Entry 1,263 - Are Blood Covenants from an Unconditional Source?

Entry 1,263 - Published on 9/16/22

I started writing this in the midst of my meditation. This is based on the view that Unconditional Love is truly unconditional.

Negatively oriented entities always make transactional blood covenants. That’s how you can tell the difference between them and positively oriented entities. Positively oriented entities have no desire to lock you into a blood contract when they give advice, knowledge, or their experience. They do so out of love, and they do so by giving knowledge, which is more than enough for them. 

We have examples of these positively oriented entities from channeled readings such as the Aaron/Quo Dialogues channeled by Barbara Brodsky and Carla L. Rueckert, The Law of One by I Am Ra, and The Nature of Personal Reality where Jane Roberts channels Seth. The common theme with these positively oriented entities is that they do not ask for blood-binding contracts in exchange for their advice. They simply give, and through their giving, they receive joy for being able to help their friends from other dimensions.

Negatively oriented entities ALWAYS go into a deal making it clear that they also get something out of it. They start the blood covenant for selfish reasons and convince you for selfish reasons. They say, “We’ll protect your family and friends, AS LONG AS you obey me.” Or they’ll say, “We’ll give you generations and generations of children, AS LONG AS you obey me.” Or they’ll say, “We’ll help you get that land by killing all of its inhabitants AS LONG AS you obey me.”

They feed into your deepest cravings of what you want while on Earth and require something in exchange, which most often than not is their demand for obedience in exchange for granting your desires rooted and centered in the ego. They do so for something in return because the basis is not selfless love but material or some other gain from their end that feeds into selfish love. The points to look out for are: one, they promise to grant the susceptible victim either position, power, money, or children; two, they use it as a reason to get something in return for that materialistic gain; and three, animals or people are killed on behalf of the command of this invisible entity.

Negatively oriented entities look to make blood covenants with susceptible people who would do anything, such as sacrifice innocent animals for their blood, or even their own children, to get what they want. They show signs that they will obey the entity in order to get it, even if it means murdering others. And oftentimes, these susceptible people fall prey to doing so through risky blood rituals with invisible entities that they cannot validate as “good” or “God” in order to have a “successful” life.

So even if the entity claims to be God, the susceptible person does not take the extra steps to validate that which they are talking with, trusts the entity, and enters the blood covenant. After that, it's slippery ground because if they disobey the commandments of that entity that they now serve, the repercussions of their disobedience could mean a serious loss or even death, depending on the limited mercy of the invisible entity they promised to be obedient to.

Source/God/The I Am would NEVER ask a select group of favorites to enter a binding blood covenant where they both get something. Any entity that claims that it is the Creator but utilizes their earthly cravings to get them to enter a binding blood covenant with death as the punishment is tricking that person. Or that person who believes that happened could be hallucinating off of drugs, in which there is a deeper meaning as to why that happened which comes from WITHIN.

The true Source/Love/Creator would always help lead us towards grace, love, mercy, equanimity, and peace. Source doesn’t need anything from us and would never ask us to enter a blood covenant that requires something in exchange for Source's protection. That would go against God’s equanimity, and it would go against treating all with the same unconditional love.

Pure love also happily gives love, knowing fully that in simply giving, that is all it desires. Any god that requires you to spill innocent animal blood to make a ritual promise that you will be obedient is, in my opinion, an insecure god. Why wouldn’t Source already be providing that if God truly loved his creation? I believe the real Source/Creator/I Am would not stoop so low or show such obvious signs of insecurity or lack of actual love by, all of a sudden, making a conditional promise with his favorites through blood.

Love does not pick and choose who love provides love to. Unconditional love cannot be confined by a blood covenant. Unconditional love would never promise some people protection and others no protection. That would mean it’s conditional, and love built with conditions stems from the ego. Unconditional love/Source/Creator would also not use transactional materialism to rope people into obedience and then kill them when they fail to comply. Unconditional love seeks nothing and gives everything.

Here are the links to the positively oriented channeled messages so that you can tell the difference between messages channeled by entities that require blood to bind them to their target and messages channeled by positively oriented entities that do not require blood (murder).

A snippet of the Aaron/Quo Dialogues:

The Law of One Dialogues:

The Nature of Personal Reality:


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