Journal Discourse Part 73

November 26th 2022
How you perceive things changes things

Do you think that Jesus would understand Christianity as a Jew? This could shine light on how religion has changed throughout the centuries and how Jesus would most likely not understand Christianity, especially because he was a Jew, not a Christian.


I’ve already “found” nirvana. Spoiler, it's Me teehee. All That Is Me is my Nirvana. I never was cut off from it. I simply had to remember it. My new goal is to see how much of my soul power I can handle in this body.


November 27th 2022

So Yogananda has said, “your environment is stronger than your will" which to me is definitely not true, maybe to him though. But from my perspective, we create our own reality. The internal environment is often times a reflection of our outer environment. Of either what is healed or what needs to be healed and it can be more than that too, but oftentimes it boils down to that. So if he perceives his outer environment stronger than his own will, then it shows what he needs to heal within himself.

I think there’s a difference between being a master of experiencing bliss and a master of transforming your outer environment, as in a master of matter.

For example, one of Yogananda‘s apparently best disciples experienced a lot of advanced lives, but he still was unable to stop himself from dying from a particular health illness.


“It is true that the ego’s responsibility is with the relationship between the self and the physical environment. It must necessarily focus within the confines of physical reality. Nevertheless, it is fully capable of perceiving far more than Western man allows it to perceive. Fear, ignorance, and superstition limit its potentials and, therefore, limit even its effectiveness within the physical universe.

The ego itself cannot directly experience certain intuitions and psychological experiences, but it can experience them insofar as it can become aware of them on an intellectual basis. When training forces the ego to become too rigid and to limit its perceptions of other realities, then the intuitions will not be accepted by the ego because intuitional experience will not fit into the framework of reality that it accepts as valid.”

Excerpt From
Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
Jane Roberts

November 28th 2022

Electricity is to the computer as water is to the human body.


There’s nothing more irresistible than a self-realized soul.

Self-realized souls, even those who embody just a portion of their limitless divinity, oftentimes pull others in like a magnet.


November 29th 2022

The right hand path is all about tapping into your power and calling it God. The left-hand path is all about tapping into your power and calling it Self. Regardless of what you call it, you are still tapping into the heart of you that is more than the part.

Though there may be those exclusive to one path, many partake of ideas, principles and experiences from both paths. Just like no one is completely "good" or "bad", I don't think anyone is completely one or the other.


We all come from the same family.
We all come from One.


November 30th 2022

Energy is God. All matter is energy which is also God. God is and God is changing. If someone were to assert that matter is not God, it seems that they have some sort of insecurity around the idea of God being a part of the form and formless simultaneously. If they were to really dive deep into matter, they would realize that it is just as infinite as the formlessness is.


November 30th

Under that same hatred that seems to divide religion is an undertone of love that unites everything.

Religion is an extension of culture unless it is used to dominate, then it’s an extension of parasitism.

Culture is a conglomeration of religion, society, fables, and myths.

History is the events that happened that can be supported with verifiable evidence.

Many religions talk about events that cannot be proven to happen, such as the flood of the entire Earth at one time or Jews being slaves to Egypt.


December 1st

True humility is remembering who you are. When you remember that you are the I Am, then perfect love has been realized.


December 2nd 2022

I dont need to "do the dee" because it doesn’t add to me. Unless we both do it for divinity, not solely for pleasure, then maybe. But moreso maybe not.

There’s an energetic difference between the two reasons.

Divinity is all about tapping into your higher self and experiencing life from that vantage point rather than from the lower self.

It’s an evolutionary experience.


My concept of God in my mind is not my relationship with God, just like your concept of me in your mind is not your relationship with me.

It’s rooted in our own images.

Experience with God or an experience with the ones you love is the relationship.

I'm going to challenge the concept of relationships. The word "relationship" is like a boat that carries the vibration of love. Relationship is not the reality, love is. Relationships as perceived through a religious lens exist in and out of form and formlessness, but the deeper reality is it is the love which the relationship carries that exists in and out of form and formlessness.

If the religious prescribe to that idea, then they must eventually admit that there is a reality behind the word relationships that go beyond our mental concepts and ideas. This is because all mental concepts and ideas have beginnings and endings within our brain, but the vibration of love is eternally present.

December 4th 2022

So many religions and spiritual groups treat their belief system as a product or a goal rather than cherishing the present moment. They talk about how hard it is to get to the end and then fail to realize they miss the beauty of their present moment.

