Entry 1,229 - Entry 1,243

Entry 1,229 - April 26th 2022

There’s the subconscious and conscious, but I believe there’s also the super-conscious. With every 3 and 6, there must be a 9. I believe real wisdom happens when you properly transmute knowledge into wisdom through experience.

From my personal experience, the fastest way for that process to happen is through meditation. Through meditation, you learn how to transfer knowledge from the conscious to the subconscious to make it become wisdom to yourself. I believe you also receive knowledge from the super-conscious and begin the process of transferring it to your subconscious.

One piece of knowledge that is assimilated from the conscious comes through the outer environment. The knowledge that is assimilated from the super-conscious comes through the inner environment.

When it goes from conscious to subconscious, it becomes a part of your habitual makeup, the way you live. If you still have to think about it, it still isn’t fully integrated as a part of you.

But there’s also the emptying of all the trash stored in the subconscious so that you can fill it up with healthy habits that require you to expend less energy. If you know how to drive well and it doesn’t stress you out, then that’s a healthy habit that will save you a ton of money. If driving scares you and you don’t know how to drive well, you will end up spending more money out of pocket for Lyfts and Ubers, which is not the most conducive habit to assimilate.

Similarly, if in your subconscious it is a habit to get drunk every night before bed and your body has to work extremely hard to expel the toxins from your body, it’s not as conducive for your health as if you were to have a cup of decaffeinated tea right before bed that calmed the nerves.

One becomes a master over matter when one learns to survey what habits and beliefs are currently stored in the subconscious and then decides to change them through a conscious effort until it becomes habitual and effortless.

One also becomes a master over matter when one assimilates inner information through the super-conscious and it becomes a part of their life.

They say it takes 30 days until a solid habit is formed, so the question I have is how much discipline can you muster over what habits will stay and which habits will be removed from your subconscious?

Can you find it within yourself to become the master over every habit assimilated?

Entry 1,230 - April 26th 2022

Just like everything around you is constantly blinking in and out of existence, just like everything is going through cycles of birth and death beyond what your mind can comprehend, I believe the ego goes through a similar process.

The way that I see it is that with each evolutionary upgrade in consciousness, the ego has no choice but to comply with an upgrade in its “computer program.” Its level of understanding is contingent on your level of consciousness. So when one raises, the other follows suit. It’s like playing follow the leader, but regardless of whether the ego wants to or not, it will always follow in your footsteps.

It’s like a foot making a foot imprint on the sand. The foot being your consciousness and the foot imprint in the actual sand being the ego’s program. You as the cause will create the effect in the ego. This birth and death of the ego, though, goes beyond just an imprint. It’s a very change in the hardware of its program.

Let’s keep using the foot imprint as an example. Say that foot grows to be five inches in width. The next time it hits the sand, the foot imprint (the ego) will reflect that wider size ratio.

Similarly, you as the programmer and creator of the hardware have the capacity to change the hardware of the ego when you raise your level of consciousness. There’s nothing you need to change in yourself (that which isn’t the ego) because you as the Ultimate Self are already the Absolute, and what about the Absolute would need to be changed?

What changes is what we experience, and since the ego is part of what we experience, it is also part of that which is impermanent. Anything that follows a cycle of birth and death, of non-existence and existence, is part of an impermanent experience.

Change how you view the world, what you believe, and what habits you currently subscribe to, and the impermanent parts of life change with it. The changeless has no need for it, only that which changes. These are like doors into new experiences. Doors into new ways of living.

Maybe before, your habit was to cry when someone attacked your image by calling you names, but now your new way of handling the situation is to remain calm and centered because you realize their behavior is a reflection of their unhealed and unexamined little self, lost and attached to their ego.

They have yet to realize that in order to stop feeling miserable, they must change their current scope of consciousness, which is localized on misery rather than on peace. If it weren’t so, they wouldn’t be lashing out at you. Awareness is the beginning of wisdom. You are the decision behind peace and also the decision behind misery. No one can take that away from you unless you allow them to. Even in the worst possible events people put us through, we can still retain our peace through the pain.

Entry 1,232 - April 26th 2022

Similar to how everything is relative to everything else, generalizations can go both ways. They can narrow reality down to a specific viewpoint to make it easier to express a certain viewpoint, or they can open a discussion on that topic by narrowing it down.

For example, we know that it would be a generalization to say the sky is blue. There are many times when the sky is a multitude of colors, but we generalize the phenomenon and say the sky is blue when it is not always blue.

Entry 1,233 - April 27th

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is not a lack of love itself, but the BELIEF that a lack of love is real in addition to unconditional love. It’s the identification with the idea of the ego as eternal rather than the realization that it is merely an idea we believe into for a short period of time.

