Entry 1,150 - Entry 1,162

Entry 1,150 - January 27th 2022

The reason why I love going to the Jacuzzi at night and talking to Christians about the benefits of not believing in unnecessary doctrines of fear is because I can better understand new arguments that I may not have heard before.

There was this one guy who went to this Pentecostal church, and we had a really great conversation. He was bringing up strong rebuttals to why he should believe in his fear-based doctrines, and I was trying my best to show the irrationality, the fear, and why it does more harm than help to identify with them.

I brought up that one of the surest ways to get close to God is not through other people’s experiences of God (The Bible) but rather directly with God through their own personal experience. He then brought up two major arguments. One, that he doesn’t trust himself, and two, how that would create chaos because everyone would believe in their own version of God.

For the first one, I myself cannot convince someone to trust themselves if they refuse to, but I can point to how having a chaotic and negative viewpoint of oneself is a very self-destructive mindset to submit to. We all know logically any house built on a faulty, unstable, and chaotic foundation is bound to fall. All it takes is one storm, and it will soon go tumbling down. Similarly, not being able to trust yourself puts you in a position where everyone and everything outside of you does the thinking for you.

If it's bad enough, you convince yourself to not trust your beliefs about God and rely on your religion to do the thinking for you. It can even bleed into other areas, such as not trusting your problem-solving skills or your critical-thinking skills. This is not a good mindset to have for anyone seeking to remain on a good and healthy mental foundation. How do so many people fall victim to cults? The mindset mentioned above is the fertile ground many cult leaders use to lure people in.

For the second one, I told him this: "Since fear and separation are the foundation of the specific Christian doctrines mentioned, that already has happened. Christianity has over 40,000 different denominations, and I guarantee you that they do not all view God in the same way, nor his teachings the same way, especially salvation in the same way (which is argued to be extremely important)."

So as of now, with fear- and separation-based doctrines being the cornerstone of so many Christian denominations, there is already a ton of chaos and disagreement between the branches. And when one branch doesn't like how one views a particular doctrine, they go as far as to call them “not real Christians” because somehow denying them their connection with Jesus makes them feel better about themselves. Some will realize the desire to create separation between that denomination and the other denomination doesn’t just come from Jesus but from their religion's twist on Jesus' message.

The division and fear are reflections of their mindset, not God's. For what would God be afraid of? And what would God fear as the Creator? It would be hilariously stupid if someone attempted to attest that fear and division do not come from man but rather they come from the Creator, who is All and in all (oneness) and is above and knows all things since He created all things (so there's nothing to be afraid of).

Not only do we not all agree within Christianity on what official Bible to have, but we don’t even agree on how to interpret it. The Catholics have their own Bible, the Orthodox have their own Bible, and the Protestants have their own. What I mean by that is that there are books in the Catholic Bible that are not present in the Protestant Bibles, and there are Catholic Bibles that do not have books that the Orthodox Bibles have.

In fact, Martin Luther tried really hard to remove James and Revelation because he thought it would do more harm than help, and rightfully so. Revelation, interpreted outside of traditional interpretations, creates intense fear and anguish by seeing the world end in a doomsday fashion potentially within our lifetime with nothing that we can do to fix it, rendering us useless to the “devil’s” devices until we are saved by Jesus.

But if we were to read the Bible in context and interpret it how it was meant to be throughout the ages, it would show the people how John (the guy who wrote Revelation) had to communicate secretly so that he would not be murdered. His symbolism survived the destruction from the Romans, which was its intended purpose.

However, centuries later, it's being applied in stranger ways than before. It reminds me of AP Lit class when they asked us what the red door meant in a fiction book. Every character in the book could have a different interpretation of what it meant to them. So why on earth are there so many Christians interpreting Revelation from their perspective rather than from John's?

So what tends to happen with this “chaos” argument is many believe the church's idea rather than Jesus’ words. They’ve been so well-conditioned by their church to see division as beneficial and wholeness as evil, that they couldn’t tell you what is truly up or down when it comes to reading things in context.

For example, when people asked Jesus what the most important commandments to follow are, Jesus said, “Love God with all thy heart, mind, soul, and love thy neighbor as thyself.” And he went on to say, “There are no greater commandments than these.” The problem is, people place their fear-based and separation-based doctrines that they see as commandments above Jesus’ words because of their church, and this is where the issues happen. People think they are following Jesus, but in actuality, they have been conditioned heavily by their denomination in Christianity to still perceive differently than how Jesus taught.

The reason why I start with Jesus is so you don’t think I’m grabbing this out of nowhere. (Even though it should be obvious that love is the beautiful answer that heals and fear is responsible for the division and chaos in our world). Secondly, when you look at it simply, it is then easy to undo the conditioning from your denomination and return to Jesus’ original message.

Love unifies, fear divides. Love heals, fear harms. If people focused on having a loving relationship with God, with themselves, and with others, then there would be less chaos in the world. If people focus on having a fearful and divisive relationship with God, with themselves, and with others, then there will be more chaos and division in the world. Not all Christians choose the latter, but even a little mixture of some can contaminate the whole.

