Entry 1,244 - Entry 1,262

Entry 1,244 - May 3rd 2022 [Channeled Writing]

When you think about relationships, think of them quite literally as a ratio of relation within a framework of experience. Each type of relationship has certain boundaries of the framework that make them as such. One’s relationship to their mother and father will not be the same as one's relationships with their friends.

And their relationship to their friends will not always be quite the exact same as their relationships that involve sexual intimacy, unless one is a friend-with-benefits type, which is another category in itself.

The idea of intimacy and its beneficial nature is dependent on both parties' vibrational signatures. The higher the vibration, the less likely they will generate unnecessary misery within or without the relationship of intimacy.

In a certain way, it’s always beneficial to analyze the reasons behind desiring a relationship. If it’s for intimacy, then make that clear. If it’s for a friend, make that clear. If there is a reason besides the proliferation of unconditional love that you want a relationship, then there will be some sort of misery generated.

But if you don’t want a relationship for motivations besides unconditional love, but rather because you have a desire to emit unconditional love within a particular framework of relation, then it will be better off for both of you.

I repeat, the issue is not in being in a relationship or not, but rather the vibrations behind each person and the reason why they want to establish a boundary of intimacy. Some people eat to satisfy the requirement of proper nutrition intake for maintaining a healthy body.

Other people eat for that but also because they are addicted to certain foods or drinks, such as drinking Dr. Pepper six times a day, that work in quite the opposite way to a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. Even chain smokers are in denial when they believe they aren’t addicted, but they’ve been smoking three packs a day for 10 years.

If there is any other motivation behind the desire to share unconditional love in a particular framework of reality, then it will generate a certain amount of misery dependent on both parties. So from that standpoint, one has to weigh in if it is worth it or not.

Kyglo himself has the ability to measure the vibrational connection in relation to his own vibrations to determine the potential misery output of both parties if they were to seek an intimate relationship. Because he is able to measure that and see the amount of misery that would be generated, it isn’t worth it for him to be in a relationship as of now.

My advice is similar to what I gave him: Focus on oneself. The deeper the craving, the deeper the misery. The deeper the misery, the deeper the fragmentation of being. If one desires liberation as fast as possible, it’s best to focus on one’s internal framework to reflect most keenly unconditional love in the most integrated way possible before seeking it from without. And many times, significant others can delay that process by causing others to expend their energy on their needs, which many are unfortunately rooted in misery.

Entry 1,245 - May 4th 2022

If you look hard enough, you can find anyone’s faults. The problem is, focusing solely on people’s problems literally does not solve anything for you or for them. Focusing on a positive mindset and solutions to conflicts between both parties does solve many things.

To have a better chance of solving conflict, one has to be level-minded through conflict. The more black-and-white someone is, or the more they hold the mindset, "I’m always right, and you’re wrong," the less likely a solution to the conflict will be accomplished.

Entry 1,246 - May 5th 2022

There are levels of abstraction. Each issue we come across has complex layers associated with it. There are pros and cons to every desired way to solve a problem.

People identified with one perspective and who cannot see other people’s perspectives oftentimes demonize those perspectives foreign to their own biases, which in turn doesn’t solve anything. Widening our perspective on issues helps us to bridge the gap of division and to come together to find more efficient solutions.

A man can get a woman pregnant EVERY DAY, while each woman can only have a certain amount of babies every 40 weeks.

Many men can’t empathize with not having bodily autonomy, so a way to solve that issue in men’s lack of empathy is to force regulation of men’s bodies against their will (they get vasectomies until the women give them permission to undo it), so they will learn firsthand empathy through the experience of the negative effect of losing bodily autonomy. If laws are being written into existence that limit what women can do to their bodies, men should also have those same limits in order to understand to some degree how that impacts women.

This way, many women will statistically have fewer abortions because we will solve many of the issues at the causation level (sperm) rather than the effect level (egg fertilization) and save many women from unnecessary suffering while we are at it. Also, men will learn what it feels like to not have a say over what happens to their sexual organs because they will be forced to have a vasectomy unless approved legally by the law or their significant other to reverse it. This won’t solve ALL the issues around it, but it is a potential way to put more equal burden on men and to have them develop empathy around forced body regulation.

Entry 1,247 - May 7th 2022

The cool thing about taking responsibility is you start to see that places you deemed uncontrollable, such as your mind, are actually not so much the case.

I’ve noticed the ideas of temptation as mere side effects of people not understanding the nature of their minds. Identifying with a thought that comes into your field of awareness and then creating aversion towards that thought is the hallmark of your misery. It also shows how one is not yet fully adept at realizing that thought is not theirs.

Even if you believe the thought is from Satan, a benchmark that reveals if you are still identified with that thought is if you are tempted to give in. For example, if you have a thought that comes in and says, “I want to hurt this person,” but you don’t realize that idea is simply a thought that has entered your field of awareness.

Instead of realizing that, you assume it is a thought you personally generated, identified with it, and then had aversion towards that identification in the sense of repulsion, which transmutes into the feeling of “temptation.”