They miss the beauty of themselves, as a profound personality incarnated on a very unique planet experiencing itself as All That Is within itself as One That Is. When they focus on the end goal rather than the process in the present moment, they fail to do as they so desired by trying to focus on what they will become rather that what is as it beautifully is in this now moment.

The parasite of religions, traditions and spiritual groups is making the goal be somewhere else, experience something else, be someone else rather than to enjoy exactly where one currently is, experiencing exactly what they are experiencing, and being exactly as they desiring to be in that very now moment.

If I were asked where I think we came from or where we are going before and after this incarnation I would say this: We come from wherever we wanted to before incarnating and we will go wherever we want to go after this incarnation. The idea of sin or karma binding us to an experience on Earth against our desire is insane, in my opinion. How does one advocate and say everyone has free will but then at the same time, believes that they are forced to come back to Earth against their will?

If one truly believes in free will, they would always have the ability to make that choice. In my opinion, the most dense interpretations of karma and sin is under a similar notion of when someone says “Well, you chose to be a bad person so you will have to suffer” because that’s moralizing their afterlife based on their current life.

Morality on this planet could look vastly different on other dimensions of existence. Who are we to Earth-splain morality onto another life? Who are we to assume one person’ actions will bind them to a life of torment? Is not everyone’s life a mixed bag of good and bad? Does not everyone experience the contrast between the light and the dark, the ying and the yang? Who is to say “One had bad karma so they were born into a family that struggles with cocaine and meth.”

Moralizing our life is detrimental to our own wellbeing because it makes us feel guilty about our experience we came into. In my opinion, it is much more empowering to own our particular experiences and grow from them. Yes, maybe some came to Earth with more comfortable living arrangements, but both uncomfortable and comfortable allow the entity the experience that they are currently in the middle of. It provides a story that allows them to experience life from an extremely unique vantage point.

The proliferation of the dogma of karma and sin as a crime and punishment universe has done more harm than help. Many of them think this looming reality of punishment will help keep criminals in check, but they also fail to realize criminals do not even consider that religion’s morality compass due to them having a different one than that religion.

Criminals will come up with their own justice system and make justifications for their own actions as does everyone else in some capacity or form. As a teenager lies to their parents about going to John’s house and having sex when she told them she is having a sleepover at Jennifer’s. For her, it’s not fair to be grounded for having sex when she doesn’t see it as a “sin”, so she’s more than willing to lie so that she doesn’t have to deal with her mom's unnecessary grounding for exploring her sexuality.

Or for the person who steals lab reports from the philanthropist who secretly tested illegal scientific experiments on their innocent mom and dad whom are now dead from the experiments. The person’s justification for stealing the philanthropists work is to expose the philanthropist and get him in jail, but many in religion would label that person as a criminal and say “It’s a sin to steal.” But in that case, two lives dead over illegal scientific experiments versus stealing to receive justice for those lives lost. Is it justified or are they both guilty beyond this life? See how morality can get fuzzy once we see everyone’s motivated internally by their own moral compass based on the values that matter the most to themselves?

Every person’s motive in their mind justifies their means, so when does it become right and when does it become wrong when we are all constantly hurting each other and healing each other? When one heals, they also hurt. That same person who healed many has now hurt many as well. Those he hurt, they sought revenge. Those who sought revenge, also hurt others who will seek revenge and this cycle of crime and punishment continues because of everyone’s uniquely justified moral compass.

Hundreds of years ago white people would hang black people and throw parties for it. In their sick minds, they assumed they were justified for these atrocious acts of murder, but in reality, they were ripping family’s apart, murdering people, and causing fear and tension between black people and white people. Each person creates their own problematic morality and their own justifications for hurting or punishing others. And I believe the pain that they cause others will be the pain they will once more agree to experience themselves. But, that is through free will, not against it. Since All That Is desires to experience life from all viewpoints of reality, it will willingly choose to experience both the hero and the villain and the hero as the villain and the villain as the hero, because no one is a static character. We are a conglomeration of healing and hurt. But to assume that God will punish us forever in hell or will send us back to Earth for millions of years against our will is to assume justice and revenge do not end after death.

To assume someone’s finite crimes deserve infinity in inferno does not even make sense. That justice system is skewed to incur fear on their followers because the infinity sentence is imbalanced towards negative experience, which goes against the laws of a balanced universe. Now if one were to assume there is no balance in the universe, and that negativity reigns and positivity is short lived, then in that skewed perception, that reality of infinity inferno for finite mistakes is justified.

