Entry 755 - Entry 765

Entry 755 - June 24th 2021

The reason why many of us who have expanded beyond the limitations of religion call out the atrocities of our past religion is for everyone to rise above the cognitive dissonance many religions use to control people. It is also so that we can raise awareness of the mistakes of each religion so that we do not perpetuate or allow them to occur once again with embarrassingly irrational reasoning, such as “because God said so.”

For example, the genocide of whole nations recorded in the Bible because “God said so” can no longer be perpetuated. The unequal treatment of women as property sold and bought for a price because “God said so” can no longer be perpetuated. Laws signed in that cause more harm and inequality to mankind “because God said so” can no longer be perpetuated.

 Reducing humans to property and as slaves against their will “because God said” can no longer be perpetuated. It may have been allowed for some time as an excuse within the Bible because people trusted their religion and religious leaders over their intuition, but we say no more.

We raise awareness about them so that it is not repeated, even as so many in religions are trying so hard to repeat with the same irrational excuse, “because God said so.” We have Christians in America who are desperately trying to sign in laws permitting discrimination among doctors to patients for being LGBTQIA “because God said so.” 

We have people in other countries who are trying to sign in laws that allow people to murder anyone who is found to be LGBTQIA “because God said so.” We have laws trying to be signed in to stop trans folks from being able to get medical help for transitioning “because God said so.” We have wars against the “unrighteous, unholy, not chosen” nations by God “because God said so.”

Sound familiar? See, if we simply tried to forget the atrocities that man has committed in the name of God, then we will only allow them to perpetuate unnecessary harm and violence in the name of God. Then their cognitive dissonance and allegiance to the leaders in their religion will keep them convinced that these acts of murder, inequality, and harm are all righteous acts for God and His kingdom.

Imagine if everyone just ignored the events of the Holocaust and they were convinced it never happened but ironically, at the same time, hated the Jews for existing? The cognitive dissonance of denying an atrocity and then being open to the possibility of their death is quite literally fire for another atrocity.

The same thing can happen for Christians if they ignore the atrocities caused by their religious leaders who blame their harm and violence on a supposedly loving and merciful God. We must be aware of this so we do not repeat it. If there is any benefit to having the Bible, it is to be aware of where there was love and light so that we can multiply it in our own lives, and to also be aware of the harm, violence, murder, and genocide that were all supposedly in the name of God. Then once we are aware of it, we will never, ever again allow that to be perpetuated for any reason whatsoever. So instead of “God said so,” people will say, “Would God want us to kill or to love?” And hopefully, people inside and outside of religions will always choose the latter.

Entry 756

What if belief systems are just possibilities that we play out as our current reality?

Entry 757

My health problems in college were directly related to the chronic stress I experienced from gender incongruence. Imagine having chronic stress every single day of your life, feeling like your brain and body are mismatched and Christians telling you that you do not have gender incongruence—you are just confused.

Entry 758 - June 26th

Me on my way to heal any trapped energy that needs love so that I can raise my level of consciousness and be of more help to others.

Entry 759

So many times, we analyze situations and people and say, “What does this show about this person?” instead of considering, “What does this situation show about myself?” What did I focus on in the other person? What is potentially still not healed in myself since it is being expressed outwardly as a challenge from which I can grow? Do I truly believe that I can change this situation for the better, or am I always the victim who is powerless to a demonic scheme?

Entry 760 - June 28th

When I refer to certain Christians as Christian villains, what I mean is that they are spending their time trying to sign in unequal laws that discriminate and hurt people based on their gender, that hurt children, that hurt other people, and that force people to follow their religious ideologies.

So instead of focusing on feeding the homeless, taking care of those who don’t have any food or water, taking care of their own people and their enemies' health, they’re creating laws forcing people to do what they want. That’s what I call a Christian villain.

That, my friends, is the complete opposite of Jesus’ message of love, freedom, and equality.

Entry 761

It’s ironic because there will be spiritual teachers who initially hold a neutral position on something such as the Covid vaccine, but then they slip into a position of fear. What’s interesting is that both sides of the spectrum have one of fear and one of bravery. However, one is not better than the other because, truly, a neutral position helps people see that both are trying their best with what they have.

