Thought Dump Part 32

March 7th 2021

Cancel culture should become correct and forgive culture.

You either play the game or the game plays you.

May 7th

Even though I feel like I've thoroughly deconditioned from most of religion, there's still a lot of junk in spirituality that I'm realizing I need to purge from my system. So we're all in this together. Equally fighting to reclaim our truth from systems of invisible belief systems where so many of them are designed to turn us into their own personal truth expressions rather than to find our own.

May 10th

So if Albert Einstein said that time as linear is actually an illusion and that time is all simultaneously happening right now, then wouldn't the phenomenon of deja vu where you felt like you’ve experience something but you haven't necessarily experienced it yet, is actually you tapping into the reality of that experience of the future in that present moment?

Since all we have is right now, wouldn't deja vu be your ability to enter into other intervals of time, since intervals are part of the illusion? So for some reason, you have that ability to tap into those future occurrences that somehow are right now. So technically... You’re a time traveler.

May 27th

I'm not anti-religion nor am I anti-belief systems, I'm just pro-questioning everything. Jesus was too, so I try to be like Jesus.

I had an instance where someone misinterpreted my emoji as me having an attitude, so just imagine how much more we misinterpret what Jesus truly meant when he spoke full sentences.

Reasons why everyone should play the video games by Elder Scrolls called Oblivion and Skyrim:

You learn to willingly go into hell go defeat the “bad guys.”

You learn you can work on your abilities and see actual substantial growth.

Curiosity encourages exploration and you take that mentality with you into the real world.

I believe the reason why so many Christians suffer so badly from negatively judging people is because the religion has morphed into a much more strict version of a duality complex bent in the direction of a very specific moral code approved only by that particular denomination that projects the validity of the moral code as if it was straight from God.

May 28th

Do you think if Jesus really wanted to start a new religion out of his words, he'd write at least one thing down? Or at least find followers who could read and write it down immediately rather than have his words floating around the community as oral history for 20-30 years before it was ever written down?

It’s supremely obvious that Jesus didn't come to create a new religion called Christianity with new doctrines that differ from Judaism and cause more separation and death. He came to free people from fear, guilt and shame inside and outside of religion. People created a religion out of his words, but that was never his intention.

So if any doctrine within Christianity does not come from or align with Judaism, do you think perhaps it's from Jesus, or from neighboring nations and other people? If the beliefs rarely aligned with the beliefs in the first religion, do you think we should pay it much heed?

Look at what the Jews were expecting with the messiah. Look at the qualifications. Were they ever expecting him to bring a new gospel to them which was foreign? Were they ever expecting the messiah to preach a new gospel that you must say a prayer to be saved?

May 31st

Everything is an energetic exchange. Sometimes people are placed on your path so that you can help them energetically.

Sometimes it's the other way.

Energy is always being exchanged.

When I come across certain Christians that try to paint someone as immoral for embracing their true sexuality or gender identity, I now can come from a place of compassion for them rather than anger because I understand that they think like that oftentimes because they have chosen their religions ideas on morality over becoming educated scientifically, more specifically biologically. It’s not a matter of morality but rather of being educated.

It reminds me when the Catholic Church tried killing the scientists who at the time ,were showing that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around. The Catholic Church priests believed it was heresy because they weren’t educated in science and couldn’t understand the logic behind the scientists claims. Therefore, since it didn't fit their limited belief system, the leaders of the Catholic church demanded the people either conformed to their illogical belief system rooted in bad science, or to be put to death for their failure to conform to their beliefs.

Similarly, Christians who believe gender identity and sexuality are choices solely based in nurture rather than having anything to do with nature, believe it’s a heresy because they have not read scientific journals nor they have not taken the time to study it through a scientific lens. Not only that, but they place an unverifiable belief system as their truth over science and say that has more credibility over researched and curated articles by professionals. So in turn, they are either refusing to educate themselves or because of cognitive dissonance through their religion, they register it as immoral.

Since religion can create more allegiance out of you through upholding your separation from some, most versions of it bent on fear, guilt and shame would rather have you condemn that which you don’t understand than for you to become open-minded and question the religious system that sees someone as immoral with no logical or scientific backings to their claims.

Meanwhile, science can prove different sexualities and gender expressions and fluidity are completely natural in all species and also prove that nature, such as hormones on the baby in the womb and so forth, has the ability to influence sexuality and preferences with gender expression. So if religious people refuse to accept these scientifically backed up findings, then their willful ignorance is proof of their refusal to be educated and put logic over stories from a book that somehow is contradictory but also infallible at the same time. If that’s not enough proof of the current state of a mind embracing cognitive dissonance willfully in the name of a religion that claims closer ties to the Creator of all, then I don’t know what is.


