Entry 1,188 - Entry 1,214

Entry 1,188 - February 2nd 2022

Many would say that intelligence is good, while interestingly enough, there are some who may assume it isn't. Some might even go further, especially those who submit to a particular religion, and say intelligence keeps people from enlightenment. I think one’s perception of intelligence ironically has something to do with intelligence itself. My personal belief is that the more aware someone becomes, the more intelligently they will act.

Now, I know that can be a blanket statement because what makes someone intelligent? There are some articles written that there are seven main types of intelligence: interpersonal, intrapersonal, nature-based, spatial, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, and memory-based intelligence. So when someone says they are intelligent, it’s going to depend on their idea of what they believe makes them intelligent in the first place.

The way I see intelligence is that it is the ability to acquire, remember, and utilize knowledge in such a way that it becomes wisdom to oneself and to others. If someone is intelligent in one area of life, they tend to go above and beyond in knowing more than the average person may be aware of. If we take that one step further, there are people who not only excel in one area of life but in multitudinous areas of life.

These people are often described as being polymaths or having well-rounded intelligence. Well-rounded intelligence, to me, means someone excels concentrically in their ability to acquire and use multifaceted knowledge on a day-to-day basis. I think well-rounded intelligence goes hand in hand with awareness. To me, awareness is the ability to go beyond the mind’s limited capabilities by operating from a place of being completely present.

So, the epitome of intelligence is linked to awareness. Another way of saying that is a person who is deeply connected to their intuition, which is naturally connected to a higher reality than merely the brain. When people perform amazing feats that are not known to man, I believe they are tapping into an intelligence that supersedes any limits or labels, hence them going beyond previous limits and labels of what makes one intelligent.

To me, someone who is well-rounded in their intelligence tends to be very aware or very much in the present moment. I believe the two go hand in hand. For my personal walk, I’ve realized the more knowledge I acquired, the more associations I found, and the more I was able to help myself break free from irrational and harmful beliefs within society, conditionings, traditions, and religion.

I oftentimes think, if they only knew what I knew, then many Christians wouldn’t be afraid of an eternal hell because they would realize it rationally doesn’t make sense within the context of Judaism, what Jesus believed, and even with science. But because they do not yet, they cannot transmute that knowledge into wisdom, and so they still live by that fear-based belief acquired by that denomination within Christianity.

So then, overthinking could be a sign of unconsciously identifying with one’s thought processes to the point where one can slip into periods of stress or even anxiety. If one was aware that they are not their thoughts, that they do not have to overthink, or that they can find ways to heal from their trauma so that they don’t overthink, then eventually their anxiety will reduce the more they become aware. This is why I believe intelligence and awareness go hand in hand. The more aware you are, the more intelligently you can act in your everyday life and within the realm of mental constructs, emotions, and beliefs.

Entry 1,189 - March 5th 2022

In every religious or spiritual community, there are always those who think they’re “too high” to watch movies, have a piece of cake, or go out with their friends and have a good time.

I believe these people are still under what many coin as the "spiritual ego." This egoic mentality tricks people into thinking they’re too good to be in those situations, as if that which is outside of them actually has the ability to lower their vibrations. These people believe an object is stronger than a person... Sounds fishy to me.

My comment is, if you're actually as advanced as you claim to be, then it doesn’t matter what event you attend, where you go, or what delicious cakes you eat… You’d be able to alchemize anything you deem as “lower” than yourself.

Entry 1,190

What you fear is what is drawn to you.

Entry 1,191

A note on those who curse others:

Those who use their power to curse others are still stuck in the web of causality regulated by the law of reciprocity. For if you truly knew what they needed, you wouldn’t perpetuate the cycle of hurt; you would help them end harming themselves and others through the potent reality of love.

Those who don’t yet understand that are still stuck in the cycle of harm: harming others who harm others who harm others. When has a fire ever been put out by adding more fire to it? When has a flood ever been removed from an area by adding more water to it?

If the person really wanted to stop someone from harming others, they would move from a place of compassion and a desire to heal. Until then, the cycle will speak for itself. Those who harm those that harm, adding to the perpetual cycle of harm, will eventually learn that the master way to stop someone from hurting others is through love.

A band-aid on an open wound can only do so much for so long until it bleeds through and you need another one. But once the skin activates and closes the wound, the bandage is no longer needed. The band-aid may represent your desire for justice, which I promise, will come. And the skin repairing itself represents the healing nature of love, which will stop that person from hurting himself and more people. Choose love; you won’t regret it.

