Entry 960 - Entry 972

Entry 960 - December 14th, 2021

I believe we will get much more out of our lives by investigating the clues of the mysteries of our universe and the laws that govern them because they, by nature, extend beyond the limitations of the groups created on Earth.

These laws go beyond Earth, beyond the galaxy, and even stretch forth beyond our universe. They are the fabrics of realization that help us remember who we are at a fundamental and source level. Time spent exploring these truths is time well spent.

Entry 961 - December 25th, 2021

People will seriously deify everything but themselves... There's something that they fear about it. They fear that believing they are one with God will make them less receptive. But in actuality, there are two roads that can be followed: one person who believes they are one with God and no one else is, which creates separation, and the other road where they are one with God and everyone else is too. That latter road is the road of oneness and the one Jesus shared constantly.

Now tell me, if we can see Jesus' message over and over was a message of love and oneness, not of hate and separation, then how on Earth does it make sense that he would preach the first road of separation? Jesus knew the law of reciprocity better than most, if not all, at that time. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Forgive people of their debts, and your debts will be forgiven. These are just a few.

So how could he claim to be God and then not believe in the reciprocity of his own statement when he taught the law of reciprocity over and over again? How could he teach all about oneness and then deny the oneness with all? Do you not see? Our perspective of Jesus' message is influenced by our own level of consciousness. How we perceive his words is related to how we perceive God, others, and ourselves.

Entry 962 - December 28th, 2021

The man symbolizes the conscious mind.

The female symbolizes the subconscious mind.

All other forms of gender expressions in between and around the binaries represent a divine mix of the two, but for this example, we will imagine men representing masculine energy and women representing feminine energy.

When a man penetrates a woman, that is equivalent to the conscious mind penetrating that of the subconscious mind.

When that penetration leads to a child in the womb of the woman, that is equivalent to the subconscious receiving the images from the conscious mind.

When the woman gives birth to the child, that is the equivalent of the idea from the conscious now manifested outwardly into the world of form symbolized by birth.

Entry 963

All of the physical existence around us that we can perceive is vibrating at a frequency which our brains are tuned into in order to be perceived. So in virtual reality, what if I programmed higher or lower frequencies of perception that became enterable with our physical perception rather than solely our internal perception, usually accessed through meditation?

Entry 964

One of the most harmful things we can do when trying to create a better future is seeing things as they were rather than seeing things as they are. Judging people by the past when they are much more than their past, when people constantly change, evolve, and grow. Knowing that, who are we to chain someone to their past when they are everything in the present moment?

We need to see people in the present moment as they truly are: flexible, infinite, multidimensional, mysterious, and powerful entities. When we do that, we'll stop painting them with our previously distorted view sourced in pessimism. We will stop seeing them with blurry glasses and we'll see them as they truly are: divine in every right.

Entry 965 - December 31st, 2021

Science shouldn't focus on things it's not meant to answer, such as philosophical questions that have no definite absolute answer. They should stop trying to use unverifiable sources to prove philosophical ideas, such as the claim that free will does not exist.

It does people even worse than religion by once again removing helpful, optimistic ideas that we have the ability to choose, and it discourages people from taking responsibility to change their circumstances.

It's unverifiable. It's bent toward cause and effect, which we know there is much more to life that lies beyond causal reality, and in my opinion, it's tacky.

Take away people's life, and they're dead. Take away people's meaning to live by trying to convince them they are no more meaningful than an algorithmic computer program, and you spread unnecessary apathy.

Entry 966

If you don't understand yourself from a conscious point of view, you're not going to understand the fundamental reality of free will.

Entry 967

I plan to "die" but not in the way a majority are familiar with. Instead of going through a third-dimensional death of detaching my spirit from my body, I plan to go through a fifth-dimensional or higher version of death. A more refined and transformational way of dying that can be done more through wholeness (spirit and body transition together to the next phase) rather than fragmentation (separating spirit from body).

If fragmentation is something we truly are not, then there's no reason to experience that which isn't unless I want to experience it. Since my desire to help people see that they are beyond death is more important than my experience of the actual death process that I've already had before, I look forward to this higher dimensional experience of death, which is more foreign to our species. If my purpose is to show other fellow humans that we can overcome the grips of that which isn't real, then that is what I will do.

The lesson of overcoming the detachment of the body from the spirit is more important to show experimentally to as many people as possible to reverberate the hope of life rather than for me to experience the default process of death for this body that we have all been conditioned to believe as inevitably true for all. I hope eventually this will be the new desired way to leave Earth when one is ready to go.

Entry 968

Various religious sects feed on our darkest impulses. The reason being is that first they have to convince you that your idea is of the devil. Then, once they take a normal activity like sex and demonize it, they attach it to your failure in life and use it as a reason why you're separated from God. If they can convince you that your impulses are dark and real, they give you a reason why you need their religious sect.

But here's the thing: attachment is the root of all suffering, not the event itself. Nicotine isn't necessarily bad or good, but the fact that it is so addicting, that it gets you hooked and then you suffer health problems from that addiction, is what oftentimes causes you problems. Sex itself is not bad, but the rules imposed by man to instill unnecessary guilt in our hearts make sex seem like a dark impulse. Sex is not bad, but the addictions we face from it because we haven't dealt with our inner child trauma make it seem bad. So we allow these religious leaders to convince us that our impulses are wrong rather than seeing we are simply humans who experience desires to live life in all its facets.

It's one thing to desire an experience; it's a whole other thing to be addicted to a desire. These religious leaders need to convince you that even your desire for it is a dark impulse, which is essentially demonizing our humanity. We came here to experience what we desire, so why the heck is our experience now demonized? Because it doesn't fit the neat constraints of their desired expectation? I call BS.