The interesting thing about the Bible is that there are frequencies that are being emitted based off of the words that are said. So a lot of times people like to focus on verses with the frequencies of love rather than the verses emitting frequencies of cursing, evil, hatred, murder, condemnation, which makes sense.

However, I can come up with my own proverbs, psalms, and story lines, the good the bad and the ugly, so how is my life any different than the lives composed within the Bible?

It’s the same process, it’s just those are the words that meant something to their heart and now what I write down are the words that mean something to my heart. These people who wrote the Bible obviously were not perfect, and so to deify their stories, legends, psalms and perspectives while devaluing our own only creates a wider chasm between our stories with “God” and theirs when we don’t need to.

How can a story even be infallible in it’s own right? How does one record the Bible in such a way that makes it infallible? So now we have linked the word infallible with someone’s life? With someone’s words? With someone’s ideas? How can you not see that we limit ourselves when we upgrade other people’s lives and experiences with God while downgrading and not trusting our own?


May 8th

Personally, I think it is a blessing to be outside of the binaries of life by being a Trans man because it forces me to see myself apart from the illusion a lot easier than within the illusion since I already stand divorced somewhat from the illusion by being different. So I believe this gives me a definite advantage over cis-gender humans because I see myself in a light that is not obscured by the illusion because I already do not fit its criteria of the binary mold.

This gives us trans people an advantage because we already are starting to see that we transcend the binary‘s of the world just by being ourselves and honoring our transness by going through our own transition or transformation, however that may look. And if you transcend the binaries and dualities, then what are you? If you transcend religion what are you? If you transcend the cis-gender family unit, then what are you?


June 1st

I think the reason why many people end up to resorting to drinking alcohol is because they've been conditioned that it is the only socially acceptable time to act wild weird and free. They're discouraged from their family to explore and be free, oftentimes from their religion to explore and be free, oftentimes even the society to explore and be free unless they fit the societal norms of what it means to do so in a socially acceptable way. If they drink and act wild, weird or free and do something people would normally judge, they can blame it on the alcohol and then they think people will much more likely allow it to slide because the blame is now on the alcohol.  

However, if people just acts weird to act weird without any alcohol, society judges them and condemns them as weird and strange so then they feel a pressure to need alcohol to experience that craziness and freedom in their lives. Then they get addicted to being able to be wild, weird and free with the aid of alcohol and they get used to blaming anything their behavior on the alcohol. This cycle repeats every weekend, then every three or four times a week and then every other day. It's no longer about being wild, weird and free, but this person is just in general now addicted to alcohol. 

 They are addicted to the buzz, to how it makes them feel. It becomes such a part of their lives that they cannot properly integrate into society without it. Not only that, but when they drink, they have an alter ego. They essentially become another type of person while drinking. The person they are when they’re sober is perceived as boring, does work, gets things done and people don't really like to hang with them from their personal pov.

But then drunk them or drunk insert alter ego name here is super fun, super friendly, weird, wild and free and people love this person so they yearn to always be the person others love. Then they also think they have the added benefit that if they make a mistake as this alter ego, they can still blame it on the alcohol and not have to take accountability for their actions while drunk. To them it seems like the best of both worlds until years and years of living life with two split personalities, with drinking intensely every week, they realize they not only have an alcohol addiction, but their body is now crying out for them to stop because it starts to fail. 

It starts to have parts malfunction because they’ve been drinking more poison than it can get rid of. they’ve been drinking more poison that it can remove in time before it causes damage. they’re now addicted and they also are in this predicament where they are addicted to being able to blame it and be free through it without taking accountability.

We have to stop judging people and let them feel wild weird and free regardless of if they drink or not. Judgement of this type will literally drive someone to their death bed through this repetitive dependence on alcohol, which leads to health problems and if they don't stop, potentially premature death. All in the name of fitting in and being wild, weird and free in a socially acceptable way. This needs to be fixed.

June 20th

I hear all the time from people that God did not create the sin. God did not create the mess on this world. So if this is not God's creation, but it is our personal creation, then that means that we are creating an illusion. We decided to believe it that it never truly was real to begin with.

Mis-creations are not bad. They just are an experience because we can’t truly mis-create. Any mis-creation is not real. It’s just an experience to know ourselves.


