Entry 1,519 - Entry 1,537

Entry 1,520 - November 20th, 2022

Many historians believe the reason why there are no records of Hebrews being enslaved by Egyptians is because Hebrews were originally Egyptians.

Entry 1,521

I’m publicly out as a transgender man for many reasons, but one of the bigger reasons is to show everyone that you can change throughout your life and still be okay.

Some people accept change slower than others. Take, for example, when some from the Republican Party refused to accept that Trump lost the election against Biden.

Then, there are others who can move at an extraordinarily fast rate, leaving people struggling to keep up with their pace of change. Think of teachers trying to find ways to challenge the kids who are bored in math class because they already mastered the material a year ago.

Change is an inherent part of our human experience that happens both within and around every human being.

Knowing that everyone changes, it begs the question: why do some accept their personal change as valid, while perceiving the changes of others—especially those unaccustomed to their own—as invalid or wrong?

Those who transition because of gender incongruence might experience bodily changes faster than other people's biological changes, but nonetheless, both are valid.

Some people might get nose jobs while others might get fat reductions. Some women may get boob jobs while men get beard transplants, and these are seen as valid forms of gender-affirming care by cisgender people.

So, for those who oppose trans people receiving gender-affirming care while supporting their own, where is the logic in their argument?

It doesn’t make much sense to me when they create an artificial division, even though both come from the same corner of existence.

All changes for one’s health are valid. All are representative of our freedom to grow in the direction that feels right for us.

Cherry-picking and illogical deflection result from a narrow-minded viewpoint, often stemming from the choice not to put oneself in another’s shoes. The more open we are to hearing and understanding each other, the better off we are as a whole.

Who are we to say someone should change their bodies for us against their own liking? Is that not a form of control projected onto those they supposedly love?

If they truly love that person, they will accept the changes their loved one deems fit to help them live their best, happiest, and healthiest lives.

If they lead with hatred, they will then try to change others against their will, using words of ill intent as their primary weapon of choice.

May we all encourage each other to love one another with acceptance as we explore our lives with our preferred changes.

In doing so, I believe we will come to the realization that change is a sacred part of our reality, just as identity is a sacred part of our experience.

Entry 1,522 - November 21st, 2022
Fuck the concept of a sky daddy who saves us from ourselves, and I say a big hell yeah and a merry thank you to the actual people around me who helped me out when I felt alone and insufficient.

Concepts are born and will die in our minds, but living souls are the bread to the butter of our existence while on Earth.

I believe people can ground us in love even more than a concept of an invisible entity somewhere sitting on a throne far off in the heavens.

I believe a person has the capacity to be another person's savior during their most difficult journeys of life, and they as well can switch roles and be saved in their times of need.

Making a difference in the physical is something a concept wishes it could do but will never fully live up to because it’s stuck in the mind of the beholder, rather than being physically, spiritually, and mentally experiential as humans are to one another.

And that is also something religion cannot capitalize on. They can capitalize off unverifiable concepts rooted in tradition or dogma, but they cannot substitute a concept for human interaction that has the power to change human action.

Entry 1,523

Someone who preaches incessantly about not being attached to objects, concepts, and people is most often than not the one attached to objects, concepts, and people.

Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks,” which points out how people can be obsessed with invisible religious doctrines about attachment just as much as they can be obsessed with actual physical objects and people.

Unfortunately, these people don’t understand that telling others not to be addicted to objects, concepts, or people is not automatically going to make someone no longer addicted or attached to them. This shows me that they have a very elementary way of dealing with the matter and are most likely on the right-hand path, which cares less for the intricate details we label as wisdom and more about the overall picture smothered in their own perception.

I spent 20+ years exclusively on the right-hand path, specifically within Christendom, and in my opinion, those on the right-hand path seem, more often than not, to take a very broad and bland approach to enlightenment. They repeat, like a broken, robotic parrot, the same rhetoric in almost all of their sermons and talks: “Don’t be attached to objects or people. Love God. He is a He. We are the sheep. You cannot do anything. He does everything.”

Ironically, by denying that they have any part in being able to do anything along the path of enlightenment, they also deny the oneness they so adamantly talk about in their other speeches about oneness. It’s quite ironic, actually. I’ll listen to an hour-long sermon where they essentially say the same sentence in twenty different ways about the oneness of God, and then they deny their own oneness with God by saying we have nothing to praise or appreciate in ourselves because it’s only God.

Well, what’s the point of blabbering on about oneness if you only look at one side of the coin? Are we not just as much a part of God as God is a part of us? How does the whole suddenly become “worth less” than the whole? It doesn’t make sense to me.

Another problem I have with those exclusive to the right-hand path is because they do not consider wisdom as important to them as their sermons on detachment, their sermons and doctrines often have many contradictions and holes in logic. Just look at the right-hand path that created a multi-billion dollar religion around Jesus. You open their Bible, and it's riddled with contradictions from the first page to the last.

