Journal Discourse Part 71 - Ra/Paths of Evolution/The ego is a tool

November 12th 2022Death has become my best friend.


The way that those on the right hand path view those on the left hand path is obviously skewed in favor of those on the right hand path, or the path of deflection (right hand) rather than attraction (left hand). The right hand path's whole claim to fame is rising above matter to Nirvana rather than playing and using matter while experiencing Nirvana.

The problem with the right hand path of repelling matter is that we literally came to play in the world of matter. So a rejection of play is a serious issue towards their goal of nirvana. Plus let's be honest... What's attractive about a self-proclaimed nirvanic religion that tells you that you must "resist your attraction to matter"? Many who exclusively subscribe to the right hand path say after a certain amount of time evolving along the left hand path, these people will eventually need to “turn around” and polarize towards the principles of the right hand path, which is obviously bias and in favor of their path's efficacy. Maybe from their perspective, but not from all perspectives, hence why it is skewed.

The left hand path’s strength is oftentimes marked as service to self or wisdom for one's personal progression rather than as a servant to religion. The benefit of this path is they don't reject the matter they came to play in, but accept it and have fun with manipulating, changing, and creating with all forms of matter. Just like the right hand path, they evolve towards the middle, which is marked by a sacred balance between service to self and service to others. The right hand path’s strength is service to others and they also evolve towards the middle path which is marked by that same sacred balance. They both evolve towards the other pole, but the goal is balance. The left hand path emphasizes wisdom and the right hand emphasizes corporate, group, religious, community love in the form of service, but at the end of the day, they both have love at the core.

Some people on the left hand path are more balanced than others, but they do not lack service to others and/or love for the masses. Some people on the right hand path are less balanced, but they do not lack service to self and/or wisdom. The left hand path is wisdom/service as the right hand path is service/wisdom. Both are present on both paths, but one is oftentimes more emphasized with more centrality in that entity's life. The left hand and right hand path are simply meant to emphasize what the entity’s strengths may be. They are not meant to be used to criticize, devalue or judge.

Those on the right hand path who see the left hand path as dark, dreary, evil and wholly selfish are projecting their own beliefs that stem from their own imbalance between service/wisdom from within. Similarly, if the right hand path also sees their path as the only “good ones”, the holy ones, and the better ones, then they are once again, projecting their imbalance of service/wisdom by seeing the wisdom/service as less even though it is equal, just with a different emphasis, which produces different experiences unique to the left hand path.

One is definitely not better than the other. For they are both manifestations of the one. To use an example separate from the branches of each path: Who says that the bad is fully bad and the good is fully good? Haven't those who claim to be “good” and do “God’s will” also used God as a justification to murder people?


The people who make the argument that you need a Guru, a religion, a group in order to get to Nirvana faster or to have the energy enter their body in a way that won't overstimulate the body is in my opinion, a joke. It also shows that they do not trust themselves fully yet because they need to rely communally on a person who most often than not, forms the next religion, group, or hierachy of faith for that time.

By trying to say that you need a Guru to get to "Nirvana" is essentially saying they cannot trust their own Higher Self to give them what it thinks it can give them. In my opinion, this points a major defect in right hand paths: They struggle immensely with trusting themselves.


Nov 13th

If space-time is relative and linear time is an illusion, then how does it make any sense to project linear time as the ultimate and only reality for life after death? Those who project the idea that people who are thrown in heaven or hell are done so linearly and forever logically does not make sense.

We already know that linear time is an illusion, but then these believers in the objective reality of linear time demand it is an eternal reality when linear time is already proven to be an illusion. The problem is they are not equipped enough in the realm of physics to understand that their doctrines from their religion logically do not make sense.

Religion can create illogical and logical belief systems and still gather followers because they don’t require and even discourage followers to critically think and analyze their century old belief systems. This is another big issue with those on the right hand path who lead with love in the form of service for their religion rather than love in the form of wisdom for personal spiritual progression.

Scientists can verify belief systems and let go of older one’s that are disproven and still not have an existential crisis. Since scientists don’t expect their beliefs to be handed down by an invisible god that will kill them if they don’t believe how their god wants them to, they have more freedom in beliefs. And when old beliefs and concepts are traded out for better ones, they go about their day fine knowing that is what happens when one critically thinks.

Realistically, old belief systems are let go for better belief systems that can be verified and are closer to the actual way things work when they can be backed up with science. Not being afraid to critically analyze belief systems, doctrines, ideas, and concepts is one way to know that you are no longer suffering from the fear of religion. Religion that discourages critically thinking does so to sustain power over you. If religion thinks for you, it still controls you. If you think for yourself, you are in control of yourself.