Entry 1,151

We should define morals not from “This is how I interpret the Bible” because we know that way of thinking is widely up for debate, depending on what denomination out of 40k you adhere to…

So instead, I believe we should set up our morals by what is of love and what is of hate, if it either helps or harms (spoiler alert, that is what Jesus did and taught). We should rid ourselves of, “This is how I think they should live their life because this is how I interpret the Bible,” but rather, “My goal is to love because that helps. Love heals. Fear and hatred divide."

When people tried to kill others based on their morals of right and wrong defined within the Jewish law, Jesus saved them and condemned them not by Jewish law. His law was love, which triumphs over fear and hate. If Jesus did that, then who are we to throw a stone of hate to hurt others by our version of morality based on our interpretation of the Bible?

Entry 1,152

I don’t think Jesus was trying to say he wanted his followers to be sheep because sheep are notoriously dumb. I think ultimately Jesus wanted us to become like him: the good shepherd.

Entry 1,153 - January 28th 2022

Just like you can increase your words per minute of reading by practicing and seeing how far you can push yourself, or just like how you can increase your mile time by working every day to hit your goals, similarly, I think you can increase your state of awareness—how present you are—by working on it daily.

It’s a discipline like any other, but in my opinion, it’s the most important discipline because if you’re never present, then where are you? The linear version of the past and future literally does not exist eternally, and all time is technically now in this present moment. So if you’re not here in the now, then where even are you?

Entry 1,154

I had an intriguing thought in my head while hiking. The thought was, “What if this external landscape is a reflection of my current internal mindset?”

Because when I see this, I feel this inwardly. A peaceful place outwardly, and a peaceful space inwardly.

There’s an esoteric saying that goes like this: “As above, so below.” And I think perhaps: “As inwardly, so outwardly.” Maybe the only divisions we have are the ones we choose to accept.

Entry 1,155 - January 31st

I'm fortunately so over mainstream Christianity that I feel like I'm rightfully restoring so much lost time from its needy grips.

Instead of reading the same boring story over and over again, desperately trying to find a new twist or a "new" nugget of information I purposely forgot so I wouldn’t be bored out of my mind, I now have that time redeemed for new books to read. For what I want to do irrespective of any needy version of religion.

Instead of donating my precious money to mohawk-loving, big mansion, big Benz-loving, tax-free pastors, I can put that money toward the people who desperately need it. Not saying it's bad to support those you want to, or to look the way modern pastors look or have the things pastors have, but rather that I no longer want to support a group that supports people in hope of converting them. I no longer want to support people who offer help to those in need in hope of colonizing them religiously down the road.

I no longer want to support a group of people that slowly encourage these vulnerable people to change their customs, traditions, even beliefs because they were given free help, so they change for these Christians even though they don't want to. I no longer want to support people that believe they are the "real ones" going to heaven because they "believe in Jesus correctly" and everyone else will, by default, burn forever because God's mercy apparently is capped by space and time.

Instead of spending three to four days a week at some building trying to receive instructions on how to live a moral life dependent on Jesus, I have redeemed that time to simply live my life with Jesus and everybody else who supports my best life. Not only that, but I now use the time to consult professional, non-sectarian help that does not guilt trip me if I accidentally "believe incorrectly" and encourages freedom of thought inside and outside of religious discourse.

Entry 1,156

When people realize this, there will be so much more freedom that can dissolve the prisons religion has made in people's minds: Jesus didn’t come to save you. Jesus came to show you your freedom. Jesus didn’t come to make you codependent on him. Jesus came to show you that you are the shepherd of your life.

Jesus didn’t come to encourage you to be a dumb sheep that oftentimes gets lost in cracks. Jesus came to make you the shepherd of those who are currently getting lost in hundreds of cracks. Jesus didn’t come to make another religion. Jesus came to help people break free from the fear-based limits of the religion at that time. You don’t need Jesus to be saved. You don’t need anything to be saved because you already are one with everything. How do you save that which is already one with salvation?

Jesus tried using the language, words, labels, and context of Judaism to help the people transcend the limits of Judaism, and now I hope to carry on that process with the new ruling religion of this era: Christianity. Now I and many others are doing a similar thing by using the language, words, labels, and context of Christianity to help Christians gently see beyond the limits of Christianity, but soon many of us will enter a period where we will dismantle any illusions completely.

We will disprove any embarrassing limits it has created out of Jesus’ message completely. We will expose the fear-based doctrines to a point of no return. We will show its inherent flaws in its deepest roots so that people will no longer fear the religion and stay in submission, but they will be free from all of the fear it used to control us.

We are moving into a new era of life. One that doesn’t perpetuate strange religions. We are moving into an era of liberation. Jesus would be excited to see the undoing of fear-based doctrines dominating. Of the undoing of those who took his words to create a new religion bent by men to control, steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus would support this because liberation was his ultimate desire, not constriction into a new religion. When I and so many others lay out flat the toxicity of Christianity that needs to be removed, that version of Christianity will go from being the majority religion on this earth to the minority.

