Entry 1,140 - Entry 1,149

Entry 1,140 - January 20th 2022

People's perspectives of what Jesus went through were exactly that—their perspectives. Their view of his experience is from their level of consciousness that they are currently at. It’s from their level of understanding. The way they reported the events was in such a way that made sense to them.

One person who supposedly saw Jesus suffering on the cross for hours had their perspective of it, but it might not be true for everyone, including Jesus' perspective. Maybe from Jesus’ perspective, the feeling of pain and suffering are two different things, and he might've felt pain but had not suffered.

One can feel pain in the body (being deprived of water, food, or being harmed) and still not suffer (emotional distress of events) based on the depth, breadth, and maturity in their level of consciousness. This is similar to how one person can have their whole day ruined because someone spilled coffee on their new outfit, while another person laughs it off and moves on.

One person can be tortured on a cross and experience the worst pain and emotional distress, while another could move their consciousness above the emotional distress of the event. Perspective and the level of one's consciousness go hand in hand.

How would one know unless it were them? And that’s what happens. People explain events in a way that they understand from their level of consciousness.

Not only that, but we have to remember these “eyewitness” accounts cannot factually be verified and were actually written 20-30 years after the events happened. On top of that, we have no written works from Jesus circulating massively, so we cannot validate that these eyewitness accounts are in harmony with what Jesus actually taught or went through.

If Jesus' life was so essential and important to write down, why did he never make the time to write an autobiography to ensure it was accurate? On top of that, we have pastors and priests who interpret the gospels in accordance with what makes sense in their own hearts and fits the traditions of their respective churches. How do we know their perspective aligns with Jesus', let alone the supposed eyewitnesses' perspectives aligning with Jesus'?

Entry 1,141

I believe those who believe demon possession is real, more often than not, are experiencing someone dissociating from their trauma and labeling it as a demon.

People who are used to projecting their misery onto others as the source rather than finding the misery within them first tend to be those who like to pass the blame on invisible entities called "demons" rather than dig up their own trauma and see where it could have originated.

Even though a majority of Jews, if not all, do not believe in fallen angels since we know that doctrine originated from a pagan source, there is nothing you can do to convince a mainstream Christian that the doctrine comes from a pagan source.

The base of one's beliefs shapes one's perspective of events. So knowing we do not know who truly wrote the gospels, knowing we have no verifiable evidence of the claims, why do we put so much weight on other people's perspectives rather than our own?

How is their perspective any better than our own? I can already hear the rebuttal of fundamental mainstream Christians proclaiming, “Well, their words were inspired by the Holy Spirit." I would respond with, “And what makes you think your words aren’t? Why does their perspective become deified to the point where it is Scripture, but your perspective is not worth more than two pennies in relation to theirs?”

Paul wasn’t even there when the actual events with Jesus before his death were happening, but he wrote up a whole chalk full of doctrine, and it's now the holy grail of Christian theology... Even though we still cannot prove that Paul wrote all the epistles within the Bible.

Why do we deify people's histories over our own history with God? Why, as Christians, do people go into the Bible and call every word infallible when we know it isn’t? Why do we claim it’s infallible to sell people as slaves, treat women like property, beat slaves, and force women to be slaves for life, but then men can get out of it after 7 years?

Why do we brush over the inhumane things in religion rather than address them for what they are? If God said it’s a sin to murder, then what god commanded the Jews to murder?

How did the Jews know they were always following “the one true God”? If the Ten Commandments were truly inscribed by God, then at least they could’ve used that as a blueprint to decide which voices were from God or from another entity, right? Like if it says in the Ten Commandments to not kill, and then you hear another command to kill, it should be pretty obvious that something isn’t right… That maybe perhaps they should investigate the voices that are speaking to them and being written down as “God” in their scriptures.

Entry 1,142 - January 20th

If you need religion as a reason to be a good person, then please, stay in your religion.

If you use religion as a reason to be a bad person and to hurt others, then please, go get therapy.

Entry 1,143 - January 23rd

You can measure your level of psychological fear by seeing if you are triggered by the same words you used to be triggered by from your past conditionings.