I not only call BS, but I would say for these religious leaders, there is even more unhealthy addiction to religion that they forget to consider. They confuse their obedience to their religion with obedience to God, which leaves them feeling good about their addiction to religion. They are so focused on pointing out people's downfalls that they cannot even see their own addictions to their religious sect.

Entry 969

My job is to help people be aware of that which is not truly them, that which is not truly God, so that they can learn who they truly are.

Entry 970 - January 3rd, 2022

Remember, you are not defined by your past, nor are you forced to experience someone else's reality that they want to experience in the future. The present is what you make it, so make it amazing.

Entry 971 - January 23rd

How do you know the devil is the villain in our lives? Have you personally caught the devil in the act? Do you even know if the Jews believe in the devil the way the Christians do? As in how he supposedly fell from heaven and leads bloodthirsty, nonredeemable demons to terrorize the unsaved?

Entry 972 - January 25th

I finally get what Jesus meant when he referred to everyone as the body of Christ after reading Conversations with God. There are an infinite level of abstractions in all directions—both in the enlargement of matter and the condensing of matter. We all lay within a certain level of matter, and that matter is the body of God, or God. You wouldn't say to someone, "You're Bob, but your body is not Bob." Similarly, you wouldn't say to the body of Christ, "God is the head and not the body."

Jesus was showing in that example that we are all the Messiah. That the Messiah the Jews were looking for was not looked at fully. They were looking for one man to save their nation and reign in victory, but Jesus was trying to redirect their focus back to themselves doing the work individually. That each person is their own Christ within the body of God, even though the Jews as the body were waiting for the head to save the whole thing.

Think about it… If you research what the Jews believed during that time of the Messiah, they were definitely not viewing themselves as the "body of the Messiah." They thought in literal terms that he would be a normal man that would help the Jews rule and reign on the Earth. Whether they believed that was in a local area or the whole Earth, ask your Jewish friends. But during the time of Jesus, the body of Christ was considered a radical concept not known to the Jews. They did not view such a reality of themselves in that way, and that is why they accused Jesus of blasphemy—because his ideas were foreign to what the Jews believed in. Where Jews saw separation, Jesus showed oneness.

While the Jews were looking for a single Messiah, Jesus not only claimed to be the Messiah but claimed everyone else is the Messiah by calling them the body. Is not the body and the head one? That was a radical and new teaching that many weren’t willing to accept. They wanted a man outside of themselves to save them, but Jesus pointed back within themselves for where they can save themselves. He reiterated time and time again that the kingdom of God is within us. This was radical because the Jews were waiting for a Messiah to establish a kingdom of God outside of them... as in a physical place where they would be the prized possession of the Creator of the Universe over all other nations.

But of course, just like with Judaism and other leaders at that time, Christianity spun around Jesus’ messages to make it a new doctrine that was foreign to the Jews even more so. The mainstream version of Christianity mutated his message to say Jesus alone was the Christ, even though we are the body and therefore that makes us the Christ. They refused to accept the depth of that oneness Jesus taught.

If that doesn’t make sense, then I encourage relating to your own body. Is your head and body part of yourself? Is your body part of your humanity? Is your head part of your humanity? Is your body not considered who you are because it is not the head? Is the head not considered who you are because it is not the body? They are one, and they make you human. Similarly, the Head and Body of Christ are one, and they make you Christ.

The body is not sub-par to Christ. It is Christ. Jesus came to abolish division that existed between their idea of a physical, outward Messiah that they would be codependent on for saving them, and themselves. Jesus tried closing that gap, but ironically, mainstream Christianity opened it right back up with a new twist. Now one must be codependent on Jesus, who is both man and God, and he alone can save us during physical life and after death. (The Jews thought the Messiah would usher in a physical kingdom on Earth. Their ideas of the afterlife are much more open to varying ideas of discourse). So yeah, don't you dare think you could save yourself because Jesus totally preached division and codependency on himself. So radical. (Satire).

The mainstream Christians also put another spin on it. They not only made Jesus the only Christ, but they deified him as God and made us solely mortal with no connection to the divine in their doctrines unless we say a string of words backed up with belief. So using Jesus’ words to explain the strange mainstream doctrine: somehow the Body of God is not God and the head is God? It doesn’t make any sense because Jesus didn’t use that example to create division between humanity and him. When Jesus spoke of oneness, he included us. When Jesus spoke of God as his Father, he included us as fellow children of God. When people accused Jesus of only deifying himself as a Son of God, Jesus responded by saying, “Does not your own scripture say ye are gods?” The interpretation of Jesus’ words by mainstream Christianity is a reflection of their current level of awareness.

Their ability to understand Jesus’ message from Jesus himself will require them to confront the doctrines of separation and fear that seeped its way into mainstream Christianity. It will require them to face head-on the cognitive dissonance of what Jesus was trying to do (unify) rather than making it harder to get into the heavens, which, if we adopted mainstream Christianity's doctrine, would mean Jesus created a new doctrine that the Jews were unaware of: that people can only get saved through him. (Jews never believed that you needed to believe that the Messiah alone is God and, if you don't, you'll go to hell forever.)

It will require Christians to critically analyze the Torah from the Jewish perspective and early Christian forefathers rather than from the perspective of Christianity. It will require them to have an honest conversation with any potential doctrines that they crave, not because it is actually beneficial, but because it feeds the addictions of division in the untrained mind. After doing so, the doors will open to see a beautiful new world with optimism rather than with doom and gloom reverberated through division.



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