Entry 1,104 - Entry 1,139

Entry 1,104 - January 1st 2022

Something I realized when I was doing my fifteen-minute meditation today was that last year, I tried so hard to have people think like me rather than just loving and accepting them as they are, where they are. I realize that is probably why I received similar behavior, but also within other areas of my life.

Now I’m learning to let people be where they would like to be unless they are open to hearing, growing, discussing, and expanding together. Arguments are fine, but forcing someone to see like me is pushing it a little too far.

There are people who want to argue to see if someone can find a good enough argument for them to let go of a limiting belief they hold onto, and there are people who argue because they have absolutely no desire to listen to you and want to force you to see as they see.

I hope to always reflect a positive, open way of discussing to not only teach but also to learn. To not force my view on others, but to welcome it into their peripheral as they do so with me.

Entry 1,105 - January 1st

Isn’t it ironic that we can easily say God is all in all, but then when someone says God is here in this plant, mainstream Christians oftentimes say, “But God is not in that plant.” Then you say to them, “But you literally just said you believe in the Scripture that says God is all in all?”

Entry 1,106 - January 2nd

As I was looking up at the night sky, it quite literally dawned on me the beauty of each individual star shining brightly amidst the dark background of the night. I thought to myself, “So this is what it means to shine?” During the day, we can’t see these stars shining with all their might so brightly, but when the sun reclines into its slumber, the faraway lights come through to shower our night sky with a dazzling glow.

The contrast allows these stars to be seen. To be experienced. To be known. Though in the spiritual community, we oft look down on the duality complex, the contrast of life, it serves one of the most profound experiences we can afford. It helps us to know who we are. It helps us to experience ourselves in ways so fulfilling.

The Absolute is glorious, but sometimes dipping into a period of unknown, of contrast, of polarities, allows us an experience that helps us grasp the beauty of our being in ways untold by the Absolute.

Now, as the tiny star, you are seen for what you are. A shining bright light, burning with vigor with all your might. Gloriously travailing the universe and finding other bright stars to journey with you onward.

Some days may be hard, other days may be easy, but regardless, you learn to appreciate it because, through the journey, you find how beautiful you and all the universe is.

Entry 1,107 - January 5th

I can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself in this. When I didn’t know myself, when I was scared of my will, when I was scared of myself, I was very deeply involved and codependent on Christianity.

I sought everything through the religion, even at the expense of the limitlessness of God. I was enveloped in its particular doctrines, in its lifestyle, in its indirect and direct judgment, and more.

And if you say, "Oh, it’s not right that they judge. That’s not the gospel." I hate to break it to you, but mainstream Christianity’s gospel is bent on needing to judge people. If you don’t judge some as unsaved and others as saved, then there is no reason for Jesus to have died on the cross, according to their interpretation as to why Jesus died on the cross.

For mainstream Christianity, Jesus died to make the sinners saints. To save people from hell, which, according to them, by default everyone is destined to go to. Luckily that isn’t the interpretation of all Christian denominations and most definitely not the original church’s main teaching. But somehow the minority paganist view became the majority colonial view and is the most "popular" fear-based doctrine of salvation (because it did not come from Judaism).

What makes something fear-based? Well, if you're aware that everyone on Earth is, by default, going to burn forever for not believing correctly, then how miserable would you feel and how much fear would you feel for those unsaved?

If you were truly empathetic, that amount of pain, that amount of suffering, of anguish, is enough to cause deep misery continuously because that means God loses a majority of his creation to sin. And to imagine that is the way the Creator of the Universe handles disobeying his commandments? A finite mistake of belief results with infinity in hellfire? It's 100% fear-based.

Entry 1,108 - January 6th

Sometimes Spirit lets me see into the future, and the minute I see it, it changes everything.

Entry 1,109

There are those who believe you don’t truly have free will.
That you don’t have desires; desires have you.
That you aren’t in control, that the universe has control over you.
That you are not responsible, nor can you do anything besides what you are supposed to do.

It reminds me of one polarized view of seeing politics, sports, or religion where they demonize the shadows instead of healing them with love.

However, anyone who remembers that polarity but finds balance between them escapes that one-track mind.

Entry 1,110

How do you defeat death if you end up dying?

