Entry 466-Entry 490

Entry 466

It’s interesting because with Christianity or Wiccan practices, both heavily rely on outward things such as prayers (for Christians) or sigils (for witches and wizards). Another example is that they both use rituals (for Christians it's the Eucharist/Communion and for witches it's their own personal altar rituals) in order to accomplish something on this earth or in the heavens. 

However, outside the boundaries of religions and their various incantations respective to their particular words and meanings, one can also focus on their own ability, their own power as a multidimensional being to bring about things, rather than on one religion's way of doing so. 

Therefore, they no longer solely rely on things outside of themselves to manifest and bring about that which they desire, but now they start tapping into their own divine power, which is connected to Source, to do so. Those free from various boundaries are no longer dependent on one religion to give them what they need, but they remember their overall independence of temporal things and go beyond the boundaries they once were afraid to venture beyond.

Entry 467

Similar to how the game called Sims exists within a computer where you control your Sim according to your liking, there is a creator behind our avatar. Some believe it is God, but then where would your free will be if God were choosing every detail of your life without your permission? If it is you that is the creator behind your 'avatar,' then it seems that you truly do have free will to create whatever that is which you like, good or bad. 

Then since you have free will, you get to decide some of the smallest details—such as coloring your hair—to some of the most monumental things, such as what career you will have or who you will marry. In this case, you do create every single day. So what if when we sleep, we remember more of this reality that we are actually the creator behind our own avatar and then when we wake up from sleep, we forget about it because we need to "play the game"?

Entry 468

When people talk about objective reality, I wonder if they think objective reality ends and subjective reality begins. A lot of people assume that the objective reality is different from their subjective reality, but they’re actually one and the same according to quantum physics. Let me explain: since you create your own reality, the objective is a byproduct of your subjective reality. If you have a certain belief system integrated through your subjective (personal perspective) reality, you will see that belief system everywhere in your objective reality because where your attention goes is where energy flows. 

Electrons are known to pop into existence when attention is directed in such a way to warrant their appearance, another known quantum physics fact. So an example of this is, even though you have never seen a demon or 'the devil' with your eyes, if you believe they are real, you will be convinced they exist. You will affirm their existence merely through your belief in them, even though you have no valid proof of them. You will create proof from other sources that are not demons or devils, but in your opinion, support your belief system. 

For example, someone could claim that a person who is spazzing out on the floor is 'fighting a demon,' and to them, that's enough evidence to warrant that demons exist even though they've never seen one directly. Then another person will see that same person spazzing out and declare that man is having a seizure and claim it's repressed trauma coming up to the surface and have no desire to label it as a demon. 

The belief in devils and demons seemingly comes into people's existence because they are the reality that they created subjectively through a story they validate externally. So once more, they project their subjective belief into their objective reality even though the origin of their invisible existence is their fictitious creation in the first place. 

Similarly, if you were an atheist and you don’t believe in invisible things having the ability to overcome you, you won’t see that in your objective reality because you do not believe it. Hence, the reason why you don’t believe it is because you don’t see it and vice versa. Your beliefs create your reality because you and your reality are one. There is no true separation, only the belief in separation in order to create the simulation as it is shown to us currently.

Entry 469

Christians say, 'I am going to interpret the Bible the correct way,' but what they really mean is 'I am going to interpret the Bible with my current belief system, interpretations, ideas, and current way of seeing reality.' So that’s why many people can look at the exact same verse in the Bible and get something completely different because the understanding they’re basing it on is their current interpretation that they are also applying to the Bible. 

They find scriptures to give evidence for certain practices, doctrines, and dogmas. See, someone can go read the Bible and find verses about stealing, killing, and destroying and use those same verses to give themselves permission to do the same thing right now because it’s 'in the Holy Word of God.' They find horrible ideas and call them great ideas. They take something like the Jews killing the unrighteous because God said so, and then go off on crusades to kill the unrighteous because 'God said so,' and don't feel bad about it because it was 'ordained by God through the Pope.' You can take anything and weaponize it in order to continue to see reality how you want to see reality. 

For example, take a tree and consider the belief systems you have about that tree. You do the same with the Bible, with a hospital, with people, with situations, with ideas, with rumors, or anything else that you apply your own reality to until you stop identifying with belief systems and see yourself as more than belief systems. Until you do that, you will continue to color things with boundaries, divisions, and seclusive creeds, an us-versus-them mentality, causing yourself to see them separately for as long as you desire so it will be.

Entry 470 - March 1st, 2021

If you view that there is separation between you and Jesus, then you believe in that separation for yourself and God as well. Jesus prayed that we would know that we are one with God and one with him, so if you believe that you are one with Jesus, then what Jesus is, you are also by definition of what it means to be one with something. 

So it would make no sense to say that one is God and another isn't when they are all one, and oneness denotes the same essence. Oils and fats do not have any polar parts, so they can't be 'one'; they stay separate. Oil and water have a different essence. Ice and water have the same essence. You and God are the same essence.

