Entry 1,565 - 1,581

Entry 1,565 - December 12th 2022

I think it’s important to remember to consider the audience Jesus was talking to. At the time, many of the Pharisees were using exclusion as a means by which they believed they could make it back to God while still hating Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus used the idea of their exclusion as a means to show that they could not make it back to the Father without him. Jesus drilled this point in by saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one makes it back to the Father without me."

Jesus' words were not meant to be a new doctrine of exclusivity resting only on him as the means by which Pharisees would be saved. It was meant to highlight something much deeper than the doctrine of exclusivity held by the Pharisees, who thought they could have deep hatred for Jesus and still make it back to God.

It was to prove a point based on how they hated Jesus and still thought they were fine without him. Jesus was radically inclusive, not leaving anyone out. True inclusivity requires everyone to be considered, including him. Hating one person means you hate all. Loving all people means you love all. Loving all, including Jesus, means you truly love God.

Many followers of Christianity interpret the verse to render a new doctrine of exclusivity, which is not in the context of the conversation between the Pharisees and Jesus. Fundamental Christians believe that when Jesus said, "I am one with the Father and the Father is one with me," he was calling himself God. However, Jesus was uplifting inclusivity as the center point of his argument.

If Jesus is one with the Father, then we are all one with the Father. If Jesus lifts himself up, he lifts us all up. Even if Christianity took Jesus' words and turned them into a monarchical religion, Jesus' goal was true inclusivity, with love for all at the core of his teachings.

Entry 1,566 - December 13th

I laugh at the belief of the hyper-religious and hyper-spiritualists who say, “You can’t watch scary movies because it will lower your vibe,” as if the very act of observing a movie has the ability to lower your vibes!

If that were the case, then shouldn’t our Oversoul (the more evolved aspect of us) lower its vibes each time it observes us? Make it make sense.


Entry 1,567
There is a poison and antidote in every religion.

If Jesus didn’t write one thing and they still created a religion around him, just imagine what you can do with your writings.

Entry 1,568
Imagination is an act of creation.

Entry 1,569 - December 15th

I have come to the end of my searching.

I have come to the realization of the source of my bondage, pain, trauma, and suffering.

The only thing I had to liberate myself from was myself.

All outward devils are projections from my own mind.

All trauma is created from holding onto past painful memories of untreated emotions.
All trauma is created from holding onto past painful memories of emotions unaccounted for.

All suffering is living in the past and failing to be fully present.

All anxiety is living in the future with no foundation in the present moment.

Nothing mattered until I made it matter.
Nothing hurt me until I let it hurt me.
Nothing destroyed me unless I allowed it to destroy me.

But even that seeming destruction was a choice in order to experience myself in a way to know myself more.

The contrast is what I was after by coming here.

Once I learned I am the one who chose it all, I can release it all.

It is an extremely powerful place of knowing to be, but also an extremely sensitive place to be.

Sensitive because I realize I am the full author of all good and bad in my life, and I have no one to blame for anything besides myself.

I am the full author of everything in my life because I have ultimate free will in everything I have experienced on Earth.

It is sensitive because taking full responsibility means one must take full accountability for allowing life to be experienced in the way it has been.

I cannot blame anyone for anything to the fullest extent because it would not come to me unless I had chosen, with my free will, for it to be experienced.

Though I “forgot” the choice beforehand, the fact that I experienced it in this reality is enough for me to remember I chose it before it came.

Not everyone can accept that, hence why each progression of self-realization is a potent dose of liberation for this particular incarnation.

It cannot be accepted unless you fully accept yourself as the All That Is All, as the I Am That I Am, as the One and Everything.

Until then, everything is happening to us rather than for us.

Until then, other people force their trauma onto us against our will.

Until then, we are still victims in some capacity, in some way.

Until then, we will still suffer and project the responsibility of our suffering on that which is outside of us.

I’m not saying it’s easy to self-realize that you are All That Is All and that you have complete free will to choose any and all things that have happened to you in this incarnation, but I can say it is relieving once you do so, even to some degree.

Tons of trauma seamlessly dissolve away as if it never existed.
Tons of tension in the body unbinds and loosens instantly.
Tons of emotional pain is instantaneously felt and let go of.

Who willingly wants to hold onto all that trauma, pain, and suffering if they can let it all go and feel Nirvana?

The self-realized soul realizes that cycles of understanding will come to everyone at their own timing and to not force one’s knowing on another soul’s current perspective. Unless that soul is ready, this knowing of the All That Is All, as the I Am That I Am, will be seen through the lens of trauma and become another barrier to their healing.

They will take the knowing and treat it as a cancer in their own body. If they still cannot forgive others for the trauma seemingly given to them from outside of them, then you can very much tell that it won’t be easy for them to forgive themselves for being the author of their life, having total free will for all that they have experienced in this life.

Do not force it on them. Let them live as they are until they are ready for the next step, because even living with any amount of trauma is an experience.