Entry 1,111

There is no such thing as objective morality.

According to the Bible, it was okay for siblings to have sex with each other at the beginning of time, but now it’s not. Morality is dependent on the space and time at that moment.

In the Ten Commandments, it says, "Do not kill," but that is relative to who, what, when, and why. The understanding of that verse is relative to all those things.

For example, in the Bible, it was technically okay to kill if that person was told by God to kill them, but it was not okay to kill if it wasn’t told by God. That makes it relative.

Or another commandment says you must honor your mother and father. But that might differ from mother and father, of what or how you are honoring them. Each country has different specifications of honor and dishonor. Some of those specifications can go against your own personal well-being.

Such as when the Bible says that the rapist must marry the woman he raped in order to take care of her. Do you really think that woman is going to want to marry her rapist? So if she doesn't want to because she doesn't want to risk her life to physical abuse but her parents do want her to, then is it truly dishonorable to have her refuse to marry her rapist as the Bible commands? What about in today's day and age?

The father might say to his daughter that she must marry this man, or else she will dishonor her family, but then to another parent, he gives the option. Regardless of her choice, it won’t dishonor her parents. Of course, it's relative.

Entry 1,112

Sometimes it’s our time to play the game, other times it’s our time to make the game.
If you follow, follow with all of your heart.
If you lead, lead with all of your heart. But most importantly, do as thou wilt, for therein lies one's free will.
Let us remember that which we temporarily forgot: The created and creator are but one.

Entry 1,113

People who say Jesus taught the law objectively obviously didn’t read the Bible in context. Jesus constantly challenged the rigid limitations of the law.

When they accused him of not following the Sabbath correctly, he pointed out how that law, relative to the situation, can be treated as such depending on the situation. He paralleled his experience with David’s and thus showed the flexibility and relativity of the law.

When they tried to stone a woman for sexual sin, Jesus took them beyond the rigid law to kill and pointed it back at them. He displayed that if she deserves to die for her mistakes, then they do too. He constantly displayed the law of reciprocity because they obviously weren't getting it. He showed that the law in the Bible was meant to give life, not take it away.

Entry 1,114 - January 7th

Convince me otherwise: Enneagrams are the Christian version of astrology… The “accepted” version of it.

(It’s origins are also esoteric.)

Entry 1,115 - January 8th

These questions of "Who am I?" aren’t meant for your ego to intellectualize but meant to take you beyond the ego to your infinite nature.

There’s a saying Jews shouldn’t read the Kabbalah until they are forty because so many felt insane reading it.

I met another guy who said his mind literally broke when he tried thinking through who he was.

Your ego can't handle your infinite essence. That's always a dead end.

 Entry 1,116

What does it mean for one to honor their body? First off, what does honor even mean? It means treating your body with respect. So I would say part of respecting your body is respecting its various cycles. When it’s tired, you try your best to find time to rest. When it’s excited and wants to move, you go on a hike or go lift weights.

When your body has the jiggles and wants to dance, you throw on some music and dance under the moonlight. When your stomach growls and would like some food, you feed it abundant and nutritious food until it’s satisfied. When your body is feeling sexual, you allow yourself to tap into your divine oneness; you tap into your innate sexual power and release that power for your whole body to benefit from it.

Not honoring your body often happens the most when we honor other people over our bodies. We honor their expectations, what is best for them at the expense of what is best for us. We honor what is healthy for them at the expense of what is healthy for us, which truly is neither healthy for both of us since we are all interconnected in some way.

Not honoring our bodies is only eating junk food and not giving your body the proper nutrients to replenish and restore itself. Not honoring your body is working 14 hours for your company, sleep-deprived, in order to benefit your company and not yourself. Not honoring your body could be you doing what your religion wants you to at the expense of your own body’s natural cycles.

Entry 1,117

The thing that is keeping mainstream Christians from exploring other religions, other practices, other things is literally their fear. The fear from their religion convinces them that any word, any meaning, any belief "outside of their religion" is demonic, and so they are afraid to look and investigate because merely investigating would be enough for them to be thrown into hell.

And so that's why they are even too scared to be curious about it. They are unfortunately unable to make connections to other religions to better understand the oneness we all share that goes beyond arbitrary boundaries used for control and power.