Entry 471

Using God's name in vain does not mean saying its name in a sentence that you don't prefer, but rather using it to weaponize, steal, kill, and destroy other people. That's using God's name in vain.

Entry 472

People who are aware of infinite probabilities understand that anything could happen to any person at any time because all the probabilities exist. This enriches one’s life because it reminds someone of their multidimensional experience.

Entry 473

I can often infer where someone is on their journey by how they process death.

Entry 474

Where you get triggered is where you need to be healed. Just as not all Christians are built the same, not all atheists are built the same. Where a Christian would say, 'God healed me of this illness,' atheists will not make any invisible claims. Other atheists will go one step further and explore the psychological, biological, and neurological processes of the body to show through the placebo effect that we can very well heal ourselves, if given the right mentality. There are numerous studies done on the placebo effect, and it’s hands-down scientific evidence that we are not victims of what we cannot handle but can be responsible for our own healing if we choose to.

Entry 475

If we had all the people who are studying religion actually study science and mathematics, we would probably solve and find a lot of cool things a lot faster. I think there is nothing wrong with exploring possibilities and beliefs. However, remember that belief systems will come and go just as much as our physical reality will come and go, and so eventually, you’ll want to move on from trusting beliefs with zero scientific validations to science and mathematics.

Entry 476

What triggers you is what still needs to heal. Where is the fun if there’s no opposition? A real teacher won’t tell you the answers. They’ll encourage you to go within so you can find them yourself.

Entry 477

It’s not the thing that is bad or good but your intention behind it. Just because you pray to God doesn’t mean you are holy or you’re doing something 'good.' The way you pray shows the intent behind the actions. In the Old Testament, supposedly Elijah cursed some boys who were making fun of him for being bald and had a bear kill them. Other prayers were used supposedly to make sure God was on the Jews' side before they massacred a whole nation. 

Not all prayers are blessings of love and light. People can try to use them as a weapon of evil with the intention to get someone to do what they want in order to benefit themselves over their enemies—to steal, kill, and destroy, ironically all in the name of a 'loving Creator.' Luckily, you don’t have to accept this negativity; just vibrate higher than it. Constantly remind yourself that these ill intentions come from a particular state of consciousness where manipulation and force are still considered valid ways of getting what someone wants at the expense of someone else’s well-being. 

If people didn’t see the wars, bloodshed, and killing straight from God and believe their evil was good, then maybe they wouldn’t be so quick to hide behind a prayer they call holy when in actuality it’s just as sourced in evil as the person down the street who does the same thing but with a different name. People use prayers and witchcraft for positive intentions such as blessing the earth, helping others, and so forth, just like they can try to use them to harm others. Your prayers with the intention to help yourself and harm others is a form of manipulation, force, and evil that may affect them but will 100% reciprocate and negatively affect you. 

The darkness you cloak in a prayer you call holy and try to give to someone else never leaves the source and will run its full deadly course in your own life. So make sure you’re aware of what you sign up for before you cast spells and then label them as prayers. My point is, be aware of Christians who paint others as devil worshippers but then run to their tiny closets to 'cast spells,' or as they like to call it, 'pray to God,' to manipulate and change things how they believe is best. 

When people do this, regardless of what religion or group they’re a part of, they are serving a part of the shadow self just as much as others who seek to harm but call it a different name. Names can be completely different, but if the meaning is the same, the hypocrisy will one day be shown to them for what it is.

Entry 478

Isn’t it ironic that people are afraid of being canceled for their discriminatory, racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic views by the public? Almost like hiding behind your religion to justify acting like a bigot is still a valid excuse for harmful behavior? Oh yeah, your religion says women are property and can’t vote? If you embody and accept that oppression, you are embodying bigotry regardless of if you hide behind religion or not.

Entry 479

The world seemingly autocorrects itself when you interact with its various parts. When certain people scream and yell at others but then they respect you and give you a tip. It's not based on the action of one, but the interaction of many. What you put into the world is returned to yourself. When some feel hostility, you feel love. What are you putting out into the world?

Entry 480

Think of life as a musical... Some people will be able to join your song and stay in tune with your melody; others may not be able to. Doesn’t mean one tune is better than the other. They probably were just meant to play in a different temporary song until one day all is united in one beautiful, harmonic melody where everyone is in tune with one another. The divine dance of life is one of finding the harmony and allowing it to be felt and experienced at all costs.

Entry 481

Being told that who you are is not beneficial for your evolution. It’s not necessarily wrong, because right and wrong don’t truly exist. It’s just an experience you can choose to experience if you want. It’s like if you’re in a video game and you want to experience what it’s like in a jail cell. You can experience what it’s like where your progression and growth is currently on hold to benefit and make those in power in your religion happy with you; however, it isn’t actually beneficial. It’s an experience. It’s like, yes you can brush your teeth in a prison. 