Even living as the victim of some events is an experience they still might want to have. That suffering still creates moments that they want to have. Do not steal them from their experience. Let them live it out. Let them live it through.

Because once you know this, there is no going back. Truly, at this point of self-realization, the illusion is so nimble, so frail, so weak. It has no power to suck you back into powerlessness. It has no power to suck you into name-blaming. It has no power to control you.

You essentially “win” the incarnation. Full power to manipulate, change, feel, accept, and grow as you wish. Because you now fully realize the only one who can truly stop you from doing so is yourself.

Entry 1,570
We are the cells of the Earth, planets are the cells of the galaxies, galaxies are the cells of the universe, and the universes are the cells of the Multiverse. This is the pattern of reality.

This is what happens when you listen to Merkaba meditations. Geometric sequences and pattern recognition are seen everywhere.

Entry 1,571
Activating the Pineal Gland

  1. You have to go to the left side of the body:

    • Left hand has a negative charge.
    • Right hand has a positive charge.
  2. Negative hand is coupled with the positive charge on top, and the positive hand is coupled with the negative charge on top.

  3. Grab the energy and, with your intention, tell the body to go into a beam. The energy will be very short and condensed into the beam but will reconnect.

  4. Holding your hands like handlebars, sense or feel which side is stronger and which is weaker.

  5. Focus on the weaker side and tell it to put out more energy. You can speak out loud or in your mind and tell it to extend further. Repeat, “No, even more.”

  6. Sometimes the body reacts, but you’re not pulling all the energy out, just enough to make it as wide as your palm until the beam starts to extend from it.

  7. Switch to the more powerful side and do the same, instructing it to extend energy.

  8. Drop your hands, placing the left hand on the forehead and the right hand on the back of the head.

  9. Close your eyes to visualize the inside of the body. Locate the pineal chakra (which may appear red, black, or turquoise). Look for the two small red beams wiggling near it.

  10. Use your intention to connect the red beams to the pineal gland and hold them there for 1–2 minutes until the connection feels stable.

  11. Once stable, extend the beams with your palms beyond the sphere around your head. Focus on synchronizing the pulses at the ends of these beams until they align.

  12. Count the pulses until you reach around 20 (or up to 25, as suggested by Mayan practices). Once stabilized, the connection is set.

  13. Repeat the process for the side beams near the ears and adjust as needed.

  14. Proper hydration is essential. Apple cider vinegar, spirulina, and chlorella are helpful.

  15. The process is repeated daily for about two weeks to become permanent. Alignment is key for the full functionality of this practice.

Entry 1,572

When you reach a certain level within your evolutionary progression to the point where you stop feeling intense cravings or aversions toward entities or material possessions, you reach a place of cessation of egoic wants for common 3rd-density related desires.

When this cessation first hits you, it may feel sort of like existentialism, but it is not the true self’s existentialism—it’s the ego’s. You’ve taken the time to strip all the shiny toys away from the ego so that it has nothing to grasp. Not only that, but you’ve stripped the ego of grasping at the spiritual traps of addictions and aversions found within those belief systems, such as manipulation, control, fear-inducing concepts, etc.

Not only that, but you kicked your ego into the back seat and placed your higher self in the center of your being, where it may overflow with its essence. This is a humiliating spot for the ego because it realizes it can no longer easily trick you into identifying with its vices and believing they are your own. All of its tricks have been emptied out of its illusory pockets. It is completely at the mercy of your free will choice, independent of its own wants.

At this moment, you will regain a peculiar fascination with life but also a release from life’s common addictions and aversions. You no longer have a craving to use people to get to other people or to use people so that you don’t feel lonely. You are no longer addicted to alcohol, drugs, cuddling, sex, etc. You’re no longer displaying an intense aversion to life forms, such as spiders, that used to disgust you by merely their simple existence.

This can create a strange feeling within. If you no longer are constantly unconsciously identified with the ego, and therefore no longer crave or feel aversion toward what the ego does, then what is the point of this physical reality? At this point, you have to reorient yourself to why we are here according to our Higher Self’s reasoning rather than the ego’s reasoning. And if your Higher Self is in the driver’s seat, it shouldn’t be long before that answer becomes very clear, especially through experience. The answer is love.

You are here to be love, to experience love, to give love, to receive love, and to find love in every little corner, every little bushel of hay, every little conversation until you can’t look anywhere without seeing it as the inner reality of all outer reality. The period in between not seeing and seeing that can take some time, depending on how soon you can accept the love for yourself. If you cannot love yourself, then there is no way you will be able to accept the love outside of you in your physical environment, which is interconnected to your inner environment, called the psyche by many.

Love of self and love of others go together just like ice cream does. Though they may seem totally independent, there is a silver lining that connects them at their essence. This essence is love. When one is constantly looking for the love in every interaction, every moment, every destination, every opportunity, every job, every friend hangout session, every family gathering, even in every conflict, one starts to find the real meaning as to why they dropped into this physical reality.

