Entry 541.5 - Entry 557

Topics: Free will issues in the Bible / Cognitive Dissonance within Religion / Religion Utilizes Trauma To Keep it Relevant

Entry 541.5 - 5/31/21

So if Yahweh hardened Pharaoh’s heart when the Pharaoh wanted to let the Jews go but Yahweh didn’t want that because Yahweh wanted to better display His glory, then that means the Pharaoh didn’t truly have free will at that moment. And to not have free will in one moment would mean, according to quantum physics, that the Pharaoh never had free will at any moment because quantum physics states that all time is simultaneously happening right now, at this very moment.

So that would mean each of our choices is out of our hands because Yahweh, who claims to be the Creator, is showing us through this act that our free will doesn’t truly exist by Him taking it away from Pharaoh without his ability to choose for it to be taken away.

If something can be taken away, it never really was. What ceases to exist at one moment never truly existed at any moment. That is the nature of illusions, and that would mean our ability to choose at any given moment is nothing but a mere illusion, and we are no more than meat suits with preselected and predetermined actions where God is in complete control, and we are not. If Pharaoh wanted to choose something but couldn’t, then how much more are you wanting to choose but can’t? And how many times throughout the day? If time is an illusion, then all your so-called times of choosing choices are an illusion too.

And if Yahweh took away his free will, either no one truly has free will because the Creator can do as He pleases regardless of what we want, meaning our free will can be annulled by God whenever, or Yahweh isn’t the true Creator.

If Yahweh states He is of order, harmony, and freedom but then takes away people’s free will and would rather have chaos continue to display His glory over other gods, then what are the chances that this Yahweh isn't the actual Creator of the universe but is actually a negatively oriented chaotic entity disguised as the Creator doing its own bidding for its own benefit?

Thirdly, if the Creator always acts with what is best for all because we are all one, then the Creator, sourced in oneness and harmony, would never choose a choice that’s best for Itself at the expense of what’s best for all. If They truly understood the Law of One, They would know that literally does not make sense because when someone is hurt, we all feel hurt.

When one is benefitted, we all feel the benefit. So it only goes to consider the point more that the entity called Yahweh, disguised as the Creator, did not fully understand the essence of the Law of One because it chose to do what’s best only for Itself—not for the Egyptians, who were receiving horrible plagues, and not for the Jews, who were still enslaved—but only for this entity proclaiming authorship of the Universe in order to display its glory. Something seems a little fishy with this so-called 'Creator.'

Fourthly, if it truly was the Creator, there would be no need to force people to see one’s glory. The Creator would inherently know, by being one with all, that glory is found in freedom and love, not in glory through force. Any entity that claims to be the Creator and then acts in a way that upholds separation at a certain point in time and space, beneficial only to Himself but harmful to others, is a fraud.

The Creator would not act in such a way to derail others just to benefit Himself. The Creator, sourced in oneness and harmony, would inherently know Its glory is everyone’s glory. To leave one person out would mean that separation is eternal and chaos is our true reality, which would mean everything in reality is a mess and has always been a chaotic mess.

Entry 542

It’s interesting because there’s this new-age doctrine that some people are just NPCs and aren’t real, as in they don’t truly exist. To me, that is simply upholding the belief of separation in another way. Maybe in Christianity, the way they uphold separation is the saved vs. the unsaved, but then those in the new-age movement uphold separation by saying we’re real and they’re not. Same thing, different words. How do people not see it?!?

Entry 543

Sometimes we want to be shown how small our little disaster is, and we learn this by being curtailed by a larger disaster, which redirects our attention to something bigger than before, showing the small disaster we once assumed was big as truly a little, tiny problem.

Entry 544

I’m so annoyed with fear-based conspiracies disguised and packaged as pretty, print spirituality on my TikTok feed. Like, my whole goal is to try to help myself and others move away from fear, guilt, and shame and focus on more important topics that will positively help us grow in that direction because where your attention goes is where your energy flows. Then all of a sudden, I see some f***in dude with a tin foil hat talking about how people are trying to kill you and how the world is evil and all this negative commentary.

Whatever you preach, you teach, and whatever you teach, you reinforce in your life as your reality. So why teach, preach, and focus on fear when you could be spending that precious time and energy building people up with love and light and freeing them from the grips of fear???

