Entry 288 - Observing vs Disassociating


I was thinking of emotions, and it was interesting because I remember Eckhart Tolle mention that it comes from the Latin root, emovere, which means to move out or agitate. So emotions are a reaction to a stimulus in such a way that generates a particular reaction. 

However, he also pointed out that love, peace, and gratitude are not emotions as defined above because they are a part of our existence, not a mere reaction to it. They are a part of our being, our wholeness. They aren’t something outside of us, an outward reaction to stimuli, but an inward reality to what our being is.

I was thinking how psychopaths don’t feel remorse and lack the ability to feel love, and how that was different from observing your emotions and not identifying with it. The first one is either because their brain was born with a deficiency in their brain in the cortex responsible for feeling emotions and empathy of other people, or trauma was created in the brain and was never dealt with and damaged the ability for them to feel remorse or empathy towards others and love.

A psychopath who is addicted to hatred and hurting will do whatever they can to feed off of the hatred and hurt of others to perpetuate their own thought process of murder, deceit and manipulation. By experiencing hurt from others, it gives them a far from reasonable excuse to pass it on, even though they fail to see the insanity in their actions of hurting others for absolutely no benefit at all.

See Eckhart Tolle often says not to disassociate from your emotions, but to observe them. To acknowledge their existence, but also to acknowledge that you aren’t your emotions. He doesn’t tell you to stop feeling love, or feeling empathy for others, but rather to not be thrown around by a storm of emotions by identifying with them and entering into the pain from illusive agitations in life.

For example, if someone hurts you, the improper way to deal with that pain is to use it as an excuse to hurt yourself or to hurt others, to create negative emotions such as hatred in the heart against that person, or to disassociate from the hurt and anytime anything triggers a remembrance of that event you go out of focus and disassociate. These are all defense mechanisms that deal wrongly with the illusion of hurt and only end up hurting us more in the end. 

However, depending on where you are in your spiritual journey and how much love and abundance you have accepted that you have, you won’t react but instead act in a way that promotes the highest good for both of you, which would be from a place of having love for that person and giving love to that person. There would be no reason for you to believe the illusions they conjure of hurt and hatred, but rather to have compassion on their soul for acting out of their suffering by projecting it on you, and instead depolarizing their negativity with love and light. 

Maybe in someone’s pain they want a reaction, but instead of a reaction, you give an action of love. So instead of people responding to hurt with hurt, you respond to hurt with love and healing and as such, you break the perpetual chain of hurt that was trying to be passed onto you. You aren’t tossed around by the stormy winds of chaotic emotions of hurt, suffering, hatred, guilt, fear and so forth, but you uphold your peace and give back abundant love to the person who so desperately is in need of it. 

There’s no disassociating, no hurting, no projecting, just pure love for the soul and that is much different than a psychopath who lacks love or remorse and perpetuates hurt and manipulation for the benefit of their own insane desires.


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