Entry 1,192

The past being relative can change, but I believe it can change in a coherent way, not in a chaotic way. If you think about how our perspective makes up for the way we store our memories, then it makes sense that it is okay to change our personal perspective in such a way that benefits us more in the long run.

Entry 1,193 - March 4th

It’s the human stuck in narcissistic tendencies that expects you to be perfect but then fails to hold themselves even to half of the bar they held you accountable to. Have compassion for them nonetheless. For Jesus said it best, "Father forgive them. For they know not what they do."

Entry 1,194 - March 5th

If you want to go to the heart of life, then you must go beyond belief systems, which stop at the mind.

Entry 1,195 - March 9th

If you say you believe in equality but then you also desire either a patriarchal or matriarchal society, that is based on your inability to see equality as what is best for all. That is based on your perspective, which is based on how open you are to equality in the first place.

Also, not desiring an egalitarian society, but rather a shift of power from patriarchal to matriarchal, is a trauma response after centuries of maltreatment. Forgiveness and equality are the keys to healing. Shifting the power and control from one sex to another will not solve our problems; it will just create new ones in the other direction.

Entry 1,196

We’ve been thoroughly convinced to fear oneness as the absolving of awareness and as the ultimate forgetting of one’s individuality, but I ask you this:

If that were true, then what would be the point of experiencing all that we want just to forget it at the highest level of oneness?

Does oneness really equate to terrible memory? To dissolving people’s experiences into nothing?

Or perhaps is oneness the great perspective of knowing all things? The actual ability to recollect even the smallest and most minute details of one’s temporary exploration into duality?

Entry 1,197 - March 10th

Insights while meditating

I don’t mind other people having sex before marriage because I understand that marriage is a human construct and not a “God construct.” There is absolutely no reason why being legally married by bringing in the government in between my marriage is necessary to be considered a “holy man of God.”

If what makes someone holy versus not holy is that marriage certificate that the government issues you at marriage versus not having a marriage certificate with the government, then our value of morality is quite embarrassing to say the least. If we hinge the morality of being a “good person” on that, then it predisposes people to judge anyone who does not fit the criteria of having that marriage slip with the government as evidence of “being good.”

I promise you wholeheartedly, God could care less if you have a marriage slip with the government or not. God doesn’t need to have you be married through the government to have it considered “holy.” Not every relationship needs an expensive ceremony with an officiator in order to go into a relationship with the intention to enjoy each other’s existence sexually.

You can offer each relationship you enter into as a sacrament to God. You don’t need the government to do that. You don’t need a marriage slip to be holy. You cannot help but be what you are, and that is the secret. Your life is a living sacrament, a living testimony of what you come from. Sex is a valid experience.

People are not better or worse for having more or fewer sexual partners; they just have different experiences depending on what they choose. To moralize their sex life is to make it increasingly hard for others not to fall into the trap of judging them based on their narrow-minded view of what makes someone holy in regard to sex.

The idea that God somehow cares more about the paperwork of a government institution than the love and respect shared between two people is an illusion built on human constructs. Relationships should be sacred because of the intention and connection between the individuals, not because of external validation through legal or social frameworks.

When love, respect, and intentionality guide relationships, they become naturally sacred. What matters most is the authenticity of one’s heart and how one treats their partner. A healthy relationship, whether or not it’s accompanied by a legal marriage, honors the divine essence of both people involved. 

Entry 1,198 - March 11th

Resistance to oneness is resistance to God because God is one.

Resistance to oneness is resistance to Jesus’ message.

Resistance to oneness is resistance to our true nature.

Even splitting duality and non-duality into separate categories can still trick the mind into believing there is a separation that exists between those two experiences.

Entry 1,199 - March 13th

There are many, but your soul feels like home.
A similar feeling that I get when I am alone.
No two snowflakes are truly the same.
Your heart feels like if I were to win a game.
Far from what I know, which is not a lot,
I do know your love is capable beyond thought.
The glories, the stories, the historic moments,
You are the fire I happily perform in.

Entry 1,200 - March 15th

When I would play Skyrim, I joined literally every single guild because I was so curious and I wanted to have the experience of them all, and that’s what I feel like I’m doing now in life. I’m so curious about how people perceive life, live life, and so forth. I don't know; I’m just a super curious individual with an insatiable thirst for adventures. Also, these people in real life are definitely awesome. They give me their own “quests” to go on, and it’s very much an intriguing experience. :D

Entry 1,201 - March 16th

If a kid comes to you and says, "Look, I’m missing a finger," you wouldn’t say to them, "No, honey." You would acknowledge that they don’t have a finger, that they think they should have a finger, and go through whatever steps are necessary to help them, even if that means getting a robotic finger in the future.