November 13th

After reading the Ra material, it is obvious that they have their own preconceived opinions and judgements of those are who are not on the right hand path as they are.

From their limited perspective, because they are still entities on the path of evolution up the spiral towards oneness, they perceive those on the left hand path as entities who will eventually have to “reverse” and choose the right hand path.

Personally, I think this is a similar belief of inadequacy that is prevalent with those on the right hand path. Those in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have the prevalent thought that their religion will bring them the closest to God, and the other religions won’t do them as well as their own. These Ra entities also have a similar viewpoint where they see the left hand path as inadequate and a reversal in one’s evolution as necessary, which in my opinion is hilarious.

I would say that both paths are working towards a balance. The left hand path’s goal is to move towards a balance; towards the middle just as the right hand path’s goal is to move towards a balance; towards the middle. Yes, maybe from their outward perspective the left hand path entities are moving towards the right, but that is until they become balanced. Some may hop from one extreme to another but eventually the path up any side of the spiral is toward the path of balance.

Since those on the right hand path, bless their hearts, tend to lead from a place of imbalances around wisdom, they don’t understand the strands of connectivity that both sides have. When someone doesn’t understand something, it’s much easier to be afraid of it, or to devalue it, or to spread the belief that reversal is necessary because they believe, from their limited knowledge, that the other path is inadequate.

When one truly understands a counterbalance doesn’t make sense, but moving towards balance does, then they see both paths as valid expressions and experiences of the oneness of Source. There are selfish and selfless entities on both the left hand and right hand paths. Being on one side does not make one evil, nor does being on the other side of the spectrum make one holy. Both are experiences unique to the strengths and weaknesses that oftentimes accompany the entity’s on their preferred paths.

As tempting as it is to go down the path of the Ra entities where they still haven’t managed to leave their planetary system, and who have melded so much that they don't refer to themselves in an individual manner but prefer to be bunched into one label called “Ra”, I would so much rather retain my unique individualized expression and explore the cosmos through the wisdom and knowledge I gain through my connection to the divine, than experience that…


When I read Man’s Eternal Quest from Yogananda, it reminds me of what I grew up learning in Christianity for 23+ years of my life, but with a splash of Hinduism and new traditions added to the basic ideologies Christianity conveys.

There’s something incredibly boring about the right hand path, especially when they use four hundred pages to say the same damn thing with very little to no variations in style or verse. Essentially the same boring message that is repeated is “don’t desire sense objects” and “don’t want anything, including any sort of reward from the fruits of your labor.” It gives off similar energy to this story I just pulled out of my armpit: I can tell a cow not to moo, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to ever moo again in it’s life. It has a cow body and it’s voice makes a moo. Why cut off a special and unique part of what makes a cow a cow by forcing it to not moo so it will “reach God”?

Similarly, this whole demonization and immoralizing the reality that humans are inhabiting bodies of matter that desire connection with other matter. Why demonize this desire to experience matter within the confines of a materialistic body? How does adding morality to the process of experiencing life do any benefit to the people who came here with the desire to explore life? Especially when we came here to SPECIFICALLY interact with sense-objects and other people using our human senses in order to experience others and ourselves in this special modality of life.


November 13th 2022

Nikola Tesla’s benefit is he saw humankind in terms of it’s nature similar to how he saw his inventions through the scope of experimentation using physic principles.

Seeing humans similar to inventions, he was able to systemize and understand inventions necessary for humans in a scope that provided a basis for verifiable improvement.

If you have tangible evidence to sustain a point of view with a particular problem that needs a solution, you are bound to find a solution that will bring you to a higher vantage point within that physical realm of reality.

The problem with numerous religions is that they try to solve problems from a non-physical reality built from the backs of beliefs that are already sustained by nothing visible, not even clouds. These beliefs are so far from universally accepted reality, that unless you were born into the religion and have decent enough exposure to it, it is seen, heard, and understood as if it were a fairy tale from another book.

People from that religion have to explain the names of their heroes and villains. They have to explain what their labels, jargons, and concepts mean and the hardest part of all: They have to find a way to bring these non-physical and fantasy like ideas into your mind that make sense, even though they inherently don’t make sense because they share the same energy as fairy tales. They try to take that which is in the realm of imagination and make it as relevant as physical reality.

Any religion that deters from accepted fact now needs to rely on the followers faith to sustain the non-physical realm of life it has created. Otherwise, if the people give up their belief in it, the fairy tale faith with dissolve along with it.


November 17th 2022

Even if these right handers are perfect in their ideology and "the goal of life" is to make it back God, I bet a milli that eventually we'll desire to experience life through smoke and mirrors and different from how they really appear.


