Entry 738 - Entry 754

Topics: Christianity Thinks For You / Questioning Religion / Our Egos Like Limits / Unconditional Love is Most Rational

Entry 738

Three problems with Christianity:

  1. A majority of Christianity is taught to think for you.
  2. Christianity can make it hard for you to see the differences between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy, codependent, and emotionally abusive relationship because many denominations of Christianity utilize the latter to keep you coming back.
  3. They don’t show you the facts or the unbiased version of history. They only show you what they think will benefit the spread of their religion, even if it's detrimental to your own life.

Entry 739 - June 10th, 2021

One of the primary reasons I have seen why people are afraid to question their religion, afraid to walk beyond the boundaries it imposes, is because they haven’t done enough research on their religion for it to lose its ability to hold them according to irrational beliefs that cannot be validated. Or, if they allowed their followers to study their religion, it was from a biased point of view authorized for study within a seminary or church setting.

They primarily only looked at the history, research, and apologetics that supported its existence as valid and from God. If they ever did bring up a view not authorized by the church, it was quickly “rebutted” to help the flock keep the faith. The leaders themselves are too afraid to look at all perspectives. They are too scared to consider the connections and associations to other religions. They are too afraid to research the events in the Bible to see if we have any actual viable evidence that they happened. They are too afraid to see if any of the passages are contradictory or irrational from the basis of science.

They are too scared to look into the epistemology and understanding of words and how, as centuries change, the meanings of words often change quite extraordinarily. (In barely over 100 years, the word ‘gay’ went from meaning ‘happy’ to someone who likes the same sex. Just imagine how much the meaning of ‘salvation’ and its connotation has changed over thousands of years!) But see, so many Christians are scared when they don’t have to be. Doing research on one’s own religion from all points of view should be liberating! It should feel freeing! The more you know about what you subject and submit to, the better you will be able to see if it’s truly worth your precious time, especially if the main reason is fear of being thrown into hell for eternity.

The more you learn about one’s religion from all points of view and all areas of study, the more you realize that it was ridiculous to allow a system of thought to bend you to submission through fear. That fear is the glue they use to keep you a servant of that organized religion. Fear is the glue they use to convince you that what you’re doing is spreading the gospel rather than colonizing groups by giving them a new ideology and way of life that is foreign to them. Fear is the glue that religions use to make you obedient to them in the name of God.

If they can convince you that your obedience to the church is your obedience to God, then they have you wrapped around their little finger until you choose to do the research. So please, for your own sake, do the research! Look into the infallibility arguments, the fallibility arguments, early church history, the doctrines of the devil and eternal hell, and where they first came from (hint: it wasn’t from the Orthodox Jews). Look into comparative mythology, Serapis Christus, and other connections to other religions. Look into the crusades, colonization in the name of God, and once again, the change of doctrine and the change of words and their meanings over thousands of years. Don’t stop until you have a balanced view that is fair and neutral. Then see if fear can keep you glued any longer to a system of thought you have done your research on.

Entry 740

Associations reveal the connections people deny to create superiority over other belief systems.

Instead of demons in Christianity, it’s negatively oriented aliens in spirituality. Instead of angels in Christianity assisting us on earth, spirituality has angels as well as spirit guides. Instead of praying in Christianity, it’s manifesting in spirituality. Instead of a devil outside of you in Christianity, spirituality teaches about the devil within each of us. Instead of “I got a message from God” in Christianity, spirituality often says, “I got a message from Source or this positively oriented entity.”

Instead of holy objects like the Bible and holy places like the church, spirituality has holy objects like crystals and saging the house to cleanse the energy and preserve its holiness. Both have beliefs about love and light, and both have beliefs sourced in fear, guilt, and shame. Same meaning, different words. Religion and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. At the end of the day, a belief system in the invisible is still a belief system in the invisible. They are as expansive or exclusive as we choose for them to be because we are the ones who breathe life and give meaning to our preferred earth-created belief systems.

Entry 741

If religion needs boundaries to exist apart from other religions, and you choose to limit yourself to be confined within those boundaries, you are choosing a life with more limitations, which is neither good nor bad, simply an experience you wish to experience until you no longer wish to experience it.