Yes, someone can create symbols and ideas that go beyond contradictions, but the words are still clearly written with contradictions—so much so that it's hard to ignore them unless you've been pre-programmed to gloss over them with a dissociative eye by the leaders or respected authors of that religion. They often claim these blatant contradictions are a paradox, but that also doesn't work out logically because contradiction and paradox are two different labels with different definitions.

For example, in one place in the Bible, it says Noah took two of each animal into the ark, and in another place, it says he took seven. The story of the creation of the universe in chapter 1 is different from that of chapter 2, and the list is embarrassingly long. Imagine taking the time out of your day to try to justify a blatant contradiction for a religion. Nope, coach. Take me out.

The left-hand path will surely have its own weaknesses, but at least it doesn’t have a top-down oligarchical approach to enlightenment. The right-hand path is famous for their need to “preserve the religion” in any way possible. If that means genocide, they will do it. If that means animal sacrifices, they will do it. If that means stealing land because their god said so, they will do it. If that means forcing women from another country that they invaded to be impregnated against their will, they will do it.

The right-hand path’s strict adherents think similar to the cells of an organ within the body, as in that which supports the religion’s continuation on this planet is more important than the individual lives affected by the steps it takes in order to proliferate and keep the religion alive. Because it cares more about the whole rather than the parts, it has to have doctrines that encourage and program their followers to believe in this way to sustain the proliferation of religion. 

That is why they say over and over how they should follow their religion's leaders because the “true God” is speaking to them. And that’s why they have to convince their sheep that they cannot trust their own mind so that they need to rely on these shepherds of their religion in order to have them do their bidding willingly.

The leaders willingly make their sheep dumb by not teaching them how to think for themselves so that the religion can think for them. Then they ride it home with countless sermons that all cater towards less wisdom and more of “Listen to the religious leaders." Or, “Don’t be attached to anything physical." Or, “God does it; you are not important and you cannot do anything good apart from God who is only found through our faith.”

As I take classes from Ananda, it reminds me of Christianity, except it’s a slightly different flavor of the ideas with an Eastern tint since the leader of the movement comes from India.

Maybe Yogananda had no desire to create a new religion of sheep rather than independent thinkers symbolized as goats, but he did. And the whole “You need to attune to Yogananda’s energy to reach God faster” doesn’t help with that rhetoric. I’ve been taking their sermons for months now, and every time I listen, I want to throw this computer out of the house because I hear the same damn doctrine regurgitated in twenty different ways.

Entry 1,524 - November 21st, 2022

Right-hand path (Specifically Christianity):

  • “There’s a war between the angels and the dark spirits.”
  • “God is the doer; you are not.”
  • “You cannot do anything by yourself.”

Left-hand path:

  • “We love and accept the darkness and the angels within us.”
  • “The only war is the war within yourself. Everything seemingly outside of you is truly within you. Furthermore, it is a reflection or deflection of your inner turmoil or your inner peace. This does not diminish you but rather expands you.”
  • “The separation of God from man is a right-hand path issue that they have to be saved from within themselves. It complicates their own enlightenment by creating an artificial division of doership when there wasn’t one in the first place before they created that concept. You are God, and as God, you do as you wish and you create as you wish.”

Entry 1,525

The left-hand path just has to be cognizant of where they create so that they do not confuse their ego’s mind projections rooted in unnecessary fear with their own higher selves. But both the ego and the higher self are parts of God that serve different purposes, yet still complement the whole. Discarding the ego as if it is unimportant is an unhealthy right-hand path issue.

The ego’s function is to assist us on Earth in manipulating energy and matter for the experience of ourselves in multiple ways. Hiding from our egos or dismissing them as evil creates another extraneous step of healing for those on the right-hand path.

Left-hand path: “You can do all things by yourself.”

If the right-hand path truly believed in the oneness it so loves to preach about all the time, then it wouldn’t separate the doer from that which has been done. It would recognize that we are the ones who create our reality. We are the ones who either destroy or give life to ourselves. Yes, people may choose to temporarily attune to different people’s vibrations, but essentially denying one’s own power is a denial of God’s because we are one.

Entry 1,526

I believe Jesus' original intent was not to create a new religion. Since he was studying under those in India, he learned from those on the right-hand path. However, one of the weaknesses of the right-hand path is that it tends to create co-dependent sheep that don’t think for themselves and rely on scripture, their leaders, and their religion to stay on their path up the spiral towards God. Co-dependency and a fair share of complacency are silent enemies to evolution.

 Entry 1,527 - November 21st, 2022

The right-hand path is the detachment from matter.
The left-hand path is the manipulation of energy.

In my opinion, the right-hand path is actually the negative path because it views matter as if it’s evil and fake.

The left-hand path doesn’t divorce or separate matter from Nirvana but respects them both as valid manifestations of God for our discovery and exploration. That definitely seems positive to me.

Entry 1,528 - November 22nd, 2022

When people say, "I am a believer," I think it’s funny because, yeah, no shit. And then, if it’s because they think their belief is right and everyone else’s is wrong, it just points out how narrow-minded they are.