Aversion towards something that you think stems from yourself is a dichotomy. Believing in that fragmentation creates distrust in one’s being, which results in confusion and misery.

But even if, for some reason, you experience that thought entering your awareness, if you watch the thought with an objective awareness, then you will not be tempted because there is no identification with the thought.

A thought comes into your awareness regardless of the narrow-minded labels of bad or good. Just like you can emit multiple brain waves at the same time (beta, theta, alpha), you can also receive multiple brain thoughts at the same time.

Thoughts are not good or bad; they present experiences externally and internally for us to explore and better understand where we are currently. The more identified we are, the more misery we will generate either instantly or eventually.

And if there’s no temptation with a thought, then there’s no devil to tempt you. And if there’s no devil to tempt you, then you feel more empowered because the only opposition in your mind is not the thoughts themselves, but your identification with these thoughts, which was the initial problem.

You breathing life into a thought was the issue. And when you stop breathing life into a thought (ideas that are constantly swirling around us), then you experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. Then you cease to experience temptations because you are free from identifying with ideas that were never a part of you in the first place.

The cycle has been broken.

That’s why it predominantly feels like heaven for me. I have cleared unnecessary identifications in my mind to thoughts, which has resulted in a free-flowing peace that, in turn, translates outwardly, no matter what the environment may be.

I’m not perfect in retaining this peace without end, but I would say 90% of my day I am at peace, regardless of the thoughts that come into my field of awareness or the people and conflicts that come into my field of physical existence. And that is a powerful and tranquil state of mind to be in.

Entry 1,248 - May 10th 2022

As above, so below. If a black hole within an infinite universe can be a portal due to warped time and space, then the eyes of an infinite soul can be one too.

Entry 1,249 - May 12th 2022

On Mormon Doctrine

If you were married for eternity, wouldn't that mean you were never not married to your wife? So there is no need to have a temple wedding because you always were one with her since the definition of eternity is no beginning nor ending.

If that is so, then that's great news for everyone because having an eternal spouse means no one needs to only be married in a Mormon temple to get to the celestial heaven since there was never a time when we were not married to our spouses! Congrats Mormons! You are free to continue living eternally married!

Entry 1,250

I feel like perhaps when linear time starts to deconstruct mentally, the world around you also starts to reflect that deconstruction of time. Perhaps you start to see certain homes that look like they are not supposed to be in this time period, or you see people definitely not akin to this time period.

Or you might view locations or tourist spots that seem extremely different than how you used to view them. They say as within, so without, so it makes sense that if you deconstruct the idea of linear time and see time more concentric and simultaneous, then you will let in these anomalies because the inside and outside go hand in hand.

Entry 1,251

If you think in terms of some people literally just making the evolutionary jump from a less intelligent mammal to a more intelligent mammal (humans), then hopefully that helps you have compassion when they act like animals (territorial, lacking compassion, close-minded, harmful perspectives, lack of intelligent reasoning, etc.).

Entry 1,252 - May 13th 2022

Nothing means anything until we create meaning out of it. We create meanings out of meaninglessness. We create meanings out of nothing. That’s why everything that is created is an illusion to some degree. It is simply energy masquerading temporarily as form within a space-time continuum.

Some people define "real" as something that you can physically touch in our perception, and anything outside of that is considered not real. But the way I also define "real" is that which is neither created nor destroyed. So that which did not exist, exists, and then will not exist again is not real.

That’s why one set of beliefs doesn’t mean anything to you while another set of beliefs means everything to you. Not because the beliefs are eternal, since they sprout from a particular place at a certain time, which denotes their lack of realness, but rather because you endow those beliefs with meaning. You made them mean something to you to the point where their importance is embedded within yourself.

Even those beliefs are temporary and most likely will change over time if one adapts and evolves beyond their current state of mind. Others who are attached to their beliefs will continue to identify with them as if they are a part of themselves or even a part of their salvation.

They will truly believe that a belief can save them or damn them until they realize the temporary reality of a belief. Until they realize that we create meaning out of everything, including words, ideas, and beliefs. We are the masters behind the chaos, and we are also the masters of peace.

Entry 1,253 - May 14th 2022

I closed my eyes and dove deep inside. When I opened them, I beheld a new universe.

Entry 1,254 - May 15th 2022

It didn’t have power over you until you believed it did.

This life isn’t merely about being and doing, but creating something out of nothing and endowing it with qualities of existence in order to play within its limitations.

What you are is not defined by the thoughts you identify with as your base reality, but rather what is before any thoughts formed and after their dissolution.

But even more so, can you imagine a state of being beyond any activity limited to the mind? If a camera’s quality is limited based on the frames per second or quality of its lens, then how much more does our mind limit our quality of perceiving life beyond its limited capacity to perceive?

If we, as the infinite, confine ourselves within the finite, how would we once again free ourselves? Perhaps freedom is not in the doing, but in the being. What if we have always been free and we are simply in a perpetual state of returning to that perfect state of remembrance?

Maybe that’s why the space-time continuum is here: to give us a base reality for our illusions of matter in order for us to “conquer” our illusions because it was something we desired to experience.