Entry 742

We like limits. Even when we say we don’t, we like them. Beliefs give us something to hold onto. Beliefs give us something to have faith in. They confine this vast, infinite reality into something we can conceptualize with our brains in this present moment, and we think that gives us safety. We feel like it gives us comfort. However, in actuality, there’s more safety and comfort in letting go; in surrendering. Non-attachment to whatever lies ahead. Surrendering to the openness, the vastness, the infinity we are all a part of. It’s not to say there isn’t anything after this life, but merely not limiting life after death to one expectation of beliefs created from our earthly perspective.

Instead of being glued to or attached to or expecting one streamlined belief system of what can happen, we are open to an infinite number of possibilities; just like at any moment, we are open to an infinite number of possibilities. Truly surrendering to the present moment is the sweetest, most comforting state to be in because then your mind isn’t glued to a future endowed with expectations. Rather, you are focused more fully on the present moment, on what you’re currently creating. You are enveloped in the sweet spot of the Now Moment. Fully here, fully aware. Nowhere else you’d rather be, because in this moment, you simply are.

Entry 743

I think there are levels of identification. For example, I can put layers of identification on who I think you are, but there are also layers of identification about ourselves that are not true and come from our own perception.

Entry 744

I was pondering the whole idea of identification, and I feel like beyond the realm of duality, “identification” is neither good nor bad. It’s merely an experience we willingly enter into at varying levels of intensity. Just like there are varying ages of life we experience, I feel like there are varying levels of identification we play in. Maybe when we were five years old, we loved to play with toy cars or Barbies, but now as adults, we prefer to play Cards Against Humanity.

Similarly, some people want to experience what it’s like to be completely 100% identified and confined within one religion, and that’s neither good nor bad, just something they are currently exploring. But then eventually, they grow tired of it and want to find their own identity apart from one religion. So they break free from identifying themselves with a belief system like Christianity. Then maybe they want to explore a new belief system like Islam, so they explore that.

Or they find New Age and explore that until they notice they don’t want to identify with this earth-based belief system that is relative to our perception here and will cease to exist. It has defined borders of separation and doctrines of fear, guilt, and shame. So they decide on some other way to play with their identification, or they start journeying inward.

The goal is to neither be triggered nor traumatized by any part of a temporary experience. To know that we transcend all aspects of every experience we play in.

Entry 745 - June 14th

When looking at life, you can start to see it from the vantage point that everything can be, in some way, a reflection of yourself. This helps us learn lessons a lot faster because then we can see why we were given certain challenges. They weren’t meant to hurt us, but to help us raise our consciousness, awareness, and understanding of ourselves and others.

Entry 746

According to someone's current state of consciousness, they will interpret the words in the Bible according to their current state of consciousness, just like people will interpret and understand daily situations according to their current level and state of consciousness. It’s the same with anything. They read, interpret, and understand it with their current status and level of consciousness.

Entry 747 - June 14th

The word "gay" used to mean “joy” as early as the 12th century, but then around the 1950s, the meaning expanded to mean “frivolous” and eventually referred to “homosexuals,” depending on the cultural context and person using it in a particular sentence.

If the word “gay” morphed that dramatically in 820 years, imagine how much the meaning and cultural context of the word “salvation” changed from Judaism to Christianity up until now.

Hint: Judaism was extremely inclusive in regard to salvation.

  1. A majority of Jews don’t believe in an eternal hell.
  2. All Jews believe people can be saved without converting to Judaism, as long as they follow the 7 Noachide Laws.

Christianity, on the other hand, became extremely exclusive in how they define salvation.

  1. A majority of Christians DO believe in an eternal hell.
  2. A majority of Christians believe you need to convert to Christianity to be saved from eternal hell.

The changes are big and obvious.

Entry 748

Jesus not only helped reform but was revolutionary within Judaism. However, I have not come to reform Christianity. I came here to be a harmonizer. Not to reform a religion from the inside out, but to help people expand beyond the limits of their respective religion, such as Christianity.

Entry 749

If quanta particles can pop up anywhere in the world when attention is brought to them, then it would make sense that if we, as consciousness, focused our attention on becoming a savant or an instantaneous genius in some area of life, we could have those quanta or information pop into our brain. Quanta can pop into our material existence anywhere.

Entry 750

You say God is better than other gods because he’s not a baby killer. But then we show you verses where your God murders babies.

