Entry 730 - Entry 737

Entry 730

This is the master secret... This is what we all know deep within but chose to forget in order to play this game we believe in:

We create it all.

We give meaning to the meaningless.

By being, we give meaning.

From our eternal existence, we create all ideas, concepts, belief systems, stories, legends, myths, religions, societies, and so forth.

All of the above, below, and beyond that we create will only exist as long as we choose for it to because since it was created, it can be destroyed.

Since we always are, we are Being Itself; therefore, we can never be destroyed.

That’s the secret.

Nothing matters until we decide for it to matter. Until then, it remains meaningless until we breathe meaning into it.

Entry 731

In my opinion, I believe there is the most societal benefit to being androgynous for the following reasons:

Women are more likely to feel safe and comfortable and less suspicious of whether you have a motive for speaking to them.

Many times, they have their guard up, rightfully so. They are not sure if a man wants something from them, is trying to flirt with them, and so forth. So, many times they don’t engage as deeply as they would with their female counterparts because they are not sure of the male's motives for engaging in a conversation with them.

Women are much more likely to trust women than most men due to the collective discrimination and oppression they both have to deal with in society. That understanding and collective suffering naturally bring a group of people together because they can empathize with the pain they have felt by being discriminated against or oppressed because of their gender.

Therefore, if one is androgynous, women who see more female within this human will feel naturally safer and more comfortable from that perspective.

From the perception of males, androgynous humans also benefit in these ways. Oftentimes, I've noticed that there are many men who do not engage or seek out talking to women without a specific motive. Many times, it’s not just to be a friend with them, but often they seek out a friendship with the desire to be in a relationship.

Entry 732 - June 9th

The only thing stopping anyone from anything is their limiting beliefs. The minute they release their limiting beliefs and take back their power, that thing that they were afraid of is no longer something that can threaten their existence. This is because they realize that nothing actually has the ability to threaten their existence unless they choose for it to. However, even if they choose for it to, it is an illusion because they are indestructible in their life itself.

We are so much more than this body, and they can choose to allow it to limit them or not. They can believe that it has the potential to hurt or even kill them, or they can choose not to believe that it has the potential to hurt or kill them because they choose for it not to be able to do so.

So when people are worried about planes crashing, that is most likely a limiting belief about their current scenario. It doesn't mean it is impossible, for all of life carries some sort of risk, but the intensity of the fear creates unnecessary stress and anxiety, which is much more likely to hurt your body than you actually crashing every time you go on a plane.

Or when they’re worried about a vaccine being able to hurt them, that is because of their limiting beliefs. Again, no part of life is without risk, for we constantly flirt with death. But you dying because of COVID is statistically more likely than you dying from a vaccine. So I recommend getting educated with the facts, stats, and peer-reviewed articles by medical experts to help dispel unnecessary fear regarding vaccines and consult other experts about other fears that are triggering intense and unnecessary anxiety. Ultimately, you either choose to be in control or give your control to things that truly do not exist. At the end of the day, it’s your choice.

Entry 733 - June 9th

See, if I decided to create a religion out of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you couldn’t tell me it’s not true because it’s not your experience, and there’s no way to validate the Flying Spaghetti Monster besides my word versus your word. And since I have a personal relationship with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but you don’t, you can’t tell me it’s not true because they both rely on faith.

However, the minute that same logic is applied to your religion, you say it’s not the same thing. Well, here’s the reality: I’m creating history, memories, and moments with my belief and experience of the Flying Spaghetti Monster just like they did in the Bible with their God, so it is the same thing. The historical events happened for both of us, regardless of whether God could be proved or not, in the same way I am experiencing events with my Spaghetti Flying Monster.

Also, these events are happening in history for me as well. Therefore, you cannot prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist to me because you can’t see it. See, that is the same exact logic with religions. We both have a belief in an invisible deity with no verifiable evidence. We both claim it has a name. We both claim it has the power and ability to influence and affect our lives by either obeying or disobeying it. But we have different experiences of it relative to our own lives, project a certain history of it, create a relative personality of it, and establish it with a name for distinction.