This is when the game of life really becomes fun. If you are aware of the actual reason why you came to planet Earth, then you know how many unanswered questions are burned at the bonfire of satisfaction as you remember the answers to each of them. Misery has less of an impact on your life, and joy compounds exponentially at each productive search for love. It is a game that never ends, and when one finds out what the game is, it’s even easier to play it how it was meant to be played.

So many people are unknowingly searching for reasons why to feed the ego what it craves or give the ego a reason to hate that which it experiences aversion toward. This is like playing the game of life with a moldy blindfold that keeps on infecting the eyes. Yeah, it may be “exciting” to play with a blindfold, but then the unhealthy mold seeping into your eyes and making you sick adds a component of misery to the game you play. Yes, you can still have fun… in between your visits to the doctor, but it still does the trick for many for a while. The ego gets to thrive in the driver’s seat, and you get to experience an intense ride by its moldy side. It’s neither bad nor good, just a peculiar experience of reality… dipped in mold.

Then there will be a time when you are tired of the moldy blindfold that keeps getting you sick, that keeps making you stop your gameplay to take breaks and visit doctors to have your health restored. And so you finally decide to do whatever is necessary to get that moldy blindfold off of you and that notoriously unhelpful ego in the backseat. That’s a huge sign of evolutionary progression—to no longer crave that moldy blindfold. It might not seem like it because you might think, “Why would anyone want mold on their eyes?” But in reality, it is a huge evolutionary jump in one’s own progression.

Entry 1,573

Men always assuming women are flirting are prime examples of men who do not understand how girls operate.

From a friend level, women tend to be much more open and free with their emotions with their friends. They can compliment each other on their appearance, how they look, and what they are wearing as a friend and not assume that the other woman is into them or wants them sexually.

Since men don’t experience that closeness in emotions with other men, they automatically assume women are flirting with them if they compliment them in some way, shape, or form. It could have nothing to do with anything sexual, and the man will still read it as “she’s into me.”

The problem is not with women being “too flirty,” but with men not understanding emotions and how they relate to interactions between others.

Entry 1,574 - December 17th 2022

In Journal Discourse 56, I wrote:

“Personally, I don't think most of the homeless folks on the streets are doing blood contracts with invisible entities in exchange for power, wealth, and good living. That also wouldn't make sense because they are still on the streets... homeless. If anything, those who make consensual blood contracts to be possessed would most likely be someone already on the left-hand path, the service-to-self path of life.

A person who is on the service-to-self path oftentimes has an affinity for control, wealth, power, and prestige at the expense of other people's well-being. They are more likely to be selfish than selfless, so they most likely would be possessed if it means they can possess and control others. But again, I don't think that is the norm with people in general or with homeless people.”

Entry 1,575

I think it’s also important to note that the right-hand path folks are just as likely to enter blood contracts with invisible entities as are those on the left-hand path. Look, for example, at Abraham. He was considered the father of the Jewish religion, and he was seen as a very selfless man who entered a blood covenant with an entity he claimed to be the Creator. His reasoning to enter was not simply to find God but because he had certain things he wanted, such as many children, protection, and land. When the entity who claimed to be God promised those things if Abraham served Him, then Abraham would receive them. This goes to show anyone, regardless of which path they choose, can enter blood contracts and display selfishness or selflessness.

However, those on the right-hand path tend to display more selflessness to the unit, group, religion, or invisible entity they serve, while those on the left-hand path tend to display selflessness toward those beyond groups enclosed by borders of groupthink.

Entry 1,576 - December 23rd

The truly powerful people don’t need recreational drugs to feel a buzz.

They don’t need alcohol in their system to feel free to be who they be.

The truly powerful live fully in the now abundantly.


Entry 1,577 - December 24th

Religion can be as beautiful or as ugly as human consciousness makes it to be.

 Entry 1,578

How can you discern truth from falsehood from within?

The key is through silence. The more silent one is, the more likely they are to gain awareness that they are not their thoughts, but rather the awareness behind the thoughts. Then, when they realize the illusiveness and temporal nature of thoughts and their eternal nature, they will no longer be threatened by temporary beliefs and doctrines of men claiming to be from God.

They will relinquish the fear in replacement for joy.

Entry 1,579 - December 25th

One of my “aha” moments was realizing the salvation taught from the perception of ego focuses on the purification of the ego (promising heaven, encouraging rewards), but enlightenment beyond perception is the total dissolution of the ego (realizing you never left heaven because you are heaven).

Entry 1,580 - A Suggested Set of Principles to Live By

  1. Do not try to force someone to convert to your way of life; everyone is on their own unique path.
  2. Do not kill anyone or anything.
  3. Love everyone and everything.
  4. Live authentically true to who you are in every moment.
  5. Always honor the present moment.
  6. Do not colonize, steal, hurt, or destroy other people’s land, property, or objects.
  7. Honor the unity and oneness that exists in all, through all, and with all.

Entry 1,581 - December 26th

Intellectually perceived,
Then experientially realized.

Two parts of truth, but both aren’t needed.

The second is the only one that is needed, but the first can amplify the second; although it is unnecessary.


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