Entry 521 - Entry 541

Entry 521 - 5/27/21

Conversation between a Protestant and a person.

Protestant: But they need to say a prayer, or else they will go to hell for eternity.

Person: Why do you say that?

Protestant: Because that’s what the Bible says!

Person: Where?

Protestant: John 8:24 says, "I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”

Person: Those verses were in relation to temporal suffering due to ignorance, not in terms of eternal punishment. Jews never believed in eternal punishment, so why would Jesus’ good news of the gospel be a new doctrine of hell, sourced in fear?

Protestant: So you're saying it wouldn't make sense to apply those verses to a concept the Jews didn't even believe in?

Person: Exactly.

Protestant: But Jesus told us to go share the gospel with everyone to convert people!

Person: That's a common belief among those who believe in an eternal hell. The reason why the Jews do not feel a need to proselytize non-Jews is that they believe God will definitely and eventually save all of His creation. So why would Jesus preach a new doctrine that’s even worse and scarier than what the Jews currently believed in?

Protestant: But my church says that Jesus said if you don’t believe, then you will die!

Person: Doesn't everyone die, though? Also, was Jesus referring to an eternal death or a temporary death? And does an eternal death even make sense in the context of what the Jews believed in? Remember, the Jews rarely, if ever, believed in eternal damnation.

Protestant: But then why did Jesus relate someone not believing to them physically dying?

Person: Jesus had to use language that the Jews were comfortable with in order to reach them, and since the Jews were familiar with the idea of consequences, he used it before expounding beyond that word. Plus, the Jews were very aware that one’s actions can either lead to health and wellness or sickness and death, but that's just common sense. Everyone knows that. They have the Torah, but you don't need it to know your actions have reactions within your life. They have intuition. They’ve known that for thousands of years.

Protestant: So he wasn’t deifying belief, just reiterating a well-known concept that the Jews already were aware of?

Person: Yes, he had to meet them where they were in order to help many move beyond the limits created by some within religion. The whole point was not that Jesus wanted to create a new religion out of his words, but rather to expand many of the Jews beyond the limits of their religion. This is not to say there weren't already Jews filled with oneness, love, and harmony, but rather Jesus' message wasn't for them; it was for those who needed to let go of burdensome doctrines sourced in fear, guilt, and shame that were hindering their growth and happiness.

Protestant: So you’re saying belief isn’t necessary for salvation?

Person: Well, think about it… Is belief temporary or eternal?

Protestant: What would make something eternal?

Person: Well, if it had no beginning or ending and always was, is, and will be, then that would be eternal.

Protestant: Well, I would say no, beliefs aren't, because only God is eternal. God says He was, is, and always will be.

Person: Right, so then we can tell belief is temporary because if there was a time where belief wasn't, then is, then wasn't, that would follow the path of linear time, which we know is temporary and one day will cease to exist. So therefore, belief, similar to linear time, never truly existed in the first place because of its temporal nature.

Protestant: Okay, that makes sense… Especially since Albert Einstein said that time as we know it (linearly) is an illusion.

Person: Right! So then if we know belief is temporary, like linear time, then how could one load eternal salvation into something that doesn’t truly exist?

Protestant: I don’t know. That sounds weird now that I think about it.

Person: Right. Imagine trying to fit God (infinite) into a sandwich (finite); it wouldn’t make sense.

Protestant: Oh! It’s like when people try to limit God, who is limitless, with concepts, ideas, and belief systems!

Person: Exactly! They try to load limited ideas, concepts, and beliefs onto an infinite, eternal Source.

Protestant: Omg, that makes sense. So they project their limitations on God and also project their limitations on people by making temporary beliefs necessary for eternal salvation!

Person: Right! When people try to give beliefs false properties by saying they are essential for eternal salvation, it creates confusion because we’re giving a limited idea eternal properties.

Protestant: Then people just believe it not because it makes sense, but probably because they're scared out of their mind to be thrown in hell for "believing wrongly" and because of peer pressure from the religious community, which is intensified through cognitive dissonance!

Person: Exactly, and people who want to fit in are much more likely to give in to an idea that doesn’t make sense, simply to fit in with their community rather than stand against the crowd by saying it doesn’t make sense.

Entry 522

When Christians are shown point-blank verses describing God as jealous, as choosing some and hating others, as taking away people's free will to choose (Pharaoh), permitting mass genocide, judging countries for killing all the babies and then commanding the babies to be killed, creating and writing unequal laws in the OT that do not guarantee women the same rights as men, and reducing them to property that can be bought or sold, they begin right away by placing the blame on other people.