Entry 1,118

What if the sun is actually a memory bank, and the reason why we can’t stare directly at the sun during the day is because we cannot download all the memory of all the integrations it holds at its peak? What if that is because if we could, it would ruin the "dream" we all willingly play in?

Entry 1,119 - January 8th

All major religions many years ago performed animal sacrifices. In Asia, Jerusalem, Egypt, that was the common ritual that ironically they all shared. Though certain tribes went a little farther and sacrificed people, they were barbaric practices that have largely been done away with by civilized societies.

People who say Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice are speaking in terms of the Christianity built off of the Pharisees and Zealot lines of Judaism, which has become the mainstream version of Christianity in our era due to Catholicism.

However, if you were to explore the Jewish sects that did not participate in blood sacrifices but still read the Torah, still followed God, and lived often as hermits away from the crowds, they would refuse to participate in slaughtering animals to appease a God who needs blood to talk to you.

These Christians that don't believe in the blood and brimstone hell narrative are now the minorities and are considered ‘mystics’ because they focus more on the relationship with God rather than on the religion made around God.

Entry 1,120 - January 11th

How do you go around believing Jesus’ words that we are all one but, in the same breath, set up division between the oneness you believe in?

Entry 1,121

Since we are so used to moralizing everything, thanks largely to religion, maybe it would be more helpful to look at life in a different way than how we are used to.

Instead of associating the higher levels of dimensions with higher levels of morality, we see them in regards to more unification rather than fragmentation.

We see being able to perceive and operate within more dimensions of awareness equivalent to perceiving more. Instead of moralizing dimensions, we merely identify them for what they already are: more to perceive, more to be aware of.

And the fact is, some are not aware of other dimensions or the malleability of these dimensions while others are. Some believe linear time is objective rather than relative and so they do not understand those who talk about time as relative.

They don’t travel outside of their respective time zone, so they forget that it isn’t 4:00 pm everywhere. Or they don’t understand how time works in relation to velocity.

To make matters worse, they apply this incorrect belief that time is objective to the Bible and to people's salvation.

So they were already missing the point when they failed to understand that time is relative, and now they make it worse for themselves by making faulty doctrines out of an incorrect notion.

Entry 1,122 - January 10th 2022

I believe Jesus knew that the idea of God, Being, Creator, The I Am, or whatever you want to call it, stretched beyond the feeble boundaries of Judaism. However, I also believe Jesus was very much aware of his mission to reach as many Jews as possible. That is why I believe he used the language and words pertinent and largely known within Judaism to be able to reach them and then try his best to take them beyond any limits found within religion.

So by me saying, “Jesus had to use what they were used to or capable of grasping” I quite literally mean that. Our brains can process a certain amount of bits per second, but if you are inclined to see Judaism as true and anything else as less true or not true, your brain will try very hard for you to discard and to forget that information altogether because your brain follows in your suit and deems it as unimportant.

Think of it in this way: Would it make sense that Jesus would try to talk to the Jews outside of what they knew, outside of their religious words that hold significant meaning in their lives, and then bring them to a place even farther outside of the bubble of reality that they believe in to be true? Doesn’t seem like that is what he would try to do.

Before Abraham made his blood covenant in the wilderness, the Jewish people were far from monotheistic. Many worshiped Asherah, a female deity, alongside the Creator and other deities. But when Judaism took off due to Abraham's blood covenant with the entity claiming to be the Creator, the worship had to be to “The Father only.” But how do you know who you're worshiping if you cannot see it? There are many gods who claim to be "the Father" or "the Creator," so what marks the spot for the correct God?

After Abraham's blood contract with this supposed Creator, to the Jews, the Creator was seen in the male form, changing the trajectory of societies for centuries. Before, when there were largely female deities alongside male deities and more matriarchal societies to counterbalance patriarchal societies, it was more accepted to see God in both female and male ways. Eventually, however, archaeology hints that the matriarchal societies went almost extinct, as did the popularity of the worship of female gods.

Therefore, with the popularity of a deeply dominant patriarchal society found within Judaism, that was why Jesus most likely had to refer to God with male pronouns even though he most likely knew that God was beyond gender.