Entry 1,255 - May 17th 2022

Sex in itself is not harmful; it is one’s relationship to sex that can either make it beneficial or harmful.

Even if you’ve never had sex before, your judgment of those who have had sex that does not meet your criteria of morality is harmful to your own self.

Jesus outlined why by continuously showing people the law of reciprocity in different ways. He would say, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged,” “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and so forth.

The morality of marriage is relative to the particular societal, cultural, and religious practices of that particular time and place.

Centuries ago, the Jewish people became a patriarchal society after Abraham’s blood covenant with an entity he deemed was God. In the scriptures, the Jewish God commanded men to purchase women as if they were property.

Through that imbalance, women naturally had fewer rights than men and were not given the same protection as men, especially since these imbalances were recorded to have been from God, making it even more intense by making it a requirement to instill the imbalanced patriarchal system.


Entry 1,256 - May 17th 2022

I had a very eventful day driving for Lyft for 11.5 hours. Every person is packed with so much wisdom and insight. I feel blessed to be able to experience this so it doesn’t feel like that much work. I took a bride to her wedding, met virologists, doctors, Ph.D. students, and so many others who have changed my life. If you have a good car, I highly recommend it.

Entry 1,257 - May 18th 2022

Just like when you’re walking at night and a lamp casts a shadow that you can see temporarily while it’s dark, so too is your body a shadow of your soul which the dream of temporary matter casts before you.

Entry 1,258 - May 19th 2022

We live in a world within worlds, and many do not perceive the world that you perceive. The soul within another does not perceive the world that you perceive. The spider does not perceive the world that you perceive. Not only is each blip of consciousness experiencing a different world, but we all share the same Earth.

So why do we act so greedy and decide to kill it because we don’t like what something looks like, such as a spider? Is it because the spider is smaller than us and we don’t think we will have any consequences for ending their life for no reason? Is it because they look weird and make us uncomfortable because of our own triggers that we have not dealt with? The world can reflect our healing, and it can also reflect our trauma.

Entry 1,259 - May 19th 2022

Prayer Towards Mastery

The way one prays is a journey.

At first, one may pray from a place of lack, in a begging way.

Then one may begin to pray in a more neutral way—not necessarily needing or not needing the fulfillment of their prayers but allowing God the capacity to act.

Then one may begin to see prayer less as a system to grant oneself something—a state of mind, etc.—and rather as a mechanism for us to connect deeper with God. Instead of asking God for things in prayer, one turns prayer into a time to listen and receive from God.

This is the state of mind that has progressed from a belief that they lack and need to ask, to a knowing of their abundance in God and having faith that it is there regardless of their outward situation.

One has begun to internalize abundance as a state of mind rather than how many material possessions they have accumulated or the quality of those possessions in relation to others. As this progresses, they become more rooted and grounded in this abundance and are able to share it with others.

They have no need to ask for anything because they realize the asking was only for us when we were still in the belief that we had to ask for God to answer. Since God already knows everything about us and we have realized that experientially, we simply have faith that God will provide what is necessary for that moment.

We start to live more practically by making realistic goals toward what we wish to accomplish outwardly and inwardly, and we stop trying to control others through our prayers because we trust that God is working in their lives as much as God is working in ours.

We move with conscious and intentional steps toward that goal, removing unnecessary greed and dependence on a genie mentality of God day by day.

Eventually, God is no longer seen as a genie here to grant wishes for you. God is seen more as a friend that has always been with you.

Entry 1,260 - May 21st 2022

We create our own demons and devils. We write books about them. We write religions around them because we are oftentimes enthralled with insane ideas controlling us until we realize they are insane.

There is no point in even fearing fear because we created it, and that means we have the power to destroy it. How do you limit the limitless with a limited idea? Fear is nothing unless we believe it to be something to us.

Entry 1,261 - May 22nd 2022

The problem is people only apply Jesus’ words to himself rather than to everyone equally. The inconsistency is in the division. If one would realize that Jesus’ words were in regards to oneness, not division, then they wouldn’t uphold illusive ideas as an ultimate reality.

For example, Jesus consistently called himself and others both the son of man and the son of God (which included men and women). He saw humanity as both containing the illusive corporeal body from the Earth (son of man) and the divine soul beyond all material forms (son of God). He used the language of the religion to try to convey what he saw. He was not patriarchal nor matriarchal. He was egalitarian through and through with his teachings.

Why do you think he received such backlash from the religious leaders within the Pharisee and Sadducee sects? He was consistently tearing down their negative and divisive teachings by exposing them for what they were, while at the same time speaking with the intention to hopefully rebuild the community with true oneness.

To think Jesus came to denounce those who preached division but then upheld his own form of division does not make sense. It gives off the same energy as someone who wants to throw a person in jail for stealing, but then goes and steals from another company after denouncing the person’s behavior that he also exhibited.

Entry 1,262 - May 23rd 2022

If I’m being possessed by a demon, then it's doing really bad at its job by making me more loving. XD



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