Entry 295 - Do You Trust Yourself?


 A low vibrational mindset that I notice amongst many Christians have is this belief: I cannot trust myself because my very nature is sinful.

Because of this, the person then feels an added weight and pressure to derive any trust solely from what the Bible says instead of what their heart says in worry that they might be deceived by their own sinful heart.

The problem with thinking like this is you become your own worst enemy. If you can’t trust yourself, how do you make any decisions? If you make decisions based off of other people’s decisions, how do you know those decisions are right for you? They might have been right for that person in that time period at that place, but it could be not helpful or even disastrous to make that same decision in this time period. 

If you make decisions solely on the Bible which was orally passed down for two hundred years (OT) and tens of years (NT) to specific groups of people and try to shape and mold it for yourself, how are you certain you aren't misinterpreting its words to fit your own beliefs? How can you trust that you're not doing that when you don't even trust yourself? If you don't trust yourself, then you cannot trust that you won't shape and mold the Bible to fit your own beliefs. It's a circle of defeat which only creates more pain from distrust. 


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