Journal Discourse Part 51.5

 April 2nd 2022

If you want others to experience true liberation, first seek the realization of your oneness with all before teaching others about liberation. Better for you to live in the hills as a hermit or monk realizing that oneness firsthand rather than to teach others about something you have yet to experience yourself.

Many people give up their careers in the world for what they believe is “service to God” but actually their service renders less useful if they go in it for the wrong reasons. This is similar to someone that goes into a career for the wrong reasons.

Say that you tell others that you want to be stock trader and that you will use that money in a way to support yourself, your family and others but in actuality, most of that money is being used to enslave others or for a drug business that gets people hooked. For this example, what is highlighted is it’s not only the reason you tell others, but the real motive behind what you do, that matters most.

Similarly, if you tell yourself that you’re quitting your day job to “serve God” by becoming a pastor, but the true motive deep down is that you want to climb the ranks and one day own your own church so that you have a substantial amount of power over others, then you might want to reconsider your motives. If you really want to teach others about liberation, first realize your oneness with all and then teach others. 

There will be paths that open up, but don’t rush to be a teacher on a path until you realize at least some of that oneness, or else what difference is it from the blind leading the blind as Jesus said when referring to the religious leaders leading their followers within Judaism?

Even the bugs cry out with the sound of aum!

One way of removing the attachment to materialistic desire is yes, to resist them, but I think another plausible way is through them. If you try to resist that which you still want, it doesn’t take away the attachment or desire for it but it can actually amplify that attachment. Then as you continue forth onwards towards your goal of “God-consciousness” or enlightenment, that might put a lot of pressure on you.

I think an easier way, if time and space permits, is to experience it. If for some reason you have a bad desire, then you will learn sooner than later that bad desires hurts and they aren’t worth it. If it’s a good desire, then you will soon realize its temporal nature will cause it to no longer be desirable after a certain amount of time. I mean granted some people may take hundreds of incarnations while others take a few years, but perhaps that was part of the plan, and they came to this earth knowing that.

Maybe you try to seek happiness and fulfillment through sex with your wife to the point where you expect her to give these feelings every time you have sex. One, you not only place unrealistic expectations on her but two, you are still attached in a way that will make you want it more, even at the expense of what she would want.

After realizing you don’t always feel happy or fulfilled after having sex, you might realize it’s not the best idea to be attached and expect your wife to always give you feelings of bliss and happiness when sex is a temporary experience as a temporary sensual pleasure. Hopefully at that point, you realize that your expectations were extremely illogical because you were expecting something from her when she realistically could not guarantee that she will give you exactly what you want, every time you want it.

Through just that one experience, you can consider your motives, your desires and what you are truly after. You want a pleasure that will never run out, but then where can one find that in the world of forms? You want feelings of bliss that never run dry, but what single activity or object can give that? After some thinking, hopefully the person will recognize that the answer is not in the objects or people, but in oneness with all, with Source.

You would then inquire perhaps the eternal oneness is the source of eternal bliss that does not run out. Then after some more thinking, that person may then start direct their endeavors to desiring that bliss from within where we are all connected therein.

Now their desire for bliss that never runs dry can actually be experienced without restrictions to its abundance and one will start to realize that they have always been one with that bliss. How do you acquire that which you already are?

So then the quest continues where the seeker dives within. As the seeker finds the oneness that unites all, they get excited because they realize there is no end to this bliss they have freshly experienced. The more they travel on this road, the less addicted they are to temporal objects. The better they are at controlling their anger.

The better they are at loving themselves and others. They realize the chase for eternal bliss from Source was actually the best thing that ever happened to them. Then eventually through a humorous and adventurous journey of discovering the loving oneness that pervades all, they finally realize their liberation was inevitable and they enter it fully without restraint.

Never again do sensual objects or people have any power to make them want something from them. Never again will they fall prey to the idea that eternal bliss can be found from temporal forms. They not only recognize they are free, but that they always have been freedom deep within.


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