Entry 1,218 - Entry 1,228
Entry 1,218 - April 5th 2022
I remember what it felt like.
Scared to receive unconditional love from others.
Scared to give it back.
Confused with conditional and unconditional love.
Confused with who I even was or what I even liked.
So when I meet people who are scared of it,
I remember that was once me.
I remember the best thing to do is to just hold space.
Let them be where they are at,
And eventually the confusion will reside.
They will see that there is nothing to be afraid of
Because unconditional love is not just inevitable,
It is our very essence.
Salvation is not a distant reality,
It’s the knowing of who we truly are.
Entry 1,219 - April 17th 2022
Time as relative is finite. Time as simultaneous is infinite.
Entry 1,220
People say I believe in heaven because they haven’t been there. I say I know heaven because I have.
"I believe a banana tastes like this" versus "I know what it tastes like" are vastly different from one another. One is an intellectual conjecture minus the experience, the other is experiential knowledge.
Entry 1,221 - April 19th 2022
Do you remember how we studied in our biology class about the cells and how their mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and other aspects of them?
I think that there exist worlds where they look down on our planet and describe us as if we are cells to them. Tiny, small, but still valid.
Video pans to a classroom of entities looking at a video of us humans on Earth. The teacher begins to talk about our species:
"Behold! Human beings from the third density! Their powerhouse is called the car. They transport their tiny selves to different regions of the body called Earth that way. Many crash because they don't make good choices while on the road and choose to endanger other people's lives.
Others are more responsible and take time out of their day to donate to agencies to help the homeless and change the infrastructure to be more eco-friendly."
They still suffer from an unequal power structure that keeps the wealthy extremely rich and the poorest people homeless and on the verge of death. They are not at the point empathetically yet to enact laws that allow their citizens basic survival necessities.
A majority of these humans see each person as responsible for their own burdens instead of working together in a more communal and caring societal structure. They look down on social projects and government types where people share more wealth to allow everyone to live a healthier life because they distrust themselves, which in turn causes distrust for their government.
Greed is still rampant in their hearts as they oftentimes place the economic benefit of large corporations over the well-being of their planet, animals, and people. Because of this devaluation of life and their lack of emotional intelligence, they suffer greatly in ways they aren't even aware of. They can't understand how a healthy balance between emotions and intellect is crucial for a healthy and balanced society, and because of that, many of them have extremely short lifespans with a majority of their life filled with difficulty.
They don't understand that their severe lack of service to others in the form of government funding, volunteer programs, and other services creates a society of people who steal, harm, and destroy. They are so detached from their emotions that their leaders only send their people into other countries to help them when there lies an economic benefit for their own country. That's why they still have not helped the citizens in North Korea who are dying daily over a massively corrupt government.
A majority of entities from other planets refuse to make themselves known because they know that a majority of these humans are not in the right mindset and are very out of balance between their intellect and emotional intelligence. Many entities are shocked by these humans’ animalistic tendencies and wonder why they are still killing each other over resources, religion, and land. Many entities still try their best to send love and good vibes from a distance.
Student: "What a strange species... They look so weird."
Pan to an entity with five arms and five legs dipped in a rainbow color with no clothes on.
Entry 1,222
The biggest barriers to spiritual progression are not how much you don’t know about the universe but rather the barriers in your heart that are keeping you from unconditionally loving yourself and others.
Entry 1,223 - April 20th 2022
Someone could say they are a follower of Jesus and then express everything he is not. They could be a part of initiatives that take away minority rights (transphobic bills, anti-women bills, etc.). They stand on the street sides instilling guilt and fear in people’s hearts over their interpretation of hell, based on their spiritual greed for reward and punishment masqueraded as “I don’t want you to burn.”
They treat women like the scum of the earth, mansplaining, turning them down, bantering with their buddies over sexist remarks and jokes. They are the ones spending hours in church services criticizing egalitarian movements in society and demanding men remain in power over women, especially in the family structure because “women are too emotional.” They create suffering where there was no suffering and call you “demonic” if you don’t comply with their rules of life.
Then there are those who call themselves followers of Jesus and truly emulate his life in their own. They make unconditional love and compassion the foundation in their lives and within their interactions. They treat others how they would like to be treated. They love others how they would like to be loved. They realize that their enemies are within, and they work hard day and night to purify their minds from any strongholds that are keeping them from being Jesus-like.
They don’t blame others but take responsibility when they can. They understand that deep down, the problems of the world are due to ignorance, which stems from a lack of love manifesting outwardly. When others try to harm them, they see it as a divine cry for help, to be loved and to be seen. They are part of non-profit organizations that help heal Earth and help animals live. They put their money where their mouth is and support the life and breath of animals rather than the death and ill-treatment of them (animal testing in foods, products, and medicine, raising them merely to be eaten rather than giving them a good life).
They work hard to establish a more egalitarian way of life and a society that does not judge one based on their gender or sexuality. They constantly check themselves to make sure they are not being racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, etc., and if they are, they quickly correct themselves and learn that that behavior is harmful and not helpful.
They love deeply, not surface level. They constantly work on their emotional intelligence, not running away from their feelings or suppressing their emotions but rather facing them with full courage and equanimity. They love when not asked to, help when an opportunity arises. They are quite truly the hands and feet of Jesus, clothing the poor, taking care of the widows, and, most importantly, healing themselves and others through the love of God.
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