I know there are many doing this same thing with other religions that dominate our earth, but there will be many of us who will focus on dismantling the toxicity in this one. Group consciousness is calling for new and healthier traditions, ideas, and beliefs that will draw more unity and less division. Either Christianity will rapidly evolve towards love, or it will die out with its self-produced division, fear, and hate.

It will have to make its choice soon, for we the people will not wait while it commits atrocious acts in the name of God. Group consciousness is ready for an upgrade. I will gladly go forth with others and do what we all want deep down: help bring forth true liberation from the systems of thought that have trapped us in fear for way too long.

Entry 1,157

Be vulnerable for the people who are afraid to be themselves. Be vulnerable to help those who feel like they can’t. Be you, and one day you might see how it did help make a difference.

Entry 1,158 - February 1st

Can you imagine? Some of the cells that are living in certain human bodies are going through, literally, a hellish experience. Maybe their host—the organism they contribute to—has bad thoughts of harming oneself or others.

Maybe they have a ton of undealt trauma, which causes them to eat really unhealthy foods or to not take care of the body in the way it needs to be taken care of to keep the cells predominantly healthy. There could be inward strife between cells within the body, where there is a battle of cells trying to destroy the bodily system for whatever reason and then cells trying to heal it.

Then just imagine how happy the cells might be in a body of one who loves their body, takes care of their body, loves themselves, loves others, strives to eat the healthiest food, and works out when it’s best for the body. Imagine what a joyful environment for these cells to exist in!

And the host knows because the host of these cells feels their receptivity to a healthier life. The host of the body feels chills and excitement from these happy cells. The host sees the outcome of having a healthy state of mind because it trickles down and affects every single cell within and without.

Entry 1,159

Casting spells on people does not put you in your power; it puts you in your weakness.

The reason being is if you truly had a mindset of oneness—the mindset which the sages, ascended masters, and enlightened ones taught through personal life expression and their teachings—then you would not do that.

You would realize the mindset to cast spells in order to harm others is still built on division because if you truly saw all as one, you would remember that what you do unto others is what is done unto yourself. That I am you, you are me in oneness. In essence, we are one, but we don’t have to fight for expression. We are oneness, as in we all are the same essence of God-stuff.

We are oneness, as in equal in our nature. We are oneness, as in love is the reality of everything. Oneness never cancels our awareness; it upholds it. Oneness does not ruin our individual expression; it maintains it. Oneness is intelligence actualized as one pure thought: Love.

There is no need to worry about being nothing because, at your core, you are one with everything and nothing. There are no dualities that escape unity. For duality was born out of unity, and we will be able to explore whatever expression we desire because we are desire manifested. We are who we are, and that is the truth.

Entry 1,160

I was encouraged to not be afraid when I realized how I really truly cannot wrap my mind around how all time is simultaneously happening in this present moment. Like how am I enjoying multiple existences, experiences, of my past selves, past incarnations, future selves, future incarnations and yet still retain my feelings of who I am???

But I was reassured that perspective is God mode to the max. That Source in absolute form can understand fully that process, but we weren’t meant to understand that for multiple reasons. Part of the journey on Earth is forgetting what we already know in order to experience a certain existence in all its glory. Time does not end our individuality; it is our stamp for experiencing it within a framework of particular dimensions we have created to understand life from this particular perspective.

Entry 1,161 - February 2nd

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. 

The problem at Jesus’ time is that those susceptible to cults deified him and created a new religion out of him. Instead of finding their faith within to heal themselves (as Jesus demonstrated time and time again), they put all their faith on Jesus and assumed he alone was God and they were nothing. This is a major recipe for disaster. It leads to unhealthy codependency, feelings of not being good enough, not feeling able to help oneself, and more.

Entry 1,162

Some people need to project all their ability to heal and their ability to advance spiritually on ascended masters such as Jesus. It’s not bad or good; it’s just where they're currently at. They still unknowingly believe in the division between them and Jesus, which means they still believe only he can save them, and they can’t save themselves.

If they didn't have that belief in the division between them and Jesus, they wouldn’t have that limiting belief that they are hopeless in themselves and unable to save themselves. Jesus came to empower, not to disempower. When people said, “You healed me,” to Jesus, Jesus responded, “YOUR faith has healed you.”

Many fundamental Christians add in words to support their divisive doctrine and say, “Their faith in Jesus healed them.” But we can clearly see that they have to add those words in there to support their ideas. If you take Jesus for what he said and what he was trying to do (liberate them and empower them by showing them our oneness), then that Protestant addition of Jesus' words doesn’t make sense fully.

Ultimately, even faith in Jesus becomes faith in oneself because if we are truly one, then all faith is a reflection of One Faith. But if someone doesn’t see that, then they will interpret Jesus’ words in such a way that upholds the divisive doctrine that Jesus heals and we cannot. That Jesus is God and we are not. That Jesus is Christ and we are not. (Even though Jesus showed we can heal ourselves, we are one with God, and we are Christ by virtue of being the body).

Who looks at their body and says, “This is not me”? You would be looked at as insane because it is you. That’s why Jesus used the new phrase, “The Body of Christ,” because it was to point out the fact that we are Christ. That we should not look outside of ourselves to be healed because we are capable, by virtue of being Christ, to heal ourselves.



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