Entry 1,163 - Entry 1,187

Entry 1,163 - February 2022

It’s interesting because even the way in which those in New Age Spiritualism define “glitch in the matrix” could mean something different based on someone’s perspective or level of awareness. For example, if you are aware that you create your own reality and that your internal environment is connected to your external environment, then you will see the world as one with you, and you will love the world and all therein as you love your own body.

However, if you see the world as separate from you, even to the point where it is your enemy, then a “glitch in the matrix” could be the world acting in a way that is against you, that is hurtful to you. A glitch could mean a traumatic or hurtful experience for one person while it could mean something totally different for another person.

Personally, the way I define “a glitch in the matrix” would be in a similar way to how Truman Burbank in The Truman Show acted when he realized he was in a simulated environment for testing. Eventually, the character realized that his neighbors kept on saying the EXACT same thing each day, acting in the EXACT same way, even reacting in predictable manners. He could map out whole days because of the predictability of it all. That’s something I come across with people who are generally unaware that their actions and routines are predictable almost to a T.

For example, there’s one person I know that when she shows me something in her video game and goes to a very specific location, I already know exactly what she’s going to say. I often wonder if she knows that she says the same thing over and over and does so out of pleasure, or if she forgets that she told me and feels like it’s the first time for her. Regardless, her phrases are predictable to a T.

Every time it happens, I feel like I’m in some sort of time loop because she is saying the exact same thing with a similar tone. I would love to ask her personally if she knows she repeats the same sentence over and over again, but what use would that do? So I've learned that people who are unaware, who believe they are their thoughts, often act extremely predictably.

However, there are also times where people step out of predictability. Something is just different, and it's not anything you've witnessed from their past when it used to be predictable. You can tell they are fully living in the present moment. Witnessing it from another perspective, it seems like they are breaking free from an old mode of reaction and unconscious connection, and those times feel truly glorious to witness. You feel as if they have broken out of predictability, out of unawareness, and they are enjoying the time of free-balling life.

Entry 1,164 - February 3rd

I think the reason why I’m highly aware and vigilant with Christianity and Spirituality is because they aren’t as different as each of them tries to make them.

I believe that just like there are layers to a cake, there are layers of belief systems closer to a more coherent, harmonious, healthy, and wise way of believing and lower layers of belief systems that are more incoherent, damaging, disharmonious, and harmful for someone to believe in.

For example, you could have a Christian or a person in spirituality land on literally any layer of how harmful or helpful a belief is within Christianity or Spirituality. Here are some examples:

Harmful beliefs in certain denominations of Christianity:

  1. Everyone by default is going to hell.
  2. God's mercy runs out for those thrown in hell.
  3. We are born as wretched sinners.
  4. We all have this evil nature within us that cannot be trusted.
  5. Only a few make it to heaven.
  6. You can’t save yourself, only Jesus can.
  7. You are lost without Christianity.
  8. The Bible is infallible.
  9. It is righteous to commit complete genocide if "God orders it."
  10. Refusing to treat women equally alongside men.
  11. Trusting oneself is bad.
  12. God will not forgive the devil and his demons.
  13. Seeing themselves as "God's favorites."

Harmful beliefs in certain groups within Spirituality:

  1. If you eat meat, you will lower your vibration.
  2. If you cut your hair, you will lower your frequency.
  3. Don’t mess with our spirit guides and ancestors, or they will f you up.
  4. Spell casting to hurt other people who have hurt you.
  5. The old earth is physically splitting from the new earth, and if you don't make the jump, you'll die.
  6. Your ancestors are angry with you. They told me to tell you that you need my help, and that'll cost $99.

But just like I noted above, I think there are certain belief systems, such as within the minority of Christianity and Spirituality, which are more harmonious than the majority belief systems of Christianity and Spirituality.

The layers of beliefs, I think, continue to spiral upward until it reaches the boundless state of the Absolute where there are no beliefs, just absolute knowing.

At that point, there is a full transmutation of believing to knowing. So again, I don’t think there is anything wrong with beliefs, for they provide the framework for self-discovery, self-reflection, exploration, and fun.

Entry 1,165 - February 4th

Sometimes it’s a blessing to see the future. Other moments, it feels like a curse.
You see people die.
You see people live.
You see people thrive.
You see people forgive.
It’s the here and now somewhere there and now.
It leaves you questioning the answers you didn’t know you had yet.

Entry 1,166 - February 4th 2022

The goal was never alienation and fragmentation but rather integration. Any level of fragmentation is not a sign of “ascension” but rather of experiencing a new layer of separation simply with new parameters and frameworks in which to explore it within.

Separatist ideals feed on love-bombing, on separating others from their close family and friends, by making them feel “different” and “special” from others. Thus, a new type of group emerges from the “normies.”

They talk about how they cannot be around their family and friends because “they don’t understand.” They can’t be around 3D people because they vibrate much lower and they cannot have lower vibrations around them.

However, I would say the signs of a highly evolved specimen would be someone who doesn't care what vibrations they are surrounded with; they are master alchemizers.