If Jesus had referred to God with female pronouns, there would probably be a slim chance that he would have been able to reach as many people as he did, or have been able to teach in all the synagogues that he taught in. If Jesus was actually as balanced as he was, as enlightened as he was, then I personally believe he would know that God/Source/Creator cannot be limited by one gender.

Even when he did use the language that they were familiar with, many still accused him of straying so far as to being demon-possessed, which shows you how much of a tough crowd he was ministering to. Even though he was out there freeing people from “demon possession,” they saw him as demon-possessed for being so far out there with his own beliefs.

When Jesus spoke on oneness, many Pharisees and Sadducees interpreted his words in lieu of division. When Jesus used their terminology to explain connections, they interpreted Jesus as saying he was closer to God. People interpret largely from the place that they know, and if they are ignorant, then they weren’t giving Jesus a lot to work from. And I’m not talking about ignorance in knowing their scripture, but ignorance in knowing themselves.

Because if they truly knew themselves, they would know God. That’s what Jesus was trying to explain. He was constantly trying to draw parallels between their scripture and his words to show that he was not trying to destroy Judaism, but expand the people within it to new heights of perception. New levels of love. New moments of freshness and vigor.

Entry 1,123 - January 11th

Be so open that no one can find the fear in your beliefs.
Be so free that no one can group you into a closed-off mentality.
The journey of remembering what we forgot.
The biggest mystery of the universe is "I Am."
If you don’t believe so, just ask yourself one question:
“Who am I?” Then enjoy where it takes you. 🌌

When will you stop answering that question or when did you even begin asking it?
Perhaps the more you ponder the question, the more you realize the depth of those three words.
If you are, then what are you not?
If you always existed, then how could you have been created?
If you create your life, then what do you not create?
Is there truly such a thing as a closed system when energy is all there is?
Enjoy exploring.

Entry 1,124 - January 12th

Some people call them prophets.
Others call them psychics.
Scientists call them aware.
Regardless of your label, there are people who seem to be able to see things beyond the present moment.
I am one of many who have realized that capability.
And once I see, I’m never the same.

Some things I see are events I feel grateful to have escaped, just like when the prophets would tell the people their future would be bleak unless they changed their ways.
Other things I see have in themselves changed me for life. Questions I’ve been asking for years are finally realized and I’ll never be the same.
These moments of “remembering” always represent big milestones in my life.
I regard them as sacred as giving birth, marriage ceremonies, or the death of a loved one.

I just had another milestone moment that will forever change my life to a question I didn’t even know I had until I started meditating.
Sometimes answers come in the form of pictures.
Other times it comes as instant knowing.
Other times they come through experience.
But regardless, I say all this for encouragement because anyone can truly experience this.
Anyone can go within and escape the illusion of linear time.
Anyone can explore the depths of their limitless being.
It merely requires a willing heart to do so.
Behold, the ability to explore beyond boundaries is accessible right now in this present moment.
You don’t need a building to get you there.
You don’t need a $500 course.
You don’t even need that pastor or his book.
All that you are is enough.
Enjoy the ride.

Entry 1,125

Within our perceived linear time frame and spatial framework, everything is relative to everything in some respect. You are relative to space and time.

Where you are is somewhere that can be plotted in a longitude and latitude with a timestamp. The events that happened are relative to space and time. Events on Earth happen at a certain place at a certain time.

Example: The sack of Constantinople happened at a certain place at a certain time in history.

Morality is relative to space and time. With the Jews, it was considered morally upright to sell their daughters to men for money. In history, major religions from Judaism to Paganism considered blood sacrifices as holy and necessary in order to win wars and find favor in the sight of their respective gods.

History is relative to space and time. Predominant and minority beliefs were relative to space and time. Even that which was considered “facts” were relative to space and time. Your words are relative to space and time and the context and meaning those words were spoken.

Entry 1,126

My life is my Bible
My church is the Earth
The Kingdom of God is within
Only the kid can enter
Because the kid never left

Entry 1,127 - January 13th

So many people point fingers and say, "Look, big pharma is making billions off of our sickness, so they're bad!" I would like to say a few things about that. First off, if we were to use that “belief,” then technically everything capitalizes off of our sickness or incompleteness in who we are.