So, for example, say you were taught by your particular denomination within Christianity that demons can possess you and take over your body. Try switching out “demon” with other sentences to see if it still triggers you.

Like instead of, “the little kid fell on my painting,” you’d say, “this little demon fell on my painting.” Then, if there is any sentence with "demon" that triggers you, you still have work to do in order to remove that trigger.

Or try joking about it in relation to yourself. Say a friend asks you why you did something that warrants itself as a "mistake." Try saying, "Oh, I was possessed by a demon." If saying those words triggers you to feel fear, then there's a good chance you still have to release that fear.

If you’re from a fundamental mainstream Protestant denomination, you’ll most likely have to remove the trigger behind all these words: Devil, demon, antichrist, sinners, LGBTQ, witch, wizard, lake of fire, hell, and more.

They’re words, but we’ve been taught to experience emotional psychological distress when they are said, and if a word has that much power to induce suffering, then it’s best to start learning how to get your power back by not letting words trigger you into a fear-based response.

Entry 1,144 - January 24th

Don’t they see that the only way one can rationalize the eternal hellfire within mainstream Christian theology is to render God powerless?

Entry 1,145 - January 25th 2022

Move people by love, not fear.

Not only because love is more powerful, but also because why would you want to contribute to someone’s emotional distress?

Entry 1,146

Most people are not ready to challenge the belief systems that they grew up with. This doesn’t just mean within religion, but within other areas of belief such as: “My parents are unhealthy, so I will be.” Or “My parents smoke, so I will smoke.” Or “My parents watch six hours of TV after work, so I will.”

Many people will follow the same patterns they’ve been conditioned to follow until they consciously decide to undo those patterns and reconfigure new and better patterns in life.

This takes a willingness to explore in depth one's own life, to go within. If you’re only ever identifying with every thought that has become a part of your conditioned response throughout your childhood, you will almost always react in the ways that you are used to. You become very predictable in how you handle situations, family members, relationships, and so forth.

Your reaction is predetermined by your past until you become conscious enough to act from a place of mindfulness, from the present moment. You will eventually upscale your actions to higher levels of awareness as you work on being aware of why you think the way you think, why you do what you do, what beliefs you identify yourself with, and what you believe to be inherently true.

This is a process of evolution in the mindset. Those with higher levels of awareness have a greater capacity to reconfigure patterns in their lives rather than those who react from their past. If you want a more peaceful present, then act from the present, not from the past. All that is required from you is to raise your level of awareness of who you are and what you do. That is why all the major sages and ascended masters have always emphasized this one important truth: Go Within.

Having a lower level of awareness doesn’t make you “worse” or a bad person; it is simply an experience of life on Earth, one of many to choose from. It might make life harder than someone who has a higher level of awareness, but it is a valid and interesting experience nonetheless.

For example, someone who is less aware might lose their peace and suffer during a challenging event in life, but someone with a higher level of awareness might be able to retain their peace and either suffer for a shorter amount of time or transmute those emotions immediately so they do not store that trauma in the body. It doesn’t mean one is less than; it’s quite the opposite, in fact.

Everyone is equal in nature; we just experience life differently depending on the state of our current awareness. It’s not a matter of how much you know, but rather how present you are.

Entry 1,147

A bad energy reading will tell their clients in such a way that induces fear into their hearts.

A good energy reading will motivate them to move in the direction of their best probable future reality.

Entry 1,148 - January 26th

The reason why it’s good to use discernment with what you talk about and with whom you talk about it is because many people cannot handle that which they do not understand. Even more so, if what you said is something they have been taught to be triggered by, it will cause emotional distress.

For example, I’m not going to talk about complex Calculus theories with someone who doesn’t know anything about Calculus because the conversation would not be conducive in any respect. I could maybe teach them basic, beginner Calculus-related problems, but there is only so much I could touch on before taking the stage for too long.

Imagine if that person not only didn’t understand anything about Calculus, but they were afraid of Calculus. Such as, the very word “Calculus” triggered them to feel emotional distress. So, if I knew they were triggered by that word, why would I want to bring it up in the first place if they did not want it brought up at all? It goes back to respecting people and where they are currently at. And it is another reason why we should use discernment on what we speak about with certain people.