Similarly, if your kid comes up to you and says, "I’m a boy, not a girl," you wouldn’t say, "No, honey." You would acknowledge that they are saying they are missing the correct body parts because they are saying there is a mismatch between how they feel and their body.

Maybe for your kid, that’s just allowing them to dress how they want to dress or allowing them to cut their hair short. That could be enough for the kid to feel okay at that point. It doesn't mean they have to medically transition right away. It could mean simply giving them the space to express themselves how they want to be expressed in that moment.

Medically transitioning is not a light topic, and by no means do I think that choice should be rushed. So, if you can give your kid the space to socially transition, that could be more than enough for a long time.

Entry 1,202 - March 17th

The belief system that gives you comfort and peace also causes stress and turmoil in other people’s lives.

Remember, the doorway to understanding one another is not forcing beliefs as reality but seeing love as all there is.

Entry 1,203 - March 18th

Seeing yourself as one with God but not as God is probably what is best for most people to stay in a state of humility.

Because if they are told they are God, but they haven’t done the necessary work to see what is really them and what is their “ego” or “false self,” then they will see themselves as better than others, separate from others. They’ll see themselves as “God” and not others as “God.”

This will increase the gap of separation in their minds because they’ve crowned their ego as God rather than their true self, which is one with God.

However, once you get to a point where you see all is one and one is all—that deep down, we are all God equally in nature—then you have the deepest form of humility, knowing you have the privilege of experiencing yourself from your current perspective; that everyone is divine yet playing along to give you this grand experience we call life.

Entry 1,204 - March 25th

When you meditate, you actually start to remember more.

Not just past memories that you long forgot about, but who you truly are.

You start to remember your truth, even when others try to convince you of their truth being yours.

Entry 1,205 - March 27th

If it’s real unconditional love, then it will genuinely change someone from the inside out. But when someone says, "Oh, you can love someone but not accept them as they are," that's not real unconditional love. Real love does not reject people for who they say they are. Real love accepts people for who they are.

False love is only giving love when people line up with what you want from them. Real love is love that is given regardless of how you want someone to look, act, behave, believe, and so forth.

One way of determining if your love is real love or not is if you reject someone as they are and you believe your love will change them and make them how you want them to be. However, if your supposedly "real love" has no effect on them to make them feel loved, then it's a selfish love rooted in what you want for them and not what they want, and it will only cause more turmoil and strain between you and them.

Real love does not harm relationships; it fortifies them. Real love accepts people as they are and doesn't expect people to mold themselves into our preferred version of them that we hold in our minds. Real love mends and heals. It does not cause wounds in relationships. This is how you'll know if you're giving real love or false love.

Entry 1,206

Many people assume that they’re sharing the gospel of Jesus, but really, they are just preaching their dogma. They're spreading their belief system.

Entry 1,207 - March 28th

Overall, I’m too much of an out-of-the-box type of person to be confined within an “in-the-box” type of church, if that makes sense.

Entry 1,208

Never underestimate the potential for growth experienced when you open up to the idea that everything and everyone is your teacher.

Entry 1,209 - March 30th

Words are not just words alone. They carry the vibration of their author and relay it to the reader.

Entry 1,210

I have come to tempt the world with the riches of God. To whosoever eateth of this tree will fully realize them as Me.

Entry 1,211

How ironic is it… The very love we crave is the very love we are.

Entry 1,212 - March 31st 2022

This came to me after spending some time in silence with God:

In Genesis, the symbolism behind partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is adopting the temporary perception of duality existing as an eternal reality. It was created not to condemn and destroy, but as a way to descend in order to ascend. To experience oneself in an abstraction of existence; to descend into duality only to rise evermore into the realization of one’s inherent oneness with all.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a symbol of ego/sin. Ego/sin is the temporary source of a lack of love, of differentiation, of duality, of perceiving the potentiality that lack of love does exist in addition to abundant unconditional love.

Sin is an idea we made and believe is eternal until we no longer believe in its validity. We no longer believe in its eternal existence when we recognize its temporary relativity to the world of space-time. Einstein used mathematical equations to show that the factual nature of linear time and space are illusions of energy manifested in a temporary format we call “matter” or “form.”