You say, "Well, God's ways are higher than our ways," but the nations with their respective gods that murder babies say the same thing about their God.

How is your God better when he does the same thing as other gods with the same excuse?

You say, "Well, he’s the Creator," and the other nations say their God is the true creator.

Do you not see? Both nations are either worshipping the same baby-killer God who enforces laws he doesn’t follow unless he feels like it, or neither of you worships the true, balanced, equal, unconditionally loving Creator.

Entry 751 - June 24th, 2021

I hear all the time that falling in love is irrational. However, I would make the argument that falling into unconditional love is the most rational and amazing thing anyone can do. I think people often confuse lustful, possessive, codependent love with unconditional love. So yes, conditional love is irrational because people are more than the conditions we limit them within. But unconditional love is the most rational, sane, and powerful thing you can ever do because it is freedom.

Entry 752

With the statistic of over 51% of trans people in the US considering suicide for being trans, maybe denying us healthcare in certain states and considering our identity as illegitimate because of your religious beliefs should be reconsidered.

Unless people prefer dead individuals in the name of their religion, their arguments against medically and scientifically documented cases of gender incongruence should be reconsidered in light of science, not based on a religion with thousands of contradicting and competing interpretations on trans people, let alone every theological doctrine found in Scripture.

Entry 753 - June 23rd

Being in a state of neutrality doesn’t mean you don’t try to do what is best for most of humankind. It means you recognize that there are good and bad people on both sides, and instead of reinforcing the walls of separation between the two groups we create, you attempt to dissolve the boundaries by helping people see there are many on both sides who truly want what is best for most people.

The people on one side who are doing more of the oppressing don’t need you to fight them, but they desperately need your love. The people being oppressed need the oppressors to stop creating separations that are irrational and cause more pain. A bridge of empathy needs to be built, and we need people who can bridge the gap. People who can show that both sides are worthy of love, worthy of being seen as legitimate and equal, even if their religion, politics, or other beliefs say otherwise. The goal is to harmonize, not add to the polarization, which strengthens man-made separation.

It’s about re-humanizing and un-demonizing the opposing party and creating both sides as open, without walls, to healthy ways to heal. Not to direct conflict against each other, but to express different ways to solve similar problems for themselves and the greater good. If we can learn and grow together, without de-moralizing one group as “bad” while another is “good,” we can accomplish so much more by helping each other rather than putting each other down.

This goes for religions, politics, traditions, cultures, and so much more. A state of neutrality is a position of harmonization. You seek to harmonize both by re-humanizing them in the eyes of the opposing party until they realize deep down, we are all on the same team. We all just want to be loved and to love, and anything that deters from that is a cry for help. Any act of violence against another is a cry to be loved. Any separation and discrimination on the basis of skin color, sexuality, gender expression, and so forth is a cry for the person to be healed with love so they stop using separation to project their unhealed trauma. These people who act in unloving ways or support doctrines and beliefs that are unloving and exclusive are showing how, deep down, they don’t love themselves. Love in neutrality is the answer to a world that moralizes polarities in politics, religions, cultures, countries, and more.

Entry 754

I like to wear my boxers with images of money being burned because it reminds me of a powerful lesson…

Until you are in a place where you can burn money and not feel scared, you are still in a state of mind that attracts lack. You will still be dependent on money to keep you safe. You will still depend on money to pay your debt. You will still depend on money to give you happiness. The worst part about being in this mindset is that you will feel like you never have enough money, so you will keep striving after it as if it is your everything when, in reality, it’s just green paper we create value out of.

See, when someone is in a position where they don’t serve money, but money serves them, they don’t allow a surplus or lack of money to scare them. They could have $20 in their bank or $10 million. The trick of life is not about how much money one makes, but one’s state of mind about money itself. If someone has a state of mind that is sourced in abundance, that person, regardless of their paycheck, will attract abundance. Faith in things unseen is the realization that we stand at the edge of an infinite number of possibilities every time we enter the sacred awareness of the present moment.

When we give this moment right now our full attention, we realize nothing can stop us from living an abundant life besides ourselves. Anything outside that seems like it can is merely an archetype of something within us that has not yet been healed. The world is a beautiful mirror, reflecting either what needs to be healed or what is healed. Not a foe, but a beautiful doe here to help and love.


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