They blame people for "misinterpreting God." They blame those nations for being evil and deserving it. They blame us for judging God. All I have to say to that is if you have to defend your God for the actions we all can agree are rash, harmful, and painful to some and not to others, then that person is confused. Applying your morality to people but then turning a blind eye and refusing to apply it to God is strange, to say the least.

Wouldn't you want to live up to God's morality? But if God's morality is hating others, choosing favorites, unequal laws, killing those who don't obey him, and killing innocent children and women, I guess you have to follow your own morality because God doesn't even follow the morality you apply to yourself.

Then there will be people who know they have no clue how to justify the actions of "God" that the majority deem as immoral, and they say something like, "Well, God can do whatever he wants because he's God." And to that, I would say once again, if you have to defend the actions of your God because they are considered so heinous and disturbing by the majority, maybe you should question who this god is you follow.

The true Creator needs no defense because the Creator is beyond duality. See, the Bible portrays a god stuck in duality. Jealous when the people leave, happy when they listen to him, a male figure, sky daddy stuck in his gender, and an advocate for a hell of a lot of bloodshed and war over land. It’s almost like land was more important than actually establishing peaceful and loving connections with their neighbors.

Entry 523 - April 17th

Expanding beyond the limits of Christianity is like when Jim Carrey’s character in The Truman Show realized the place he was in was some sort of limited simulation cut off from the world.


Entry 524

Do they realize Jesus was highly esoteric and mystical and that, by modern-day evangelicals, he most likely would be considered a wizard by his own followers? Raising people from the dead, turning water into wine, assisting in healing people of their ailments—all modern-day wizardry.

Entry 525

Mainstream Christianity is where the majority try to understand Jesus’ words, parables, ideas, and concepts in a way that benefits the religion over the person, utilizing fear as a way to control. Mainstream Christianity did exactly what Jesus didn’t want to happen. They created a religion out of his words, redefining his message to benefit a new system of power rather than showing people the power that lies within them.

The people who follow Jesus’ messages in the way he intended are the ones who focus on the liberation of people, not their undying servitude to a new religion called Christianity. Jesus never intended for a new religion to be created out of his words. The reason why Christianity is so skewed is that people from the masses interpreted Jesus’ words according to a system of power they still weren't liberated from.

Entry 526

It’s not that we don’t believe God exists; it’s that we don’t believe in the way you believe God is.

Entry 526.5

Yes, there could be some good things in religion, but there’s also a ton of messed-up things within religion, specifically Christianity. In Christianity, if you question the author of the Bible being anyone but God, you’re seen as the problem, not Christianity. If you question the leaders in power, you’re not having enough faith in God and you’re the problem, not Christianity. If you realize a certain doctrine literally makes absolutely no sense, you’re the problem, not Christianity. See a pattern? The system of power is always right over the slave who serves it.

Entry 527

Do you hear how ridiculous this sounds…? God needs animal sacrifices because, without it, He can’t talk to you…

God…? Needs??? Do you not see a God dependent on something that doesn’t truly exist isn’t truly Source but rather is something like us?

Why would Source need anything when Source is everything?

And why on earth could "God" not be able to be in the presence of sin if sin doesn't truly exist because sin was miscreated at a certain time and place and will cease to exist? How could God be threatened by a temporary, illusive aspect of life?... Unless it wasn't actually the true God, but a fake God using some sort of manipulation tactic to deem some actions as sins that do not benefit them (don't kill each other within Israel) but benefit them so they don't label it as a sin (kill other people from nations so that we can harvest the land for our own means, I mean you all cough cough can get the land for your own means).

Entry 528

There is nothing hotter than a woman who can think for herself rather than a woman who allows her religion or other people to think for her.

Entry 529

I just realized something...

There are people who absolutely love to return to the same movies and same books over and over again. They love reading them even though they already know the plot. There’s a sense of comfort in coming back to something that is safe and familiar.

Then there are people who are bored out of their minds if they even try to read or watch a movie three times or more. They would much rather spend their time exploring and watching new movies and books than hear the same plot over and over and over again. I’m in the second camp... That’s why the Bible got old really fast.

Entry 530

Mainstream Christianity will either have to evolve positively or die out; there’s no in-between. People are done with its BS, and if you’re wondering why so many judgmental Christians are getting called out, it’s because their negative judgment is coming full force back to themselves. Once again, when they judge people as sinners and evil for not following their religion and believing how they believe, they receive the same judgment from others they give.

This is why people are done with the fear-mongering, the different tricks to control, and why many Christians are leaving organized religion in huge numbers. Religion doesn’t save; it never could. Jesus taught that the kingdom of Heaven is within you, not outside of you in some white male, oligarchy, patriarchal, mainstream version of Christianity.

Entry 531

"When someone’s whole personality is gay"

"When you make your whole personality about judging people and then call it being a holy Christian."

