Entry 221 - When They Bully You


I remember a time not too long ago, where someone said horrible things about me, and then someone else heard and started laughing at the horrible things they said about me. What made it worse is that person who was laughing, also said even worse things about me than the other person and never apologized for it either. So I had to learn to forgive someone who never apologized in the first place, and move on.

The one who was laughing bullied me by attacking my looks, my career, my beliefs, and more, telling me I would never make it in my acting career. The only thing that kept me from responding back with equally rude statements was knowing that the God of this universe is a just God, and what someone sows, it what they also will reap. 

I don't have to try to get this person back, their own words will come back and hurt them. Though I obviously do not want them to be hurt, it isn't my responsibility if someone is speaking evil about me, that's solely on them. People can discuss if there is a disagreement, but once someone begins to name call, scream, and pound on doors, that is when you know there is no point in engaging with this person because they do not want to discuss, they want to have a verbal altercation with you.

They want to throw every bad name in the book they can about you, hit you from every angle to either get you to fire back or feel horrible about yourself, but the reality of the situation can go in two ways. You either give them what they want. Feed their anger, feed their pain, feed their fury and partake of it and one day pay the consequences of your words coming back to bite you in the butt in a different way, or you do not engage. You choose silence. You choose peace. You choose freedom. You ever try to fight with a stick? It's not very amusing. 

Have you ever tried to fight with your sister? It's very amusing for the ego. What is the difference between fighting a stick and a sister? One doesn't have any reaction and the other can have many different reactions. The ego craves reactions. Reactions are what keep it alive. If you're unaware of the ego that craves fighting, pain, hurting others, then before you know it, it will convince you to engage in other people's egoic games.

The trick is, instead of reacting, you let go. You relax. You leave. You do not engage. You let that person be as they are, and you be as you are. You do not cross into their world because in their world it's hot and heavy, stressful, full of pain, and full of bad karma that is about to smack that person up, right left and down. You want nothing to do with that world because your aware negativity only produces more negativity. You realize it isn't worth it. 

By doing this, you will release yourself from so much pain, so much discomfort, so much negativity, and you will allow God to deal with this person in the best way possible. Don't worry, there is always justice. Even if it doesn't feel like that in the moment, there is.

God sees it all, and He will take care of you and comfort you, and properly deal with this person according to their behavior. Every hateful, evil, rude word they used against you will fall right back onto them. Everything they said will become their downfall, and that is the consequence of speaking evil. Someone speaks evil into someone's life, it only goes right back and hits them. Someone speaks life into someone else will also receive more life. 

There's a law of reciprocity in the universe and I think God does a pretty amazing job of keeping it fair and balanced. So next time someone bullies you, remember God and that He has your back. Don't react, don't give in. Relax, let go, move on and let your silence be a testimony of your maturity in God. You got this.


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