The clothing industry capitalizes off of new fashion trends, and if we don’t fit them, then we feel less or incomplete. The fast-food industry capitalizes off of our weakness of not being able to find time to cook, and so it’s easier to just get a burger. Any person selling anything capitalizes off of us. The first thing though is that they have to convince you that you need their product, regardless of what it is, but that’s life on Earth right now.

We’ve entered a place where money is essential to survive. Money that wouldn’t hold any inherent value until we collectively decided it would. And even that perceived value fluctuates with other people’s perceived value of money from their other countries! Our idea of what we need, how much it is worth, is volatile and continually fluctuates.

Instead of focusing on all the negatives that we collectively entered into, which I believe was with free will because I believe in total free will, how about we focus on how we would like to collectively change it to better reflect a healthier society?

For example, medicine has already moved into the field of preventive medicine, which now encourages people to get vaccinated and have a strong immunity rather than the medical fields benefitting and getting paid solely from people’s sicknesses. This should be seen as a serious positive win because medicine is making money off of helping our immunity before we get sick, not after. Why are we complaining so much that they are making money off of us as if not every single industry or corporation, medicine or not, are all trying to make money off of us?

That’s life! Get over it! If you truly have complete free will, then you decided to be here, so stop complaining about it and start visualizing the best future you want to become a part of. Appreciate where we are at and move from there. No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer. They drain your energy, and the negativity is only manageable until you break free from that debilitating mindset. Don’t be a Debbie Downer. Be a Happy Holly.

Entry 1,128 - January 13th

I wonder how mainstream Christians will change their doctrines when someone asks them, “Why is there evil in the world?” And they realize in the Bible it says there is evil because of God.

It will most definitely shatter some concepts. There is a nice, pretty divide in Christianity where the devil is supposed to be responsible for the evil, and God is supposed to be responsible for the good, almost exactly the same as Zoroastrianism, a religion that predates Judaism.

But then, there’s that one verse in the Old Testament of the Bible that doesn’t mesh well with that doctrine from Christianity, and it’s this one:

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7

Of course, it will be explained away and justified, as do all major religions justify the blood sacrifices of animals, the genocide of innocent babies, and other crude acts justified in God’s name. But now you know. The doctrine of mainstream Christianity doesn’t really symbiotically work with the doctrine in Judaism.

Entry 1,129 - January 14th

In my personal experience, mainstream Christianity fueled the inner critic dialogue through the “I’m a sinner on my way by default to hell.”

Even when you repent and give your life to Christ, you are still expected to see yourself as a sinner in need of Jesus constantly. And if you don’t spend enough time with him, even though you cannot trust yourself while you're alone because you’ve been taught that you are by default evil, that will lead to bad behavior. That state of mind is most definitely toxic, and I'm glad I rid myself of its poison.

Jesus came to show you your inherent oneness and power, not to strip it away from you nor to make you codependent on him for it. If that were the case, then that would have been an extremely narcissistic thing for Jesus to have done. To have gone all the way to Earth just to make people codependent on him in order to be saved... Super big red flag. But oftentimes, people who can't identify narcissistic tendencies within themselves also cannot identify it within religious ideologies and doctrines.

Even the Christians who say, "Well, he's God and he wants a relationship with you." I would say yeah, there is nothing wrong with that. But the belief where codependency is written in and you are expected to be seen as nothing causes deep problems within the psyche because you are essentially agreeing that you will never be good enough for God.

Imagine constantly viewing yourself as less, as inherently evil and never good enough, so you need to be codependent on Jesus to give you value and to make you worth saving. There's a difference between having a healthy relationship with Jesus and a codependent relationship with Jesus foundationally sourced in fear. The latter does not sound like Jesus' teachings, but it 100% does sound like mainstream Christianity's.

Entry 1,130 - January 15th

We oftentimes analyze things to understand things, or we analyze things to help others understand our position.

Analysis can be used as a tool to grow as a person. But the difficult part is when that analysis turns into judgment.

For example, Christians who believe LGBTQ people are sinning believe that through their judgment they are helping them see that their behavior is harmful (even though they have no evidence that it is harmful).

