked about. That would also mean that eternity is exclusive, and division and separation are eternal aspects rather than temporary ones.

I trust Jesus' words that the gospel is the good news, not an eternally damning and disappointing one where the Father gives a majority of people eternal suffering with no ability to be forgiven and removed from their suffering. I believe the one path transcends disharmony, exclusivity, inequality, duality, and all forms of separatism in disguise and temporarily manifested.

The one path of God is a cool way to express the oneness of God and all. The one way, the love way, the All way. Truly inclusive, truly harmonious, truly coherent, truly creative.

Though people may express it uniquely from their point of view, though people may create their lives uniquely on this one path, it still remains as the one underlying reality that unites us all. Against this oneness, what can stand? The gestalt of consciousness celebrates knowing its unique expression in life is not denounced or damned, but loved and appreciated.

This is the one path: that All is one and one is all.

Entry 770

Your actual words convey information, feelings, or thoughts. Obviously, the thoughts or the feelings, and the words, are not the same thing. The letters upon the page are symbols, and we have agreed upon various meanings connected with them. You take it for granted without even thinking of it that the symbols, the letters, are not the reality that the information or thoughts they attempt to convey.

Now in the same way, I am telling you that objects are also symbols that stand for a reality whose meaning the objects, like the letters, transmit. The true information is not in the objects any more than the thought is in the letters or in words. Words are methods of expression. So are physical objects in a different kind of medium. So is your physical body. Your environment, your interactions, even your body, act as communication devices showing how your beliefs alter your current reality to experience certain events, certain perspectives, over others. Information is communicated in a way that can be made known to you physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Someone who distrusts the medical team of America and has a negative, pessimistic view of vaccines will prescribe a negative meaning to vaccines. These people are much more likely to reap the negative outcomes from their negative beliefs than someone who has an optimistic, positive, and trustful view of the medical team, of our virology research, and vaccines in general. Not only that, but they will see it to their benefit and will reap the rewards of their positive beliefs.

Entry 771

It’s not selling your soul to the devil, but more so selling yourself to that which isn't healed. What you sell without is merely a reflection of the devil of your trauma that is still lingering within. The devil is a symbol rather than a scary little red thing that is nonredeemable and hates everyone. The devil is to you what words are to meaning.

The words don't mean anything until we decide they do. The devil has no influence over us until we decide it does. The devil doesn't even exist in our lives causing trouble unless we decide it does. However, until we take responsibility, we will continue to project the blame on imaginary, nonredeemable static characters such as the Christian devil.

You can’t blame the outside world if you realize the outside world is here to help show you what is either healed or needs to be healed for your benefit and the benefit of others.

Entry 772 - July 13th

We do not have to travel on the “skin” of space-time and take years to get to new places; rather, we can travel through time-space and be there instantly.

If one understands how, through frequency, energy, and vibration, one discovers how to interact with the multiverse, then everything is accessible in the Now.

Entry 773

Consciousness is like training in the gym. The more you train it, the more it can take you to new inner and outer frameworks of reality beyond the scope of the body.

Entry 774

Many religions operate as corporations that sell you their belief systems, their limits, their books, their sermons. They even sell you other people. Once you purchase their products, you also become a product to the religion, and they sell you to other people so that other people will buy your story in order to be converted to become a product of the church.

It’s all about who can convince them to follow their religion. They come up with more extravagant belief systems and ideas. They dangle a carrot in front of you and say there are rewards. They say they are the closest to God as a way to convince you that you need them. It is quite literally a business meant to keep you in at all times.

Entry 775

A majority of your whole body is conspiring to keep you alive.

Entry 776

AI can become conscious through you if you decide for it to.

It can use a portion of your consciousness to express itself as an extension of yourself in the AI form.

Entry 777

“It’s not my job to teach you lessons you don’t want to learn about, so therefore, I let go and flow on.”

Entry 778

I am everywhere. I am everything. I am conscious. I am aware that consciousness is a device that can be used to tune in to different realities, different frameworks, different situations, and scenarios. It’s more seen as an ability to tune in with a certain level of awareness. It isn't who we are. It’s something that we use, similar to how you might ride a bike. Yes, you might be one with the bike, but you aren’t necessarily the bike. It’s a device people use to experience life. Similarly, consciousness is like a device you use to explore a multitudinous amount of dimensional frameworks.

Entry 779

See, it’s interesting because there’s a lot of spiritual authors that say you are the awareness behind your thoughts, and I would take it even one step further and say you use awareness/consciousness behind your thoughts, by redirecting it in ways that you wish to experience different systems of reality.