Sharing the gospel has the potentiality to give people "superiority-complexes" or high egos. I think the the reason why this ends up happening for some is because so many people secretly love to be put in the position of power of bringing news strong enough to save the soul from eternal damnation. But in order to do this, they must convince you first that you are less without what they have and worthy only of burning and destruction. They first have to get you to believe in their fear, guilt and shame before they can play the power game.

They need to convince you that separation is an eternal truth to get you to buy their fundamental christian story of God. They might not even think about how it makes them feel better or why, but nonetheless they notice they feel more powerful and euphoric as this "special and saved messenger" that it doesn't matter. What matters is how many souls they "win" over to God. But they probably won't ever admit that either. This in turn, satisfies the yearning of the egos desire to feel important in their religion and with God. which in turn makes them feel righteous and good again. Because believing for years and years in their ideology that they are wretched and wicked and good for only death makes one itchy to be something more than that. People then crave to feel more than the sinner. They need to create a gap in order to fill that gap; in order to make the difference. They want to save you by bringing you the Savior. They want a new title of importance in their walk. They want to be the new middle man for their religion, and so it is.


It finally makes sense to me the reason why so many narrow minded Christians are able to so easily separate homosexuality from any person… It’s because they do that all the time in order to deal with the cognitive dissonance of Jesus Christ truly being like us. They have to separate Jesus' humanity from his divinity in order to keep a chasm between Jesus and others. That separation is how they internalize all these verses of Jesus when he establishes his oneness and equality with God and man. They take verses where he places himself either at the level or below other fellow men, but because they separate and fragment Jesus' humanity and divinity in half, they say those verses only reference his humanity and that separation. Then the verses where Jesus not only uplifts himself as oneness with God but also uplifts everyone else's oneness with God, these Christians look at those verses only as evidence of his divinity over and above everyone else. Without this separation mindset, their religious ideologies would falter. They need separation to uphold their separative dogmas. The two go hand-in-hand. 

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." - John 14:12 

"Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods"’? - John 10:34

June 4th

I think a lot of religious people don't even understand what de-conditioning is... It took me about 7 times of de-conditioning and reconditioning to notice the pattern of removing beliefs and applying beliefs to see that beliefs were clumsy and temporary.

June 28th

There are times where I would believe in these stories from religion that God is truly selfish, jealous, unequal, that he has favorites, that he loves some and hates others and 10/10 it did me more harm than good.

Having a community based on the fact that you all share a common belief system is not the best community to have and here are the reasons why:

1. Beliefs are constantly changing. Naturally you do not believe many aspects of life the same way you did when you were five years old. Now imagine if everyone was expected to not change their beliefs in order to fit in, and if you no longer did, there would be some conflict. That would be an uncomfortable environment because they are expecting you to conform to everyone having the same beliefs from when they were five years old but you have moved passed your beliefs from when you were five years old. That would be extremely limiting, it would discourage exploration and expansion and encourage exclusivity and narrow mindedness. However, if you are constantly open-minded, growing, curious, and recognize you don’t know everything, naturally you will discard limiting and not beneficial beliefs for more beneficial and freeing beliefs. So let’s say you have adopted new beliefs that are more beneficial to you, but cause you to no longer fit in with the community, then you have to make the following choices. Either 

A) Discard your beneficial and freeing beliefs for the community’s limiting and harmful beliefs in order to fit in and have a say with the community. B) Pretend like you discarded your beneficial beliefs for their harmful beliefs to fit in and have a say with the community but feel as if you are living a double life because you still want to please the people in your community but you also don't want to give you your expanded beliefs for limiting one's that kept you in a state of fear, guilt and shame. C) Find a community that doesn’t expect people to believe the same way in order to fit in and commune around something as flimsy and changing as beliefs are.

2. Having a community based on the fact that you all share a common belief system is not the best community to have secondly because you will have less say in your community if you do not agree with their beliefs which cannot be validated scientifically and only created through an interpretation of a religious text. You will be expected to adopt their interpretation or have less ability to contribute in leadership roles within that community, solely based off of either your conformity to that belief system or not.

3. You will be encouraged to stay close minded and stay within the boundaries of that respective belief system they have created. Then any belief system outside of it is demonized or discouraged and they make you feel guilty when you shouldn’t feel guilty at all for exploring beliefs.

4. You subjugate yourself to an idea that no one can validate rationally with testing methods such as the scientific method. It’s ridiculous and embarrassing when you think about it.

So in short, I highly recommend not to get stuck in a community that needs you to believe the same way or else you will be ostracized


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