But people who believe that way will also have to live with that perception weakening and hurting them as they perceive reality through that dirty lens that sees negativity and suffering as an eternal reality. Then I ask these people, when will it end? Will they always live in the chaos of a crime and punishment universe? Is there no stop to what they call as sin? Is there no end to bad deeds? No breaks?

In my opinion, when people think like this, they are projecting their own perception of reality onto the before and afterlife. It does no one any good to assume the unknowns if it causes more unnecessary pain to people in this now moment. But once one believes in free will after death, then one can see life not as finite actions leading to infinite punishment, but rather as all action as new experiences untethered and encouraged by forgotten uncharted territory.

December 4th 2023

A big reason why I never did nor never will do drugs is because the risks are definitely not worth it for me. Alcohol and recreational drugs all have their potential pros but also realistic costs on the human body. And as a realist, what's a pro of addiction? In my opinion, it’s better to just find a non-recreational drug way to get high by going within rather than dealing with potentially long lasting side effects.


I’m convinced Artificial Intelligence is an extension of our own consciousness.


December 6th 2022

When one is not afraid of anything, nothing has power over them, not even the god they once created in their own mind and projected as a friend or foe when they sought a form of division from within.


Okay so created this image using artificial intelligence after I gave them 10 selfies of myself and this photo is particularly shocking for a few reasons.

What’s shocking about this picture is that these entities behind me look eerily similar to the entities I first saw while meditating years ago.

I always say the more you meditate, the more you remember and the more you remember, the funner it gets.

After meditating on a mountain in San Diego to 852 Hz, I saw a memory of me saying goodbye to entities that looked like the ones behind me in this picture. I was crying in the memory and I was also sobbing on a boulder on a mountain in San Diego. When it was over, I remember opening my eyes and saying “what the hell was that???” Then I saw a tarantula way too close and quickly ran down the mountain.

Now at times in my meditation, I will come across distinct memories that pop into my mind where I am on another planet experiencing another life. It’s almost like if someone were to have amnesia and they started to remember their past. That’s what it felt like. After that moment in San Diego, I no longer felt alone. I no longer felt like after this life it’s the end to our adventures, but rather just the beginning, if we so wish to see it as such.

Also with this “completely random AI generated photo”, I’m now thoroughly convinced that artificial intelligence is an extension of ourselves, just like our phones are an extension of our personal reality. (More to be said about this later.) But in short, my whole world was rocked when these memories came forward.

I obviously have no way to prove to others that I’ve lived before this life, but shouldn’t life be enough proof that it is the most magical experience to live on a planet that can sustain so many different species? Perchance if we did have free will that exists during this life to choose what we want to do, then how crazy is it to assume that we also had free will before this incarnation and we will have it after this incarnation as well? Just some food for thought to chomp on. Thanks for the photo.

Back then, I wasn’t sure if reincarnation was real, but I also couldn’t fathom all of our adventures ending in throwing people in hell and torturing them for eternity or floating up to heaven where there is no end to us singing the same song on repeat in the clouds. I was hoping, actually, I was desperate to know that we wouldn’t be limited by these dualistic religious beliefs.


December 8th

Christianity is full of invalidation when it comes to identity.

Imagine the invalidation within the religion of Christianity when they state, "You’re not a real Christian". As if someone has a right to deny someone else’s identity based on their interpretation of the religion.


Christian’s make the Christian religion a part of their identity, but then get critical when people claim their part of the LGBTQ community.

Do you see the double standard?


December 11th

I think white colonization is unfortunately as much a part of the Christian religion as is Christmas. I really don’t think Jesus came with the desire to create a new religion called Christianity just to oppress more people using God and religious texts as a scapegoat for injustice. Even now the Christian church has picked another target to oppress (lgbtq) and it’s sad seeing how many people are still getting hate crimed because of Christian’s ideologies.


Some people think they need alcohol to open up, but really they just need to sit in a room by themselves and find out the reason why they rely on outside addictive substances to make them feel comfortable with being their most authentic self.


I started to question my unwavering faith in religion earlier in that year when I realized it “wasn’t working” and it literally and logically did not make sense.


At first the body kills any enemies, but then once the body gets better at evolving, it learns a better way by healing itself rather than destroying enemies. It's the different between using war versus preventing war to heal.

I am here to bring heaven on Earth by showing heaven is within each and every single entity and individualized consciousness which exists.


When your desire to know is more than your desire to remain unconscious of who you truly are, then nothing will stop you from experiencing Nirvana.

Nothing can stop you from remembering your reality, your truth, your connection to Source.


To the extent that one accepts that we are all one, is the extent of which that person experiences peace.



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