The idea of sin rests upon the bed of these temporary manifestations of energy, and it will also disintegrate with these temporary manifestations of energy. The inability for space and time to remain changeless reveals their illusiveness. The problem people have is when they confuse sin, space, and time as eternal phenomena rather than temporary abstractions.

To eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is to temporarily forget that lack of love is an illusion rather than an eternal reality with no ending nor beginning. One main purpose of temporarily experiencing any sort of lack of love is to better understand unconditional love. How deeply would you appreciate wealth if you’ve never known poverty? How deeply would you appreciate your sight if you were not once blind? How could you understand the elemental benefits of light unless there was no darkness?

The fall is nothing more than forgetting our true nature and the belief that which is temporary (ego) is real (eternal) rather than not real (temporary). Therefore, I believe the fall from innocence represented in Genesis is most likely an experience that we were not forced to partake in, but that we willingly knew about before coming here.

If we were forced to experience a state we didn’t want to, then that would clearly infringe on our free will. Then you’d have to ask, why would God force you to experience this rather than create you in perfection and allow you to choose your next experience? Doesn’t it say in the Bible that God gives everyone the free will to choose? So how could one be forced to be born into a world of temporal duality against his ability to render a willing choice over the matter?

The fall from innocence (perfection) is a journey of finding out who we truly are and where we came from through a process of returning to innocence and remembrance. Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Our pathway back to God is a pathway of innocence, remembrance of who we are, what is real, and what is not truly real. The more we center ourselves on unconditional love, the more we will center ourselves in truth.

Entry 1,213 - April 1st

In the new age spirituality circles, they oftentimes proclaim you can’t ignore your shadows and you have to do what they claim as “shadow work.” Now just those words can mean completely different things to different people, but the way in which I saw it was you have to focus on each minor inconvenience that is a shadow within yourself in order to dispel it. Again, there can be multiple definitions for those words, so that’s just what my belief used to be.

However, doing that is the equivalent of plucking one leg hair at a time when you want all of your hairs gone. If you want no leg hairs and it’s the night before a huge event, realistically it’s not going to get done before then! It’s so much faster and more practical to wax the leg hairs and then you’ll be ready for the event.

Or another example is a gardener starts cutting with scissors the tops of weeds with the desire to rid all weeds within his garden. Realistically, the weeds are still rooted into the ground, and even though the gardener might eventually make the top of the garden look pleasant again, it is still there at the bottom living and suffocating other plants.

It would be so much more practical and faster to pluck the weed from the root because not only is it gone, but then the gardener can move on to the next weeds invading the garden in other areas.

To some, they don’t mind dealing with each of their "shadows" one by one, and that’s fine. But realistically, dealing with your shadows one by one takes a considerable amount of time because it’s slow, and it doesn’t go to the root of the problem.

The root is not in the shadow itself but in your inherent belief in its existence. Because you believe it is real (eternal) rather than temporary (not real), you breathe the belief of existence into it, which tricks you into thinking that it has power over you.

But once again, the only power it has over you is the power you give it. Without your power, it ceases to exist. How can you be mad at someone if you don’t even remember what you were mad about in the first place? How can they be “guilty” if they don’t even know they made you mad?

In many situations, people offend someone else, and they don’t even realize they offended them until someone else or that person has to spell it out for them. Then that offense becomes real in their minds. How does that offense become undone? When one forgives the other person, then it is done away with.

Even though it was a temporary manifestation of a lack of love, we choose to either give it power to hurt us or not. We decide if someone can offend us or not. The truth is, you are invulnerable to every attack because you are life itself. The only thing that can be truly hurt is the ego, and when we get tricked into identifying with the ego, we feel as if we are hurt, when it was actually just the ego.

This is why meditation is crucial for fast advancement because it is by this process that we go to the root of any problem or “shadow” and dispel its illusory existence from our being. We recognize it is not coming from our own true nature but from the ego’s frail and vulnerable nature.

Depending on the level of realization, one can dispel each shadow one by one (which could take a considerable amount of time). Or the deepest dispelling can happen when one remembers all there is, is love. That any and all offenses are mirages of the ego that do not truly exist. At that level of dispelling, one simultaneously is able to pluck out all roots of weeds that cause imbalances of energy within the body.

Entry 1,214 - April 2nd

They say there’s one thing we know for sure: that we all die.

I’d say there’s one thing we should all know: that death is just as much of an illusion as time is.

The experience of death is relative to your current level of consciousness.

To some, it is complete agony; to others, it’s a peaceful transition to a new plane of existence.



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