Then from the other end, the LGBTQ Christians who are judging the fundamental mainstream Christians for saying they are sinning for being LGBTQ are trying to help them see why applying morality to sexual orientation not only doesn’t make sense, but is harmful.

Most often than not, nothing gets accomplished when one side judges the other. We need to discover new ways to educate, inform, and unify, or else we will continue to pick a side and throw our pickles of dissent.

Entry 1,131 - January 16th

If someone can’t consider that your peace is just as important as theirs, then it’s their problem, not yours. You’re not a bad person for being true to who you are.

Trying to mold yourself into fitting other people’s expectations of what they think you should look like might make them happy, but it’s not worth losing your own happiness and authenticity. Trust your gut. Be yourself.

Entry 1,132

When people try to use the Bible as a biology book, then I get it’s a desperate attempt to explain things they don’t understand using something that gives them comfort. Similar to how when someone is going through a tough time, they like to cry and eat a tub of ice cream.

They would get so much more out of biology if they actually cracked open a real biology book, or even better, got a degree in the subject.

Reproduction in the animal kingdom has never been just binary. Sex in the animal kingdom has never been just heterosexual. In fact, some of the first life forms were androgynous and intersex.

Why would the Creator make it a sin with humans but not with every other life form that inhabits the Earth? Even from a religious perspective, that isn’t fair, and it does not make sense. If God is perfect, he wouldn’t be unfair. If God is perfect, he wouldn’t make laws that contradict himself.

 Entry 1,133 - January 17th

How can you be afraid of anything when you are everything?

Entry 1,134 - January 18th

How do you heal from a broken heart over a love you’ve never had?

Entry 1,135 - January 18th

One hundred days in Europe felt like 100 years. Each day I was alone, it went by so slowly, each week even slower, and each month even slower.

Maybe that’s why I looked forward to the friends I made because it created some foundation in space and time.

I know that sounds weird, but it is because it was. I felt ageless but then human. I felt invisible but then visible. If I wanted to disappear on the streets, I could. I would watch and notice that rarely anyone paid attention to me on the streets.

I also know if I wanted to, I could’ve done something outrageous, and no one would know who I was, but fortunately, now I don’t like to make people feel uncomfortable, so I didn’t.

Perhaps that’s what it feels like to die and exist between levels of reality. There’s a readjustment I needed to go through when I came back home. I’ll have to write up a whole blog on it. All I know is that I’m not the same man as I was after embarking on that journey to Europe alone.

Entry 1,136 - January 18th

The only thing I can relate to how I felt after traveling to Europe is the fact that if one were to stand on the edge of a black hole for one minute, around 700 years would have passed on Earth because of the differences in the strength of the gravitational fields native to the black hole and to the Earth.

Entry 1,137 - January 18th

Maybe traveling alone helped me to experience in a new way that we are al-one… Al-One as in All One.

Entry 1,138 - January 19th

We’ve been taught in Christianity to hate demons and the devil because in many denominations they are seen as nonredeemable, messed up beyond repair, with no option for salvation.

But was Jesus’ message not completely radical? Did he not tell us to “love our enemies”? Would that not include all the demons and the devil that many so ardently believe in?

I’m not just talking about the ones we’ve projected to see outside of us, but the trauma within that we label as demons. The inner suffering we label “temptation,” which is really just a resistance to love that we label as the devil.

All ideas of what is a “sin” can be narrowed down to help or harm. Or even more so, it can be narrowed down to love or fear. Then what is love without forgiveness? Or what is fear without suffering?

So how could it be a sin to love and forgive our inner demons? Or do you think fear and hate will integrate and heal you?

What would happen if we practiced what Jesus practiced: radical love?

Entry 1,139 - January 19th

“Birjus Chip will throw all into hell by default for not being a bird unless they say the bird prayer and repent for not being a bird.” - Bird Bible 33:3

Amusingly, this type of doctrine is closer to what fundamental Christians believe than what Jesus and the other Jews believed in.

Why does it seem so much more ridiculous when I switched out “Jesus” with “bird”? Perhaps because we've been conditioned through religion to take seriously some words over others even though the strange idea behind them both is the same.

Easter egg hunt: Can you find what year in history this doctrine went from being the minority belief on salvation to the majority belief?



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