Then you might claim, "Well, in the Bible, there are events where that God won over other gods and God did things that people couldn’t do, such as win battles." Then I would say, "Well, see, but the Israelites won battles and also were defeated in battles, and the reason they said they were defeated was because of themselves, and the reason they won was because of God. So isn’t it interesting how I could do the same thing, and you cannot verify my claims about it either?

I could say when I ‘win battles’ against others, it’s because the Spaghetti Flying Monster helped me win those battles, and when I lost any battles, it was because I was disobedient to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and deserved to lose. It was never the Flying Spaghetti Monster's fault; it was always my fault, and any victory was always his victory. I can apply the same logic that you apply to your invisible deity to my invisible deity, and you can’t say it’s not credible because I’m using the exact same logic. That’s understanding through association.

Entry 734 - June 9th

A healing mantra to help you take responsibility and regain your power to change your life:

I chose this body.
I chose this life.
I chose this reality.
I chose this strife.

Entry 735

I know one thing that would’ve helped me out a lot is talking to other trans people, but I was scared that people would judge me for it. Now, if I have any advice for those who don’t fit the heteronormative binary: join a group. Maybe you’ll meet other asexuals who just wanna cuddle. Maybe you’ll meet pansexuals who you can relate to.

Who’s going to know? It’s online. Then eventually, you’ll realize if a community makes you feel bad (such as an exclusive anti-anything-that-doesn’t-fit-a-binary church) for having an inclusive community, maybe that wasn’t the type of community you actually wanted to be a part of.

Entry 736

I’m finally free from one religion... Why would I go through all the unnecessary effort to be enslaved by another one?

That’s like the equivalent of taking all your time and energy to study the wrong material for an exam and still leaving with an F.

In the grand scheme of things, an A or F won’t matter; it’s merely an experience. However, that time could’ve been used to get an A if you wanted to experience what it was like to get an A. You didn’t have to essentially waste your time to get something you never wanted unless you purposely wanted to waste your time, then go ahead. Everyone is different, but for me, I would consider it a waste of energy to spend years reconditioning to each religion religiously, only to decondition from it once more. I will gladly learn about each, but there is no reason for me to serve with my whole being one religion after another when I can invest that precious time and energy into fulfilling my life purpose.

Being conditioned and confused by society and religions by them telling you who you should be and who you shouldn’t be isn’t necessarily wrong in the grand scheme of things, but if you’re trying to ‘wake up’ to who you truly are in this life, it certainly won’t help with that goal. You’ll be expending energy in an experience you don’t want to experience. Instead of getting that A (finding out who you are), you are experiencing getting that F (living life believing what other people say you are). Obviously, each religion varies, but I speak from my personal experience.

Again, this is neither bad nor good; both are merely experiences we all throw ourselves into at one time to experience it. Just be aware of how your energy is expended and if it’s what you want to experience right now.

Entry 737 - June 10th

I’m starting to see how religions are created as I watch spirituality on TikTok. I'm seeing new branches of spirituality start to blossom into organized belief systems with definite leaders who carry their messages with such authority, saying their messages come straight from Source.

Was this not the beginning of Judaism? Of Christianity? Of Hinduism? Of Islam? Of Sikhism? That the origins of their religions were not from man, but from God? And how with spirituality presented on TikTok, much of it has developed right before our eyes as a new belief system masqueraded as not a belief, but a reality? Not from man, but from higher, more credible, more enlightened sources that bestow their channeled messages through our vessels because we are sadly still unable to know simply by ourselves?

After years of conditioning from many religions, so many of us unconsciously nose-dived headfirst to be reconditioned, re-indoctrinated into a new belief system we denied as religious, but rather ‘believed’ to be spiritual and free in nature, called “Spirituality,” only to find out we found ourselves in another group with a new set of preferred belief systems, new leaders of the movement, and new groupthink to follow.