Entry 1,529

When I was meditating, it came to my attention how so many conservative, Bible-worshipping Christians are so fast to put down Hollywood stars by saying they’re puppets, even though they don’t know them personally.

If someone assumes their generalizations are facts, they have deeper issues at hand with actual reality and their own perceived reality.

Nonetheless, I saw in that moment how these conservative Christians were the ones who were actually energetically subservient and plugged into their religion.

Imagine an outlet on a power source representing their religion. Then imagine the electric cord attached to the backs of each of its followers. That’s what I saw while I was meditating.

Entry 1,530 - November 23rd, 2022

Once again, I don’t believe Jesus wanted to start a new religion. But one of the cons of the right-hand path is that oftentimes people use invisible concepts to expand their spiritual insights rather than using matter as a starting point of understanding and going forward from that.

Because those on the right-hand path have a common rhetoric of “don’t indulge in pleasures,” they use invisible concepts rooted in hard-to-relate ideas, which further complicate the message. Especially since these concepts are seen as "above the matter" that they so disgust.

But the funny thing about this is that those non-matter concepts still need to be understood by the mind. Therefore, they are understood by creating a connection between that concept and an Earth-related object, action, situation, or person. As much as those on the right-hand path would like to disconnect and disassociate from physical reality, they cannot fully do so because we are here to have a physical human experience, and physical reality is the chosen instrument of right now.

By trying to discard a part of who they are (Earth), they uphold the division of themselves. By claiming that matter is merely an illusion and not part of God at all, they discount a part of themselves. Matter is simply another form of God—God-matter condensed into physical earthly matter.

To say it’s ONLY an illusion and nothing more is to attempt to condense the infinite All That Is as less than what it is. Illusions are based on our programmed mindset, which is a reflection of how we are exploring space and time to experience enlightenment from this present vantage point.

Entry 1,531

Those on the right-hand path oftentimes assert:

“All pleasure and likings of material life will keep you from salvation/enlightenment,” but then fail to realize their aversion to sense objects is the actual thing keeping them from their own spiritual advancement.

Spiritual progression is not inhibited by what they do or don’t do, but rather by their realization of The All.

Division is what keeps people from their own self, and it is also what keeps them from their own integration, which is enlightenment.

The more they see outward sense objects and pleasures as separate from themselves, the more likely they are to create division, which in turn creates more misery and stagnation.

Entry 1,532

The oppressed oftentimes have a spiritual upper hand because they are denied success through matter by their oppressors, so they excel with their inner senses.

Entry 1,533 - November 24th, 2022

Things they don’t teach you in Bible school:

  • The Epic of Gilgamesh is older than the written Torah.
  • The flood story in Genesis is eerily similar to the flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh, and it is believed that it was redacted and fit within the Torah with new labels and meanings that resonated with the Jews.
  • Hebrews were Egyptians.
  • Hebrews were originally polytheistic in their worship.
  • There are zero records and zero archaeological evidence that shows that the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians.
  • Zoroastrianism is doctrinally closer to Christianity than Christianity is to Judaism (just with different labels but the same beliefs behind them).
  • The Torah was first oral (not written down) for 200 years before it was written.
  • Most, if not all, of the writings in the New Testament were oral (not written down) for 20 years before they were written.

Entry 1,534 - November 25th, 2022

Right Hand Path Indicators:

  • Shunning materialism as a means to be saved or to "go to heaven" or "experience enlightenment."
  • Jesus used concepts rooted in belief systems that are not based in physical reality (religions) rather than starting from the place of physical reality and moving upward.
  • Jesus used the terms “God,” “Father,” and “Salvation,” which were based on the Jewish religion. Since the Jewish religion perceived God as male, there are inherent limitations.

Entry 1,535 - November 26th, 2022

Karma is not real in the way duality limits it. There is only exploration.

Perceiving the world as a crime-and-punishment world is, in my opinion, such a basic way to perceive life.

It is more fulfilling to see it as a mystery unfolding in all possibilities to know oneself in ways beyond imagination.

If you see a white conservative man who hates liberals come back as a liberal as his "punishment," then you view it through the lens of judgment and consequence.

However, if you see that same entity come back as a liberal to explore both sides of Earth’s reality from vastly different perspectives, then you view it through the lens of exploration and excitement.

Entry 1,536

I would question those who say they are enlightened but still see the world as hell, or still see the world through eternal division, or still see the world as keeping them from enlightenment.

Are these people really enlightened, especially if they still see Earth as a division between heaven and hell?

Entry 1,537 - November 26th, 2022

Contrary to a popular spiritual belief, I believe the incarnation that you are currently in will exist forever in the mind of God. So whenever you want to go back, you will be able to. There is no character that you create that will cease to be. Each individual character is forever etched in the infinite mind of God.

I think it is not helpful to look at our present incarnational bodies as if they are 100% an illusion, because that alludes to them not truly existing. If we see them as illusions—as in, they will cease to exist—then we are not honoring the massive mind of God that never gives up on any of its creations.

Kyglo will exist forever in the mind of God. There is no delete button for creating masterpieces.



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