Entry 973 - Entry 979

Entry 973 - December 16th, 2021

Some of the most toxic people I’ve met are those who are the most stringently and dogmatically identified with more-than-obvious fear-based and limited belief systems. There are belief systems that do not focus substantially on our limits, and then there are other belief systems that focus predominantly on negative and limiting ideals. Ironically, I see this amongst those most identified with one extreme polarity rather than those who observe in neutrality.

For example, within spirituality, there are those who are balanced in their ideals. When they see known issues, they move in such a way to find real-time solutions instead of complaining and doing nothing about it. Then, even more on the extreme are those in spirituality who are paranoid and fearful of not only the actual problems that exist, but they believe and create problems that cannot be validated or proven to exist beyond the scope of their perspective or their group’s perspective.

This is often the case with those who are roped into the damaging QAnon cult that takes a known problem (sex trafficking) and starts aimlessly spreading irrational and strange rumors, such as the government being filled with lizard people who are trying to eat your children. Then you have multiple people deluded by the QAnon cult who go on either killing their kids to give them a "better fate" than what the lizard people would give them, or killing them because they believe their kids are lizards themselves.

Within Christianity, there are those who are balanced in their ideals, who see the good in everybody and strive to create a heaven on Earth. Then, there are Christians who see themselves and everyone around them as wicked, evil, and doomed for destruction just for existing. Not only that, but they think regardless of what they say or do, this whole world is doomed for destruction, and they can do absolutely nothing about it.

This is also definitely not beneficial for someone to believe in because it makes one feel powerless and weak and creates a sort of helplessness that makes one feel hopeless about the present moment. They then project all their hope towards a future after death and find themselves never really fully present in the now moment because they believe it has nothing to offer them since it’s all going to shit.

Entry 974

There’s a country song on the radio that goes, “Sweet iced tea that only mama knows how to make.” Now, if someone was not well-versed in English AND they read this 1,000 years ago or 1,000 years in the future, do you think perhaps many of those people will misinterpret what this guy was trying to say?

For us in this time period, and for those of us who understand English euphemisms, we know what he means. He doesn’t mean no one else can make sweet iced tea except his mother.

Even though the definition of “only” excludes any other person, the way he uses it is to imply a sort of favoritism to the iced tea he prefers to drink. He thinks, from his perspective, his mother is the only one who can make the "best" iced tea. But see, we understand English well because we are English native speakers, and we also understand what he was implying, even though he essentially used “only” in a way it wasn’t intended to be used by its actual definition.

Similarly, do you think perhaps us, thousands of years later, reading about the stories of Jesus—not even in their original language—could possibly be misinterpreting what Jesus meant when he spoke? If we use words outside of their intended definition during this time, AND words change with meaning over time, do you think it’s possible that many of us could misinterpret Jesus’ words now?

Entry 975

An Affirmation Poem:

My connection to Earth is strong
I feel her power in my veins
I trust in her ways
I create order where there's chaos
I use my mind to create a better future
What you see is a result of working rigorously
I won't stop until I finish what I came here to do

German Version:

Meine Verbindung zur Erde ist stark
Ich spüre ihre Kraft in meinen Adern
Ich vertraue auf ihre Art
Ich schaffe Ordnung, wo Chaos ist
Ich benutze meinen Verstand, um eine bessere Zukunft zu schaffen
Was Sie sehen, ist das Ergebnis rigoroser Arbeit
Ich werde nicht aufhören, bis ich beendet habe, wofür ich hergekommen bin

Entry 976

Hate to break it to the fundamental Christians, but Jesus Christ saves everyone… I know you were realllly hoping for that eternal hell doctrine to be real, but it turns out it didn’t pop into the church until 200 years after Jesus walked this Earth.

Entry 977

The problem so many of us have fallen into is that we are trained to treat people like products by advertisements that teach us that we are that to everyone around us.

We then end up using people, which perpetuates the chain of seeing people like objects that can be bought. We treat them as if we went into a store, stole something, and then never got in trouble for using it illegally.

So many of us have fallen into this trap of treating others like an object rather than as multidimensional, infinite entities, and I hope and pray we stop this chain of ill-treatment.

Entry 978 - December 19th

If I’m going to be really real with you right now… It is painfully hard to watch spiritual teachers at the moment. It’s like my soul is repelling the time spent watching their videos to the point where it feels like I’m suffering by listening to them discuss their view of enlightenment.

It’s not my view. It’s not my enlightenment, so why in the past was I so engrossed in their view? Who can bring me closer to any idea of enlightenment? Their version and understanding of it, or myself? Why have I become so reliant on other people? Why do I give so much power to other people’s stories and ideas rather than my own?