Entry 532

If Christians think that the "evil agenda" is for people not to believe in God, then they are fooled. It would be even better for negatively oriented entities to convince you that you are following God when you steal, kill, and destroy on behalf of his name. To create massive separation between you and others in his name. To hate your brother who is different from you in his name. To murder people on behalf of the gospel if they do not convert, in his name.

The real goal would be to use the manipulations already common within systems of power, such as religion, to convince the masses that, in the name of your God, your judgment and separation are blessed and holy. That's how they win. They don’t need to convince you not to believe in God; they just need to convince you to do their negative bidding on behalf of your God and convince you that what you're doing is right and blessed.

Entry 533

A lot of times, people pray not for what’s best for you but for what they assume is best for you based on their current beliefs, often rooted in systems of power such as religion. If their prayers were actually manifested, they could be more harmful than helpful, and that’s why many prayers stay as prayers and not as reality, thank God...

Entry 534

I had a realization: If sin means missing the mark and God is the mark... If sin is separation from God, but we know separation is an illusion, then truly there is no sin because there is truly no separation. So why are people making such a big deal about nothing? Why are they getting so caught up in making something out of nothing when nothing never was? Why create all this turmoil and division when there is truly only one?

Entry 535

Cognitive dissonance sounds like this: "I can’t believe people who believe in evolution! Like... They really believe that the world is billions of years old even when the Bible says that's clearly not the case?" I love how we have scientific evidence to prove that the earth is billions of years old, and yet people call that illogical and say their Bible, which we cannot even validate was truly written by the supposed authors, has already been shown that the scientific claim it's only thousands of years old has been disproven as illogical, shows the true age of the earth... I mean, they don't even have the originals of their scriptures. They only have copies of copies, which is even more embarrassing. That, my friends, is cognitive dissonance.

Entry 536

A huge lesson I learned: I can’t control what other people are to me or aren’t to me, and if I put expectations on them, I will most likely be disappointed. Being strong for myself is the healthiest, safest, and best thing I could do for myself. That way, when other people fail to provide the sort of comfort I normally would give myself, it doesn’t faze me because I already give myself that comfort, and I don’t need it from anyone outside of myself.

Entry 537

For me, attraction has more to do with two souls being in harmony than two people finding each other hot. You can go out with someone who is hot but not in harmony with your soul, and that relationship will be disharmonious because your “vibes” are different.

For me, I notice I’m not attracted to people with my same strengths and weaknesses but rather people who are strong where I’m weak but also somehow able to “play in harmony with me.” Then, when we hang, it’s like we both play the melody of the song, and we’re both playing in tune, even though every new moment is spontaneous and unique.

It’s like you don’t have to force yourself to “play another tune” (pretend to have a vibe you don’t, as in act or be a certain way to conform to their harmony). Your souls just get each other, and that clear channel of harmony allows a beautiful melody of love to be seen, heard, and felt deep within.

Entry 538

When I say I’m an autodidact polymath, I’m referring to my excitement around knowledge and about when something excites my curiosity, how I go about it.

For example, religion for many years was a super exciting topic to explore. I was never satisfied with one denomination's doctrines; I wanted to know as much as I possibly could about Christianity and about other religions.

That means going to many denominations, many religious meetings, talking to many people about religion, researching church history from multiple perspectives, and not stopping until I knew enough to know what people didn’t know so I could help them.

Entry 539

When someone created the English language, did they already know the string of English letters that create the word “love” would have a high frequency, or did we endow that string of alphabets with a high frequency by it symbolically representing the frequency we hold in our heart when we currently say it?

So is it really the words that transfer a certain frequency, or our intentions behind the words? Does “I hate you” hold an interchangeable negative and positive frequency based on how someone says it? Like, someone could say it with hatred and disgust, while another could say it in such a way that is playful and fun, where both people are laughing and the vibes are high and great.

So maybe we aren’t slaves to words that hold unchangeable and rigid frequencies, but we channel our frequencies not only through our words but in all the different ways we communicate and respond to one another, whether through body language, tone, listening, our thoughts, and more.

Entry 540

The reason why I don’t believe the stories in the Bible are more than just stories passed down throughout the ages is the same reason why I wouldn’t assume God would be stuck in duality: The belief in eternal separation would mean the universe is eternally chaotic, and illusions never cease, which would mean we're all fu*&ed lol.

Entry 541

I don’t need to go deep into Christianity and believe all its stories because it doesn’t help me become free from illusions. I noticed it gets me more lost in illusions, and I definitely don’t have time for that right now.

So I am uprooting all the conditioning from religion while upholding my divine connection to God and all others. Now I've never felt more free in my life than I do now, and this is why I try so hard to share what has helped me, because I want everyone to feel this freedom from fear, guilt, and shame.


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