It only makes sense that someone would try to teach, preach, and speak on fear if they themselves are dazzled by its attractive damage quota of topics. I feel those who are especially afraid of death, the world, and themselves will try desperately to have others feel like them so that they do not feel alone in this way of thinking. If people can win others into their radical fear-based conspiracies, it makes their way of thinking validated and perpetuates it to other people who then try to spread it.

When in doubt, stop spreading fear and focus on the Truth. Yeah, shocking, but anything and all things can kill you. YOU choose your reality, so YOU choose what you are susceptible to. You are not a victim. You are the sole proprietor of your life, and tomorrow you will either still be mainly confined in this meat suit we call a body on this Earth or go through the death process of leaving it.

No object, no idea, no person can choose it for you without your permission first. If you do not give them permission, then it won’t happen. Simple as that. Whether you gave that permission before, during, or after is another point of discussion, but regardless, to have true free will, you need to have the ability to choose from an infinite amount of possibilities, or else you do not truly have free will. Ultimately, you chose when to come into this world, and you can choose the means by which you leave. That is the true understanding of full responsibility and complete free will.

Not this half-ass free will that so much of Christianity tries to sell you, where you’re either a victim to the devil making choices for you or a slave to God with no real choices in most matters. You choose, and by your choices, you create. It’s as simple as that. I'm so done with this fear-mongering bullshit from religion and now spirituality. Makes me sick of both of them.

Why leave religion just to create another limited viewpoint and slap a different label on it called “spirituality” when it’s essentially the same as religion with different words but with the same meanings? Did they really escape a system of limitations, or just subject themselves to a new one and call themselves “free”? The irony…

Entry 545

When you realize dreams could very well be an extension of your consciousness exploring inter-dimensional realms and not just always nonsense from your subconscious, you now realize your 'day self' is low-key competing against your 'dream self' that lives in a mansion in Encinitas and has a hot, wise wife.

Entry 546 - May 1st

Okay, so we have to talk about how Yahweh got mad at His favorite people because they did not listen to Him, so He would literally let them die in war. Like... He wouldn’t save them, and this shows His saving was conditional on their obedience. Then, on top of that, He blamed them because they wouldn’t listen, but then when they needed help, He didn't listen. That's like classic, "Because you hurt my feelings, I’m going to hurt your feelings, but the joke's on you because I can't die, but you can!" Like, what the heck...

Entry 547

A potential reason why most people subjugate themselves to one religion by being confined within religion is because they think it’s superior and separate. Otherwise, they would see we’re all one, and there’s no point in subjugating themselves to boundaries that uphold the separateness of religion.

Entry 548

“Can do anything” is used in response to people who call out actions in the Bible attributed to the Creator as highly immoral.

It’s obvious that if God has no limitations, then God can do anything, but would God go against His own morality that He held us to for the sole purpose of being a dick? I don’t believe so...

See, that would make the Creator a hypocrite if He demands behavior and morality that He Himself does not follow. It would mean that there was some sort of differential in power and prestige, where one was granted access to harmful behavior, and the others were only granted that access when it benefited God directly.

See, it’s not truly a choice if we are demanded to obey and God gets to pick and choose what He wants to obey. So what we learn from this is that maybe the god in the Bible isn’t the Creator of the universe but a god specific to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to the children of Israel. Just like how other nations had their own perceived Creator God or multiple war gods, Israel had its own war god they claimed to be the one and only Creator God. This aligns with other gods and how their relationships were initiated based on how they started.

Abraham entered a blood contract with an entity, which gave that entity power over them if they disobeyed. They both were promised things, and they both signed with blood. That is exactly what other nations and their war gods also did. Why would the Creator need you to sign with blood to obey It? Why would the Creator have favorites? Why would the Creator love some and hate others? Why would the Creator approve of murdering others but then not approve of murdering His favorites? That sounds very sus...

Entry 549

Some examples of the phrase "Different words, same meanings" are the following: [manifestation, prayer], [demons, negatively-oriented entities], [Yahweh, Allah].

Entry 550

If you can have a relationship with your friends, then you have a relationship with Source. If you have a relationship with your family, then you have a relationship with Source. If you have a relationship with your spirit guides, then you can have a relationship with Source. Same meaning, different words.

Entry 551

When you know too much about the chaotic, messy, fallible history and strange doctrines of Christianity, you become a threat to Christianity because you not only understand the limits, but you can’t be confined by their limits nor controlled. Not only that, but you can’t have someone manipulate you because you’re aware of the tactics they've been using by studying its history.