If you believe the tree of knowledge of good and evil is a lack of love itself, then anytime you think, say, or act in a way to display that, you will feel guilty and condemn yourself to hell for eternity rather than recognizing the real reason behind why you did it.

The real reason is that you displayed a temporary act of lack of love not because you are the embodiment of eternal evil, but because you were IDENTIFIED with the ego, which is the temporary source of lack of love. You truly couldn’t have done it if you didn’t identify yourself with the ego.

Then you would’ve known it was never you that had the idea to do such a thing, but the ego that pretends to be you that tricked you into identifying with it, which was the actual temporary source of the mischief.

The reason why condemning yourself to hell for eternity for finite expressions of a lack of love does not make sense is because eternity precedes actions that happen at a particular point in the space-time continuum.

Feeling guilt and condemnation before an event occurred would mean that there is no chance for your salvation because your condemnation has always been. How do you end the endless? Hence why it makes no sense.

If the fall from our innocence (unconditional love) is an illusion, then that means the actual reality is you never fell because how do you fall from yourself? You can fall from a building because it exists in a separate place in space and time than your body.

But if someone were to say you fell from your body, you would look at them with confusion. The truth is, you can never stop being love just like energy cannot stop being energy. To fall from yourself wouldn’t even be remotely close to being believable unless we forgot our oneness and we were taught an illusion.

If you are unconditional love and have remembered that sacred truth, then you also remember it is your innate inclination to give from that eternal source of love because that is the essence of who you are. A fish swims because that is of its nature. A bee pollinates flowers because that is of its nature.

A child of God (unconditional love) gives unconditional love because that is of their nature. The ego gives a lack of love because that is of its nature. When we identify with the ego, we have forgotten our truth. When we remember our essence, we more easily express our essence.

Self-realization is nothing more than remembering who we truly are in the midst of that which truly isn’t us.

Entry 1,234 - April 28th 2022

Saying everyone in Hollywood does blood rituals is like implying every Jewish person in history has done a blood-binding covenant because they are Jews. Generalizations are generalizations.

Or, for those who want a more relatable generalization, it’s like saying everyone in California smokes weed. There are plenty of us who have never smoked weed before. Those who generalize others massively are doing so because their minds are having trouble fathoming diversity.

Hollywood is diverse, with non-blood ritual people at the top as well as at the bottom of the chain of income. Just like poor people are diverse, rich people are also diverse. Those in the entertainment industry are also diverse and not all the same. Therefore, to generalize them as such is a sign of ignorance.

If someone knew every single person in Hollywood and what they were doing in front and behind closed doors, then that wouldn’t be a generalization. But realistically, no one does. So to assume because one person openly shared that they do rituals with blood, the entire entertainment industry should be demonized, is an obvious generalization.

It is also highly ironic when someone demonizes another for blood rituals if they are Christian, considering their religion has a whole book (Leviticus) on how to perform blood rituals to appease their God. You don’t get to pick and choose and come unscathed from your own selective judgment. A blood ritual is a blood ritual regardless of if you call it a sweeter word like a "promise" or a "covenant."

Ritual or covenant, they both operate as binding and have the intention to preserve or gain something from that contract. For these people, I would say maybe focus on why you feel the urge to judge and generalize a whole industry of people, especially if you don't know them personally.

Entry 1,235 - April 28th 2022

The degree to which you’ve seen oneness in everything (that includes yourself, your connection to other humans, animals, plants, Earth, the galaxy, etc.) is the degree to which you have liberated yourself from misery.

The degree to which you’ve seen oneness in everything is the degree to which you’ve been liberated from being offended when others express their current vibrational pattern in the form of thoughts, words, and actions.

The more likely you are to accept yourself for where you’re at and to accept others for where they are at, the less likely you are to demand them to meet you at your current level of understanding (which varies), and to allow them to be where they are at in their current level of understanding.

Doing so frees you from the misery of expecting others to be somewhere vibrationally where they are not. Allowing people to be as they are is a sign of mastery. Expecting people to change to the image you see in your mind will mis-create misery when people don’t meet your expectations in life.

If you didn’t have expectations, then you wouldn’t be let down when someone doesn’t think, say, or do what you would want them to. Releasing your requirements for how they should live their life releases you from misery.

Entry 1,236 - April 30th 2022

Divine father or mother applied to God are merely concepts from Earth that we apply to That which is beyond all concepts.

If concepts limit us, then why apply them to God?

Why create an unnecessary barrier between you and God?

Even the label “God” holds millions of unnecessary concepts.