They are the ones who are not taken down, moved, or hurt by other people’s vibrations. On the other hand, their vibrations are stronger so all other ones that are less harmonious become more harmonious. If someone else around them was exuding vibrations of harm, they become transmuted into a harmonious vibration with and through unconditional love.

They are divine transmuters. It doesn’t matter where they are or who they're with; they are able to sustain their high vibration and not only that, but transmute other people's vibrations to higher ones over and over again, regardless of the "spiritual weather."

Entry 1,167 - February 5th

Do you think we could ever move into a reality where cows aren’t brought into the world mainly to be our food but more so to be our friends? Where cows are brought into the world to be appreciated for the sources of divine love that they are?

Entry 1,168 - February 6th

What’s the point of mainstream fundamental Christian denominations that thrive off of a cult mentality if they cannot even deal with their trauma?

Especially since one doesn’t need it for a relationship with Jesus; hence me and so many others having a healthy relationship with Jesus and also not being tied down by that type of denomination.

Entry 1,169 - February 6th

People who try to use mainstream versions of Christianity that focus on division over unity to heal from their trauma are like someone trying to use ibuprofen to make their feet grow.

It just doesn’t work because it’s beside the point. That type of Christianity serves you more trauma and headaches, so why submit to it?

That sect has already degraded beyond Jesus’ message when it morphed into something that teaches blatant division in the form of an us-vs-them mentality. How do you have the saved unless the unsaved exists in their minds? Salvation becomes about conversion, not about love.

Some may argue they try to convert because they do love, but believing one must convert is inherently believing in an us-vs-them mentality. You cannot have the saved and unsaved without splitting people into two different categories, hence upholding an ideology of division.

Entry 1,170 - February 7th

One day scientists will realize just as that which is not matter is infinite, matter itself is infinite, in extension to what is known—that the properties that compose energy and matter are transferable through equation.

Though objects in our universe may seem to exist and then seem to not exist, the cells that constitute them are constantly recycled into an infinite amount of forms and formlessness, matter and no matter.

There are truly no closed systems. Everything is interconnected.

Entry 1,171 - February 7th

Break all curses; don't make them, or else you'll end up on the other end.
When you curse, you bind yourself.

Entry 1,172 - February 7th

Do not try to enter a space of conflict resolution with someone who has their trauma activated. First, feel out the energy of the person. If they are feeling antsy, shaky, and angry, just wait. Wait until they are in a better state of mind.

Maybe try meditating and separating their energy from your energy field. Do not allow their negative energy to penetrate yours by merely setting up a force field of love all around you.

Entry 1,173 - February 11th

Like, I guess to be in a relationship, there are benefits because you learn about yourself from a romantic perspective, not just from perspectives we normally engage in, such as employee perspectives, family perspectives, friend perspectives, and so forth.

There seems to be an added level of awareness through romance where you see how balanced you are. For example, do you possess your partner, or do you give them freedom to grow? Are you codependent on your partner, or do you individually thrive? Do you share space in a way that is both beneficial for each other and one another?

So, I see there are added benefits of knowing oneself and learning to become the best partner, but it still makes me wonder, why? If my life flows to a point where I'm very much aligned with someone else, maybe I wouldn’t resist, but I’m also at a point where I don’t know if I’d go out of my way, if that makes sense.

Entry 1,174

I feel as if I am to Mother Earth what a cell is to my body. It’s an honor to consciously work in such a way to have a healthier planet, just like we hopefully work consciously to have a healthier physical body.

Entry 1,175 - February 16th

Don’t try to explain yourself to those who prefer to intentionally misunderstand you.

Entry 1,176 - February 18th

It’s interesting because I notice when I lack stability in one area of my life, such as living conditions, I redirect other portions of my life to be the same every day in order to compensate for that instability.

For example, over the past two days, I went to the same places for eating and ate the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch.

Entry 1,177

Religions: People who get together to talk predominantly about doctrines and beliefs that they can’t see or prove.

People sit in circles and ponder what invisible ideas of life exist in each person’s head, then they compare it to their own.

Then they hope to their God that their images and ideas are not considered “heresy” to the group, and if they are, they make sure to conform them more in line so that they don't get seen as a threat or get removed from their leadership position.

Entry 1,178 - February 18th

Why are we so apt to limit actual people to static characters such as those seen within fiction books or video games?

I think one of religion's worst vices is making people see other people as either fully evil or fully good. Religions all over the world either convince you to see people outside of their religion as the evil ones who dissent against them, and/or they convince you to see their prophets and leaders as a type of god who never, if ever, makes mistakes. It's strange. This isn't IMAX theater...

Religions often have to convince people to completely demonize a person who is doing extraordinarily well but isn't a part of their religion because there’s no way that person can be more successful outside of their religion in their eyes. It would go against their unverifiable claims that their religion brings you closest to God and makes you the best version of yourself.

In their eyes, there’s no way that person can be holier outside of their religion. In their eyes, there’s no way that person is closer to God than they are outside of their religion. There are all these conditions and criteria for people to meet in order to NOT be demonized. So please don’t be upset if you don’t meet their idea of what makes someone an acceptable and holy individual.