Here are some of the new beliefs from this “Open Spirituality that is so not a new religion”: “Don’t cut your hair! It’s an antenna that will help you become more spiritual.” “Don’t use lotion; it’s bad for you!” “Don’t eat this or that; it will hurt you!” “Don’t listen to this music; it will lower your vibes!” “Don’t get this vaccine; it is bad!” “The government doesn’t have our best interest in mind! We can’t trust them!” All this fear-mongering, fear-based beliefs from a new set of leaders of a new movement.

Uprooted from their old beliefs to perpetuate and try to project to the masses their new preferred belief systems. Many of these people say they are only for spreading love and light but are even more seeped in fear, guilt, and shame than many of the older religions. Same meaning, different words. My favorite is, “How ridiculous is it that they expect to be safe by having a Bible in their room," meanwhile, they expect all their crystals to keep them safe and of high vibrations. I'm not saying crystals aren't good; I'm merely showing how ironic it is that they judge someone for their belief when you can switch out the word “Bible” for “crystal” and see that they have the same intense reliance on them as the Christians do for their book.

True freedom goes beyond limiting belief systems, beyond fear-mongering, beyond danger calls from higher light beings from faraway galaxies. True freedom recognizes the truth has always been within us. Anyone who is trying to make you believe you aren’t capable of comprehending the truth within you because you have too much trauma in your body, too many shadows in your body, is seeing you how other religions see you—in the sphere and perspective of duality.

In truth, nothing can separate us from what we inherently are. We are Love, and Love has no boundaries, no borders, no us vs. them, no belief systems. Love simply is, and for many people still trying to perpetuate duality, that is too boring for them. No limiting and fear-based belief systems to play in? No enemies to battle? No people to hate? No conflicts to resolve? To them, neutrality is too boring. Love is too boring. Peace is too boring. People yearn for that which they have the most within their beings. People yearn to be placed on a pedestal to feel more special than others. People yearn for recognition as the person who helped “heal” them. People yearn for duality until they outgrow duality. Until they stop getting deterred by shiny little toys that end up doing more harm than good.

People who truly want to heal, who truly want to make a difference, will no longer perpetuate a dualistic and fear-based belief system with no credible, verifiable evidence that perpetuates and prolongs fear, guilt, and shame in one’s own heart where they feel they need to rely on a special leader on what to believe to heal. The person who truly wants to help will spread the simple but most profound message of the omniverse: that Love is. Not merely "Love wins," because that still perpetuates the idea that duality is more than a temporary reality by implying there is an actual enemy of Love, but that Love was, is, and will be before duality even became an experience. That Love sees no boundaries from its view because boundaries are temporary.

Love is and always will be, so you don’t have to worry. Only free yourself. That is the message. Go within to free yourself. Stop relying on people to do the work for you. Have fun, explore, and free yourself. No one can do it better than you can because no one knows you better than you do, as you do, as of right now. So go, enjoy the journey within. I promise, you can do it because you are the promise that did it and can undo whatever was done since you came before and will continue forth onwards for eternity. I simply remind you of that which you’ve always been deep within. I am not a leader to you, not a prophet to you, but a reminder. A friend to walk home with you. A buddy to laugh with you. A brother to hold you. I’m here not because you need me, but because Love is an experience we love to experience. I am here to remind you that at the end of the day, Love is.

To be honest, I don’t fully understand what Love is, just like I don’t fully understand the universe. It’s a mystery that I am still exploring, but what I do know is that we are and we love, and to me, that is more than enough to get me to go explore. Don’t take my word for it, just explore for yourself. Religion has its own journey, and so do you. Find your own path and your trails. Experience your own challenges. Conquer your own "shadows." Find the infinite light within and let it lead you deeper into the reality of what Love is. I promise it will be fun. :)


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