The fear on the pro-vaccine side is that the coronavirus is something we should be afraid of, and we should trust our health professionals because they know what they’re doing. We know the ingredients. We understand the science, and this is much better than having a bunch of people die because not everyone has a prepared immune system to fight off Covid and live. There are people who are immunocompromised, which means they are very susceptible to dying if they catch Covid.

The people on the other side distrust the medical field. They distrust the doctors. They have a fear surrounding the doctors and the vaccine because they’ve been primed not to trust them, and so they only trust that they will be able to survive the coronavirus. In their mind, it is much safer to get the coronavirus than to trust the health officials who are trying to save people by giving the vaccine. 

For them, the greater good is to avoid the vaccine to protect themselves from people they do not trust because they’ve been primed by Fox News and other sources not to trust them. A neutral position is realizing that both have some sort of fear, and you don’t allow any of the fear from either side to attach to you, hurt you, or carry you to one side over the other. At the end of the day, everyone will be convinced in their own mind and do what is best, but I think the best thing is to not do anything illegal and to help the most people—though ironically, that’s subjective.

Entry 762 - June 28th

So when I see spiritual people picking a fear-based position about something in our lives, it shows me that they still do not understand their power. It is also dangerous if they are a spiritual person that many people look up to because then they are spreading this fear to their followers. We don’t need more fear in the world... We really don’t. 

My personal opinion is that we should all strive to do the one that is the most optimistic, the most scientifically backed up, the most promising, the most understood, with the most scientific research, which in that case would be to take the vaccine rather than just wait high and dry and see if one contracts Covid.

The reason is because hypothetically, based off of statistics, that would save the most people because you’re a lot less likely to spread it to someone who cannot heal from it due to a pre-existing condition. So in this case, I think that people should trust the scientifically backed up research and just take the damn vaccine. 

I thoroughly understand and know the body is more than capable of recovering after Covid, but not everyone does or has the best immune system, and so that’s why we vaccinate. For those who don't have the best immunity. So that we can stop the mutation of this virus. So that we can finally go back to normal and get out of a damn pandemic.

That's why we should all work together and do what's best for all, not just for oneself. In my opinion, it’s very selfish not to get the Covid vaccine because you’re afraid of hurting yourself rather than spreading the virus and hurting people who will die because they have a compromised immune system. 

Not everyone with a compromised immune system can take the vaccine, which is just another reason why I believe it is extremely selfish not to take it because you’re more worried about you dying from a vaccine than about the weak who are more likely to die from Covid, which is extremely contagious as of now.

So if you're not selfish, prove it. If you want fewer deaths worldwide, prove it. If you don't want someone with a compromised immune system to die because someone with a healthy and capable immune system transferred Covid to them, then prove it. Stop plastering my Facebook pages with how Jesus gave His life for us when you won't even get a vaccine to protect those around you. Go and actually do what you preach and share about. Go get the vaccine and save lives.

Entry 763

Energy intelligence—being aware of the type of energy you are giving off and the type of energy and intensity you receive from other people.

Entry 764 - July 3rd

We’ve been taught through our conditioning to win arguments, which requires both parties to be defensive and doesn’t consider the empathy of the other person.

However, if someone is acting empathetic to another person, they won’t be defensive. They will empathize with the position of the other person and learn from it. They won’t try to defend themselves against the other person because, at this point, it’s about feeling and understanding, not about defending. If you’re offended, then you will defend. If you are fine, you will empathize.

Entry 765

When you upgrade to the next level of consciousness, you automatically outgrow your old, outdated, limiting beliefs. Part of the ascension process is letting go of limiting beliefs based in fear, guilt, and shame and replacing them with love, light, and freedom.

Fear, guilt, and shame all latch onto us through various means. It could be a belief that your religion taught you, your society taught you, or the advertisements taught you. It could be an experience you had that stayed as trauma in the body and was never released. Regardless, you are more than fear, guilt, and shame, and one day, you will prevail.


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