Could we ever get to a point where we stop trying to limit God down to what we feel comfortable with and rather meet God in the infinite oneness that transcends all?

Entry 1,237 - April 30th 2022

Some people need religion as a reason to be a good person.

Some people think they need military service to learn discipline.

Some people need to hire a nutritionist to form healthier eating habits.

It’s not bad to follow a religion. As long as you believe you need to submit to one is as long as you will. When you find out you don’t, then you won’t.

You don’t need military service to learn discipline, but if you’ve convinced yourself you do, then you will learn through it until you no longer see a need for it.

You don’t need a nutritionist to start eating healthier, but until you decide you don’t, then you will continue to do so.

Relying on organizations or people outside of you is not bad nor good—it’s a valid experience, which is what we came here to explore.

It also gives other people the opportunity to be rewarded financially for their years of learning their skill or trade.

If everyone could do everything equally as well, then it would dissolve the illusion of effort and determination, oftentimes necessary to create mastery over something.

Liberation from dependency on others and finding the willpower to do it ourselves is also another valid experience inside and outside of organizations and groups of professionals.

A professional in one’s field is not born out of the womb as a professional in a particular field. They grow up and eventually spend hours in their field of choice to master it.

If you want to embody the professional in the field of life, you spend hours exploring the source of life.

In order to do that, you must go within to the source behind the physical matter. You explore the depths of your psyche until you reach the place beyond matter, beyond thoughts, beyond concepts, to an infinite vibration that connects us all.

Entry 1,238 - April 30th 2022

Yes, we could spend hours, even days, talking about all the different universal civilizations spread throughout the galaxy and beyond that exist on different frequencies than us, but once again, how does that help us if it keeps our minds in the past or in the future and not on that which is right now?

Even spirituality can be a hindrance to our spiritual progression if we don’t realize that absentmindedness from the present moment is the main blockage we mis-create in anything we are interested in.

This absentmindedness can sneak into any field of interest and pull our energy away from the present moment, generating unnecessary emotions of misery and anguish for societies and civilizations that are not even in our sphere of reality.

How much more effective would we be if we took back that valuable energy and then put it towards going within and healing the planet? How much more helpful could we be by using that energy to create a better present reality rather than spending hours and hours discussing civilizations that are beyond this realm of reality?

There’s nothing bad about it, but it’s all about how much energy you are using being present. If I spend 90% of my time getting anxious over discussing a history of a civilization beyond this realm and 10% actually being present in this moment, I won’t nearly get as much from the present as I would if I were to spend more time being fully present.

Mother Earth is crying out for attention, for healing, for help to restore her precious land, water resources, and endangered wildlife. But yet here are so many of us, dreaming for centuries about other planets with other people, neglecting Mother Earth's precious cry for healing.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with learning about these potential foreign civilizations. All I’m saying is that when we make that our center rather than the present moment, we expend energy in a less useful way for the collective.


Entry 1,239 - May 1st 2022

So when you change your beliefs, you change your reality, and when you change your reality, that is when you shift to another parallel universe in such a minute way, it oftentimes slips the attention of the mind.

The reason why it’s detrimental to judge people on the past is because you are not only judging them on a past that was once not applicable to your once-present moment, but you are bringing yourself back to a past parallel universe that you evolved beyond but now you are a part of once again. It’s like reverting to an old saved game, but there’s no actual recollection of a load game or pause to begin with.

Entry 1,240 - May 1st 2022

The day will be very monumental for those stuck in applying limited concepts to a limitless Creator when they realize the God that they created in their minds does not exist. The God they created in their minds, that they argue is the author of the Bible, is actually a mental conglomeration of concepts that tickle the mind for a limited time of being.

Entry 1,241 - May 1st 2022

Someone may ask you, "How could you not hate someone?" And I'd argue, "You can only hate someone if you hate yourself." And if they say, "Well, I hate this person and I don’t hate myself," I would say, "Well then you are in denial."

That denial is a deeper-rooted hatred than someone who is able to admit that they hate others and they also hate themselves. Those people who admit that they hate themselves are much more likely to uproot the toxicity of hatred from within, which will in turn uproot the toxicity of hate that they have for another.

Entry 1,242 - May 1st 2022

A fail-proof way to tell if something is not positive is noticing how it makes you feel.

Entry 1,243 - May 3rd 2022

Hate is produced when one attempts to limit and idealize love within a narrow capacity.

If you think absolute love is conditional, then you confuse limits with limitlessness.

If you believe everyone has a right to love and be loved regardless of what they look like outwardly, then you are embodying unconditional love and acceptance.

A narrow-minded view of love leads to a layer of hate for that which does not fit one's own definitions and idealizations that they chain something or someone to.



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