You can sleep in a prison, but you won’t have a lot of options because you’re only given the options they give you. However, if you’re on your own and you choose to do what is beneficial for your evolution, then you have a lot more options you can choose from, such as different showerheads, different types of toothpaste, different types of clothes. So you have many more options than what your religion condenses you to based on their own morality and choices for you.

Entry 482

The reason why macroevolution makes just as much sense as microevolution is because if you truly realize all is one energy, and therefore all came from one Source, then it wouldn’t seem ludicrous knowing that we all came from the same Source, even if we don’t agree on what that primary Source was. To believe in separation is to believe that it is not possible. To believe in separation is to believe in division and scarcity.

Entry 483

Imagine if people spent as much time studying stories called religion as they do on science, quantum physics, and mathematics; how much more improved we all would be. I can tell a story and find 5,000 different things to symbolize 5,000 different things to myself. Mathematics is mathematics. There is no symbolism without validation. There are answers. 

Yes, I can take one story from religion, create imagery, hyperboles, ideas, narratives, and symbolism, but at the end of the day, it’s just a story from someone’s point of view. Mathematics is a true representation of how the universe works, and science is a reflection of hypotheses that logically make sense of the universe.

Entry 484

People can’t help but see things according to their current state of consciousness. If they’re not taking the time to try to understand themselves, don’t expect them to try to understand you or perceive you how you wish to be perceived. Don’t feel sad if someone misinterprets you, blames you, or accuses you of something you have never thought of, and so forth. They are projecting their own unhealed trauma onto you.

Entry 485

If you truly believe you’re intelligent, then you will believe all people have the capacity to be intelligent because you recognize the true potentiality in all things and that the only true limits are the ones self-imposed by ourselves. Since the world is merely a mirror reflecting aspects of ourselves, how we view others reflects what is healed or needs to be healed within us.

Entry 486

Acting from a place of oneness is counterintuitive behavior for someone used to acting from a place of separation. For example, say getting a puppy would be a great companion for you because it’s an emotional support animal that allows you to redirect love and cuddles in a way that is healthy for you in the moment as you heal. However, the person who is living in the home with you does not want one—not because they are allergic to them, but simply because they personally don’t like dogs. From a oneness perspective, you always seek inherently what is best for all. What is best for you is also what is best for someone else. 

 However, if someone is triggered and closed off to what is best for you, you have two options. Depending on how dire the circumstances are, you can remove yourself from that environment and make that choice, or if it isn’t extremely important, you can allow that person to have their way knowing that you’ll be okay and then later on you can have that ability to make that decision without worrying about other people's opinions.

Entry 487

"Religion will either need to evolve, or it will die out; there's no other option."

Entry 488

Using religion as an excuse for harmful practices isn’t a new idea. It’s been happening for decades. Christians have used the Bible as a weapon in order to keep women as property, other humans as slaves, and as an excuse to go on crusades to massacre 'the unrighteous' in the name of God. Then, when they are confronted with these clear cases of patriarchy, oligarchy, and slavery, they blame it on 'that's just what was normal back in those days,' as if oppression can be justified based on the year it occurred... As if that makes any sense at all. 

That's like justifying the illegal purchasing of African Americans for slavery against their free will by blaming it on 'the year it occurred' and the excuse, 'That's just what they did.' Those are both embarrassing excuses, to say the least. But I guess when you have to try to justify oppression, the only people it will fly by are the people who can't properly sympathize with other groups of people nor critically understand how oppression is harmful to a group of people.

Entry 489

Religion definitely doesn’t have a clean history; that includes Christianity. From the doctrines of fear, doom, gloom, and guilt to convincing people to buy objects to get out of purgatory, to convincing their followers to commit genocide. It's a belief system founded in persecution and built upon oppression to grow beyond its persecution. Jesus never intended to create another religion used to oppress people, but it looks like somehow through his multiplicitous and diverse following, that morphed into reality.

Entry 490

Quantum physics follows that which isn’t conventional to our brains. It bypasses the linear processing that we think in terms of such as in 1s and 0s and suggests a rich, multidimensional thread of activity in all quanta that make up the foundation of this supposedly linear-fashioned world. Once more, the multidimensional reality is the foundation of a perceived linear-fashioned reality. Time in this linear fashion is processed by our brains from past, present, to future. 

However, from the multidimensional perspective of quantum physics, all time is now. It gets even cooler than that! We used to believe things rotated only in one direction at a time according to classical physics. However, now we know according to quantum physics that quanta or other types of units of energy such as electrons can spin in multiple directions at the same time! These small energy particles are what make up our universe and the world we see every day! The multidimensional is the foundation of this linear-fashioned world. 

Just as time is perceived starting from the past, going on in the present, and entering the future from a linear point of view, time perceived through a multidimensional perspective is spinning backward, forward, presently, inwardly, and outwardly like quanta, the foundation of what time is! So if time isn’t real (perceived linear fashion of time), then all that is real is the multidimensional perception of time, which is the true elemental nature of all quanta.


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