Entry 1,097 - Entry 1,103

Entry 1,097 - Oct 6th 2021

God, beyond religion, is perfect, but it is proven that Christianity has become corrupt by utilizing closed doors of confession and late-night Bible groups to abuse its followers. Religion needs to hold accountable the sexual abusers who are still allowed to be leaders, or else Christianity will die out from its own disgusting behavior. We’re so done with sexual abuse. It needs to stop.

It angers and disgusts me that innocent children are being manipulated by bishops, priests, pastors, and teachers all over the world. It makes me physically sick in my stomach that this is STILL going on.

Jesus didn’t come to create another religion, and definitely not a religion that hurts children.

Entry 1,098 - Oct 31st

I experienced anxiety and panic attacks largely due to the fundamental doctrines taught to me within Christianity that instilled fear into my heart and beliefs about gender identity. I was then prescribed anxiety medication before I finally came out to my doctors as transgender. I believe I had a side effect from the anti-anxiety meds because, right after, I had suicidal thoughts, so I stopped taking them.

I turned to meditation, and after a week of meditating for ten minutes a day, it felt like my brain was rearranging itself. From that moment on, I haven’t had one single panic attack or the desire to end myself (about three years ago), and I rarely have anxiety. This is also largely due to accepting myself as trans rather than trying to fight it.

There's a great axiom that says, "What you resist persists."

Entry 1,099

Once I started to break the chain of dependency, I started to realize how ingrained it used to be a part of my life in every single way. Awareness was key in breaking the habit of unnecessary dependency.

For me, I saw the intersection of conditioning people to be dependent within Fundamental Christianity, and so that is where I personally believe most of the dependency issues come from, and another huge reason why I needed to break free from religion to establish a healthy, individual, and independent way of interacting with the world, which doesn’t default into co-dependency.

Entry 1,100 - December 26th

When I meditated, I thought about how, if people were to travel at the speed of light, they would experience time at a slower rate and how people on Earth would probably either look still or very slow.

Then I wondered if that can be correlated to how fast certain brains process information over others. Perhaps certain brains move slower at processing, so time seems to be against them, and other brains move and process information at faster speeds, which makes time seem slower.

So perhaps staying in a meditative state, one can stay the master of time instead of a slave of it, where, in the past, they were constantly trying to keep up with the events around them.

Also, I thought about how camera fps (frames per second) correlates to the intensity of the present moment and how glorious it is to each individual.

Perhaps someone who isn’t really present, because their mind is either stuck in the past or the future, is probably seeing the world similar to how a crappy phone camera would see it, with grainy pixels versus a high-tech, expensive camera with an incredible fps.

Entry 1,101 - December 31st

Some belief systems are more congruent with universal scientific principles, and others are shown to be outdated and lacking in evidence.

For example, some belief systems have taken the concept of parallel universes and made the shift to more of a dramatic experience than it actually is, but at least they are consciously aware that the multiverse most likely does exist.

Although it is oftentimes dramatized and blown out of proportion by these belief systems, at least, once again, they are aware of it. Many within the spiritual community blow it out of proportion by saying, “A new earth is coming, and if you’re not ready, you’ll be left behind!” Which, not too surprisingly, religious people have used similar fear-based doctrines of being left out for centuries to get people on their bandwagon.

There's a good chance we all shift from universe to universe constantly merely through our awareness. Potentially so subtle that many times we don’t even notice it directly, but indirectly. Maybe one day, one realizes that all the street signs are now blue and white rather than green and white, and they feel like their world feels different.

Or maybe they feel like people just get them when they didn't before, but they have no explanation as to why. Or maybe they experience a sudden onset of a lot of Mandela effects that they can recall. The list goes on and on, but I believe shifting is a part of our awareness and experience, and we all do it all the time.

Some people do it more than others, but it’s just something we do. By shifting, I am referring to shifting our main awareness from one parallel universe to another.

Entry 1,102

Many Fundamental Christians get so defensive when they realize that there are religions that are healthier than their own particular flavor of Christianity, and they can’t take that. They have to believe that every other religion is deceived, or else the illusion starts dissolving. But eventually, they will see that it is not the religion that saves, but the one who stands beyond all religion that can do such a thing.

When they get to a point where they can see God cannot be limited by Judaism, Christianity, or their own quirky beliefs within their preferred version of their religion, that is when things start to get exciting.

Entry 1,103

If you’re not sure if you are on the spectrum in terms of your sexuality or gender identity, perhaps that is because you had religion force you to disassociate from who you are to fit into your denomination. Many of you just need to spend time alone from every organization, religious group, and person and go within, and then soon you’ll have the answer. But if you’re too scared to go on that journey, ask me, and I’ll try to give you a head start to help you out.


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