Those who tend to operate at a lower level of awareness tend to be more narrow-minded, have a narrow perspective, a stubborn belief system that they feel intrinsically identified with, and aren’t as open to hearing other perspectives on it, especially if it triggers them.

A lot of times these people get triggered by particular words that do not fit within their accepted vocabulary system. Those labels or words that rest on the outside of what they deem acceptable become deep valleys for triggering emotional distress. Many times, these people are unaware that it isn’t the label that is responsible for their trauma, but the unhealthy relationship with that label. Instead of going to the root of the problem, they tend to project it onto others and, by doing so, give their power to others rather than changing their relationship to that label.

Those who operate at a higher level of awareness tend to be more open-minded, curious, have a wider perspective, excel in multiple areas of understanding, and understand the nature of beliefs and how many beliefs over time are discarded for better ones as time goes by. They tend to not be so identified with these belief systems, but rather appreciate them if they are of help and let them go if they cause harm. There is a dynamic flow to their way of life. They aren’t so caught up in doing things “right” and more so in following the flow and wherever they would like to go.

Entry 1,149

Something I am remembering is that just because you are into “spirituality” or you consider yourself a “spiritual person,” it does not mean that you have a high level of awareness. You might be very intelligent and very knowledgeable about certain practices, but again, that doesn’t make you a sage or master.

What I’m seeing with those in spirituality is similar to what I saw in mainstream Christianity. There are people who are really good at outlining how to do what makes someone feel excited or feel loved… For Christianity, that is praying to God. For New Age Spirituality, it is conversing with one’s “spiritual guides.” But that has nothing to do with one’s level of awareness. Regardless of what label you use or what religion you adhere to, your level of awareness can dictate what you are susceptible to within each religion’s downfalls.

That’s why I believe it is incredibly important to focus on going within rather than learning all the little fun practices of religions because, I promise you, they are a lot more similar than they would like to admit. In Protestant Christian theology, we have the rapture. In New Age spirituality, we have “5D ascension.” In Christianity, we have prayers of protection to keep evil demons away. In New Age spirituality, they have affirmations and protection spells to keep evil spirits away.

In Christianity, many people pray that the wrath of God would inflict those who deserve it. In New Age spirituality, we have people creating sigils and spells that will activate on a person that they think deserves to be punished. If you look closely enough at these practices, it oftentimes follows this pattern of thought: same meaning, different labels. They may differ slightly in how the practice is carried out or what the exact label is, but most often than not, all three forms of physical creation are activated: Thought, Word, and Deed.

I was reminded about this earlier when I met a dude who was really good at helping me remove fear about death but also was not in a place where he could save himself from his own destructive thoughts. A guy who went out of his way to try to help people ended up killing two women and himself over the custody of his baby. 

This volatile behavior doesn’t just come out of nowhere. It is calculated, thought about, and eventually, his thoughts and words of murder turned into the actual murder of their bodies, including his own. Even though he came off as a “spiritual man” who "understood" these high concepts of spirituality, his actions reflected a different diagnosis within his brain. He was actually very sick in the head and needed mental help but never got it for reasons unbeknownst to myself.

So again, it doesn’t matter how deeply involved someone is in a religion such as Christianity, New Age, or modern-day Spirituality. It matters more about the person who is exploring these avenues of thought. There are people inside and outside of all religions with very high and very low levels of awareness. 

It is not necessarily the religion that always shapes and molds the person. We can all actively choose to shape and mold ourselves. Though religion can definitely influence us based on the level we allow it to, it is subservient to the greater group’s current level of awareness, which can be subservient to our level of awareness if we choose for it to be so.

Unfortunately, what we see on TikTok is that there are a lot of people who criticize their ex-religion’s practice just to enter into another version of their practice with new labels. There is nothing wrong with pointing out red flags so that you and other people are aware of the damage of believing, speaking, or practicing those red flags, but it becomes obsolete to point them out just to re-enter into the same thoughts, words, and actions with new labels attached to old ideas.


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