Entry 552

Another form of cognitive dissonance that those in religions often accept without questioning is this idea of heroic murder or valiant murder, where it’s OK to murder someone who’s doing 'something bad,' but it’s not OK to murder someone who is doing good. Do you see the double standard? They say in their religious books, "God wants us to have this land, so you are bad, and we have the right to murder you in the name of God."

Or they'll say, "You are against our religion, and therefore you are unrighteous and deserve to die, and the murder committed on you is justified in the name of righteousness." Their bad could be your good, and your good could be their bad, but you both are still killing each other, so you both are doing the same thing regardless of your motives, whether it be because of God, land, or something else. So why is one type of murder considered right, and the other one considered wrong??? Murder is still murder, and it should be treated with the same intensity regardless of the reasoning.

Entry 553

Did you know... Jesus is referred to as Lucifer in the Bible?

So if you all believe the pagan origin of the devil once was Lucifer, and you believe Jesus is God, technically you’re calling your own God the devil. 😮🤭

That’s why the Orthodox Jews don’t believe in the doctrine of a fallen deity who once was Lucifer but now is the devil. The origin of a fallen devil is from a pagan religion, not from Judaism.

Entry 554

Is it possible to get to a state of no beliefs, no opinions, no polarization, no duality, no force, no compulsion?

Simply love, acceptance, and freedom for all. These are the qualities of the one who answers the call.

Entry 555

There are two levels of creation:

One level is sourced in reality and happens through extension.

The other level is sourced in illusion and happens through projection.

If you are a creation from God, an extension of God, then you inherit the qualities of that which you came from and are eternal.

If you are a miscreation from illusions, a projection of that which doesn’t exist, then you inherit the qualities of illusions, and you do not truly exist.

Entry 556

Many branches within Christianity craftily utilize mind control and manipulation to put people in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance to keep them hooked to their specific belief system...

On top of that, what better way to hook someone to one religion than to make their salvation dependent on a God who can only be accessed within the boundaries of that religion, hence limiting God and limiting thyself?

The ironic part is that Jesus was inclusive, but people painted Him as exclusive by creating a religion of exclusivity, reinterpreting His words to confirm their doctrines of separation rather than how Jesus intended His words to be understood, which were centered on oneness and inclusion.

Jesus didn’t want to create a new religion with even more exclusivity. He wanted to free people from all limits, all fear, all guilt, and all shame.

Entry 557

A lot of reasons why people love going to church is because it’s a place where people can collectively unload their trauma together and “lay it at the feet of Jesus.”

However, something I realized is that within Christianity, it is seen as a benefit to be in a codependent relationship with Jesus rather than in a healthy, mutual relationship. It’s almost like healthy relationship patterns we strive for on Earth no longer apply to the invisible relationships of the deified.

I can hear people say, “But it’s with God,” and once again, it seems like a codependent relationship is glorified over a healthy, stable relationship where one isn’t constantly in need, begging, asking, wanting. It’s like if you were a wife with no assets, no jobs, no money, no property, and before you can go to the store, you have to ask your wealthy husband to borrow the car. Then you ask for $40 for the store, but he says no. You beg (pray), and he gives you the money for groceries. Then you ask for $50 for extra clothes, and he says no. Then you have to beg him to give you the money, and he still says no.

The way so much of Christianity paints the Creator is that one is in power, and the other is subjugated to that power. The “wife” in the relationship has willingly subjugated herself to this relationship and also willingly subjugated herself to supposedly limited free will. But at the end of the day, she chose to be further limited in her ability to make choices.

When people enter this type of codependent, needy, begging relationship, it’s super easy to get into the victim mindset and the blame game. If the husband doesn’t give you the money, you either blame the husband directly, or maybe you blame his job for not giving him enough money (Satan).

In Christianity, a lot of times when they don’t get what they want from God, they blame the devil, as if the creation could really limit the Creator's ability to override its creation's (devil) decision. However, if the devil cannot truly limit the Creator and the Creator doesn’t grant the request, then people either blame God directly since He’s all-powerful and yet is still denying them, or they blame the visible aspects of their lives.

The people, the entities, the corporations, and the blame game and victim mindset continue because, within codependent relationships, it is deeply embedded in their failure to receive. Their ability to receive is dependent on someone outside of themselves, thus removing the blame from themselves and making their case seem many more times helpless because they are convinced they don’t have the power to change things. Hence, it being an unhealthy codependent relationship.


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