There’s a good chance they don’t even meet their own criteria within their religion, which makes them even more tempted to put down those who are outside of their religion. It’s the oldest trick in the game: Find someone that you already view as less to make you feel more than them. But unfortunately, doing this actually does the opposite because then you will almost always find others who are better than you.

It's called the law of reciprocity. Until you return to a state of balance—rather than placing yourself on a pedestal and lowering others below you—you will suffer from your own inequality.

Entry 1,179

Unfortunately, most people do not want to hear you defend yourself when you get into an argument with them. Most people want you to hear themselves, and if you do defend yourself at the beginning of the argument, most of the time they’re not even listening because they're too busy in their head working out the next defense for themselves against you.

People want to be seen. They want to be heard. They want to be empathized with. Give them what they want, and they will give you what you want. What you give is oftentimes what they will give. What you withhold, oftentimes they will also withhold. Some do so more than others, but eventually, people will learn through the law of reciprocity silently at play in the background.

Entry 1,180 - February 21st

Contrast accentuates that which you don’t know when you become aware of it through experience. The knowing and not knowing are two sides of the contrast, which allows us to appreciate the process of attaining knowledge through experience and then living that knowledge as wisdom.

For example, you don’t know how much you value communication and being able to understand someone if you have not experienced that in the first place. Our firsts of anything tend to be our biggest milestones.

Entry 1,181 - February 22nd

Anger is totally understandable. It’s normal to feel your emotions and then to release them. But just be aware that anger is in response to you being triggered. If you see that, then you will allow yourself to deal with your anger in a healthier way that is less likely to hurt others.

You can find ways to feel your anger with yourself rather than project it on someone outside of you. This allows you to honor how you feel in a safe way, and then when you go back to the person, you can speak from a place of love because the anger has been seen, heard, felt, and it has dissolved itself by you honoring it.

Anger speaks for us about how we feel about conflict, but it is most definitely not a conflict resolver if it makes both people defensive and unwilling to hear the other person's perspective. The best conflict resolution is when both parties take time to sit alone with themselves to feel their emotions out thoroughly and then come back and have a conversation dipped in love.

If the two in an argument can feel their emotions together in a conducive manner, then that is also great, but unfortunately, a lot of people do not have the capacity to handle other people's emotions when they cannot even handle their own. So that's why I encourage each person to take the time apart to understand why they feel the way they feel and then to allow themselves to feel those emotions fully without any interruptions involved before coming together to resolve the conflict.

Entry 1,182 - February 25th

Saying the universe “does life” for us rather than us doing it ourselves through free will is, in my opinion, spiritually gaslighting our individuality.

Entry 1,183 - February 26th

Everything deep down is truly relative. Objective reality is, at its best, our own universal/macro-cosmic attempt at solidifying a perception that constantly changes based on the perceiver.

Entry 1,184

If you do not intuitively understand oneness, then you will not intuitively understand that when Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life," that was coming from a place of oneness, of expansion—not from a place of division and exclusion.

You will read his words as if he was for separation, for upholding division and inequality among the masses. You will interpret his ministry in terms of an us-vs-them mentality rather than a oneness mentality of creating wholeness and healing.

You will not understand Jesus, and no matter what you read that was supposedly from him, you will read it from your current level of awareness and from your ability to comprehend information from your current perspective.


Entry 1,185

The weird thing is I know my path is public, and I have a love/hate relationship with that. I love helping people, but I also love my privacy. I love empowering people through my vulnerability, but I also love being alone to recharge my energy to do so.

That’s why I don’t know if I could ever be in a relationship again. The small amount of "me time" I do have is something I cherish exceedingly. I’ve already relinquished the desire for attachment, knowing it is the root of all suffering, so why be in a relationship where suffering awaits my arrival unless it was for a divine way to experience unity? But even then, I don’t need someone to experience divine unity with because I’ve already found the wholeness and love within, so it’s a strange place to be at.

Entry 1,186 - February 28th

The origins of my middle name, Iro:

“I” stands for that which unites us all, and “Ro” means the beholder of knowledge and wisdom.

Together, it quite literally translates to “I” - which stands for I Am, or Being, the root of existence, and “Ro” - which stands for balancing knowledge with wisdom: knowing and doing.

Iro encompasses the three in one—being, knowing, and doing. It represents a sacred trinity of active force in the universe.

This combination is the sacred three responsible for powerful manifestations, affirmations, and integration. When one hears Iro, it acts as an activator agent towards progressing one’s reality toward their chosen movement.

A play on words, the name is in reference to everyone’s essence.

Entry 1,187

I think stating that “everyone is a reflection of oneself” has a high probability of drastically diminishing the unique and beautiful variability of one’s own individuality. To compare people to objects such as mirrors that reflect us back to ourselves not only creates a strange worldview, but it also creates an unrealistic worldview from a micro-cosmic level of perceiving.

I think a better saying that retains one’s own beautiful individuality is: the images we create of others and ourselves reflect back what either needs to be healed or is healed within ourselves. It’s more so about our perspective that creates an image of this person or ourselves that shows us our current state of mind. That way, we are no longer diminishing people into an object such as a mirror but rather respecting their infinite, multi-dimensional nature of all that they are.



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