Since we participate in the creation of everything, why am I relying so heavily on other people’s creations of what brought them back to their truth instead of exploring my own creations and intuitions about it? Why the hell do I become so submissively passive to their ideas at the expense of disregarding my own???

I’m following my impulse to no longer watch spiritual videos until I enter a better balance and respect my own creations and realizations. Especially because whenever I do, I instantly focus on all my inner discourse, and I’m reminded to find my own damn path.

To stop relying on these spiritual teachers who are creating their own path, their own words with their own context and meanings while devaluing my own. And rather, I will focus on creating whatever the hell I want to, in order to find all that I am. This is my path and my journey. I will no longer submit to anyone else’s path at the expense of losing my own.

Screw giving my power away.

 Entry 979 - December 21st, 2021

Was it not Hitler’s dream that the “unrighteous” would burn in this world in his own cremation services? Not only was it his dream, but it turned into a sick reality where millions of innocent Jews were murdered for merely existing. And here are so many fundamental Christians who are trying to make the Creator look like Hitler, but even worse, by assuming that instead of having them only burn in this life, God would have a majority of His creation burn forever for their unrighteousness.

Do they not see the parallels of their belief to the most sadistic man who ever walked our planet, Hitler himself? And that’s the God they believe in? I know they will say, “But God is righteous” and “Hitler was not.” But do you not remember what Jesus said? Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits.” And what were the fruits of the Spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I see no fruits of eternal damnation there, nor is eternal damnation mentioned in the Old Testament or New Testament in the original language it was written in. The Catholic version and the Protestant followers that adopted their beliefs of eternal hell have obviously translated it in regard to their belief, but not all Christians hold that depressing belief system.

Then I know there will be some Christians who defend the burning of billions forever by saying, “But God is a just God! He will give people what they deserve.” And I agree with you. But your justice system, of what you think God will do, is imbalanced, not fair, and it is extremely pessimistic. There exists a justice system that a majority of Jews, Eastern Orthodox and progressive Christians, and other denominations believe in that doesn’t borrow the original sin doctrine from Catholicism.

They believe that God is truly fair, truly just, and perfectly balanced with justice, and that’s why it doesn’t make sense to have someone burn forever for a finite mistake in belief and/or good works, depending on your denomination. That would obviously tip the scales way in favor of a doom and gloom of hell over a paradisical redemption with God.

In fact, we know by reading the Gospels that Jesus’ justice system pissed off highly religious people. When the highly religious people were trying to stone a woman for committing a sexual sin, Jesus saved her. When a robber on the cross wanted a new life with Jesus, Jesus promised him paradise after death.

How would God be any better than Hitler if God truly was as the Catholics and fundamental Christians believe Him to be? If God truly gave up on His sheep? If God let those blinded by falsehoods stay in falsehoods rather than save them when they were ready to be saved, even if that took one lifetime on Earth or a thousand beyond our time on Earth? Their pessimistic view of God makes them look weak, especially when there are billions of people who don’t even believe in God but have a more optimistic view of the universe and all therein.

If that’s the type of God you follow, then I don’t know your God. If you follow a God that delights in the burning of His creation for eternity, then it sounds like you serve a different God. If you follow a God who sets up an imbalanced justice system where people are judged infinitely for a finite life on Earth, then I don’t know your God. If your God gives up on a majority of His creation and doesn’t truly go to save the 99 lost sheep, then again, I’m not sure what God you follow.

My God is love, peace, joy, kindness, unfailing forgiveness. My God is truly merciful and does not give up His creation to forever flames. Why would Jesus command us to forgive seventy times seven and then believe that God has a limit on how much or when He can forgive? 

Or believe that God can ONLY forgive while you’re on Earth but then cannot forgive after you die? Especially when that is not harmonious with the Scriptures at all? Did Jesus not go to the underworld and share the good news? Did people not follow Jesus after death? Are there not hundreds of Scriptures in the Old Testament testifying to God saving people way after the time their head hit the grave?

To the Christians who think like this, oh, what little faith they have in their Maker! To assume God gives up at all on His creation is embarrassing, to say the least! But I have come to learn that people see the God in their minds based on the projections of what fits their scope of understanding. If someone is narrow-minded, they will find Scriptures to show that God is narrow-minded as well. If they give up on people, they will find Scriptures to show that God will give up on His own creation after death.

They will twist whatever Scripture they can find to fit their mentality. Since much of their image of God is in direct relation to their image of whatever is good within themselves. But if they see absolutely no good in themselves, beware of the God they project the Creator to be. 

For in that relationship, there is fear. In that relationship, there is punishment. In that relationship, people deserve, by default, to go to hell forever. And in that relationship, therein lies a scary God who has a limit on His grace and mercy; made known by His followers' depressing claims that there are people now burning and suffering with no end to their pain and no beginning to their salvation.


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