November 18th 2022

The ego is like a computer system that grounds us in our current physical reality.

There are some ego’s that operate like old 2001 computer systems, even though it’s currently 2022. They rely on the 0/1 bit system to process information which puts them in a predicament of the past. They might be able to synthesize and process a small amount of information, but too much can overwhelm their system. They might be able to open a few windows on Safari at a time, but too many could freeze up their system.

They might be able to only handle one particular belief system about why we are here and explore all of it’s minor branches of thoughts in the form of doctrines, but they cannot go beyond the boundaries of that belief system because their ego is hardcoded from 2001. With this underdeveloped and outdated ego stuck in the past, it’s “us vs them” constantly. There’s a constant impending threat that lives outside of them and beyond them. This threat is so powerful, it’s seen as a direct and threatening enemy of not only themselves, but of God, further deifying and increasing the power of this threat in their life.

For it’s one thing for a threat to be their enemy, but to believe God has an enemy is to openly admit that he is experiencing a form of division much more intense, deeper, and dangerous than they are. The fact that they believe God has enemies at all is a result of their inability to see beyond the 0’s and the 1’s, the black and the white. They project their idea of themselves having enemies onto God in the supernatural realm, and they can only handle that one point of view/belief system which causes immense turmoil.

They see themselves apart from nature which carries it’s own issues. Their limited view of being apart from nature is held in place by limitation and division. An example of this is when nature creates storms, they might think that it was “God punishing them.” They either cannot or refuse to think beyond their one-sided belief system which trickles into every part of their life where a belief may exist. This creates unnecessary assumptions that do not need to be created, which once again, produces more unnecessary turmoil in their life. The ego that operates like an old 2001 computer system is a difficult ego to perceive reality with.

Then there are some ego’s that operate like brand new quantum computers. They not only can process 0’s and 1’s, but they can process them at the same time because the actual hardware reads organic bits based off of the organic nature of the quantum computer. They don’t rely on out-dated gates to process each bit, but they take full advantage of the organic nature of a qbit to read two of them simultaneously. This allows them to process information at an extremely fast rate. They are not only able to process quicker, but they are faster at synthesizing information, analyzing, grouping, differentiating, and creating connections.

While the 2001 computer system was only able to handle one belief system about why we are here, the ego’s that operate like quantum computers are able to handle a multitudinous amount of belief systems and still not get overwhelmed. Since they are able to understand conceptually, intellectually, and intuitively the nature of belief systems, they understand that the actual weight of belief systems in life is similar to clothes. Beliefs are temporal, they are used to spice up physical reality, and they can be “worn” and “taken off” by the observer whenever the observer deems it is fit to do so.

This sort of ego is not only aware of the inner self that grabs from all probabilities that are awaiting to emerge like the bubbles on the bottom of a pot when the water is heated, but it is in constant communication of the probable realities it actively desires to choose. Because of that, there are less feelings of “the universe is going against my desires” and more of “I’m playing hide and seek as the universe while I’m here.” There is less separation and turmoil and more unification and happiness. When you know you are the computer and the computed and so much more than both. That’s when it truly feels like a game with no strings attached.

And the owner of the truly powerful computer system knows that if you were to die in one universe but you had the desire to keep living and exploring, they would have their consciousness jump to another probable self and live on until they deem fit. They would have full assurance that they will because they know deep down that they can find a way because it’s their sandbox and therefore, it’s their choice to do so or not.


November 19th

Pleasure is not the enemy.

It’s our relationship that creates problems and believed to be our enemy.


“The ego is the tool by which the hidden self manipulates in the physical universe. In your case, it enables you to focus your artistic ability along lines necessary to make it effective on your plane. However, when the ego becomes involved with fears, it ceases to be an effective tool and becomes instead a hammer hitting you incessantly over the head.

When the ego becomes overly concerned, it becomes overly conditioned to negative responses. The creative energies build up their thickly-dimensioned pseudo-realities of pain. For a certain amount of time, according to your condition, they automatically create the patterns of fear that belong to the ego.

These fears do not belong to what you think of as the subconscious. Then these materializations of panic and pain play about the physical body, projected by the ego, and steal the powers of the subconscious mind from their natural constructive tasks.… In other words, the ego becomes a tool to disrupt rather than to create.

Your own subconscious is the fountain of your individuality and personality; from it springs your talent. When the ego becomes too concerned with daily matters, with worry, then it becomes far less effective. The[…]”

Excerpt From: Roberts, Jane. “Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness.” Seth Material, 1986. Apple Books.


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