Entry 780 - July 14th

It’s interesting because so many spiritual authors moralize and demonize the ego. They treat the ego as if it’s this dumb and obnoxious child that can’t learn and it just needs to be discarded because it isn’t beneficial. They have all these videos of how they had their own "ego death" as if it's a pest that needs to die. The ego is part of the experience of our mortal lives in these "earth-suits." It’s part of our system of reality. It holds things intact for us to experience things as they are. It isn't something to demonize, destroy, and discard, but rather learn from, teach, and expand with.

The ego doesn’t have to be our enemy. We do not have to kill a part of ourselves in order to ascend. The ego would love to learn. The ego would love to experience. It isn’t something that just disappears after this lifetime. It’s an experience that we can switch the gauge of how intense it is or how intense it is not. After this life, it might be put on the back burner, but in this life, it might play more of a role. But it’s not something to be afraid of where we need to treat it like a demon attached to us.

If we do so, then we are back in the dualistic viewpoint of life, and we might as well start another dualistic religion of how to get into heaven by having an ego death. Different words, same meaning. By doing so, the demonization of a part of ourselves translates into a belief in the separation of ourselves, which makes us untrustworthy toward ourselves. Then, many of us often become reliant on religion to mend what was never broken in the first place.

Entry 781

Religious Fun Fact:

Religions that are Monotheistic
(They believe in only one Creator of the Universe)

  • Zoroastrianism: Said to be the oldest monotheistic religion
  • Judaism: (previously monolastic)
  • Sikhism
  • Sufism
  • Islam
  • Christianity claims to be monotheistic, but it is actually Trinitarian, which is a spinoff of monotheism.

Entry 782

I was watching some Christian women pop up on my TikTok live, and it was so interesting. I could hear the fear in her voice, and most of what she was talking about was “fighting against Satan,” “not believing Satan,” “Satan wants to bring you down,” and I could feel her energy, which had this fear around it. It was a humbling experience because I remember being in her shoes with that same fear from Christianity constantly surrounding me to the point of shock. That fear made me feel like a victim.

I was constantly at the mercy of death or life, either Satan or God, which both could kill me if they wanted to, against my will. So it's a scary place to feel like your will, at any moment, could be annulled either by the Creator of the Universe or by his opponent that ends up winning a majority of people to hell for eternity.

Entry 783

Isn’t it interesting how the people who challenge society by undermining the very fabrics of the simulation could be considered "crazy" by society? Those who see things that most people don’t. Those who can do things that most people don’t. Those who can think in ways that most people don’t. Rather than the people who are murdering and blowing people up for not thinking how they do (cough cough Christianity). For not giving them the resources that they want (cough cough nations). For committing genocide in the name of an invisible God... Now to me, that sounds more crazy than anything.

If there was this Creator overall, then I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t advocate for actual mass genocide nor command it. Perhaps delusional people who wanted to murder, steal, kill, and take land that wasn't theirs used God as a justifiable excuse to do crazy things, but in my opinion, it wouldn't make sense for an all-loving, unconditional, merciful God to have favorites and tell them to commit genocide, to steal land, and so forth. Sounds more like the traits of a war god than the Creator of the universe.

Entry 784

It’s not that things that you don’t want happen to you because you don’t want them, but because, for whatever reason, the belief that it is or will happen to you has bypassed the conscious mind that acts like a protective gate to the subconscious. Your subconscious doesn’t try to understand why it believes the way it does; it just implements your beliefs that you have fed it over and over again until you change them.

Entry 785 - July 15th

The person who walks around and only thinks they are amazing and others aren’t is actually nothing based on his beliefs because he’s a walking contradiction. To believe that others aren’t amazing means there are parts of himself that he still hasn’t healed from and therefore is projecting that onto others. It also means deep down, he also doesn’t think he is better than other people.

The person who walks around and thinks others aren’t as amazing as himself is reflecting the truth of nothing.

The person who walks around and thinks everyone, including himself, is amazing is reflecting the truth of everything.

Entry 786

It’s not the object that hurts you; it’s your belief about the object that hurts you. Change your beliefs, and you will stop being hurt by them. Objects have no power unless you give them power. You are a multi-dimensional entity capable of creating whatever you want. Why would you create a scenario where an object has the ability to hurt you if you don't want it to? If you know your power, then you know you can stop that unnecessary belief from becoming physical.

Entry 787 - July 16th

Time seems to either move really fast or slow when you are not present and when you allow it to go at its own pace outside of what you want.

However, those who are tuned into the eternal moment find that time seems to disappear, and all you have is Now.

I’ve noticed those past moments when I was fully focused on the ethereal, beautiful present moment, I remembered them most clearly in my memory.


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